int32 ASWeapon::GiveAmmo(int32 AddAmount)
	const int32 MissingAmmo = FMath::Max(0, MaxAmmo - CurrentAmmo);
	AddAmount = FMath::Min(AddAmount, MissingAmmo);
	CurrentAmmo += AddAmount;

	/* Push reload request to client */
	if (GetCurrentAmmoInClip() <= 0 && CanReload() &&
		MyPawn->GetCurrentWeapon() == this)

	/* Return the unused ammo when weapon is filled up */
	return FMath::Max(0, AddAmount - MissingAmmo);
void AShooterWeapon::GiveAmmo(int AddAmount)
	const int32 MissingAmmo = FMath::Max(0, WeaponConfig.MaxAmmo - CurrentAmmo);
	AddAmount = FMath::Min(AddAmount, MissingAmmo);
	CurrentAmmo += AddAmount;

	AShooterAIController* BotAI = MyPawn ? Cast<AShooterAIController>(MyPawn->GetController()) : NULL;
	if (BotAI)
	// start reload if clip was empty
	if (GetCurrentAmmoInClip() <= 0 &&
		CanReload() &&
		MyPawn->GetWeapon() == this)