Exemple #1
CString GetDir(const CString& strFSpec)
	CString strDir = GetDirNoSlash(strFSpec);

	if( strDir.Right(1) != _T("\\") )
		strDir += _T("\\");

	return strDir;
Exemple #2
BOOL CPyScriptAutoConfigDlg::InitPython()
	// in case we've been here before, reset it now.
	if( m_pModule != 0 )

	// search in that file for the available function names

	// next add the path to the sys.path
	CStringA strCmd;
	strCmd.Format("import sys\nsys.path.append('%s')", CT2A(GetDirNoSlash(m_strConverterFilespec)));

	// turn the filename into a Python object (Python import doesn't like .py extension)
	CString strFilespec = m_strConverterFilespec;
	if( !strFilespec.Right(3).CompareNoCase(_T(".py")) )
		strFilespec = strFilespec.Left(strFilespec.GetLength() - 3);

	int nIndex = strFilespec.ReverseFind('\\');
	strFilespec = strFilespec.Right(strFilespec.GetLength() - nIndex - 1);

	// get the module point by the name
	m_pModule = PyImport_ImportModule(CT2A(strFilespec));
	if( m_pModule == 0 )
		CString strError;

		// first check to see if the Python reg keys exist. If not, then tell them they need a distribution
		CRegKey keyPythonInstallPath;
		if( keyPythonInstallPath.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, clpszPythonInstallPathKey, KEY_READ) != ERROR_SUCCESS )
			strError = _T("It doesn't appear that you have a Python distribution installed. See the About tab for details of where to get one.");
			strError.Format(_T("Unable to import script module '%s'! Is it locked? Does it have a syntax error? Is a Python distribution installed?"),strFilespec);

		// gracefully disconnect from Python
		if( PyErr_Occurred() )
			PyErr_Clear();  // without this, the Finalize normally throws a fatal exception.
		return false;

	m_pDictionary = PyModule_GetDict(m_pModule);
	return true;