Exemple #1
static void PVExit (CPURegs* Regs)
    Print (stderr, 1, "PVExit ($%02X)\n", Regs->AC);
    if (PrintCycles) {
        Print (stdout, 0, "%lu cycles\n", GetCycles ());

    exit (Regs->AC);
Exemple #2
bool Team::lineOfSight(float startLocal, int32_t mCellRow, int32_t mCellCol, int32_t tCellRow, int32_t tCellCol, int32_t teamId, float extRad, bool checkVisibleBits)
#ifdef LAB_ONLY
	int64_t x = GetCycles();
	// Once we allow teams to have alliances (for contacts,
	// etc.), simply set all nec. team bits in this mask...
	int32_t tileRow = tCellRow / 3;
	int32_t tileCol = tCellCol / 3;
	if((teamId < 0) || (teamId >= MAX_TEAMS))	//Not on any team.  It can see everything!
		return true;
		uint8_t teamMask = 0x01 << teamId;
		uint8_t visbBits[4];
		// First check is simple.  Is anyone within the magical line of sight radius?
		// If not, return false and move on.
		// If they are, you MUST check LOS between this object and the other one.
		bool losResult = false;
		visbBits[0] = Terrain::VisibleBits->getFlag(tileRow, tileCol);
		if(visbBits[0] & teamMask)
			losResult = true;
			visbBits[1] = Terrain::VisibleBits->getFlag(tileRow + 1, tileCol);
			if(visbBits[1] & teamMask)
				losResult = true;
			visbBits[2] = Terrain::VisibleBits->getFlag(tileRow + 1, tileCol + 1);
			if(visbBits[2] & teamMask)
				losResult = true;
			visbBits[3] = Terrain::VisibleBits->getFlag(tileRow, tileCol + 1);
			if(visbBits[3] & teamMask)
				losResult = true;
#ifdef LAB_ONLY
			x = GetCycles() - x;
			MCTimeLOSCalc += x;
			return losResult;
		// Within magic radius.  Check REAL LOS now.
		// Check is really simple.
		// Find deltaCellRow and deltaCellCol and iterate over them from source to dest.
		// If the magic line ever goes BELOW the terrainElevation PLUS localElevation return false.
		Stuff::Vector3D startPos, endPos;
		land->getCellPos(tCellRow, tCellCol, endPos);
		land->getCellPos(mCellRow, mCellCol, startPos);
		startPos.z += startLocal;
		Stuff::Vector3D deltaCellVec;
		deltaCellVec.y = tCellRow - mCellRow;
		deltaCellVec.x = tCellCol - mCellCol;
		deltaCellVec.z = 0.0f;
		float startHeight = startPos.z;
		float length = deltaCellVec.GetApproximateLength();
		if(length > Stuff::SMALL)
			float colLength = deltaCellVec.x / length;
			float rowLength = deltaCellVec.y / length;
			float heightLen = (endPos.z - startPos.z) / length;
			float lastCol = fabs(colLength * 2.0);
			float lastRow = fabs(rowLength * 2.0);
			float startCellRow = mCellRow;
			float startCellCol = mCellCol;
			float endCellRow = tCellRow;
			float endCellCol = tCellCol;
			Stuff::Vector3D currentPos = startPos;
			Stuff::Vector3D dist;
			dist.Subtract(endPos, currentPos);
			float remainingDist = dist.GetApproximateLength();
			bool colDone = false, rowDone = false;
			while(!colDone || !rowDone)
				if(fabs(startCellRow - endCellRow) > lastRow)	//DO NOT INCLUDE LAST CELL!!!!!
					startCellRow += rowLength;
//					startCellRow = (endCellRow - lastRow);
					rowDone = true;
				if(fabs(startCellCol - endCellCol) > lastCol)	//DO NOT INCLUDE LAST CELL!!!!!
					startCellCol += colLength;
//					startCellCol = (endCellCol - lastCol);
					colDone = true;
				startHeight += heightLen;
				int32_t startCellC = startCellCol;
				int32_t startCellR = startCellRow;
				land->getCellPos(startCellR, startCellC, currentPos);
				float localElev = (worldUnitsPerMeter * 4.0f * (float)GameMap->getLocalHeight(startCellR, startCellC));
				currentPos.z += localElev;
				if(startHeight + startLocal < currentPos.z)
#ifdef LAB_ONLY
					x = GetCycles() - x;
					MCTimeLOSCalc += x;
#ifdef LAB_ONLY
						Stuff::Vector3D realStart = startPos;
						Stuff::Vector4D lineStart, lineEnd;
						eye->projectZ(realStart, lineStart);
						eye->projectZ(endPos, lineEnd);
						debugLines[currentLineElement++] = new LineElement(lineStart, lineEnd, SD_RED, nullptr, -1);
					return false;
				if(extRad > Stuff::SMALL)
					dist.Subtract(endPos, currentPos);
					remainingDist = dist.GetApproximateLength();
					if(remainingDist < extRad)
#ifdef LAB_ONLY
			Stuff::Vector3D realStart = startPos;
			Stuff::Vector4D lineStart, lineEnd;
			eye->projectZ(realStart, lineStart);
			eye->projectZ(endPos, lineEnd);
			debugLines[currentLineElement++] = new LineElement(lineStart, lineEnd, SD_GREEN, nullptr, -1);
#ifdef LAB_ONLY
	x = GetCycles() - x;
	MCTimeLOSCalc += x;
	return true;
Exemple #3
double sSysEnv::GetSeconds() const
	return ( GetCycles() * FRecipCyclesPerSecond );
Exemple #4
bool Team::lineOfSight(float startLocal, int32_t mCellRow, int32_t mCellCol, float endLocal, int32_t tCellRow, int32_t tCellCol, int32_t teamId, float extRad, float startExtRad, bool checkVisibleBits)
#ifdef LAB_ONLY
	int64_t x = GetCycles();
	// Once we allow teams to have alliances (for contacts,
	// etc.), simply set all nec. team bits in this mask...
	int32_t tileRow = tCellRow / 3;
	int32_t tileCol = tCellCol / 3;
	if((teamId < 0) || (teamId >= MAX_TEAMS))	//Not on any team.  It can see everything!
		return true;
#if 0		//Don't need to check this anymore.  We do a distance check outside of this function.
		uint8_t teamMask = 0x01 << teamId;
		uint8_t visbBits[4];
		// First check is simple.  Is anyone within the magical line of sight radius?
		// If not, return false and move on.
		// If they are, you MUST check LOS between this object and the other one.
		bool losResult = false;
		visbBits[0] = Terrain::VisibleBits->getFlag(tileRow, tileCol);
		if(visbBits[0] & teamMask)
			losResult = true;
			visbBits[1] = Terrain::VisibleBits->getFlag(tileRow + 1, tileCol);
			if(visbBits[1] & teamMask)
				losResult = true;
			visbBits[2] = Terrain::VisibleBits->getFlag(tileRow + 1, tileCol + 1);
			if(visbBits[2] & teamMask)
				losResult = true;
			visbBits[3] = Terrain::VisibleBits->getFlag(tileRow, tileCol + 1);
			if(visbBits[3] & teamMask)
				losResult = true;
#ifdef LAB_ONLY
			x = GetCycles() - x;
			MCTimeLOSCalc += x;
			return losResult;
		// Within magic radius.  Check REAL LOS now.
		// Check is really simple.
		// Find deltaCellRow and deltaCellCol and iterate over them from source to dest.
		// If the magic line ever goes BELOW the terrainElevation PLUS localElevation return false.
		Stuff::Vector3D startPos, endPos;
		land->getCellPos(tCellRow, tCellCol, endPos);
		land->getCellPos(mCellRow, mCellCol, startPos);
		startPos.z += startLocal;
		endPos.z += endLocal;
		Stuff::Vector3D deltaCellVec;
		deltaCellVec.y = tCellRow - mCellRow;
		deltaCellVec.x = tCellCol - mCellCol;
		deltaCellVec.z = 0.0f;
		float startHeight = startPos.z;
		float length = deltaCellVec.GetApproximateLength();
		length *= ACCURACY_ADJUST;
		if(length > Stuff::SMALL)
			float colLength = (endPos.x - startPos.x) / length;
			float rowLength = (endPos.y - startPos.y) / length;
			float heightLen = (endPos.z - startPos.z) / (length + ACCURACY_ADJUST);
			Stuff::Vector3D currentPos = startPos;
			currentPos.z = land->getTerrainElevation(currentPos);
			int32_t maxDistIter = (length - 0.5f);
			int32_t maxTrees = 0;
			Stuff::Vector3D dist;
			dist.Subtract(endPos, currentPos);
			float remainingDist = dist.GetApproximateLength();
			bool checkExtent = (extRad > Stuff::SMALL);
			bool checkStart = (startExtRad > Stuff::SMALL);
			extRad += HALF_CELL_DIST;
			for(size_t distIter = 0; distIter < maxDistIter; distIter++)
				bool outsideStartRadius = true;
					Stuff::Vector3D distance;
					distance.Subtract(currentPos, startPos);
					distance.z = 0.0f;
					float dist = distance.GetApproximateLength();
					if(dist <= startExtRad)
						outsideStartRadius = false;
				startHeight += heightLen;
				int32_t curCellRow, curCellCol;
				land->worldToCell(currentPos, curCellRow, curCellCol);
				float localElev = (worldUnitsPerMeter * 4.0f * (float)GameMap->getLocalHeight(curCellRow, curCellCol));
				float thisHeight = currentPos.z + localElev;
				//First, check if we are now inside the extent radius of the thing we are calcing LOS to.
				// If we are and we haven't returned false since we're here, we can see it!!!!
					dist.Subtract(endPos, currentPos);
					remainingDist = dist.GetApproximateLength();
					if(remainingDist <= extRad)
				if(outsideStartRadius && (startHeight < thisHeight))
					bool isTree = false;
					if(GameMap->getForest(curCellRow, curCellCol))
						isTree = true;
					if(!isTree || (maxTrees >= MaxTreeLOSCellBlock))
#ifdef LAB_ONLY
						x = GetCycles() - x;
						MCTimeLOSCalc += x;
#ifdef LAB_ONLY
							Stuff::Vector3D realStart = startPos;
							Stuff::Vector4D lineStart, lineEnd;
							eye->projectZ(realStart, lineStart);
							eye->projectZ(endPos, lineEnd);
							debugLines[currentLineElement++] = new LineElement(lineStart, lineEnd, SD_RED, nullptr, -1);
						return false;
				currentPos.x += colLength;
				currentPos.y += rowLength;
				currentPos.z = land->getTerrainElevation(currentPos);
#ifdef LAB_ONLY
			Stuff::Vector3D realStart = startPos;
			Stuff::Vector4D lineStart, lineEnd;
			eye->projectZ(realStart, lineStart);
			eye->projectZ(endPos, lineEnd);
			debugLines[currentLineElement++] = new LineElement(lineStart, lineEnd, SD_GREEN, nullptr, -1);
#ifdef LAB_ONLY
	x = GetCycles() - x;
	MCTimeLOSCalc += x;
	return true;