Exemple #1
// This method is here to 'wrap' the internal thread's virtual method call with some standard setup/tear-down code of our own
void Thread::InternalThreadEntryAux()
   const uint32 threadStackBase = 0;  // only here so we can get its address below
   _threadStackBase = &threadStackBase;  // remember this stack location so GetCurrentStackUsage() can reference it later on

   muscle_thread_key curThreadKey = GetCurrentThreadKey();
   if (_curThreadsMutex.Lock() == B_NO_ERROR)
      (void) _curThreads.Put(curThreadKey, this);

   if ((_threadPriority != PRIORITY_UNSPECIFIED)&&(SetThreadPriorityAux(_threadPriority) != B_NO_ERROR))
      LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_ERROR, "Thread %p:  Unable to set thread priority to %i\n", this, _threadPriority);

   if (_threadData[MESSAGE_THREAD_OWNER]._messages.HasItems()) SignalOwner();
   _threadData[MESSAGE_THREAD_INTERNAL]._messageSocket.Reset();  // this will wake up the owner thread with EOF on socket

   if (_curThreadsMutex.Lock() == B_NO_ERROR)
      (void) _curThreads.Remove(curThreadKey);

   _threadStackBase = NULL;
Exemple #2
Thread * Thread :: GetCurrentThread()
   muscle_thread_key key = GetCurrentThreadKey();

   Thread * ret = NULL;
   if (_curThreadsMutex.Lock() == B_NO_ERROR)
      (void) _curThreads.Get(key, ret);
   return ret;
Exemple #3
// This method is here to 'wrap' the internal thread's virtual method call with some standard setup/tear-down code of our own
void Thread::InternalThreadEntryAux()
   const uint32 threadStackBase = 0;  // only here so we can get its address below
   _threadStackBase = &threadStackBase;  // remember this stack location so GetCurrentStackUsage() can reference it later on

   muscle_thread_key curThreadKey = GetCurrentThreadKey();
   if (_curThreadsMutex.Lock() == B_NO_ERROR)
      (void) _curThreads.Put(curThreadKey, this);

   if (_threadData[MESSAGE_THREAD_OWNER]._messages.HasItems()) SignalOwner();
   _threadData[MESSAGE_THREAD_INTERNAL]._messageSocket.Reset();  // this will wake up the owner thread with EOF on socket

   if (_curThreadsMutex.Lock() == B_NO_ERROR)
      (void) _curThreads.Remove(curThreadKey);

   _threadStackBase = NULL;