Exemple #1
const std::string Layout::GetInfo() const {
  std::ostringstream os;

  os << peloton::GETINFO_DOUBLE_STAR << " Layout[#" << layout_oid_ << "] "
     << peloton::GETINFO_DOUBLE_STAR << std::endl;
  os << "Number of columns[" << num_columns_ << "] " << std::endl;
  os << "LayoutType[" << LayoutTypeToString(layout_type_) << std::endl;
  os << "ColumnMap[ " << GetColumnMapInfo() << "] " << std::endl;

  return peloton::StringUtil::Prefix(peloton::StringBoxUtil::Box(os.str()),
Exemple #2
TEST_F(LayoutTunerTests, BasicTest) {

  const int tuple_count = TESTS_TUPLES_PER_TILEGROUP;

  std::string db_name = "test_db";

  auto data_table =
      TestingExecutorUtil::CreateTableUpdateCatalog(tuple_count, db_name);

  // Create a table and populate it
  auto &txn_manager = concurrency::TransactionManagerFactory::GetInstance();
  auto txn = txn_manager.BeginTransaction();
  TestingExecutorUtil::PopulateTable(data_table, tuple_count, false, false,
                                     true, txn);

  // Check column count
  oid_t column_count = data_table->GetSchema()->GetColumnCount();
  EXPECT_EQ(column_count, 4);

  // Layout tuner
  tuning::LayoutTuner &layout_tuner = tuning::LayoutTuner::GetInstance();

  // Attach table to index tuner

  // Check old default tile group layout
  auto old_default_layout = data_table->GetDefaultLayout();
  LOG_INFO("Layout: %s", old_default_layout->GetColumnMapInfo().c_str());

  // Start layout tuner

  std::vector<double> columns_accessed(column_count, 0);
  double sample_weight;

  // initialize a uniform distribution between 0 and 1
  UniformGenerator generator;
  for (int sample_itr = 0; sample_itr < 10000; sample_itr++) {
    auto rng_val = generator.GetSample();

    if (rng_val < 0.9) {
      columns_accessed = {0, 1, 2};
      sample_weight = 100;
    else {
      columns_accessed = {3};
      sample_weight = 10;

    // Create a table access sample
    // Indicates the columns accessed (bitmap), and query weight
    tuning::Sample sample(columns_accessed, sample_weight);

    // Collect layout sample in table

    // Periodically sleep a bit
    // Layout tuner thread will process the layout samples periodically,
    // derive the new table layout, and
    // transform the layout of existing tile groups in the table
    if(sample_itr % 100 == 0 ){

  // Stop layout tuner

  // Detach all tables from layout tuner

  // Check new default tile group layout
  auto new_default_layout = data_table->GetDefaultLayout();
  LOG_INFO("Layout: %s", new_default_layout->GetColumnMapInfo().c_str());

  // Ensure that the layout has been changed
  EXPECT_NE(*new_default_layout, *old_default_layout);

  // Check the new default table layout
  column_count = new_default_layout->GetColumnCount();
  EXPECT_EQ(column_count, 4);

  // Check the tile corresponding to each column.
  EXPECT_EQ(new_default_layout->GetTileIdFromColumnId(0), 0);
  EXPECT_EQ(new_default_layout->GetTileIdFromColumnId(1), 0);
  EXPECT_EQ(new_default_layout->GetTileIdFromColumnId(2), 0);
  EXPECT_EQ(new_default_layout->GetTileIdFromColumnId(3), 1);

  // Check the per tile stats of the new layout
  // The layout must contain 2 tiles with the following stats
  // 0 -> 3
  // 1 -> 1
  auto layout_stats = new_default_layout->GetLayoutStats();
  EXPECT_EQ(layout_stats[0], 3);
  EXPECT_EQ(layout_stats[1], 1);
