bool Widget::TriggerTextInput(const TextInputEvent &event, bool emit) { HandleTextInput(event); if (emit) emit = !onTextInput.emit(event); if (GetContainer()) GetContainer()->TriggerTextInput(event, emit); return !emit; }
bool Widget::TriggerKeyUp(const KeyboardEvent &event, bool emit) { HandleKeyUp(event); if (emit) emit = !onKeyUp.emit(event); if (GetContainer()) GetContainer()->TriggerKeyUp(event, emit); return !emit; }
bool Widget::TriggerTextInput(const TextInputEvent &event, bool handled) { HandleTextInput(event); if (!handled) handled = onTextInput.emit(event); if (GetContainer()) handled = GetContainer()->TriggerTextInput(event, handled); return handled; }
bool Widget::TriggerJoystickHatMove(const JoystickHatMotionEvent &event, bool handled) { HandleJoystickHatMove(event); if (!handled) handled = onJoystickHatMove.emit(event); if (GetContainer()) handled = GetContainer()->TriggerJoystickHatMove(event, handled); return handled; }
T* HashMapHolder<T>::Find(ObjectGuid guid) { boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*GetLock()); typename MapType::iterator itr = GetContainer().find(guid); return (itr != GetContainer().end()) ? itr->second : NULL; }
BOOL SComboBase::CalcPopupRect( int nHeight,CRect & rcPopup ) { CRect rcWnd=GetWindowRect(); GetContainer()->FrameToHost(rcWnd); ClientToScreen(GetContainer()->GetHostHwnd(),(LPPOINT)&rcWnd); ClientToScreen(GetContainer()->GetHostHwnd(),((LPPOINT)&rcWnd)+1); HMONITOR hMonitor = ::MonitorFromWindow(GetContainer()->GetHostHwnd(), MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL); CRect rcMonitor; if (hMonitor) { MONITORINFO mi = {sizeof(MONITORINFO)}; ::GetMonitorInfo(hMonitor, &mi); rcMonitor = mi.rcMonitor; } else { rcMonitor.right = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSCREEN ); rcMonitor.bottom = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN ); } if(rcWnd.bottom+nHeight<=rcMonitor.bottom) { rcPopup = CRect(rcWnd.left,rcWnd.bottom,rcWnd.right,rcWnd.bottom+nHeight); return TRUE; }else { rcPopup = CRect(rcWnd.left,,rcWnd.right,; return FALSE; } }
bool UKUIInterfaceElement::IsMouseOver() const { if ( GetInterface() == NULL ) { KUIErrorUO( "Null interface" ); return false; } if ( GetContainer() != NULL ) { if ( !GetContainer()->IsMouseOver() ) return false; } const FVector2D v2CursorLocation = GetInterface()->GetCursorLocation(); const FVector2D v2Size = GetSize(); const FVector2D v2TopLeftLocation = GetScreenLocation(); if ( v2CursorLocation.X >= v2TopLeftLocation.X && v2CursorLocation.Y >= v2TopLeftLocation.Y && v2CursorLocation.X < ( v2TopLeftLocation.X + v2Size.X ) && v2CursorLocation.Y < ( v2TopLeftLocation.Y + v2Size.Y ) ) return true; return false; }
bool Widget::TriggerKeyUp(const KeyboardEvent &event, bool handled) { HandleKeyUp(event); if (!handled) handled = onKeyUp.emit(event); if (GetContainer()) handled = GetContainer()->TriggerKeyUp(event, handled); return handled; }
bool Widget::TriggerClick(bool handled) { HandleClick(); if (!handled) handled = onClick.emit(); if (GetContainer()) handled = GetContainer()->TriggerClick(handled); return handled; }
bool Widget::TriggerJoystickButtonUp(const JoystickButtonEvent &event, bool handled) { HandleJoystickButtonUp(event); if (!handled) handled = onJoystickButtonUp.emit(event); if (GetContainer()) handled = GetContainer()->TriggerJoystickButtonUp(event, handled); return handled; }
NS_IMETHODIMP InsertNodeTransaction::DoTransaction() { if (NS_WARN_IF(!mEditorBase) || NS_WARN_IF(!mContentToInsert) || NS_WARN_IF(!mPointToInsert.IsSet())) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; } if (!mPointToInsert.IsSetAndValid()) { // It seems that DOM tree has been changed after first DoTransaction() // and current RedoTranaction() call. if (mPointToInsert.GetChild()) { EditorDOMPoint newPointToInsert(mPointToInsert.GetChild()); if (!newPointToInsert.IsSet()) { // The insertion point has been removed from the DOM tree. // In this case, we should append the node to the container instead. newPointToInsert.SetToEndOf(mPointToInsert.GetContainer()); if (NS_WARN_IF(!newPointToInsert.IsSet())) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } } mPointToInsert = newPointToInsert; } else { mPointToInsert.SetToEndOf(mPointToInsert.GetContainer()); if (NS_WARN_IF(!mPointToInsert.IsSet())) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } } } mEditorBase->MarkNodeDirty(GetAsDOMNode(mContentToInsert)); ErrorResult error; mPointToInsert.GetContainer()->InsertBefore(*mContentToInsert, mPointToInsert.GetChild(), error); error.WouldReportJSException(); if (NS_WARN_IF(error.Failed())) { return error.StealNSResult(); } // Only set selection to insertion point if editor gives permission if (mEditorBase->GetShouldTxnSetSelection()) { RefPtr<Selection> selection = mEditorBase->GetSelection(); if (NS_WARN_IF(!selection)) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } // Place the selection just after the inserted element EditorRawDOMPoint afterInsertedNode(mContentToInsert); DebugOnly<bool> advanced = afterInsertedNode.AdvanceOffset(); NS_WARNING_ASSERTION(advanced, "Failed to advance offset after the inserted node"); selection->Collapse(afterInsertedNode, error); if (NS_WARN_IF(error.Failed())) { error.SuppressException(); } } return NS_OK; }
bool Widget::TriggerClick(bool emit) { HandleClick(); if (emit) emit = !onClick.emit(); if (GetContainer()) GetContainer()->TriggerClick(emit); return !emit; }
bool Widget::TriggerJoystickHatMove(const JoystickHatMotionEvent &event, bool emit) { HandleJoystickHatMove(event); if (emit) emit = !onJoystickHatMove.emit(event); if (GetContainer()) GetContainer()->TriggerJoystickHatMove(event, emit); return !emit; }
bool Widget::TriggerJoystickButtonUp(const JoystickButtonEvent &event, bool emit) { HandleJoystickButtonUp(event); if (emit) emit = !onJoystickButtonUp.emit(event); if (GetContainer()) GetContainer()->TriggerJoystickButtonUp(event, emit); return !emit; }
bool UKUIInterfaceElement::IsVisibleRecursive() const { if ( !IsVisible() ) return false; if ( GetContainer() == NULL ) return false; return GetContainer()->IsVisibleRecursive(); }
bool UKUIInterfaceElement::IsDisabledRecursive() const { if ( IsDisabled() ) return true; if ( GetContainer() == NULL ) return false; return GetContainer()->IsDisabledRecursive(); }
bool Widget::TriggerMouseWheel(const MouseWheelEvent &event, bool emit) { HandleMouseWheel(event); if (emit) emit = !onMouseWheel.emit(event); if (GetContainer()) { MouseWheelEvent translatedEvent = MouseWheelEvent(event.direction, event.pos+GetPosition()); GetContainer()->TriggerMouseWheel(translatedEvent, emit); } return !emit; }
bool Widget::TriggerMouseMove(const MouseMotionEvent &event, bool emit) { HandleMouseMove(event); if (emit) emit = !onMouseMove.emit(event); if (GetContainer()) { MouseMotionEvent translatedEvent = MouseMotionEvent(event.pos+GetPosition(), event.rel); GetContainer()->TriggerMouseMove(translatedEvent, emit); } return !emit; }
bool Widget::TriggerMouseUp(const MouseButtonEvent &event, bool emit) { HandleMouseUp(event); if (emit) emit = !onMouseUp.emit(event); if (GetContainer()) { MouseButtonEvent translatedEvent = MouseButtonEvent(event.action, event.button, event.pos+GetPosition()); GetContainer()->TriggerMouseUp(translatedEvent, emit); } return !emit; }
bool Widget::TriggerMouseWheel(const MouseWheelEvent &event, bool handled) { HandleMouseWheel(event); if (!handled) handled = onMouseWheel.emit(event); if (GetContainer()) { MouseWheelEvent translatedEvent = MouseWheelEvent(event.direction, event.pos+GetPosition()); handled = GetContainer()->TriggerMouseWheel(translatedEvent, handled); } return handled; }
bool Widget::TriggerMouseMove(const MouseMotionEvent &event, bool handled) { HandleMouseMove(event); if (!handled) handled = onMouseMove.emit(event); if (GetContainer()) { MouseMotionEvent translatedEvent = MouseMotionEvent(event.pos+GetPosition(), event.rel); handled = GetContainer()->TriggerMouseMove(translatedEvent, handled); } return handled; }
bool Widget::TriggerMouseUp(const MouseButtonEvent &event, bool handled) { HandleMouseUp(event); if (!handled) handled = onMouseUp.emit(event); if (GetContainer()) { MouseButtonEvent translatedEvent = MouseButtonEvent(event.action, event.button, event.pos+GetPosition()); handled = GetContainer()->TriggerMouseUp(translatedEvent, handled); } return handled; }
void CDuiColorPicker::OnLButtonUp( UINT nFlags,CPoint pt ) { __super::OnLButtonUp(nFlags,pt); CColourPopup *pCrPopup = new CColourPopup(GetContainer()->GetHostHwnd(),this); CRect rcWnd; GetRect(rcWnd); pt.x=rcWnd.left,pt.y=rcWnd.bottom; ::ClientToScreen(GetContainer()->GetHostHwnd(),&pt); pCrPopup->SetDefColor(m_crDef); pCrPopup->Create(pt,m_crCur,_T("д╛хо"),_T("╦Э╤Ю")); }
void SAnimateImgWnd::OnShowWindow( BOOL bShow, UINT nStatus ) { __super::OnShowWindow(bShow,nStatus); if(!bShow) { if(IsPlaying()) GetContainer()->UnregisterTimelineHandler(this); }else { if(IsPlaying()) GetContainer()->RegisterTimelineHandler(this); else if(m_bAutoStart) Start(); } }
bool Widget::TriggerMouseOut(const Point &pos, bool emit, Widget *stop) { // only send external events on state change if (m_mouseOver) { HandleMouseOut(); if (emit) emit = !onMouseOut.emit(); m_mouseOver = false; } if (stop == this) return !emit; if (GetContainer()) GetContainer()->TriggerMouseOut(pos+GetPosition(), emit, stop); return !emit; }
int SIECtrl::OnCreate( LPVOID ) { int nRet=__super::OnCreate(NULL); if(GetContainer()->IsTranslucent()) { STRACE(_T("warning!!! create iectrl failed bacause of host is translucent!")); // SASSERT_FMT(FALSE,_T("iectrl can't used in translucent host")); return -1; } GetContainer()->GetMsgLoop()->AddMessageFilter(this); return nRet; }
bool Widget::TriggerMouseOut(const Point &pos, bool handled, Widget *stop) { // only send external events on state change if (m_mouseOver) { HandleMouseOut(); if (!handled) handled = onMouseOut.emit(); m_mouseOver = false; } if (stop == this) return handled; if (GetContainer()) handled = GetContainer()->TriggerMouseOut(pos+GetPosition(), handled, stop); return handled; }
void UKUIInterfaceElement::SetSize( float fWidth, float fHeight ) { for ( int32 i = 0; i < arAlignedToThis.Num(); ++i ) if ( arAlignedToThis[ i ].IsValid() ) arAlignedToThis[ i ]->InvalidateAlignLocation(); if ( GetContainer() != NULL ) { FKUIInterfaceContainerElementEvent stEventInfo( EKUIInterfaceContainerEventList::E_ChildSizeChange, this ); GetContainer()->SendEvent( stEventInfo ); } InvalidateRenderCache(); }
void UKUIInterfaceElement::SetVerticalAlignment( TEnumAsByte<EKUIInterfaceVAlign::Type> eVAlign ) { if ( this->eVAlign == eVAlign ) return; this->eVAlign = eVAlign; InvalidateAlignLocation(); if ( GetContainer() != NULL ) { FKUIInterfaceContainerElementEvent stEventInfo( EKUIInterfaceContainerEventList::E_ChildLocationChange, this ); GetContainer()->SendEvent( stEventInfo ); } }
void SGifPlayer::OnShowWindow( BOOL bShow, UINT nStatus ) { __super::OnShowWindow(bShow,nStatus); if(!bShow) { GetContainer()->UnregisterTimelineHandler(this); }else if(m_aniSkin && m_aniSkin->GetStates()>1) { GetContainer()->RegisterTimelineHandler(this); if(m_aniSkin->GetFrameDelay()==0) m_nNextInterval = 90; else m_nNextInterval = m_aniSkin->GetFrameDelay()*10; } }