/// <summary>Resize window to fit current items</summary>
   /// <param name="wParam">Ignored.</param>
   /// <param name="lParam">Ignored.</param>
   LRESULT SuggestionList::OnVisibleItemsChanged(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
      // DEBUG:
      //Console << "SuggestionList::OnVisibleItemsChanged()" << ENDL;

      CWindowDC dc(this);
      WindowRect wnd(this);
      int width = 0;

      // Measure visible items
      for (int index = GetTopIndex(), end = min(GetTopIndex()+GetCountPerPage(), (int)Content.size()); index < end; ++index)
         auto& item = Content[index];
         auto w = dc.GetTextExtent(item.Text.c_str()).cx + dc.GetTextExtent(item.Type.c_str()).cx + 10;
         width = max(w, width);

      // Enforce min/max widths
      width = max(width, 200);
      width = min(width, 700);
      // Adjust for scrollBar
      auto wndWidth = width + 2*GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXEDGE);
      if (GetCountPerPage() < (int)Content.size())
         wndWidth += GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL);

      // Resize window + column
      SetWindowPos(nullptr,-1,-1, wndWidth, wnd.Height(), SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOZORDER|SWP_NOACTIVATE);
      SetColumnWidth(0, width);

      return 0;
void CGitProgressList::AddItemToList()
	int totalcount = GetItemCount();

	// make columns width fit
	if (iFirstResized < 30)
		// only resize the columns for the first 30 or so entries.
		// after that, don't resize them anymore because that's an
		// expensive function call and the columns will be sized
		// close enough already.

	// Make sure the item is *entirely* visible even if the horizontal
	// scroll bar is visible.
	int count = GetCountPerPage();
	if (totalcount <= (GetTopIndex() + count + nEnsureVisibleCount + 2))
		m_bLastVisible = true;
		nEnsureVisibleCount = 0;
		if (IsIconic() == 0)
			m_bLastVisible = false;
Exemple #3
BOOL CListCtrlEx::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC) 
	// TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default
	CRect rect;
	POINT mypoint;  
	CBrush brush0(m_colRow1);
	CBrush brush1(m_colRow2);
	int chunk_height=GetCountPerPage();
	for (int i=0;i<=chunk_height;i++)
		rect.top=mypoint.y ;
		rect.bottom =mypoint.y;
		pDC->FillRect(&rect,i %2 ? &brush1 : &brush0);
	//return FALSE;
	return CListCtrl::OnEraseBkgnd(pDC);
INT_PTR CQListCtrl::OnToolHitTest(CPoint point, TOOLINFO * pTI) const
	CRect rect;
			int nTopIndex = GetTopIndex();
			int nBottomIndex = nTopIndex + GetCountPerPage();
			if(nBottomIndex > GetItemCount()) nBottomIndex = GetItemCount();
			for(int nIndex = nTopIndex; nIndex <= nBottomIndex; nIndex++)
				GetItemRect(nIndex, rect, LVIR_BOUNDS);
					pTI->hwnd = m_hWnd;
					pTI->uId = (UINT)(nIndex+1);
					pTI->lpszText = LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK;
					pTI->rect = rect;
					return pTI->uId;
	return -1;
void CustomVirtListCtrl<T,L>::RefreshVisibleItems()
	if ( m_data.empty() )
	const long topItemIndex = GetTopItem();
	const long range = topItemIndex + GetCountPerPage();
	RefreshItems( topItemIndex,  LSL::Util::Clamp( range, topItemIndex, (long) m_data.size() -1 ) );
Exemple #6
 * dx,dyのドラッグ量に応じて、ドラッグ開始かどうかを判定し、変数を設定する
 * ドラッグ開始時は m_bPanDragging, m_bVerticalDragging を設定する
void CTouchListCtrl::MySetDragFlagWhenMovedPixelOverLimit(int dx, int dy)
	// 縦ドラッグ開始判断用オフセット値
#ifndef WINCE
	// WIN32の場合、半行以上の移動をドラッグとみなす
	int dyMinLimit = theApp.m_optionMng.GetFontHeight() / 2 + 1 ;
//	// WMの場合、少しの移動でドラッグとみなす
//	int dyMinLimit = 1;

	// WMの場合も、半行以上の移動をドラッグとみなす
	int dyMinLimit = theApp.m_optionMng.GetFontHeight() / 2 + 1 ;

	if (m_bPanDragging) {
		// 横ドラッグ中
		if( abs( dx ) < m_screenWidth / 3 ){
			// マウスを元に戻したら横ドラッグをキャンセル
			m_bPanDragging = false ;
	} else if (m_bVerticalDragging) {
		// 縦ドラッグ中

	} else {
		// ドラッグ方向が確定していない
		if( m_bCanSlide &&
			m_bUseHorizontalDragMove &&
			( abs(dx) > abs(dy) && abs(dx) > m_screenWidth / 3 ) )
			// 横方向の移動量が大きくて移動量が画面の1/3以上の場合]
			// ドラッグ方向設定
			if( dx > 0 ){
				m_drPanScrollDirection = PAN_SCROLL_DIRECTION_RIGHT;
			} else {
				m_drPanScrollDirection = PAN_SCROLL_DIRECTION_LEFT;
			// 横ドラッグ開始
			m_bPanDragging = true;
		} else if (abs(dy) >= dyMinLimit && (!m_bCanSlide || abs(dx) < abs(dy))) {
			// 縦移動量がドラッグ開始オフセット以上で、
			// 「横スライド無効」か、「横スライド有効で縦移動量が横移動量より大きい」場合
			if( GetItemCount()-GetCountPerPage() > 0 ) {
				// 縦スクロール可能ならば
				// 縦ドラッグ開始

				//if (theApp.m_Platforms.WM6_5 || theApp.m_Platforms.WM6_5_1) {
				//	// WM6.5 以降であれば無効
				//} else {
					m_bVerticalDragging = true;

					if (m_bBlackScrollMode) {
						m_bFullPageDrawForBlackScrollStart = true;
Exemple #7
void CGridListCtrl::OnPaint()
  // Make the gridlines easier to see than default light grey
  // First let the control do its default drawing.
  const MSG *pMsg = GetCurrentMessage();
  DefWindowProc(pMsg->message, pMsg->wParam, pMsg->lParam);

  // Draw the lines only for LVS_REPORT mode
  if ((GetStyle() & LVS_TYPEMASK) == LVS_REPORT) {
    CClientDC dc(this);
    CPen NewPen(PS_SOLID, 0, m_RGBLineColour);
    CPen *pOldPen = dc.SelectObject(&NewPen);

    // Get the number of columns
    CHeaderCtrl *pHeader = (CHeaderCtrl *)GetDlgItem(m_HeaderCtrlID);
    int nColumnCount = pHeader->GetItemCount();

    // The bottom of the header corresponds to the top of the line
    RECT rect;
    int top = rect.bottom;

    // Now get the client rect so we know the line length and when to stop

    // The border of the column is offset by the horz scroll
    int borderx = 0 - GetScrollPos(SB_HORZ);
    for (int i = 0; i < nColumnCount; i++) {
      // Get the next border
      borderx += GetColumnWidth(pHeader->OrderToIndex(i));

      // if next border is outside client area, break out
      if (borderx >= rect.right) break;

      // Draw the line.
      dc.MoveTo(borderx - 1, top);
      dc.LineTo(borderx - 1, rect.bottom);

    // Draw the horizontal grid lines
    // First get the height
    if (!GetItemRect(0, &rect, LVIR_BOUNDS))

    int height = rect.bottom - rect.top;

    int width = rect.right;

    for (int i = 1; i <= GetCountPerPage(); i++) {
      dc.MoveTo(0, top + height * i);
      dc.LineTo(width, top + height * i);

BOOL CDomainListBox::SelectAndShowItem( int nSel )
	int	nPageCount	=	GetCountPerPage( );

	SelectItem( nSel, TRUE );
	int nTopIndex = GetTopIndex();
	if( LB_ERR != nTopIndex && nTopIndex+nPageCount<nSel )
		SetTopIndex( nSel-nPageCount );
	return TRUE;
Exemple #9
int CListCtrlA::CellRectFromPoint(CPoint & point, RECT * cellrect, int * col) const{
	int colnum;

	// Make sure that the ListView is in LVS_REPORT
	if( (GetWindowLong(m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE) & LVS_TYPEMASK) != LVS_REPORT )
		return -1;

	// Get the top and bottom row visible
	int row = GetTopIndex();
	int bottom = row + GetCountPerPage();
	if( bottom > GetItemCount() )
		bottom = GetItemCount();
	// Get the number of columns
	CHeaderCtrl* pHeader = (CHeaderCtrl*)GetDlgItem(0);
	int nColumnCount = pHeader->GetItemCount();

	// Loop through the visible rows
	for( ;row <=bottom;row++)
		// Get bounding rect of item and check whether point falls in it.
		CRect rect;
		GetItemRect( row, &rect, LVIR_BOUNDS );
		if( rect.PtInRect(point) )
			// Now find the column
			for( colnum = 0; colnum < nColumnCount; colnum++ )
				int colwidth = GetColumnWidth(colnum);
				if( point.x >= rect.left 
					&& point.x <= (rect.left + colwidth ) )
					RECT rectClient;
					GetClientRect( &rectClient );
					if( col ) *col = colnum;
					rect.right = rect.left + colwidth;

					// Make sure that the right extent does not exceed
					// the client area
					if( rect.right > rectClient.right ) 
						rect.right = rectClient.right;
					*cellrect = rect;
					return row;
				rect.left += colwidth;
	return -1;
Exemple #10
CListCtrlEx::HitTestEx (CPoint& Point, int* pColumn)
    int ColumnNum = 0;
    int Row = HitTest (Point, NULL);
    if (pColumn)
		*pColumn = 0;

    // Make sure that the ListView is in LVS_REPORT
    if ((GetWindowLong (m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE) & LVS_TYPEMASK) != LVS_REPORT)
		return Row;

    // Get the top and bottom row visible
    Row = GetTopIndex();
    int Bottom = Row + GetCountPerPage();
    if (Bottom > GetItemCount())
	    Bottom = GetItemCount();
    // Get the number of columns
    CHeaderCtrl* pHeader = (CHeaderCtrl*) GetDlgItem(0);
    int nColumnCount = pHeader->GetItemCount();

    // Loop through the visible rows
    for(; Row <= Bottom; Row++)
		// Get bounding rect of item and check whether point falls in it.
		CRect Rect;
		GetItemRect (Row, &Rect, LVIR_BOUNDS);
		if (Rect.PtInRect (Point))
			// Now find the column
			for (ColumnNum = 0; ColumnNum < nColumnCount; ColumnNum++)
				int ColWidth = GetColumnWidth (ColumnNum);
				if (Point.x >= Rect.left && Point.x <= (Rect.left + ColWidth))
					if (pColumn)
						*pColumn = ColumnNum;
					return Row;
				Rect.left += ColWidth;
    return -1;
Exemple #11
int CListCtrlEx::CellRectFromPoint(CPoint& point, CRect* pRectCell, int* pCol) const
    if((::GetWindowLong(m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE) & LVS_TYPEMASK) != LVS_REPORT )
	   return -1;

    int nRow = GetTopIndex();
    int nBottom = nRow + GetCountPerPage();
    if(nBottom > GetItemCount())
		nBottom = GetItemCount();
    CHeaderCtrl* pHeader = (CHeaderCtrl*)GetDlgItem(0);
    int nColumnCount = pHeader->GetItemCount();

    for(; nRow <= nBottom; nRow++)
        CRect rect;
        GetItemRect(nRow, &rect, LVIR_BOUNDS);
			for(int nColumn = 0; nColumn < nColumnCount; nColumn++)
				int nColWidth = GetColumnWidth(nColumn);
				if(point.x >= rect.left && point.x <= (rect.left + nColWidth))
					CRect rectClient;
						*pCol = nColumn;
					rect.right = rect.left + nColWidth;

					if(rect.right > rectClient.right) 
						rect.right = rectClient.right;
					*pRectCell = rect;
					return nRow;

				rect.left += nColWidth;

	return -1;
// HitTestEx	- Determine the row index and column index for a point
// Returns	- the row index or -1 if point is not over a row
// point	- point to be tested.
// col		- to hold the column index
int CVarListCtrl::HitTestEx(CPoint &point, int *col) const
	int colnum = 0;
	int row = HitTest( point, NULL );
	if( col ) *col = 0;

	// Make sure that the ListView is in LVS_REPORT
	if( (GetWindowLong(m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE) & LVS_TYPEMASK) != LVS_REPORT )
		return row;

	// Get the top and bottom row visible
	row = GetTopIndex();
	int bottom = row + GetCountPerPage();
	if( bottom > GetItemCount() )
		bottom = GetItemCount();
	// Get the number of columns
	CHeaderCtrl* pHeader = (CHeaderCtrl*)GetDlgItem(0);
	int nColumnCount = pHeader->GetItemCount();

	// Loop through the visible rows
	for( ;row <=bottom;row++)
		// Get bounding rect of item and check whether point falls in it.
		CRect rect;
		GetItemRect( row, &rect, LVIR_BOUNDS );
		if( rect.PtInRect(point) )
			// Now find the column
			for( colnum = 0; colnum < nColumnCount; colnum++ )
				int colwidth = GetColumnWidth(colnum);
				if( point.x >= rect.left 
					&& point.x <= (rect.left + colwidth ) )
					if( col ) *col = colnum;
					return row;
				rect.left += colwidth;
	return -1;
BOOL CClonePairListCtrl::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC) 
	// TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default

  CRect rect;

  POINT mypoint;  
  CBrush brush0(m_colRow1);
  CBrush brush1(m_colRow2);

 int chunk_height=GetCountPerPage();

 int top = 0;
 int bottom = 0;
 top = mypoint.y;
 bottom = mypoint.y;
 int height = bottom - top;
 for (int i=0;i<=chunk_height;i++)
	rect.top=top; //mypoint.y ;
	rect.bottom = bottom; //mypoint.y;
	pDC->FillRect(&rect,i %2 ? &brush1 : &brush0);

	top = bottom;
	bottom +=height;



  return FALSE;
Exemple #14
int CMyListCtrl::GetRowFromPoint(CPoint &point, CRect *rcCell, int *nCol) const
	int   nColumn, nRow, nBottom, nWidth;
    CRect rcItem, rcClient;

	// ListCtrl이 LVS_REPORT 타입인 지 확인
	if((GetWindowLong(m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE) & LVS_TYPEMASK) != LVS_REPORT) return -1;

	// 눈에 보이는 처음과 끝의 Row 값을 얻는다
	nRow    = GetTopIndex();
	nBottom = nRow + GetCountPerPage();
	if(nBottom > GetItemCount())
		nBottom = GetItemCount();

    // 보이는 Row만큼 루프를 돈다
	for(; nRow <= nBottom ; nRow++)
		GetItemRect(nRow, &rcItem, LVIR_BOUNDS);
			// Column을 찾는다
			for(nColumn = 0 ; nColumn < m_nColumnCount ; nColumn++)
				nWidth = GetColumnWidth(nColumn);
				if(point.x >= rcItem.left && 
                   point.x <= (rcItem.left + nWidth))
                        *nCol = nColumn;
					rcItem.right = rcItem.left + nWidth;

					// 오른쪽 끝이 클라이언트 영역을 벗어나지 않게
					if(rcItem.right > rcClient.right) 
						rcItem.right = rcClient.right;
					*rcCell = rcItem;
					return nRow;
				rcItem.left += nWidth;
	return -1;
	int FilterListCtrl::GetBottomIndex() const
		CRect r;

		int nBottomIndex = GetTopIndex() + GetCountPerPage() - 1;

		if (nBottomIndex >= GetItemCount()) {
			nBottomIndex = GetItemCount() - 1;
		} else 
		if (nBottomIndex < GetItemCount()) {
			CRect br;
			GetItemRect(nBottomIndex, br, LVIR_BOUNDS);

			if (br.bottom < r.bottom) nBottomIndex++;

Exemple #16
void CListCtrlEx::OnPaint()
  int i;
  int Top = GetTopIndex();
  int Total = GetItemCount();
  int PerPage = GetCountPerPage();
  int Last = ((Top+PerPage) > Total)? Total : Top+PerPage;
  int Count = m_ProgressList.GetSize();
  CProgressCtrl* pCtrl;
  if ((Last-Top) > Count)
    for (i = Count; i < Last-Top; i++)
      pCtrl = new CProgressCtrl();
      CRect rt(1,1,1,1);
      pCtrl->Create(NULL, rt, this, IDC_PROGRESS_LIST+i);
  CHeaderCtrl* pHeader = GetHeaderCtrl();
  for (i = Top; i < Last; i++)
    CRect ColRt;
    pHeader->GetItemRect(m_ProgressColumn, &ColRt);
    CRect rt;
    GetItemRect(i, &rt, LVIR_LABEL);
    rt.top += 1;
    rt.bottom -= 1;
    rt.left += ColRt.left;
    rt.right = rt.left + ColRt.Width() - 4;
    pCtrl = m_ProgressList.GetAt(i-Top);
    CString strPercent = GetItemText(i, m_ProgressColumn);
    int nPercent = atoi(strPercent);
// Page Up
BOOL CDomainListBox::SelectPrior( )
	int	nPageCount	=	GetCountPerPage( );

	for( int i=0; i<GetCount(); i++ )
		int nStatus = GetSelected( i );
		if( LB_ERR != nStatus && nStatus )
			SelectItem( -1, FALSE );
			SelectItem( i-nPageCount < 0 ? 0 : i-nPageCount );
			return TRUE;

	if( GetCount() > 0 )
		SelectItem( GetCount()-1, TRUE );

	return TRUE;
Exemple #18
void CEditableListCtrl::VerifyScrollPos()
	int nTopRowVal = GetTopIndex();
	int nBottomVal = nTopRowVal + GetCountPerPage();
	if (m_iRow > nTopRowVal-1 && m_iRow < nBottomVal+1)
		if (m_iRow < nTopRowVal)
			for (int j = 0; j < -m_iRow + nTopRowVal; j++)
				SendMessage(WM_VSCROLL, SB_LINEUP, 0);
		if (m_iRow > nBottomVal)
			for (int j = 0; j < m_iRow - nTopRowVal; j++)
				SendMessage(WM_VSCROLL, SB_LINEDOWN, 0);
void CDragVirtualListCtrl::AutoScroll(const CPoint& Cursor)
	if (GetItemCount() > GetCountPerPage()) {	// if view is scrollable
		CRect	cr, ir, hr;
		cr.top += hr.Height() - 1;	// top scroll boundary is bottom of header
		GetItemRect(0, ir, LVIR_BOUNDS);
		int	Offset = ir.Height() / 2;	// vertical scrolling is quantized to lines
		if (Cursor.y < cr.top)	// if cursor is above top boundary
			m_ScrollDelta = Cursor.y - cr.top - Offset;	// start scrolling up
		else if (Cursor.y >= cr.bottom)	// if cursor is below bottom boundary
			m_ScrollDelta = Cursor.y - cr.bottom + Offset;	// start scrolling down
			m_ScrollDelta = 0;	// stop scrolling
	} else
		m_ScrollDelta = 0;
	if (m_ScrollDelta && !m_ScrollTimer)
		m_ScrollTimer = SetTimer(TIMER_ID, SCROLL_DELAY, NULL);
Exemple #20
Function Name  :  OnEraseBkgnd
Input(s)       :  CDC* - The pointer of Client DC
Output         :  BOOL - Nonzero if it erases the background; otherwise 0.
Functionality  :   
Member of      :  CListCtrlEx
Friend of      :  -
Author(s)      :  Venkatanarayana Makam
Date Created   :  30/03/2011
Modifications  :  
BOOL CListCtrlEx::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC)
    CRect omClientRect;
    POINT omItemPos;  

    int nTotalItems =  GetCountPerPage();

    for(int i=0;i<nTotalItems+2;i++)
        omClientRect.top=omItemPos.y ;
        omClientRect.bottom =omItemPos.y;
        CBrush omBrush(i %2 ? m_colRow1 : m_colRow2);
        pDC->FillRect(&omClientRect, &omBrush);
    //Nonzero if it erases the background; otherwise 0.
    return TRUE;
// Page Down
BOOL CDomainListBox::SelectNext( )
	int	nPageCount	=	GetCountPerPage( );

	for( int i=0; i<GetCount(); i++ )
		int nStatus = GetSelected( i );
		if( LB_ERR != nStatus && nStatus )
			SelectItem( -1, FALSE );
			int	nNewSel	=	(i+nPageCount >= GetCount() ? GetCount()-1 : i+nPageCount);
			SelectAndShowItem( nNewSel );
			return TRUE;

	if( GetCount() > 0 )
		SelectItem( 0, TRUE );

	return TRUE;
Exemple #22
int CClickList::HitTestEx(const CPoint &Point, int &Col) const
	Col = 0;

    // Make sure that the ListView is in LVS_REPORT
    if (LVS_REPORT != (GetWindowLong(m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE) & LVS_TYPEMASK))
		return HitTest(Point, NULL);

    // Get the top and bottom row visible
    int row = GetTopIndex();
    int bottom = row + GetCountPerPage();
    if (bottom > GetItemCount())
		bottom = GetItemCount();
    // Get the number of columns
    CHeaderCtrl *pHeader = const_cast<CClickList *>(this)->GetHeaderCtrl();
	if (NULL == pHeader)
		return -1;

    // Loop through the visible rows
	CRect rect;
	int nColumnCount = pHeader->GetItemCount(), colnum, colwidth;
    for (; row <= bottom; row++) {
		// Get bounding rect of item and check whether point falls in it.
		GetItemRect(row, &rect, LVIR_BOUNDS);

		if (rect.PtInRect(Point)) // Now find the column
			for (colnum = 0; colnum < nColumnCount; colnum++) {
				colwidth = GetColumnWidth(colnum);
				if (Point.x >= rect.left && Point.x <= rect.left + colwidth) {
					Col = colnum;
					return row;
				rect.left += colwidth;

    return -1;
   /// <summary>Shrinks to fit.</summary>
   void  SuggestionList::ShrinkToFit()
         // Check if less than 1 page of items
         if (GetCountPerPage() > (int)Content.size() && !Content.empty())
            ClientRect wnd(this);
            CRect rc(0,0,0,0);

            // Calculate item height
            if (!GetItemRect(0, &rc, LVIR_LABEL) || !rc.Height())
               throw Win32Exception(HERE, L"Unable to retrieve item height");

            // Resize
            SetWindowPos(nullptr,-1,-1, wnd.Width(), rc.Height()*Content.size(), SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOZORDER|SWP_NOACTIVATE);
      catch (ExceptionBase& e) { 
         Console.Log(HERE, e);
void CBOINCListCtrl::DrawProgressBars()
    long topItem, numItems, numVisibleItems, i, row;
    wxRect r, rr;
    int w = 0, x = 0, xx, yy, ww;
    int progressColumn = m_pParentView->GetProgressColumn();
    wxClientDC dc(this);
    m_bProgressBarEventPending = false;
    wxClientDC dc(GetMainWin());   // Available only in wxGenericListCtrl

    if (progressColumn < 0) {

    int n = (int)m_iRowsNeedingProgressBars.GetCount();
    if (n <= 0) return;
    wxColour progressColor = wxTheColourDatabase->Find(wxT("LIGHT BLUE"));
    wxBrush progressBrush(progressColor);
    numItems = GetItemCount();
    if (numItems) {
        topItem = GetTopItem();     // Doesn't work properly for Mac Native control in wxMac-2.8.7

        numVisibleItems = GetCountPerPage();

        if (numItems <= (topItem + numVisibleItems)) numVisibleItems = numItems - topItem;

        x = 0;
        for (i=0; i< progressColumn; i++) {
            x += GetColumnWidth(i);
        w = GetColumnWidth(progressColumn);
        x -= GetScrollPos(wxHORIZONTAL);
        GetMainWin()->CalcScrolledPosition(x, 0, &x, &yy);
        wxFont theFont = GetFont();
        for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
            row = m_iRowsNeedingProgressBars[i];
            if (row < topItem) continue;
            if (row > (topItem + numVisibleItems -1)) continue;

            GetItemRect(row, r);
            r.y = r.y - GetHeaderHeight() - 1;
            r.x = x;
            r.width = w;
            r.Inflate(-1, -2);
            rr = r;

            wxString progressString = m_pParentView->GetProgressText(row);
            dc.GetTextExtent(progressString, &xx, &yy);
            r.y += (r.height - yy - 1) / 2;
            // Adapted from ellipis code in wxRendererGeneric::DrawHeaderButtonContents()
            if (xx > r.width) {
                int ellipsisWidth;
                dc.GetTextExtent( wxT("..."), &ellipsisWidth, NULL);
                if (ellipsisWidth > r.width) {
                    xx = 0;
                } else {
                    do {
                        progressString.Truncate( progressString.length() - 1 );
                        dc.GetTextExtent( progressString, &xx, &yy);
                    } while (xx + ellipsisWidth > r.width && progressString.length() );
                    progressString.append( wxT("...") );
                    xx += ellipsisWidth;
            dc.DrawRectangle( rr );

            rr.Inflate(-2, -1);
            ww = rr.width * m_pParentView->GetProgressValue(row);
            rr.x += ww;
            rr.width -= ww;

#if 0
            // Show background stripes behind progress bars
            wxListItemAttr* attr = m_pParentView->FireOnListGetItemAttr(row);
            wxColour bkgd = attr->GetBackgroundColour();
            dc.DrawRectangle( rr );

            if (xx > (r.width - 7)) {
                dc.DrawText(progressString, r.x, r.y);
            } else {
                dc.DrawText(progressString, r.x + (w - 8 - xx), r.y);
Exemple #25
// **************************************************************************
// HitTestEx ()
// Description:
//	Determine which item or subitem was hit.
// Parameters:
//  CPoint		&cPoint		Current locaction of mouse cursor
//	int			*pCol		Gets set to column hit was in.
// Returns:
//  int - Row hit was in, or -1 if hit was not on a cell.
// **************************************************************************
int CKListEditCtrl::HitTestEx (CPoint &cPoint, int *pCol)
	int nCol = 0;
	int nRow = HitTest (cPoint, NULL);		
	int nBottom = 0;
	int cnColumns = 0;
	// Initialize returned column number to zero:
	if (pCol) 
		*pCol = 0;

	// Make sure that the ListView is in LVS_REPORT format:
	if ((GetWindowLong (m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE) & LVS_TYPEMASK) != LVS_REPORT)
		return (nRow);	
	// Get the top and bottom visible rows:
	nRow = GetTopIndex ();
	nBottom = nRow + GetCountPerPage ();	
	// Make sure bottom index is valid:
	if (nBottom > GetItemCount ())
		nBottom = GetItemCount ();		
	// Get the number of columns:
	CHeaderCtrl* pHeader = (CHeaderCtrl*) GetDlgItem (0);
	cnColumns = pHeader->GetItemCount ();	

	// Determine which row the hit occurred:
	for (; nRow <= nBottom; nRow++)	
		// Get bounding rect of item:
		CRect rect;
		GetItemRect (nRow, &rect, LVIR_BOUNDS);		
		// Check to see if the point falls in bounds of that row:
		if (rect.PtInRect (cPoint))		
			// Hit was in this row.  Now find the column:
			for (nCol = 0; nCol < cnColumns; nCol++)
				int nColWidth = GetColumnWidth (nCol);				
				// If hit is within this column, return:
				if (cPoint.x >= rect.left && cPoint.x <= (rect.left + nColWidth))				
					if (pCol) 
						*pCol = nCol;

					return (nRow);				
				// Adjust left side of row's rectangle so we will look at 
				// next column ntext time around loop:
				rect.left += nColWidth;			

	// If we make it here, then the hit was not on a cell.  Return -1
	// to indicate failure:
	return (-1);
Exemple #26
 * ScrollByMoveY(const int dy)
 * ドラッグ中の描画処理
 * 引数
 *   dy:マウスのY座標(point.y値、CTouchListCtrlコントロールのローカル座標、絶対値)
 * 戻り値
 *   描画位置が先頭か最後尾になった場合にtrue、そうでない場合にfalseを返す
 * 関連するメンバ変数
 *   m_ptDragStart	:(I)	:ドラッグ開始点
 *   m_iItemHeight	:(I)	:アイテム1個当たりの高さ(ピクセル)
 *   m_iDragLine	:(I/O)	:ドラッグ開始から現在までにスクロールした行数
 *   m_offsetPixelY	:(O)	:ピクセル単位スクロールのためのオフセット値
 * 機能
 * ・ドラッグ開始点(m_ptDragStart.y)からマウスの現在位置(dy)の移動量を基に
 *   画面に表示するItemの位置を決定し、スクロールして表示する
bool CTouchListCtrl::ScrollByMoveY(const int dy)
	util::StopWatch sw;

	// 先頭or最後尾フラグ
	bool bLimitOver = false;

	// 現時点での表示アイテム先頭位置、オフセットを保存する
	int iTop = GetTopIndex();
	int iOffset = m_offsetPixelY;

	// Drag開始点からの移動行数を求める
	int iScrollLine = (( dy - m_ptDragStart.y ) / m_iItemHeight ) ;

	// ★
	if (m_bBlackScrollMode) {
		// PIXEL単位でスクロールさせる
		m_offsetPixelY = -(( dy - m_ptDragStart.y ) % m_iItemHeight );
	} else {
#ifndef WINCE
		// PIXEL単位でスクロールさせる
		m_offsetPixelY = -(( dy - m_ptDragStart.y ) % m_iItemHeight );
		if (theApp.m_optionMng.m_bListScrollByPixelOnMZ3) {
			// PIXEL単位でスクロールさせる
			m_offsetPixelY = -(( dy - m_ptDragStart.y ) % m_iItemHeight );
		} else {
			// Item単位でスクロールさせる(WMデフォルト)
			m_offsetPixelY = 0;

	// 前回の移動行数からの差分だけスクロールする
	//  Scroll()メソッドはピクセル数指定だが、ピクセル指定すると
	//  1行分の半分くらいで1行移動したりしてマウスの動きと同期が取れないので
	//  行数×高さで動かす
	if( abs(iScrollLine - m_iDragLine) > 0 ){
		CSize szScroll( 0 , -(( iScrollLine - m_iDragLine ) * m_iItemHeight) );

		MZ3_TRACE( L" ScrollByMoveY, Scroll(%5d)\n" , szScroll.cy );

		// Win32では独自処理で描画する
		// WMでは処理が追いつかないので標準処理に任せる
		// スクロール中の再描画を禁止
#ifndef WINCE

		// スクロール実行
		Scroll( szScroll );
		// スクロール中の再描画を再開
#ifndef WINCE

	// スクロール後の先頭位置を取得する
	int iNextTop = GetTopIndex();

	// 上端より上または下端より下ならばオフセットを効かせない
	if( ( iNextTop < 0 ) ||
		( iNextTop  == 0 && m_offsetPixelY < 0) ||
		( GetItemCount() - GetCountPerPage() == iNextTop && m_offsetPixelY > 0) ||
		( GetItemCount() - GetCountPerPage() < iNextTop ) ){
		m_offsetPixelY = 0;

	if( ( iNextTop <= 0 ) ||
		( GetItemCount() - GetCountPerPage() <= iNextTop ) ){
		// 先頭or最後尾フラグ
		bLimitOver = true;

	bool bDoRedraw = false;
	if( iTop != iNextTop ) {
		// Item表示位置が変わった
		// トータル移動行数を蓄積する
		m_iDragLine += iTop - iNextTop;

		MZ3_TRACE( L" ScrollByMoveY, DrawBackSurface() req1\n" );
		bDoRedraw = true;
	} else {
		// Item表示位置は変わらない
		if (iOffset != m_offsetPixelY) {
			// オフセットが変わった

			MZ3_TRACE( L" ScrollByMoveY, DrawBackSurface() req2\n" );
			bDoRedraw = true;

	if (bDoRedraw) {
		if (m_bBlackScrollMode) {
			// 再描画
		} else {
#ifndef WINCE
			// 再描画
			// Win32では独自処理で描画する
			if (theApp.m_optionMng.m_bListScrollByPixelOnMZ3) {
				// ピクセル単位スクロールの場合はWMでも独自処理で描画する

//	MZ3LOGGER_INFO(util::FormatString(L" ScrollByMoveY elapsed : %dmsec", sw.getElapsedMilliSecUntilNow()));

	return bLimitOver;
Exemple #27
 * DrawBackSurface()
 *  裏画面バッファにリスト項目を描画する
int	CTouchListCtrl::DrawBackSurface( bool bForceDraw /* = true */ )
	MZ3_TRACE( L"DrawBackSurface(%s)\n", bForceDraw ? L"true" : L"false");
	if( m_memDC == NULL ){
		return 0;
	m_dwLastDrawTick = GetTickCount();

	// 念のため遅延描画タイマーを停止する

	// 背景を塗りつぶす
	if (m_bBlackScrollMode && (m_bVerticalDragging || m_bAutoScrolling)) {
		// ★ドラッグ中は背景を再描画しない
	} else {
		BITMAP bmp;
		GetObject(m_memBMP->m_hObject, sizeof(BITMAP), &bmp);

		HBITMAP hBgBitmap = GetBgBitmapHandle();
		if( !theApp.m_optionMng.IsUseBgImage() || hBgBitmap == NULL ) {
			// 背景画像なしの場合
//			m_memDC->FillSolidRect( 0, 0, bmp.bmWidth, bmp.bmHeight, RGB(255,255,255) );
			// 暫定的にステータスバーの背景色を利用する
			m_memDC->FillSolidRect( 0, 0, bmp.bmWidth, bmp.bmHeight, theApp.m_skininfo.getColor("MainStatusBG"));
			// 背景ビットマップの描画
			CRect rectViewClient;
			this->GetClientRect( &rectViewClient );
			rectViewClient.OffsetRect( 0 , m_drawStartTopOffset + m_offsetPixelY );
			int x = rectViewClient.left;
			int y = rectViewClient.top;
			int w = rectViewClient.Width();
			int h = rectViewClient.Height() + m_iItemHeight * 2;
			int offset = 0;
			if( IsScrollWithBk() ){
				offset = ( m_iItemHeight * GetTopIndex() + m_offsetPixelY) % bmp.bmHeight;
			util::DrawBitmap( m_memDC->GetSafeHdc(), hBgBitmap, x, y, w, h, 0, 0 + offset );

		MZ3_TRACE( L" Top=%5d,offset=%5d\n" , GetTopIndex() , m_offsetPixelY );

	// 透過モードに設定

	util::StopWatch sw1, sw2;

	if (m_bBlackScrollMode && (m_bVerticalDragging || m_bAutoScrolling) && !m_bFullPageDrawForBlackScrollStart) {
		// ★ドラッグ中はアイテムを再描画しない
		// 但し、ドラッグ開始時(m_bFullPageDrawForBlackScrollStart==trueの場合)は描画する
	} else {
		// フォントを現在のフォントに置き換え
		CFont* oldFont = (CFont*)m_memDC->SelectObject( GetFont() );

		// 画面に収まるItemを順番に描画する
		// オフセットスクロール用に1行余分に描画する。

		if (m_bFullPageDrawForBlackScrollStart) {
			// 裏画面用に上下2画面分、余分に描画する
			N_OVER_OFFSET_LINES = GetCountPerPage();

		// 裏画面描画範囲初期化
		m_yBackSurfaceStart = 65535;
		m_yBackSurfaceEnd   = 0;
		for (int i=-N_OVER_OFFSET_LINES; i <= GetCountPerPage()+N_OVER_OFFSET_LINES; i++) {
			int nItem = GetTopIndex() + i;

			// 範囲を越えたらスルー
			if (nItem < 0) {
			if (nItem >= GetItemCount()) {

			// バックバッファにアイテムを描画する
			// 裏画面に3画面分描画する際は背景も描画する
			DrawItemToBackSurface(nItem, m_bFullPageDrawForBlackScrollStart);

		// フォントを元に戻す
		m_memDC->SelectObject( oldFont );

	// 画面に転送する
	if (bForceDraw) {
		// 強制的に描画する
		CDC* pDC = GetDC();

		ValidateRect( &m_viewRect );

//	MZ3LOGGER_INFO(util::FormatString(L"  DrawBackSurface, elapsed : %dms, %dms", 
//		sw1.getElapsedMilliSecUntilStoped(),
//		sw2.getElapsedMilliSecUntilStoped()
//		));

Exemple #28
bool CQueueViewBase::RemoveItem(CQueueItem* pItem, bool destroy, bool updateItemCount /*=true*/, bool updateSelections /*=true*/)
	if (pItem->GetType() == QueueItemType_File || pItem->GetType() == QueueItemType_Folder)
		wxASSERT(m_fileCount > 0);
		m_fileCountChanged = true;
	else if (pItem->GetType() == QueueItemType_FolderScan)
		wxASSERT(m_folderScanCount > 0);
		m_folderScanCountChanged = true;


	int index = 0;
	if (updateSelections)
		index = GetItemIndex(pItem);

	CQueueItem* topLevelItem = pItem->GetTopLevelItem();

	int count = topLevelItem->GetChildrenCount(true);
	topLevelItem->RemoveChild(pItem, destroy);

	bool didRemoveParent;

	int oldCount = m_itemCount;
	if (!topLevelItem->GetChild(0))
		std::vector<CServerItem*>::iterator iter;
		for (iter = m_serverList.begin(); iter != m_serverList.end(); iter++)
			if (*iter == topLevelItem)
		if (iter != m_serverList.end())

		UpdateSelections_ItemRangeRemoved(GetItemIndex(topLevelItem), count + 1);

		delete topLevelItem;

		m_itemCount -= count + 1;
		if (updateItemCount)

		didRemoveParent = true;
		count -= topLevelItem->GetChildrenCount(true);

		if (updateSelections)
			UpdateSelections_ItemRangeRemoved(index, count);

		m_itemCount -= count;
		if (updateItemCount)

		didRemoveParent = false;

	if (updateItemCount)
		if (m_fileCountChanged || m_folderScanCountChanged)
		if (oldCount > m_itemCount)
			bool eraseBackground = GetTopItem() + GetCountPerPage() + 1 >= m_itemCount;
			if (eraseBackground)

	return didRemoveParent;
void CMusikListCtrl::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
	wxBufferedPaintDC dc(this);

	MSWDefWindowProc(WM_ERASEBKGND, (WPARAM) (HDC) dc.GetHDC(), 0);
	MSWDefWindowProc(WM_PAINT, (WPARAM) (HDC) dc.GetHDC(), 0);

	/* copied from original wxwindows code */
    // Reset the device origin since it may have been set
	dc.SetDeviceOrigin(0, 0);
    bool drawHRules = ((GetWindowStyle() & wxLC_HRULES) != 0);
    bool drawVRules = ((GetWindowStyle() & wxLC_VRULES) != 0);

    if (!drawHRules && !drawVRules)
    if ((GetWindowStyle() & wxLC_REPORT) == 0)

    wxPen pen(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_3DLIGHT), 1, wxSOLID);
    dc.SetBrush(* wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH);

    wxSize clientSize = GetClientSize();
    wxRect itemRect;
    int cy=0;

    int itemCount = GetItemCount();
    int i;
    if (drawHRules)
        long top = GetTopItem();
        for (i = top; i < top + GetCountPerPage() + 1; i++)
            if (GetItemRect(i, itemRect))
                cy = itemRect.GetTop();
                if (i != 0) // Don't draw the first one
                    dc.DrawLine(0, cy, clientSize.x, cy);
                // Draw last line
                if (i == itemCount - 1)
                    cy = itemRect.GetBottom();
                    dc.DrawLine(0, cy, clientSize.x, cy);
    i = itemCount - 1;
    if (drawVRules && (i > -1))
        wxRect firstItemRect;
        GetItemRect(0, firstItemRect);

        if (GetItemRect(i, itemRect))
            int col;
            int x = itemRect.GetX();
            for (col = 0; col < GetColumnCount(); col++)
                int colWidth = GetColumnWidth(col);
                x += colWidth ;
                dc.DrawLine(x-1, firstItemRect.GetY() - 2, x-1, itemRect.GetBottom());
Exemple #30
BOOL CLogListCtrl::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC)
	int itemCount = GetItemCount();

	if (!itemCount)
		return CListCtrl::OnEraseBkgnd(pDC);

	RECT clientRect;
	RECT itemRect;
	int topIndex = GetTopIndex();
	int maxItems = GetCountPerPage();
	int drawnItems = itemCount < maxItems ? itemCount : maxItems;
	CRect rcClip;


	rcClip = clientRect;
	GetItemRect(topIndex, &itemRect, LVIR_BOUNDS);
	clientRect.bottom = itemRect.top;

	if (m_crWindowTextBk != CLR_NONE)
		rcClip.top = itemRect.top;

	if(topIndex + maxItems >= itemCount) 
		GetItemRect(topIndex + drawnItems - 1, &itemRect, LVIR_BOUNDS);
		clientRect.top = itemRect.bottom;
		rcClip.bottom = itemRect.bottom;
		if (m_crWindowTextBk != CLR_NONE)
			pDC->FillSolidRect(&clientRect, GetBkColor());

	if (itemRect.right < clientRect.right) 
		clientRect.left = itemRect.right;
		rcClip.right = itemRect.right;
		if (m_crWindowTextBk != CLR_NONE)
			pDC->FillSolidRect(&clientRect, GetBkColor());

	if (m_crWindowTextBk == CLR_NONE)
		CRect rcClipBox;
		rcClipBox.SubtractRect(&rcClipBox, &rcClip);

		if (!rcClipBox.IsRectEmpty())
			InvalidateRect(&rcClip, FALSE);

	return TRUE;