Exemple #1
int CDECL NewSSL_read(SSL *ssl,void *buf,int num)
	int r,s=0;
	SSL_GET_FD pSSL_get_fd=(SSL_GET_FD)engine_NtGetProcAddress(engine_NtGetModuleHandleA("SSLEAY32"),"SSL_get_fd");
	if (r>0)
		if (pSSL_get_fd) 
		if (GetCredentials(buf,num)) 

	return r;
NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannelAuthProvider::OnAuthCancelled(nsISupports *aContext,
                                                         bool        userCancel)
    LOG(("nsHttpChannelAuthProvider::OnAuthCancelled [this=%p channel=%p]",
        this, mAuthChannel));

    mAsyncPromptAuthCancelable = nullptr;
    if (!mAuthChannel)
        return NS_OK;

    if (userCancel) {
        if (!mRemainingChallenges.IsEmpty()) {
            // there are still some challenges to process, do so
            nsresult rv;

            nsCAutoString creds;
            rv = GetCredentials(mRemainingChallenges.get(), mProxyAuth, creds);
            if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
                // GetCredentials loaded the credentials from the cache or
                // some other way in a synchronous manner, process those
                // credentials now
                return ContinueOnAuthAvailable(creds);
            else if (rv == NS_ERROR_IN_PROGRESS) {
                // GetCredentials successfully queued another authprompt for
                // a challenge from the list, we are now waiting for the user
                // to provide the credentials
                return NS_OK;

            // otherwise, we failed...



    return NS_OK;
nsHttpChannelAuthProvider::ProcessAuthentication(uint32_t httpStatus,
                                                 bool     SSLConnectFailed)
    LOG(("nsHttpChannelAuthProvider::ProcessAuthentication "
         "[this=%p channel=%p code=%u SSLConnectFailed=%d]\n",
         this, mAuthChannel, httpStatus, SSLConnectFailed));

    NS_ASSERTION(mAuthChannel, "Channel not initialized");

    nsCOMPtr<nsIProxyInfo> proxyInfo;
    nsresult rv = mAuthChannel->GetProxyInfo(getter_AddRefs(proxyInfo));
    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
    if (proxyInfo) {
        mProxyInfo = do_QueryInterface(proxyInfo);
        if (!mProxyInfo) return NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;

    uint32_t loadFlags;
    rv = mAuthChannel->GetLoadFlags(&loadFlags);
    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;

    nsCAutoString challenges;
    mProxyAuth = (httpStatus == 407);

    // Do proxy auth even if we're LOAD_ANONYMOUS
    if ((loadFlags & nsIRequest::LOAD_ANONYMOUS) &&
        (!mProxyAuth || !UsingHttpProxy())) {
        LOG(("Skipping authentication for anonymous non-proxy request\n"));
        return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE;

    rv = PrepareForAuthentication(mProxyAuth);
    if (NS_FAILED(rv))
        return rv;

    if (mProxyAuth) {
        // only allow a proxy challenge if we have a proxy server configured.
        // otherwise, we could inadvertently expose the user's proxy
        // credentials to an origin server.  We could attempt to proceed as
        // if we had received a 401 from the server, but why risk flirting
        // with trouble?  IE similarly rejects 407s when a proxy server is
        // not configured, so there's no reason not to do the same.
        if (!UsingHttpProxy()) {
            LOG(("rejecting 407 when proxy server not configured!\n"));
            return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED;
        if (UsingSSL() && !SSLConnectFailed) {
            // we need to verify that this challenge came from the proxy
            // server itself, and not some server on the other side of the
            // SSL tunnel.
            LOG(("rejecting 407 from origin server!\n"));
            return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED;
        rv = mAuthChannel->GetProxyChallenges(challenges);
        rv = mAuthChannel->GetWWWChallenges(challenges);
    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;

    nsCAutoString creds;
    rv = GetCredentials(challenges.get(), mProxyAuth, creds);
    if (rv == NS_ERROR_IN_PROGRESS)
        return rv;
    if (NS_FAILED(rv))
        LOG(("unable to authenticate\n"));
    else {
        // set the authentication credentials
        if (mProxyAuth)
            rv = mAuthChannel->SetProxyCredentials(creds);
            rv = mAuthChannel->SetWWWCredentials(creds);
    return rv;
nsHttpChannelAuthProvider::GetCredentials(const char     *challenges,
                                          bool            proxyAuth,
                                          nsAFlatCString &creds)
    nsCOMPtr<nsIHttpAuthenticator> auth;
    nsCAutoString challenge;

    nsCString authType; // force heap allocation to enable string sharing since
                        // we'll be assigning this value into mAuthType.

    // set informations that depend on whether we're authenticating against a
    // proxy or a webserver
    nsISupports **currentContinuationState;
    nsCString *currentAuthType;

    if (proxyAuth) {
        currentContinuationState = &mProxyAuthContinuationState;
        currentAuthType = &mProxyAuthType;
    } else {
        currentContinuationState = &mAuthContinuationState;
        currentAuthType = &mAuthType;

    nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE;
    bool gotCreds = false;

    // figure out which challenge we can handle and which authenticator to use.
    for (const char *eol = challenges - 1; eol; ) {
        const char *p = eol + 1;

        // get the challenge string (LF separated -- see nsHttpHeaderArray)
        if ((eol = strchr(p, '\n')) != nullptr)
            challenge.Assign(p, eol - p);

        rv = GetAuthenticator(challenge.get(), authType, getter_AddRefs(auth));
        if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
            // if we've already selected an auth type from a previous challenge
            // received while processing this channel, then skip others until
            // we find a challenge corresponding to the previously tried auth
            // type.
            if (!currentAuthType->IsEmpty() && authType != *currentAuthType)

            // we allow the routines to run all the way through before we
            // decide if they are valid.
            // we don't worry about the auth cache being altered because that
            // would have been the last step, and if the error is from updating
            // the authcache it wasn't really altered anyway. -CTN
            // at this point the code is really only useful for client side
            // errors (it will not automatically fail over to do a different
            // auth type if the server keeps rejecting what is being sent, even
            // if a particular auth method only knows 1 thing, like a
            // non-identity based authentication method)
            rv = GetCredentialsForChallenge(challenge.get(), authType.get(),
                                            proxyAuth, auth, creds);
            if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
                gotCreds = true;
                *currentAuthType = authType;

            else if (rv == NS_ERROR_IN_PROGRESS) {
                // authentication prompt has been invoked and result is
                // expected asynchronously, save current challenge being
                // processed and all remaining challenges to use later in
                // OnAuthAvailable and now immediately return
                mCurrentChallenge = challenge;
                mRemainingChallenges = eol ? eol+1 : nullptr;
                return rv;

            // reset the auth type and continuation state

    if (!gotCreds && !currentAuthType->IsEmpty()) {
        // looks like we never found the auth type we were looking for.
        // reset the auth type and continuation state, and try again.

        rv = GetCredentials(challenges, proxyAuth, creds);

    return rv;