Exemple #1
 static LPVOID
GetDriverImageBase(PCHAR BaseName)
  LPVOID* BaseAddresses;
  LPVOID  lpDriverAddr = NULL;
  DWORD   cbNeeded;
  ULONG   i;

  // How many drivers are there ?
  EnumDeviceDrivers(NULL, 0, &cbNeeded);

  // Alloc memory
  BaseAddresses = (LPVOID*)malloc(sizeof(LPVOID)*cbNeeded / sizeof(LPVOID));

  // Get drivers!
    return NULL;  

  // Check names
  for(i = 0; i < cbNeeded / sizeof(LPVOID); i++)
    CHAR FileName[MAX_PATH];
    GetDeviceDriverBaseNameA(BaseAddresses[i], FileName, sizeof(FileName));

    // Is this it?
    if(!_stricmp(FileName, BaseName))
      // Yep!
      lpDriverAddr = BaseAddresses[i];

  // Free and return
  return lpDriverAddr;
Exemple #2
    LPVOID ImageBase,
    LPWSTR lpFilename,
    DWORD nSize


Routine Description:

    This function retrieves the full pathname of the executable file
    from which the specified module was loaded.  The function copies the
    null-terminated filename into the buffer pointed to by the
    lpFilename parameter.

Routine Description:

    ImageBase - Identifies the driver whose executable file name is being

    lpFilename - Points to the buffer that is to receive the filename.

    nSize - Specifies the maximum number of characters to copy.  If the
        filename is longer than the maximum number of characters
        specified by the nSize parameter, it is truncated.

Return Value:

    The return value specifies the actual length of the string copied to
    the buffer.  A return value of zero indicates an error and extended
    error status is available using the GetLastError function.



    LPSTR lpstr;
    DWORD cch;
    DWORD cchT;

    lpstr = (LPSTR) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, nSize);

    if (lpstr == NULL) {

    cchT = cch = GetDeviceDriverBaseNameA(ImageBase, lpstr, nSize);

    if (cchT < nSize) {
        // Include NULL terminator


    if (!MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpstr, cchT, lpFilename, nSize)) {
        cch = 0;

    LocalFree((HLOCAL) lpstr);

Exemple #3
void InfoDrivers()
	HMODULE hPSAPI = LoadLibraryA("psapi.dll");
	if (NULL != hPSAPI)
		pfnEnumDeviceDrivers EnumDeviceDrivers = (pfnEnumDeviceDrivers) GetProcAddress(hPSAPI, "EnumDeviceDrivers");
		pfnGetDeviceDriverNameA GetDeviceDriverBaseNameA = (pfnGetDeviceDriverNameA) GetProcAddress(hPSAPI, "GetDeviceDriverBaseNameA");
		pfnGetDeviceDriverNameA GetDeviceDriverFileNameA = (pfnGetDeviceDriverNameA) GetProcAddress(hPSAPI, "GetDeviceDriverFileNameA");
		if (NULL != EnumDeviceDrivers && NULL != GetDeviceDriverBaseNameA && NULL != GetDeviceDriverFileNameA)
			LPVOID * drivers = NULL;
			DWORD needed = 0;
			EnumDeviceDrivers(NULL, 0, &needed);
			drivers = (LPVOID*) malloc(needed);

			if (EnumDeviceDrivers(drivers, needed, &needed))
				DWORD i;
				char windir[NtfsMaxPath] = {0};
				if (!GetWindowsDirectoryA(windir, NtfsMaxPath))
					xstrcat(windir, NtfsMaxPath, "C:\\Windows");
				ConsoleIOPrint("Drivers : \n");
				for (i = 0; i < needed / sizeof(LPVOID); ++i)
					char name[NtfsMaxPath] = {0};
					if (GetDeviceDriverFileNameA(drivers[i], name, NtfsMaxPath) || GetDeviceDriverBaseNameA(drivers[i], name, NtfsMaxPath))
						VersionInfo info;
						char full[NtfsMaxPath] = {0};
						char * path = name;
						if (0 == memcmp(path, "\\??\\", 4))
							path += 4;
						if (0 == memcmp(path, "\\SystemRoot\\", xstrlen("\\SystemRoot\\")))
							xstrcat(full, NtfsMaxPath, windir);
							xstrcat(full, NtfsMaxPath, path + xstrlen("\\SystemRoot\\") - 1);
						else if (0 == memcmp(path, "\\WINDOWS\\", xstrlen("\\WINDOWS\\")) ||
							0 == memcmp(path, "\\Windows\\", xstrlen("\\Windows\\")))
							xstrcat(full, NtfsMaxPath, windir);
							xstrcat(full, NtfsMaxPath, path + xstrlen("\\WINDOWS\\") - 1);
							if (NULL == xstrchr(path, '\\'))
								xstrcat(full, NtfsMaxPath, windir);
								xstrcat(full, NtfsMaxPath, "\\system32\\drivers\\");
								xstrcat(full, NtfsMaxPath, path);
								xstrcat(full, NtfsMaxPath, path);
						GetVersionInfo(full, &info);
						ConsoleIOPrintFormatted("%s, %s, %s, %s\n", full, info.FileDescription, info.CompanyName, info.ProductVersion);