std::string CVSStatus::CVSRootForPath(std::string path)   
    TDEBUG_TRACE("path: " << path);     
    // We must be a directory with a CVS dir     
    path = GetDirectoryPart(path);   
    path = EnsureTrailingDelimiter(path);     
    if (!CVSDirectoryHere(path))     
        TDEBUG_TRACE("No CVS directory found in " << path);     
        return "";    
    std::string root;    
    std::string rootFile = path + "CVS/Root";    
    std::ifstream in(rootFile.c_str(), std::ios::in);     
    if (!in.good())   
        TDEBUG_TRACE("Error opening " << rootFile);    
        return "";    
    std::getline(in, root);    
    return root;   
Exemple #2
const char *FindCaseInsensitive ( const char *_fullPath )

    if ( !_fullPath )
        return NULL;

    static char retval[PATH_MAX];
    char *dir = NULL, *file = NULL;

    if ( (dir = GetDirectoryPart(_fullPath)) != NULL )
        // Make our own copy of the result, since GetDirectoryPart
        // and GetFilenamePart use the same variable for temp
        // storage.
        dir = newStr(dir);
    if ( !dir )
        // No directory provided. Assume working directory.
        file = newStr(_fullPath);
    } else {
        // Kill the last slash
        dir[strlen(dir) - 1] = '\0';
        file = newStr(GetFilenamePart(_fullPath));
    LList <char *> *files = ListDirectory(dir, file);

    delete [] dir; delete [] file; dir = file = NULL;

    // We shouldn't have found more than one match.
    AppAssert(files->Size() <= 1);

    // No results, so maybe the file does not exist.
    if ( files->Size() == 0 )
       return _fullPath;

    // Copy the corrected path back, and prepare to return it.
    memset ( retval, 0, sizeof ( retval ) );
    AppAssert ( strlen ( files->GetData(0) ) < PATH_MAX );
    strcpy ( retval, files->GetData(0) );

    // Negate the possibility of a memory access violation.
    // This way, we can simply strcpy the result inline without
    // worrying about a buffer overflow.
    AppAssert(strlen(retval) == strlen(_fullPath));

    while ( files->Size() )
		char *data = files->GetData(0);
		delete [] data;

    delete files;

    return retval;
std::string CVSStatus::CVSRepositoryForPath(std::string path)   
    TDEBUG_TRACE("  path: '" << path << "')");   
    // We must be a directory with a CVS dir     
    path = GetDirectoryPart(path);   
    path = EnsureTrailingDelimiter(path);     
    if (!CVSDirectoryHere(path))     
        return "";    
    std::string rootFile = path + "CVS/Repository";    
    std::ifstream in(rootFile.c_str(), std::ios::in);     
    if (!in.good())   
        return "";    
    std::string repository;    
    std::getline(in, repository);    
    // Apparently, the path in CVS/Repository may be either absolute or relative.    
    // So if it is absolute, we hack it to be relative.   
    TDEBUG_TRACE("  Repository is '" << repository << "')");    
    if (repository[0] == '/' || (repository.length() > 2 && repository[1] == ':'))   
        CVSRoot cvsroot(CVSRootForPath(path));   
        std::string root = cvsroot.GetDirectory();     
        TDEBUG_TRACE("  Root is '" << root << "')");   
        unsigned int i = 0;    
        // Find out how many leading chars match    
        while (i < root.length() && i < repository.length())    
            if (root[i] == repository[i]   
                || (root[i] == '\\' && repository[i] == '/')    
                || (root[i] == '/' && repository[i] == '\\'))   
        // Also kill final slash     
        if (repository[i] == '/' || repository[i] == '\\')   
        repository = repository.substr(i);    
    return repository;   
Exemple #4
Exemple #5
Exemple #6
// Finds all the filenames in the specified directory that match the specified
// filter. Directory should be like "textures" or "textures/".
// Filter can be NULL or "" or "*.bmp" or "map_*" or "map_*.txt"
// Set _longResults to true if you want results like "textures/blah.bmp" 
// or false for "blah.bmp"
LList<char *> *FileSystem::ListArchive(char *_dir, char *_filter, bool fullFilename)
    LList<char *> *results = NULL;

    // List the search directories

    for( int i = 0; i < m_searchPath.Size(); ++i )
        char searchPathFilename[512];
        snprintf( searchPathFilename, sizeof(searchPathFilename), "%s%s", m_searchPath[i], _dir );
        searchPathFilename[ sizeof(searchPathFilename) - 1 ] = '\x0';
        LList<char *> *results2 = ListDirectory( searchPathFilename, _filter, fullFilename );
        if( !results )
            results = results2;
            ListArchiveFilterResults( results, results2 );
            delete results2;

    // List the localisation directory

    char localisationFilename[512];
    snprintf( localisationFilename, sizeof(localisationFilename), "localisation/%s", _dir );
    localisationFilename[ sizeof(localisationFilename) - 1 ] = '\0';
    LList<char *> *results3 = ListDirectory( localisationFilename, _filter, fullFilename );
    if( !results )
        results = results3;
        ListArchiveFilterResults( results, results3 );
        delete results3;

    // List the base data directory

    LList<char *> *results4 = ListDirectory( _dir, _filter, fullFilename );
    ListArchiveFilterResults( results, results4 );
    delete results4;

    // List the pre-loaded resource files

    if (m_archiveFiles.Size() > 0)
        if(_filter == NULL || _filter[0] == '\0')
            _filter = "*";

        DArray <char *> *unfilteredResults = m_archiveFiles.ConvertIndexToDArray();

        for (int i = 0; i < unfilteredResults->Size(); ++i)
            if (!unfilteredResults->ValidIndex(i)) continue;

            char *fullname = unfilteredResults->GetData(i);
            char *dirPart = (char *) GetDirectoryPart( fullname );
            if( stricmp( dirPart, _dir ) == 0 )
                char *filePart = (char *) GetFilenamePart( fullname );
                int result = WildCmp(_filter, filePart);
                if (result != 0)
                    if( !fullFilename )  OrderedInsert(results, filePart);
                    else                 OrderedInsert(results, fullname);

        delete unfilteredResults;

    return results;
bool ComputeCommitSelection(const CommitDialog::SelectedFiles& userSelection,
                            const FilesWithBugnumbers* modified,
                            const FilesWithBugnumbers* added,
                            const FilesWithBugnumbers* removed,
                            const FilesWithBugnumbers* renamed,
                            std::vector<std::string>& result)
#if 0
    // Optimization: If all files are selected, we can simply do a 'cvs commit' in the top-level directories
    if (Includes(userSelection, modified) &&
        Includes(userSelection, added) &&
        Includes(userSelection, removed) &&
        Includes(userSelection, renamed))
        std::set<std::string> modifiedDirs;
        if (modified)
            modifiedDirs = GetTopLevelDirs(*modified);
        std::set<std::string> addedDirs;
        if (addedDirs)
            addedDirs = GetTopLevelDirs(*added);
        std::set<std::string> removedDirs;
        if (removedDirs)
            removedDirs = GetTopLevelDirs(*removed);
        std::set<std::string> renamedDirs;
        if (renamedDirs)
            renamedDirs = GetTopLevelDirs(*renamed);
        std::set<std::string> dirs1;
        std::set_union(modifiedDirs.begin(), modifiedDirs.end(), addedDirs.begin(), addedDirs.end(), std::inserter(dirs1, dirs1.begin()));
        std::set<std::string> dirs2;
        std::set_union(removedDirs.begin(), removedDirs.end(), renamedDirs.begin(), renamedDirs.end(), std::inserter(dirs2, dirs2.begin()));
        std::set<std::string> dirs;
        std::set_union(dirs1.begin(), dirs1.end(), dirs2.begin(), dirs2.end(), std::inserter(dirs, dirs.begin()));
        for (std::set<std::string>::iterator it = dirs.begin(); it != dirs.end(); ++it)
        return true;
        // Get list of non-renamed files
        for (CommitDialog::SelectedFiles::const_iterator it = userSelection.begin(); it != userSelection.end(); ++it)

        // Check if any renames are to be committed
        std::vector<std::string> renameDirs;
        for (CommitDialog::SelectedFiles::const_iterator it = userSelection.begin(); it != userSelection.end(); ++it)
            if (it->second == CVSStatus::STATUS_RENAMED)

        // For each directory containing renamed files
        for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = renameDirs.begin(); it != renameDirs.end(); ++it)
            // Check if this directory contains any modified files that the user did not select
            std::vector<std::string> files;
            if (modified)
                files = GetFilesInFolder(*modified, *it);  
            for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator fileIter = files.begin(); fileIter != files.end(); ++fileIter)
                if (find(result.begin(), result.end(), *fileIter) == result.end())
                    // This file is not selected
                    return false;

            // Same for added
            if (added)
                files = GetFilesInFolder(*added, *it);  
            for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator fileIter = files.begin(); fileIter != files.end(); ++fileIter)
                if (find(result.begin(), result.end(), *fileIter) == result.end())
                    // This file is not selected
                    return false;

            // Same for removed
            if (removed)
                files = GetFilesInFolder(*removed, *it);  
            for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator fileIter = files.begin(); fileIter != files.end(); ++fileIter)
                if (find(result.begin(), result.end(), *fileIter) == result.end())
                    // This file is not selected
                    return false;

            // Same for renamed
            if (renamed)
                files = GetFilesInFolder(*renamed, *it);  
            for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator fileIter = files.begin(); fileIter != files.end(); ++fileIter)
                if (find(result.begin(), result.end(), *fileIter) == result.end())
                    // This file is not selected
                    return false;
        // Remove all files from the directories where renames are being committed
        for (CommitDialog::SelectedFiles::const_iterator it = userSelection.begin(); it != userSelection.end(); ++it)
            std::string dir = GetDirectoryPart(it->first);
            if (find(renameDirs.begin(), renameDirs.end(), dir) == renameDirs.end())
        // Add directories where renames are being committed
        for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = renameDirs.begin(); it != renameDirs.end(); ++it)
    return true;