void TaskDlg::UpdateData() { GetText(title, IDC_CREATE_TASK_EDIT_TITLE); GetText(desc, IDC_CREATE_TASK_EDIT_DESCRIPTION); GetText(assignee, IDC_CREATE_TASK_ASSIGNEE_COMBO); GetText(group, IDC_CREATE_TASK_GROUP_COMBO); start = GetDate(IDC_CREATE_TASK_DATETIMEPICKER_START, 0, 0); due = GetDate(IDC_CREATE_TASK_DATETIMEPICKER_DUE, 23, 59); TreeItem *pItem = m_pTaskCombo->GetSelectedItem(); if(pItem) { TaskItem *pTaskItem = static_cast<TaskItem *>(pItem); parentId = pTaskItem->m_pTask->GetId(); parentTask = pTaskItem->m_pTask; } HWND hwndTemp = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_CREATE_TASK_COMBO_PRIORITY); LRESULT comboItem = ::SendMessage(hwndTemp, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); priority = comboItem != CB_ERR? comboItem + 1: 3; estimate = 0;//EMPTY_DURATION; if(m_pEstDuration->IsChecked()) { estimate = m_pEstDuration->GetDuration(); } }
bool CheckSymbolsAndWriteOut(const char *define_type, const char *define_value, char *sOut) { if( !strcmp(define_type, STRING_DATE) ) { char sNewDate[50]; if( !GetDate(sNewDate, NULL, true) ) return false; str_ReplaceOnce(strstr(sOut, STRING_DATE), define_value, sNewDate); } if( !strcmp(define_type, STRING_TIME) ) { char sNewTime[50]; if( !GetDate(NULL, sNewTime, true) ) return false; str_ReplaceOnce(strstr(sOut, STRING_TIME), define_value, sNewTime); } if( !strcmp(define_type, STRING_BUILD) ) { char sNewBuild[50]; if(!bIncrementVersion) return true; sprintf( sNewBuild, "%d", atoi(define_value)+1 ); str_ReplaceOnce(strstr(sOut, STRING_BUILD), define_value, sNewBuild); } return true; }
size_t mitk::DiffusionCollectionWriter::GetIndexForinXMonths(mitk::DiffusionCollectionReader::FileListType fileList,float months, size_t curIndex,std::vector<std::string> filter) { std::string strDate0 = GetDate(fileList.at(0).at(curIndex),filter.at(0),true); int year0 =std::atoi(strDate0.substr(0,4).c_str()); int month0 =std::atoi(strDate0.substr(5,2).c_str()); int day0 = std::atoi(strDate0.substr(8,2).c_str()); size_t bestIndex = 0; int bestFit = 1e5; for (size_t i=curIndex+1; i < fileList.at(0).size(); ++i) { std::string strDate = GetDate(fileList.at(0).at(i),filter.at(0),true); int year =std::atoi(strDate.substr(0,4).c_str()); int month =std::atoi(strDate.substr(5,2).c_str()); int day = std::atoi(strDate.substr(8,2).c_str()); int fit = std::fabs((months * 30 ) - (((year-year0)*360) +((month-month0)*30) + (day-day0))); // days difference from x months if (fit < bestFit) { bestFit = fit; bestIndex = i; } } return bestIndex; }
void CertDecoder::GetValidity() { if (source_.GetError().What()) return; GetSequence(); GetDate(BEFORE); GetDate(AFTER); }
/* ********************************************************************************************************* * Title in the file ********************************************************************************************************* */ void FileContentInit(void) { FILE* fp_source,*fp_receive; char filename[25]; GetDate(filename); strcat(filename,"Sd.dat"); fp_source = fopen(filename,"w"); fprintf(fp_source,"%11s%5s%5s%5s%5s%5s%5s%5s%5s%5s%6s\n%6s","Source:(1)","(2)","(3)","(4)","(5)","(6)","(7)","(8)","(9)","(10)","(AVG)"," "); fclose(fp_source); GetDate(filename); strcat(filename,"Rv.dat"); fp_receive = fopen(filename,"w"); fprintf(fp_receive, "%11s%5s%5s%5s%5s%5s%5s%5s%5s%5s%6s\n%6s","Receive:(1)","(2)","(3)","(4)","(5)","(6)","(7)","(8)","(9)","(10)","(AVG)"," "); fclose(fp_receive); }
void CTraderApi::OnRtnForQuote(CUstpFtdcReqForQuoteField *pReqForQuote) { QuoteRequestField* pField = (QuoteRequestField*)m_msgQueue->new_block(sizeof(QuoteRequestField)); pField->TradingDay = GetDate(pReqForQuote->TradingDay); pField->QuoteTime = GetDate(pReqForQuote->ReqForQuoteTime); strcpy(pField->Symbol, pReqForQuote->InstrumentID); strcpy(pField->InstrumentID, pReqForQuote->InstrumentID); strcpy(pField->ExchangeID, pReqForQuote->ExchangeID); sprintf(pField->Symbol, "%s.%s", pField->InstrumentID, pField->ExchangeID); strcpy(pField->QuoteID, pReqForQuote->ReqForQuoteID); m_msgQueue->Input_NoCopy(ResponeType::OnRtnQuoteRequest, m_msgQueue, m_pClass, 0, 0, pField, sizeof(QuoteRequestField), nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0); }
bool CCit_gen::GetLabelV1(string* label, TLabelFlags flags) const { bool unique = (flags & fLabel_Unique) != 0; if (IsSetSerial_number()) { *label += "[" + NStr::IntToString(GetSerial_number()) + "]"; } if (IsSetMuid()) { *label += "NLM" + NStr::IntToString(GetMuid()); } string date; string* date_ptr = 0; if ( IsSetDate() ) { date_ptr = &date; GetDate().GetDate(date_ptr, true); } const string* title2 = 0; const string* titleunique = 0; bool unpublished = false; const CTitle* title = IsSetJournal() ? &GetJournal() : 0; const CAuth_list* authors = IsSetAuthors() ? &GetAuthors() : 0; const string* volume = IsSetVolume() ? &GetVolume() : 0; const string* issue = IsSetIssue() ? &GetIssue() : 0; const string* pages = IsSetPages() ? &GetPages() : 0; if (IsSetCit()) { if ( NStr::EqualNocase( GetCit(), "Unpublished") ) { unpublished = true; } else if (!title) { title2 = &GetCit(); } } if (IsSetTitle()) { titleunique = &GetTitle(); } else if (title2) { titleunique = title2; } else if (!title && IsSetCit()) { titleunique = &GetCit(); } if (!title && !authors && !IsSetTitle() && !volume && !pages && !issue) { titleunique = 0; if (IsSetCit()) { string cit(GetCit()); if (!unique) { try { cit.resize(cit.find_last_of('|')); } catch(length_error&) {} } *label += cit; } return true; } return x_GetLabelV1(label, unique, authors, 0, title, 0, 0, 0, title2, titleunique, date_ptr, volume, issue, pages, unpublished); }
void Chg_DOB() { char *temp; if (!CFG.iDOB) return; temp = calloc(81, sizeof(char)); ReadExitinfo(); Syslog('+', "Old DOB %s", exitinfo.sDateOfBirth); while (TRUE) { Enter(1); /* Please enter your Date of Birth DD-MM-YYYY: */ pout(CYAN, BLACK, (char *) Language(56)); colour(CFG.InputColourF, CFG.InputColourB); GetDate(temp, 10); if (Test_DOB(temp)) { Setup(exitinfo.sDateOfBirth, temp); break; } } Syslog('+', "New DOB %s", exitinfo.sDateOfBirth); WriteExitinfo(); free(temp); }
/********************************* **函数名:SetRTCTime **功能:设置时间,除了把Real_Time的值改变外,还要把时分秒转换为RTC计数值,年月日存到后备寄存器上 **注意事项:函数内会自动根据年月日计算星期,并且返回到*time上 **********************************/ void SetRTCTime(T_STRUCT* time) { u32 count; RTC_ITConfig(RTC_IT_SEC, DISABLE); //关闭秒中断 RTC_WaitForLastTask(); //付时间值到Real_Time上 Real_Time.year=time->year; Real_Time.month=time->month; Real_Time.day=time->day; Real_Time.hour=time->hour; Real_Time.minute=time->minute; Real_Time.sec=time->sec; //计算星期 time->date=Real_Time.date=GetDate(time); //把新的年月日存到掉电寄存器上 BKP_WriteBackupRegister(BKP_TIME_DATE,Real_Time.date); // RTC_WaitForLastTask(); BKP_WriteBackupRegister(BKP_TIME_DAY,Real_Time.day); // RTC_WaitForLastTask(); BKP_WriteBackupRegister(BKP_TIME_MONTH,Real_Time.month); // RTC_WaitForLastTask(); BKP_WriteBackupRegister(BKP_TIME_YEAR,Real_Time.year); // RTC_WaitForLastTask(); //计算新的RTC count值 count=Real_Time.hour*3600+Real_Time.minute*60+Real_Time.sec; RTC_WaitForLastTask(); RTC_SetCounter(count); RTC_WaitForLastTask(); RTC_ITConfig(RTC_IT_SEC, ENABLE); //打开秒中断 }
BOOL WINAPI Show4Months(CCallbacks* pCallback, const char* szFile, HWND pParent) { char szOutKey[256]={0}; char szOutTitle[256]={0}; BOOL bRes=GetDate(pCallback, szOutKey, sizeof(szOutKey), szOutTitle, sizeof(szOutTitle)); return bRes; }
//============================================================================ // NDate::GetDayOfWeek : Get the day of the week. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIndex NDate::GetDayOfWeek(const NString &timeZone) const { // Get the day of the week return(NTargetTime::GetDayOfWeek(GetDate(timeZone))); }
int32 FDateTime::GetDay( ) const { int32 Year, Month, Day; GetDate(Year, Month, Day); return Day; }
void CalendarControl::MessageReceived(BMessage *msg) { switch(msg->what) { case CalendarControlButtonPressedMessage: { if(IsEnabled()) { MakeFocus(true); int day, month, year; int first_year, last_year; GetDate(&day, &month, &year); GetYearRange(&first_year, &last_year); new MonthWindow(ConvertToScreen(BPoint(Bounds().left+1,Bounds().bottom+1)), new BMessenger(this), day, month, year, first_year, last_year); } break; } case 'MVME': // message has come from window with calendar { int32 day, month, year; msg->FindInt32("day",&day); msg->FindInt32("month",&month); msg->FindInt32("year",&year); SetDate((int)day, (int)month, (int)year); break; } default: BControl::MessageReceived(msg); } }
void StatePrintRace( ISState* pThis, int pTrack ) { int lCounter; if( pThis->mRaceTrackIndex[pTrack] != -1 ) { printf( "<table border=2>\n" ); printf( "<tr><td colspan=5>%s %d Laps</td></tr>\n", pThis->mTrack[ pThis->mRaceTrackIndex[ pTrack ] ].mName, pThis->mRaceTrackLaps[ pTrack ] ); printf( "<tr><td>Rank</td><td>Player</td><td>Time</td><td>Date</td><td>Craft</td></tr>\n" ); for( lCounter = 0; lCounter < IR_MAX_PLAYER_BT; lCounter++ ) { if( pThis->mRaceRecord[pTrack][lCounter].mDuration > 0 ) { printf( "<tr><td>%d</td><td>%s</td><td>%2d:%02d:%02d</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n", lCounter+1, pThis->mRaceRecord[pTrack][lCounter].mUser, (pThis->mRaceRecord[pTrack][lCounter].mDuration/60000), (pThis->mRaceRecord[pTrack][lCounter].mDuration/1000)%60, (pThis->mRaceRecord[pTrack][lCounter].mDuration/10)%100, GetDate(pThis->mRaceRecord[pTrack][lCounter].mDate), CraftModels[pThis->mRaceRecord[pTrack][lCounter].mCraft].mName ); } } printf( "</table>" ); } }
bool wxCalendarCtrlBase::GenerateAllChangeEvents(const wxDateTime& dateOld) { const wxDateTime::Tm tm1 = dateOld.GetTm(), tm2 = GetDate().GetTm(); bool pageChanged = false; GenerateEvent(wxEVT_CALENDAR_SEL_CHANGED); if ( tm1.year != tm2.year || tm1.mon != tm2.mon ) { GenerateEvent(wxEVT_CALENDAR_PAGE_CHANGED); pageChanged = true; } // send also one of the deprecated events if ( tm1.year != tm2.year ) GenerateEvent(wxEVT_CALENDAR_YEAR_CHANGED); else if ( tm1.mon != tm2.mon ) GenerateEvent(wxEVT_CALENDAR_MONTH_CHANGED); else GenerateEvent(wxEVT_CALENDAR_DAY_CHANGED); return pageChanged; }
void ErrLog( char *file, int line, char *fmt, ... ) { va_list ap; FILE *fp; int fd; char timebuf[20]; char datebuf[20]; char log_name[100]; memset( log_name, 0, sizeof( log_name ) ) ; memset( datebuf, 0, sizeof( datebuf ) ) ; GetDate( datebuf ); strcpy( log_name, LOG_FILE_NAME ) ; strcat( log_name, "." ) ; strcat( log_name, datebuf ) ; if ( (fp=fopen( log_name, "a+")) == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "open %s file error.\n", LOG_FILE_NAME); return; } fd = fileno(fp); lockf (fd, F_LOCK, 0l); GetTime( timebuf ); fprintf (fp, "[%s] ", timebuf ); fprintf (fp, "[%s line %d] :\n", file, line); va_start( ap, fmt ); vfprintf( fp, fmt, ap ); fprintf(fp, "\n"); va_end( ap ); lockf(fd, F_ULOCK, 0l); fclose(fp); return; }
/********************************************************* *函数名: Print() *函数功能: 输入单个图书的全部信息 * *函数参数: void *函数返回值:void *********************************************************/ void Book::Print() { cout << GetISBN() << '\t' << GetTitle() << '\t'; cout << GetAuthor() << '\t' << GetPublisher() << '\t'; cout << GetDate() << '\t' << GetPrice(); cout << setw(10) << GetCatalogNum() << setw(11) << GetNumber() << endl; }
void CTraderApi::OnRspQryInstrument(CUstpFtdcRspInstrumentField *pRspInstrument, CUstpFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) { if (!IsErrorRspInfo(pRspInfo, nRequestID, bIsLast)) { if (pRspInstrument) { InstrumentField* pField = (InstrumentField*)m_msgQueue->new_block(sizeof(InstrumentField)); strcpy(pField->InstrumentID, pRspInstrument->InstrumentID); strcpy(pField->ExchangeID, pRspInstrument->ExchangeID); strcpy(pField->Symbol, pRspInstrument->InstrumentID); strncpy(pField->ProductID, pRspInstrument->ProductID, sizeof(InstrumentIDType)); strcpy(pField->InstrumentName, pRspInstrument->InstrumentName); pField->Type = CUstpFtdcRspInstrumentField_2_InstrumentType(pRspInstrument); pField->VolumeMultiple = pRspInstrument->VolumeMultiple; pField->PriceTick = pRspInstrument->PriceTick; pField->ExpireDate = GetDate(pRspInstrument->ExpireDate); pField->OptionsType = TUstpFtdcOptionsTypeType_2_PutCall(pRspInstrument->OptionsType); pField->StrikePrice = pRspInstrument->StrikePrice == DBL_MAX ? 0 : pRspInstrument->StrikePrice; m_msgQueue->Input_NoCopy(ResponeType::OnRspQryInstrument, m_msgQueue, m_pClass, bIsLast, 0, pField, sizeof(InstrumentField), nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0); } else { m_msgQueue->Input_NoCopy(ResponeType::OnRspQryInstrument, m_msgQueue, m_pClass, bIsLast, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0); } } }
void CTraderApi::OnRspUserLogin(CThostFtdcRspUserLoginField *pRspUserLogin, CThostFtdcRspInfoField *pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) { RspUserLoginField* pField = (RspUserLoginField*)m_msgQueue->new_block(sizeof(RspUserLoginField)); if (!IsErrorRspInfo(pRspInfo) &&pRspUserLogin) { pField->TradingDay = GetDate(pRspUserLogin->tradeDate); pField->LoginTime = GetTime(pRspUserLogin->lastLoginTime); //sprintf(pField->SessionID, "%d:%d", pRspUserLogin->FrontID, pRspUserLogin->SessionID); m_msgQueue->Input_NoCopy(ResponeType::OnConnectionStatus, m_msgQueue, this, ConnectionStatus::Logined, 0, pField, sizeof(RspUserLoginField), nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0); m_msgQueue->Input_NoCopy(ResponeType::OnConnectionStatus, m_msgQueue, this, ConnectionStatus::Done, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0); // 记下登录信息,可能会用到 memcpy(&m_RspUserLogin,pRspUserLogin,sizeof(CThostFtdcRspUserLoginField)); m_nMaxOrderRef = atol(pRspUserLogin->localOrderNo); // 自己发单时ID从1开始,不能从0开始 m_nMaxOrderRef = m_nMaxOrderRef>1 ? m_nMaxOrderRef:1; } else { pField->ErrorID = pRspInfo->ErrorID; strncpy(pField->ErrorMsg, pRspInfo->ErrorMsg, sizeof(ErrorMsgType)); m_msgQueue->Input_NoCopy(ResponeType::OnConnectionStatus, m_msgQueue, this, ConnectionStatus::Disconnected, 0, pField, sizeof(RspUserLoginField), nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0); } }
void openSaveFile(){ long int ii=0, jj=0, kk=0; char file_name[200]="hvmon-", tt[50]="\0"; /* Build file name out of date and time */ sprintf(tt,"%s%c",GetDate(),'\0'); jj=0; jj = strlen(tt); ii=0; kk=0; while (ii < jj) { if (isspace(tt[ii]) == 0) tt[kk++] = tt[ii]; ii++; } tt[kk]='\0'; if (jj > 0) strcat(file_name,tt); strcat(file_name,".conf\0"); /* Open file */ if (( fileSave = fopen (file_name,"a+") ) == NULL){ printf ("*** File on disk could not be opened \n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } printf("hvmon new config file opened: %s\n",file_name); return; }
void wxGtkCalendarCtrl::GTKGenerateEvent(wxEventType type) { // First check if the new date is in the specified range. wxDateTime dt = GetDate(); if ( !IsInValidRange(dt) ) { if ( m_validStart.IsValid() && dt < m_validStart ) dt = m_validStart; else dt = m_validEnd; SetDate(dt); return; } if ( type == wxEVT_CALENDAR_SEL_CHANGED ) { // Don't generate this event if the new date is the same as the old // one. if ( m_selectedDate == dt ) return; m_selectedDate = dt; GenerateEvent(type); // Also send the deprecated event together with the new one. GenerateEvent(wxEVT_CALENDAR_DAY_CHANGED); } else { GenerateEvent(type); } }
void HttpdSocket::OnData(const char *p,size_t l) { if (m_file) { m_file -> fwrite(p,1,l); } m_received += l; if (m_received >= m_content_length && m_content_length) { // all done if (m_file && !m_form) { m_form = new HttpdForm(m_file, m_content_type, m_content_length); AddResponseHeader("Date", datetime2httpdate(GetDate()) ); if (GetUri() == "/image") { Send64(Utility::Logo, "image/png"); } else { Exec(); } Reset(); // prepare for next request } } }
void CValue::SaveToString(CString &Str) { switch(nType) { case TYPE_NUMBER: { NUMBER f=GetNumber(); if(f==int(f)) Str.Format("{1/%d}",int(f)); else Str.Format("{1/%f}",f); return; } case TYPE_STRING: Str=GetString(); ReplaceBySave(Str); Str=CString("{2/")+Str+"}"; return; case TYPE_DATE: Str.Format("{3/%d}",GetDate()); return; case TYPE_REFFER: pRef->SaveToString(Str); return; break; }; Str="{0/0}"; }
std::wstring GetAbsoluteTimeString(time_t unix_time) { std::tm tm; if (!unix_time || localtime_s(&tm, &unix_time)) return L"Unknown"; Duration duration(std::abs(time(nullptr) - unix_time)); Date today = GetDate(); auto strftime = [&tm](const char* format) { std::string result(100, '\0'); std::strftime(&result.at(0), result.size(), format, &tm); return StrToWstr(result); }; if (1900 + tm.tm_year < today.year) { return strftime("%d %B %Y"); // 01 January 2014 } else if (std::lround(duration.days()) <= 1 && tm.tm_mday == today.day) { return strftime("%H:%M"); // 13:37 } else if (std::lround(duration.days()) <= 7) { return strftime("%A, %d %B"); // Thursday, 01 January } else { return strftime("%d %B"); // 01 January } }
//=================================================================== GetDate BOOL CNSDateEdit::GetDate( CTime &d ) { int nYear, nMonth, nDay; if ( !GetDate( nYear, nMonth, nDay ) ) return FALSE; d = CTime( nYear, nMonth, nDay, 0, 0, 0 ); return TRUE; }
static void init_Sum_Block (void) /* * Initialise the SummaryBlock after formatting the hard disc. */ { word i; struct sum_blk *sbp; Date date; struct buf *bp; /* allocate a buffer and clear its contents */ bp = getblk(filedrive,1,1,NOSAVE); clr_buf (bp); sbp = bp->b_un.b_sum; /* initialise the DirEntry of the RootDirectory */ sbp->root_dir.de_inode.i_mode = DIR; sbp->root_dir.de_inode.i_size = sizeof(struct dir_elem); sbp->root_dir.de_inode.i_db[0] = 3; sbp->root_dir.de_inode.i_blocks = 1; sbp->root_dir.de_inode.i_spare = 0; strcpy(sbp->root_dir.de_name,fs_name); /* the root directory has an initial matrix giving full access */ /* The system administrator should restrict this after setting */ /* up any special links. */ sbp->root_dir.de_inode.i_matrix = -1; date = GetDate(); sbp->root_dir.de_inode.i_ctime = date; sbp->root_dir.de_inode.i_atime = date; sbp->root_dir.de_inode.i_mtime = date; /* Initialise SummaryInformations */ sbp->sum_same = TRUE; /* Initialise the first_boot flag */ sbp->first_boot = TRUE; /* SummaryInfo of the first cylinder group */ sbp->cg_sum[0].s_ndir = 1; sbp->cg_sum[0].s_nbfree = maxbpg - 4; sbp->fs_sum = sbp->cg_sum[0]; /* SummaryInfo of the remaining cylinder groups */ for (i=1; i<maxncg; i++) { sbp->cg_sum[i].s_ndir = 0; sbp->cg_sum[i].s_nbfree = maxbpg - 1; sbp->fs_sum.s_ndir += sbp->cg_sum[i].s_ndir; sbp->fs_sum.s_nbfree += sbp->cg_sum[i].s_nbfree; } /* write to hard disc */ bwrite(bp->b_tbp); }
void Parser::WriteLog(const std::vector<Player*>& players) const { json root; root["error_Log"] = FormatErrors(players); root["players"] = FormatPlayers(players); root["linechart"] = FormatLinechart(players); root["date"] = GetDate(); WriteFile(root); }
void GetCalenderTime(CalenderTime *ct) { ct->second = (uint8_t)GetSecond(); ct->minute = (uint8_t)GetMinute(); ct->hour = (uint8_t)GetHour(); ct->date = (uint8_t)GetDate(); ct->month = (uint8_t)GetMonth(); ct->year = (uint8_t)GetYear(); }
void LCD::RenderDateTime() { // blit background to buffer Graphics::BlitImageToImage(0, 0, _bg->imageWidth, _bg->imageHeight, _bg, 0, 0, _buffer); Font::PrintImage(GetDate().c_str(), 5, textoffsety, _buffer, _textColor, 3); Font::PrintImage(GetTime().c_str(), 150, textoffsety, _buffer, _textColor, 3); _lastMinute = _timed->minutes; }
void TITLE_BLOCK::Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* aFormatter, int aNestLevel, int aControlBits ) const throw( IO_ERROR ) { // Don't write the title block information if there is nothing to write. bool isempty = true; for( unsigned idx = 0; idx < m_tbTexts.GetCount(); idx++ ) { if( ! m_tbTexts[idx].IsEmpty() ) { isempty = false; break; } } if( !isempty ) { aFormatter->Print( aNestLevel, "(title_block\n" ); if( !GetTitle().IsEmpty() ) aFormatter->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(title %s)\n", aFormatter->Quotew( GetTitle() ).c_str() ); if( !GetDate().IsEmpty() ) aFormatter->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(date %s)\n", aFormatter->Quotew( GetDate() ).c_str() ); if( !GetRevision().IsEmpty() ) aFormatter->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(rev %s)\n", aFormatter->Quotew( GetRevision() ).c_str() ); if( !GetCompany().IsEmpty() ) aFormatter->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(company %s)\n", aFormatter->Quotew( GetCompany() ).c_str() ); for( int ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++ ) { if( !GetComment(ii).IsEmpty() ) aFormatter->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(comment %d %s)\n", ii+1, aFormatter->Quotew( GetComment(ii) ).c_str() ); } aFormatter->Print( aNestLevel, ")\n\n" ); } }