Exemple #1
Screen* ScreenMgr::getScreen(ResourceID id){
	uint32_t row = GetRow(id);
	uint32_t col = GetCol(id);
	if ( row-1 >=0 && col-1 >=0 && row -1 < getRowCount() && col -1 < getColCount()){
		return screens_[GetRow(id)-1][GetCol(id)-1];
	}else return 0;
Exemple #2
void __fastcall TColorSetDlg::PCClick(TObject *Sender)
	int i, x, pos;
	pos = -1;
	for( i = 0; (i < 8) && (pos < 0); i++ ){
		for(x = 0; x < 4; x++ ){
			if( Sender == GetItem(i, x) ){
				pos = i;
	TColorDialog *pDialog = Mmsstv->ColorDialog;

	TPanel *pPanel[4];
    for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ){
		pPanel[i] = GetItem(pos, i);
		AddCustomColor(pDialog, pPanel[i]->Color);

	pDialog->Color = ((TPanel *)Sender)->Color;
	if( pDialog->Execute() == TRUE ){
		((TPanel *)Sender)->Color = pDialog->Color;
		if( (pPanel[0]->Color == pPanel[1]->Color) && (pPanel[2]->Color == pPanel[3]->Color) ){
			if( YesNoMB( MsgEng ? "Change to two colors gradation?" : "2色のグラデーションに変更しますか?" ) == IDYES ){
				pPanel[1]->Color = GetCol(pPanel[0]->Color, pPanel[3]->Color, 2, 4);
				pPanel[2]->Color = GetCol(pPanel[0]->Color, pPanel[3]->Color, 3, 4);
Exemple #3
void Screen::connInOutRequest(ResourceID inputid, ResourceID wnode){
	if ( qbox_){
		QboxDataMap value;
		value["out"] = QString::number(GetOutput(wnode) ).toStdString();
		if ( GetCol(inputid) == GetCol(wnode) && GetRow(inputid) == GetRow(wnode)){
			value["in"] = QString::number(GetInput(inputid) ).toStdString();
			value["in"] = QString::number(GetInput(wnode) ).toStdString();
		qbox_->addAsyncRequest( PSetSwitchInputReq::uri , std::bind( ignoreCallback, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2), value);
Exemple #4
bool Screen::connInOutRequestCB(ResourceID inputid, ResourceID wnode, QboxCallback callback, uint32_t , QboxDataMap& v){
	if ( qbox_){
		QboxDataMap value;
		value["out"] = QString::number(GetOutput(wnode) ).toStdString();
		if ( GetCol(inputid) == GetCol(wnode) && GetRow(inputid) == GetRow(wnode)){
			value["in"] = QString::number(GetInput(inputid) ).toStdString();
			value["in"] = QString::number(GetInput(wnode) ).toStdString();
		qbox_->addAsyncRequest( PSetSwitchInputReq::uri , callback, value);
		return true;
	return false;
Exemple #5
	bool ChessEngine::isValidMove(int sr, int sc, int er, int ec)
		vector<int> moves;
		for (int i = 0; i < moves.size(); i++)
			int move = moves[i];
			int source = GetSourceFromMove(move);
			int dest = GetDestFromMove(move);
			if (sr == GetRow(source) && sc == GetCol(source) && er == GetRow(dest) && ec == GetCol(dest))
				return true;
		return false;
Exemple #6
string GetShortAlgebraicString(int move, const Board& board)
	ostringstream moveStr;
	int source = board.GetPiece(GetSourceFromMove(move));
	int dest = board.GetPiece(GetDestFromMove(move));
	switch (Pieces::GetPieceTypeFromPiece(source))
	case PieceTypes::King: 
		if(abs(GetSourceFromMove(move) - GetDestFromMove(move)) == 2)
			if(GetCol(GetDestFromMove(move)) == 2) return "0-0-0";
			else return "0-0";
		moveStr << "K"; break;
	case PieceTypes::Queen: moveStr << "Q"; break;
	case PieceTypes::Rook: moveStr << "R"; break;
	case PieceTypes::Bishop: moveStr << "B"; break;
	case PieceTypes::Knight: moveStr << "N"; break;
	if (dest != Pieces::None)
		if(Pieces::GetPieceTypeFromPiece(source) == PieceTypes::Pawn)
			moveStr << (char)('a' + GetCol(GetSourceFromMove(move))); 
		moveStr << "x";
	moveStr << (char) ('a' + GetCol(GetDestFromMove(move)));
	moveStr << (char) ('1' + GetRow(GetDestFromMove(move)));

	if (GetPromoFromMove(move) != PieceTypes::None)
		char promo = 'Q';
		switch (GetPromoFromMove(move))
		case PieceTypes::Bishop: promo = 'b'; break;
		case PieceTypes::Knight: promo = 'n'; break;
		case PieceTypes::Queen: promo = 'q'; break;
		case PieceTypes::Rook: promo = 'r'; break;
		moveStr << "=" << promo;

	return moveStr.str();
Exemple #7
bool Screen::connInOutRingRequest(ResourceID inputid, ResourceID rnode){
	if ( qbox_){
		auto found = outPortRing_.find( ToResourceID(0, GetOutput(rnode), row_, col_));
		if ( found != outPortRing_.end()){
			found->second = rnode;
			QboxDataMap value;
			value["out"] = QString::number(GetOutput(rnode) ).toStdString();
			if ( GetCol(inputid) == GetCol(rnode) && GetRow(inputid) == GetRow(rnode)){
				value["in"] = QString::number(GetInput(inputid) ).toStdString();
				value["in"] = QString::number(GetInput(rnode) ).toStdString();
			qbox_->addAsyncRequest( PSetSwitchInputReq::uri , std::bind( ignoreCallback, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2), value);
			return true;
	return false;
int NFCRecord::FindObject(const std::string& strColTag, const NFGUID& value, NFIDataList& varResult)
    if (strColTag.empty())
        return -1;

    int nCol = GetCol(strColTag);
    return FindObject(nCol, value, varResult);
Exemple #9
int NFCRecord::FindVector3(const std::string& strColTag, const NFVector3& value, NFDataList& varResult)
	if (strColTag.empty())
		return -1;

	int nCol = GetCol(strColTag);
	return FindVector3(nCol, value, varResult);
Exemple #10
int NFCRecord::FindFloat(const std::string& strColTag, const double value, NFDataList& varResult)
    if (strColTag.empty())
        return -1;

    int nCol = GetCol(strColTag);
    return FindFloat(nCol, value, varResult);
Exemple #11
void CxEdit::OnUpdatePosition(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
   CString str, strFormat;
      GetRow() + 1, 
      GetCol() + 1
Exemple #12
ResourceID ScreenMgr::occupyScreenOut( ResourceID inputid){
	Screen* screen = screens_[GetRow(inputid)-1][GetCol(inputid)-1];
	for ( auto it = screen->outPort753_.begin(); it != screen->outPort753_.end(); ++it){
		if ( it->second == 0){
			ResourceID wnode = ToResourceID( GetInput(inputid), GetOutput(it->first), GetRow(inputid), GetCol(inputid));
			it->second = wnode;
			return wnode;
	return 0;
Exemple #13
bool ScreenMgr::isInputValid( ResourceID inputid){ 
	uint32_t row, col, input;
	row = GetRow(inputid);
	col = GetCol(inputid);
	input = GetInput(inputid);
	if ( row <=0) return false;
	else if ( col <=0) return false;
	else if ( input <=0) return false;
	else if ( input <=6) return true;
	else return false;
Exemple #14
bool ScreenMgr::isOutputRingValid( ResourceID outputid){ 
	uint32_t row, col, output;
	row = GetRow(outputid);
	col = GetCol(outputid);
	output = GetOutput(outputid);
	if ( row <=0) return false;
	if ( col <=0) return false;
	if ( output <=0) return false;
	Screen* s = screens_[row-1][col-1];
	if (s == NULL) return false;
	return s->isOutputRingValid(outputid); 
Exemple #15
	void ChessEngine::MakeMove(int sr, int sc, int er, int ec)
		vector<int> moves;
		int foundMove = NullMove;
		for (int i = 0; i < moves.size();i++)
			int move = moves[i];
			int source = GetSourceFromMove(move);
			int dest = GetDestFromMove(move);
			if (sr == GetRow(source) && sc == GetCol(source) && er == GetRow(dest) && ec == GetCol(dest))
				foundMove = move;
		if (foundMove != NullMove)
			board->MakeMove(foundMove, true);
Exemple #16
std::vector<ResourceID> ScreenMgr::occupyScreensOut( std::vector<ResourceID> &rnodes){
	std::vector<ResourceID> outputs ;
	std::vector<ResourceID> wnodes ;
	for ( int i = 0; i < rnodes.size(); ++i){
		Screen* screen = screens_[GetRow(rnodes[i])-1][GetCol(rnodes[i])-1];
		for ( auto it = screen->outPort753_.begin(); it != screen->outPort753_.end(); ++it){
			if ( it->second == 0){
				outputs.push_back( it->first);
	if (outputs.size() != rnodes.size() ){
		return wnodes;
	for ( int i = 0; i < outputs.size(); ++i){
		Screen* screen = screens_[GetRow(outputs[i])-1][GetCol(outputs[i])-1];
		wnodes.push_back(ToResourceID( GetInput(rnodes[i]), GetOutput(outputs[i]), GetRow(rnodes[i]), GetCol(rnodes[i])));
		screen->outPort753_[outputs[i]] = wnodes[i];

	return wnodes;
Exemple #17
bool Board::IsSquareValid(Coords coords, int solvedValue)
  // Check that the solved value of this square doesn't appear in any of
  // the rows, columns or areas it belongs to as a solved value too
  if (ContainsSolvedValue(GetRow(coords), solvedValue, coords.XCoord()) ||
    ContainsSolvedValue(GetCol(coords), solvedValue, coords.YCoord()) ||
    ContainsSolvedValue(GetArea(coords), solvedValue, IndexInAreaMap(coords)))
    cout << "Found invalid repeated value of " << solvedValue << endl;
    return false;

  return true;
Exemple #18
static enum v7_err jsBotFontStyle(struct v7* v7, v7_val_t* res) {
	v7_val_t fontName = v7_arg(v7, 0);
	v7_val_t fontSize = v7_arg(v7, 1);
	v7_val_t fontColor = v7_arg(v7, 2);
	if (!v7_is_string(fontName) || !v7_is_number(fontSize) || !v7_is_string(fontColor)) {
		return V7_OK;
	TString fontColor2 = v7_to_cstring(v7, &fontColor);
	TString strFontName = (v7_is_null(fontName)) ? "" : (const char*)v7_to_cstring(v7, &fontName);
	int nFontSize = (!v7_is_number(fontSize)) ? NULL : (int)v7_to_number(fontSize);
	COLORREF nFontColor = (!v7_is_string(fontColor)) ? NULL : GetCol(fontColor2.GetAsWChar());
	_activeBot->setFontStyle(strFontName, nFontSize, nFontColor);
	return V7_OK;
Exemple #19
void ScreenMgr::freeScreenOut(ResourceID wnode){

	Screen* screen = screens_[GetRow(wnode)-1][GetCol(wnode)-1];
	for ( auto it = screen->outPort753_.begin(); it != screen->outPort753_.end(); ++it){
		if ( it->second == wnode){
			if ( screen->qbox_){
				QboxDataMap value;
				value["out"] = QString::number(GetOutput(wnode) ).toStdString();
				screen->qbox_->addAsyncRequest( PDelWindowsReq::uri , std::bind( ignoreCallback, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2), value);
			it->second = 0;
Exemple #20
	bool ChessEngine::isValidMoveStart(int row, int col)
		vector<int> moves;
		for (int i = 0; i < moves.size(); i++)
			int move = moves[i];
			int source = GetSourceFromMove(move);
			int dest = GetDestFromMove(move);
			if (row == GetRow(source) && col == GetCol(source))
				return true;
		return false;
Exemple #21
void TText::Draw()
    if (!text)

    SDL_Rect rect;
    rect.x = 0;
    rect.y = 0;
    rect.w = text->w;
    rect.h = text->h;

    if (bVisible == true) {
        if ( SDL_BlitSurface(text, NULL, surface, &rect) < 0 ) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't blit text to display: %s\n",
    } else {
        SDL_FillRect(surface, &rect, GetCol(surface, forecolor));
Exemple #22
void Bot::say(TString& text, TString& font, unsigned char fontSize, TString& color) {

	if (font.IsEQ(L"")) font = _charset.font;
	if (fontSize < 10) fontSize = _charset.size;
	COLORREF coll = _charset.color;
	if (!color.IsEQ(L"")) coll = GetCol(color.GetAsWChar());

	bot_exchange_format p(PLUGIN_EVENT_ROOM_TEXT);
	p << bot_value(1, text.GetAsChar());
	p << bot_value(2, _charset.attributes);
	p << bot_value(3, fontSize);
	p << bot_value(4, coll);
	p << bot_value(5, _charset.effect);
	p << bot_value(6, _charset.charset);
	p << bot_value(7, _charset.pitch);
	p << bot_value(8, font.GetAsChar());

	std::string d = p.data();

	_mgr->deliver_event(_name.GetAsChar(), d.c_str(), (int)d.size());
Exemple #23
string GetUCIString(int move)
	int source = GetSourceFromMove(move);
	int dest = GetDestFromMove(move);
	ostringstream moveStr;
	moveStr << (char)('a' + GetCol(source)) << (char)('1' + GetRow(source)) << (char)('a' + GetCol(dest)) << (char)('1' + GetRow(dest));
	if (GetPromoFromMove(move) != PieceTypes::None)
		char promo = 'Q';
		switch (GetPromoFromMove(move))
		case PieceTypes::Bishop: promo = 'b'; break;
		case PieceTypes::Knight: promo = 'n'; break;
		case PieceTypes::Queen: promo = 'q'; break;
		case PieceTypes::Rook: promo = 'r'; break;
			default: throw new exception("Invalid promotion choice."); break;
		moveStr << promo;
	return moveStr.str();
Exemple #24
void show_a_filename(char * name)
	int i,len;
	if(l_length < maxlength)
		l_length = GetCol();
	len  = strlen(name);
	len = maxlength - len;
	printf("%-s", name);
	//printf("debug ===-=========%d ", maxlength);
	for(i = 0; i < len; i++)
		printf(" ");
	printf("  ");
	l_length -= (maxlength + 2);
void Constraint::StandardJointDrawing(Matrix3D& A, Vector3D& p, Vector3D& d_dir, Vector3D& d_rot, int flag, double draw_factor) 
	//double draw_factor = GetDrawSizeScalar();
	Vector3D draw_dir;

	for (int i=1; i<=3; i++)
		draw_dir = draw_factor*Vector3D(A.Get0(0,i-1),A.Get0(1,i-1),A.Get0(2,i-1));
			mbs->DrawCone(p + flag*draw_dir,p,draw_factor*1.1,6,1);
			mbs->DrawCone(p + 2*flag*draw_dir,p,draw_factor,6,1);
			mbs->DrawCone(p + 4*flag*draw_dir,p + 2*flag*draw_dir,draw_factor,6,1);
Exemple #26
	ulong Board::GetPinRestrictionMask(int square, int color)
		int attackerColor = OtherColor(color);
		int kingSquare = GetKingSquare(color);
		int kingRow = GetRow(kingSquare);
		int kingCol = GetCol(kingSquare);
		int pieceRow = GetRow(square);
		int pieceCol = GetCol(square);
		int dr = pieceRow - kingRow;
		int dc = pieceCol - kingCol;
		ulong defenderKing = 1ULL << kingSquare;
		if(dr == 0)
			ulong rankAttacks = MoveGenerator::rankAttacks[square][GetRankStatus(square)];
			ulong defenderKing = 1ULL << kingSquare;
			if((defenderKing & rankAttacks) != 0)
				ulong attackers = GetPieceBitBoard(Pieces::GetPiece(PieceTypes::Rook, attackerColor)) |
					GetPieceBitBoard(Pieces::GetPiece(PieceTypes::Queen, attackerColor));
				if((rankAttacks & attackers) != 0)
					return rankAttacks;
		else if(dc == 0)
			ulong fileAttacks = MoveGenerator::fileAttacks[square][GetFileStatus(square)];
			if((defenderKing & fileAttacks) != 0)
				ulong attackers = GetPieceBitBoard(Pieces::GetPiece(PieceTypes::Rook, attackerColor)) |
					GetPieceBitBoard(Pieces::GetPiece(PieceTypes::Queen, attackerColor));
				if((fileAttacks & attackers) != 0)
					return fileAttacks;
		else if(dr == dc || dr == -dc)
			ulong diagAttacks = 0;
			if(dr == dc)
				diagAttacks = MoveGenerator::diagA1H8Attacks[square][GetDiagA1H8Status(square)];
				diagAttacks = MoveGenerator::diagA8H1Attacks[square][GetDiagA8H1Status(square)];
			if((defenderKing & diagAttacks) != 0)
				ulong attackers = GetPieceBitBoard(Pieces::GetPiece(PieceTypes::Bishop, attackerColor)) |
					GetPieceBitBoard(Pieces::GetPiece(PieceTypes::Queen, attackerColor));
				if((diagAttacks & attackers) != 0)
					return diagAttacks;
		return ~(0ULL);
Exemple #27
int NFCRecord::FindRowByColValue(const std::string& strColTag, const NFData& var, NFDataList& varResult)
    int nCol = GetCol(strColTag);
    return FindRowByColValue(nCol, var, varResult);
Exemple #28
const NFVector3& NFCRecord::GetVector3(const int nRow, const std::string& strColTag) const
	int nCol = GetCol(strColTag);
	return GetVector3(nRow, nCol);
Exemple #29
const NFGUID& NFCRecord::GetObject(const int nRow, const std::string& strColTag) const
    int nCol = GetCol(strColTag);
    return GetObject(nRow, nCol);
Exemple #30
const std::string& NFCRecord::GetString(const int nRow, const std::string& strColTag) const
    int nCol = GetCol(strColTag);
    return GetString(nRow, nCol);