bool FNetworkPlatformFile::IsInLocalDirectory(const FString& Filename)
	if (!bHasLoadedDDCDirectories)
		// need to be careful here to avoid initializing the DDC from the wrong thread or using LocalDirectories while it is being initialized
		FScopeLock ScopeLock(&LocalDirectoriesCriticalSection);

		if (IsInGameThread() && GConfig && GConfig->IsReadyForUse())
			// one time DDC directory initialization
			// add any DDC directories to our list of local directories (local = inner platform file, it may
			// actually live on a server, but it will use the platform's file system)
			if (GetDerivedDataCache())
				TArray<FString> DdcDirectories;



			bHasLoadedDDCDirectories = true;

		return IsInLocalDirectoryUnGuarded(Filename);

	// once the DDC is initialized, we don't need to lock a critical section anymore
	return IsInLocalDirectoryUnGuarded(Filename);
Exemple #2
FByteBulkData* USoundWave::GetCompressedData(FName Format)
	if (IsTemplate() || IsRunningDedicatedServer())
		return NULL;
	bool bContainedData = CompressedFormatData.Contains(Format);
	FByteBulkData* Result = &CompressedFormatData.GetFormat(Format);
	if (!bContainedData)
		if (!FPlatformProperties::RequiresCookedData() && GetDerivedDataCache())
			TArray<uint8> OutData;
			FDerivedAudioDataCompressor* DeriveAudioData = new FDerivedAudioDataCompressor(this, Format);
			GetDerivedDataCacheRef().GetSynchronous(DeriveAudioData, OutData);
			if (OutData.Num())
				FMemory::Memcpy(Result->Realloc(OutData.Num()), OutData.GetData(), OutData.Num());
			UE_LOG(LogAudio, Error, TEXT("Attempt to access the DDC when there is none available on sound '%s', format = %s. Should have been cooked."), *GetFullName(), *Format.ToString());
	return Result->GetBulkDataSize() > 0 ? Result : NULL; // we don't return empty bulk data...but we save it to avoid thrashing the DDC
class FDerivedDataCacheInterface& GetDerivedDataCacheRef()
	class FDerivedDataCacheInterface* SingletonInterface = GetDerivedDataCache();
	if (!SingletonInterface)
		UE_LOG(LogInit, Fatal, TEXT("Derived Data Cache was requested, but not available."));
		CA_ASSUME( SingletonInterface != NULL );	// Suppress static analysis warning in unreachable code (fatal error)
	return *SingletonInterface;