void CBasePlayerAmmo::Materialize()
	if( GetEffects() & EF_NODRAW )
		// changing from invisible state to visible.
		EMIT_SOUND_DYN( this, CHAN_WEAPON, "items/suitchargeok1.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM, 0, 150 );
		GetEffects().ClearFlags( EF_NODRAW );
		GetEffects() |= EF_MUZZLEFLASH;

	SetTouch( &CBasePlayerAmmo::DefaultTouch );
void CFuncMonsterClip::Spawn( void )
	if( CVAR_GET_FLOAT( "showtriggers" ) == 0 )
		GetEffects() = EF_NODRAW;
	GetFlags() |= FL_MONSTERCLIP;
// Purpose: 
void CAntlionGrub::Squash( CBaseEntity *pOther, bool bDealDamage, bool bSpawnBlood )
	// If we're already squashed, then don't bother doing it again!
	if ( GetEffects() & EF_NODRAW )


	AddEffects( EF_NODRAW );
	AddSolidFlags( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID );
	// Stop being attached to us
	if ( m_hGlowSprite )
		m_hGlowSprite->SetParent( NULL );

	EmitSound( "NPC_Antlion_Grub.Die" );
	EmitSound( "NPC_Antlion_Grub.Squish" );

	// if vort stepped on me, maybe he wants to say something
	if ( pOther && FClassnameIs( pOther, "npc_vortigaunt" ) )
		Assert(dynamic_cast<CNPC_Vortigaunt *>(pOther));
		static_cast<CNPC_Vortigaunt *>(pOther)->OnSquishedGrub(this);

	SetTouch( NULL );

	//if ( bSpawnBlood )
		// Temp squash effect
		Vector vecForward, vecUp;
		AngleVectors( GetAbsAngles(), &vecForward, NULL, &vecUp );

		// Start effects at either end of the grub
		Vector vecSplortPos = GetAbsOrigin() + vecForward * 14.0f;
		DispatchParticleEffect( "GrubSquashBlood", vecSplortPos, GetAbsAngles() );

		vecSplortPos = GetAbsOrigin() - vecForward * 16.0f;
		Vector vecDir = -vecForward;
		QAngle vecAngles;
		VectorAngles( vecDir, vecAngles );
		DispatchParticleEffect( "GrubSquashBlood", vecSplortPos, vecAngles );
		MakeSquashDecals( GetAbsOrigin() + vecForward * 32.0f );
		MakeSquashDecals( GetAbsOrigin() - vecForward * 32.0f );

	// Deal deadly damage to ourself
	if ( bDealDamage )
		CTakeDamageInfo info( pOther, pOther, Vector( 0, 0, -1 ), GetAbsOrigin(), GetHealth()+1, DMG_CRUSH );
		TakeDamage( info );
Exemple #4
   // Return all the effects that belong to this immediate category or any
   // of its subcategories), filtered by effect type.
EffectSet EffectCategory::GetAllEffects(int type) const {
   EffectSet result = GetEffects(type);
   CategorySet::const_iterator iter;
   for (iter = mSubCategories.begin(); iter != mSubCategories.end(); ++iter) {
      EffectSet tmp = (*iter)->GetAllEffects(type);
      EffectSet::const_iterator itr2;
      for (itr2 = tmp.begin(); itr2 != tmp.end(); ++itr2)
   return result;
CBaseEntity* CBasePlayerAmmo::Respawn()
	GetEffects() |= EF_NODRAW;
	SetTouch( NULL );

	SetAbsOrigin( g_pGameRules->VecAmmoRespawnSpot( this ) );// move to wherever I'm supposed to repawn.

	SetThink( &CBasePlayerAmmo::Materialize );
	SetNextThink( g_pGameRules->FlAmmoRespawnTime( this ) );

	return this;
std::string BattleSystem::DisplayDetail( const Spell& spell ) const
    std::string output;

        .append( "\n> DETAIL <\n-   Power: " )
        .append( spell.power ? GetStringPower( *spell.power ) : std::string( "-" ) )
        .append( "\n- Effects: " )
        .append( spell.effects ? GetStringEffects( GetEffects( spell.effects ) ) : std::string( "-" ) )
        .append( "\n" );
    std::cout << output;

    return output;
void CFuncTankControls::Spawn( void )
	SetSolidType( SOLID_TRIGGER );
	SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE );
	GetEffects() |= EF_NODRAW;
	SetModel( GetModelName() );

	SetSize( GetRelMin(), GetRelMax() );
	SetAbsOrigin( GetAbsOrigin() );

	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->time + 0.3 );	// After all the func_tank's have spawned

// Purpose: 
void CAntlionGrub::SpawnSquashedGrub( void )
	// If we're already invisible, we're done
	if ( GetEffects() & EF_NODRAW )

	Vector vecUp;
	GetVectors( NULL, NULL, &vecUp );
	CBaseEntity *pGib = CreateRagGib( ANTLIONGRUB_SQUASHED_MODEL, GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsAngles(), vecUp * 16.0f );
	if ( pGib )
		pGib->AddEffects( EF_NOSHADOW );
// Purpose: 
// Input  : &info - 
int CAntlionGrub::OnTakeDamage( const CTakeDamageInfo &info )
	// Animate a flinch of pain if we're dying
	bool bSquashed = ( ( GetEffects() & EF_NODRAW ) != 0 );
	if ( bSquashed == false )
		SetSequence( SelectWeightedSequence( ACT_SMALL_FLINCH ) );
		m_flFlinchTime = gpGlobals->curtime + random->RandomFloat( 0.5f, 1.0f );

		SetThink( &CAntlionGrub::FlinchThink );
		SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.05f );

	return BaseClass::OnTakeDamage( info );
std::string BattleSystem::AttackSpell( Character& attacker, Character& target, const Spell& spell ) const
    std::string events;

        .append( "- " )
        .append( attacker.name )
        .append( " cast " )
        .append( spell.name )
        .append( " on " )
        .append( target.name );

    if( spell.power )
        const int result = GetPowerDiceRoll( *spell.power );
        const int type = spell.power->beneficial ? -1 : 1;

            .append( ", " )
            .append( spell.power->beneficial ? "restoring" : "damaging" )
            .append( " its health by " )
            .append( std::to_string( result ) );
        target.health.current -= result * type;

    events.append( "\n" );

    if( spell.effects != 0 )
        const std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<const Effect>> effects = GetEffects( spell.effects );

            .append( "- " )
            .append( spell.name )
            .append( " affects " )
            .append( target.name )
            .append( ", applying " )
            .append( GetStringEffects( effects ) )
            .append( "\n" );

        for( const auto& effect : effects )
            target.effects.insert_or_assign( effect.get( ).name, effect.get( ) );

    return events;
Exemple #11
void CCyclerSprite::Spawn( void )
	SetSolidType( SOLID_SLIDEBOX );
	SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE );
	SetTakeDamageMode( DAMAGE_YES );

	SetFrame( 0 );
	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->time + 0.1 );
	m_animate = 1;
	m_lastTime = gpGlobals->time;

	PRECACHE_MODEL( GetModelName() );
	SetModel( GetModelName() );

	m_maxFrame = ( float ) MODEL_FRAMES( GetModelIndex() ) - 1;
Exemple #12
void CShower::Spawn( void )
	Vector vecVelocity = RANDOM_FLOAT( 200, 300 ) * GetAbsAngles();
	vecVelocity.x += RANDOM_FLOAT( -100.f, 100.f );
	vecVelocity.y += RANDOM_FLOAT( -100.f, 100.f );
	if( vecVelocity.z >= 0 )
		vecVelocity.z += 200;
		vecVelocity.z -= 200;

	SetAbsVelocity( vecVelocity );

	SetGravity( 0.5 );
	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->time + 0.1 );
	SetSolidType( SOLID_NOT );
	SetModel( "models/grenade.mdl" );	// Need a model, just use the grenade, we don't draw it anyway
	SetSize( g_vecZero, g_vecZero );
	GetEffects() |= EF_NODRAW;
	SetSpeed( RANDOM_FLOAT( 0.5, 1.5 ) );

	SetAbsAngles( g_vecZero );
Exemple #13
// make the entity carry out the scripted sequence instructions, but without 
// destroying the monster's state.
void CCineAI::PossessEntity( void )
	Schedule_t *pNewSchedule;

	CBaseEntity		*pEntity = m_hTargetEnt;
	CBaseMonster	*pTarget = NULL;
	if( pEntity )
		pTarget = pEntity->MyMonsterPointer();

	if( pTarget )
		if( !pTarget->CanPlaySequence( FCanOverrideState(), SS_INTERRUPT_AI ) )
			ALERT( at_aiconsole, "(AI)Can't possess entity %s\n", pTarget->GetClassname() );

		pTarget->m_hGoalEnt = this;
		pTarget->m_pCine = this;
		pTarget->m_hTargetEnt = this;

		m_saved_movetype = pTarget->GetMoveType();
		m_saved_solid = pTarget->GetSolidType();
		m_saved_effects = pTarget->GetEffects();
		pTarget->GetEffects() |= GetEffects();

		switch( m_fMoveTo )
		case 0:
		case 5:
			pTarget->m_scriptState = SCRIPT_WAIT;

		case 1:
			pTarget->m_scriptState = SCRIPT_WALK_TO_MARK;

		case 2:
			pTarget->m_scriptState = SCRIPT_RUN_TO_MARK;

		case 4:
				// zap the monster instantly to the site of the script entity.
				pTarget->SetAbsOrigin( GetAbsOrigin() );
				pTarget->SetIdealYaw( GetAbsAngles().y );
				pTarget->SetAngularVelocity( g_vecZero );
				pTarget->SetAbsVelocity( Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) );
				pTarget->GetEffects() |= EF_NOINTERP;
				Vector vecAngles = pTarget->GetAbsAngles();
				vecAngles.y = GetAbsAngles().y;
				pTarget->SetAbsAngles( vecAngles );
				pTarget->m_scriptState = SCRIPT_WAIT;
				m_startTime = gpGlobals->time + 1E6;
				// UNDONE: Add a flag to do this so people can fixup physics after teleporting monsters
				pTarget->GetFlags().ClearFlags( FL_ONGROUND );
			ALERT( at_aiconsole, "aiscript:  invalid Move To Position value!" );

		ALERT( at_aiconsole, "\"%s\" found and used\n", pTarget->GetTargetname() );

		pTarget->m_IdealMonsterState = MONSTERSTATE_SCRIPT;

		if (m_iszIdle)
		StartSequence( pTarget, m_iszIdle, false );
		if (FStrEq( STRING(m_iszIdle), STRING(m_iszPlay)))
		pTarget->SetFrameRate( 0 );
		// Already in a scripted state?
		if( pTarget->m_MonsterState == MONSTERSTATE_SCRIPT )
			pNewSchedule = pTarget->GetScheduleOfType( SCHED_AISCRIPT );
			pTarget->ChangeSchedule( pNewSchedule );
Exemple #14
void CRopeSample::Spawn()
	GetEffects() |= EF_NODRAW;
Exemple #15
// make the entity enter a scripted sequence
void CCineMonster::PossessEntity( void )
	CBaseEntity		*pEntity = m_hTargetEnt;
	CBaseMonster	*pTarget = NULL;
	if( pEntity )
		pTarget = pEntity->MyMonsterPointer();

	if( pTarget )

		// FindEntity() just checked this!
#if 0
		if( !pTarget->CanPlaySequence( FCanOverrideState() ) )
			ALERT( at_aiconsole, "Can't possess entity %s\n", pTarget->GetClassname() );

		pTarget->m_hGoalEnt = this;
		pTarget->m_pCine = this;
		pTarget->m_hTargetEnt = this;

		m_saved_movetype = pTarget->GetMoveType();
		m_saved_solid = pTarget->GetSolidType();
		m_saved_effects = pTarget->GetEffects();
		pTarget->GetEffects() |= GetEffects();

		switch( m_fMoveTo )
		case 0:
			pTarget->m_scriptState = SCRIPT_WAIT;

		case 1:
			pTarget->m_scriptState = SCRIPT_WALK_TO_MARK;
			DelayStart( true );

		case 2:
			pTarget->m_scriptState = SCRIPT_RUN_TO_MARK;
			DelayStart( true );

		case 4:
			pTarget->SetAbsOrigin( GetAbsOrigin() );
			pTarget->SetIdealYaw( GetAbsAngles().y );
			pTarget->SetAngularVelocity( g_vecZero );
			pTarget->SetAbsVelocity( Vector( 0, 0, 0 ) );
			pTarget->GetEffects() |= EF_NOINTERP;
			Vector vecAngles = pTarget->GetAbsAngles();
			vecAngles.y = GetAbsAngles().y;
			pTarget->SetAbsAngles( vecAngles );
			pTarget->m_scriptState = SCRIPT_WAIT;
			m_startTime = gpGlobals->time + 1E6;
			// UNDONE: Add a flag to do this so people can fixup physics after teleporting monsters
			//			pTarget->GetFlags().ClearFlags( FL_ONGROUND );
		//		ALERT( at_aiconsole, "\"%s\" found and used (INT: %s)\n", pTarget->GetTargetname(), GetSpawnFlags().Any( SF_SCRIPT_NOINTERRUPT ) ?"No":"Yes" );

		pTarget->m_IdealMonsterState = MONSTERSTATE_SCRIPT;
		if( m_iszIdle )
			StartSequence( pTarget, m_iszIdle, false );
			if( FStrEq( STRING( m_iszIdle ), STRING( m_iszPlay ) ) )
				pTarget->SetFrameRate( 0 );
Exemple #16
void CGTextArea::PaintText (CG32bitImage &Dest, const RECT &rcRect)

//	PaintText
//	Paint plain text

	//	Paint the text

	if (m_pFont)
		//	If we haven't justified the text for this size, do it now

		if (m_cxJustifyWidth != RectWidth(rcRect))
			m_cxJustifyWidth = RectWidth(rcRect);
			m_pFont->BreakText(m_sText, m_cxJustifyWidth, &m_Lines, CG16bitFont::SmartQuotes);

		//	Compute the rect within which we draw the text

		RECT rcText = rcRect;
		if (m_bEditable)
			int iVSpacing = (RectHeight(rcRect) - m_pFont->GetHeight()) / 2;
			rcText.left += iVSpacing;
			rcText.right -= iVSpacing;
			rcText.top += iVSpacing;
			rcText.bottom -= iVSpacing;

		//	Clip to text rect

		RECT rcOldClip = Dest.GetClipRect();

		//	Figure out how many lines fit in the rect

		int iMaxLineCount = RectHeight(rcText) / m_pFont->GetHeight();

		//	If there are too many lines, and we're editable, start at the end

		int iStart = 0;
		if (m_bEditable && iMaxLineCount < m_Lines.GetCount())
			iStart = m_Lines.GetCount() - iMaxLineCount;

		//	Paint each line

		int x = rcText.left;
		int y = rcText.top;
		for (int i = iStart; i < m_Lines.GetCount(); i++)
			CString sLine = m_Lines[i];

			//	Trim the last space in the line, if necessary

			char *pPos = sLine.GetASCIIZPointer();
			if (sLine.GetLength() > 0 && pPos[sLine.GetLength() - 1] == ' ')
				sLine = strTrimWhitespace(sLine);

			//	Alignment

			int xLine;
			if (m_dwStyles & alignCenter)
				int cxWidth = m_pFont->MeasureText(sLine);
				xLine = x + (RectWidth(rcText) - cxWidth) / 2;
			else if (m_dwStyles & alignRight)
				int cxWidth = m_pFont->MeasureText(sLine);
				xLine = x + (RectWidth(rcRect) - cxWidth);
				xLine = x;

			//	Paint

			if (HasEffects())
				m_pFont->DrawTextEffect(Dest, xLine, y, m_rgbColor, sLine, GetEffectCount(), GetEffects());
				Dest.DrawText(xLine, y, *m_pFont, m_rgbColor, sLine);

			//	Next

			y += m_pFont->GetHeight() + m_cyLineSpacing;
			if (y >= rcText.bottom)

		//	Paint the cursor

		if (m_bEditable && m_iCursorLine >= iStart)
			int cxPos = (m_iCursorLine < m_Lines.GetCount() ? m_pFont->MeasureText(CString(m_Lines[m_iCursorLine].GetASCIIZPointer(), m_iCursorPos, true)) : 0);
			int y = rcText.top + (m_iCursorLine - iStart) * (m_pFont->GetHeight() + m_cyLineSpacing);
			int x = rcText.left;
			if (m_dwStyles & alignCenter)
				int cxWidth = (m_iCursorLine < m_Lines.GetCount() ? m_pFont->MeasureText(m_Lines[m_iCursorLine]) : 0);
				x += ((RectWidth(rcText) - cxWidth) / 2) + cxPos;
			else if (m_dwStyles & alignRight)
				int cxWidth = (m_iCursorLine < m_Lines.GetCount() ? m_pFont->MeasureText(m_Lines[m_iCursorLine]) : 0);
				x += (RectWidth(rcText) - cxWidth) + cxPos;
				x += cxPos;

			if (((m_iTick / 30) % 2) > 0)
				Dest.Fill(x, y, 2, m_pFont->GetHeight(), RGB_CURSOR);

		//	Restore clip

void CBasePlayer::PlayerDeathThink()
	if( GetFlags().Any( FL_ONGROUND ) )
		const float flForward = GetAbsVelocity().Length() - 20;
		if( flForward <= 0 )
			SetAbsVelocity( g_vecZero );
			SetAbsVelocity( flForward * GetAbsVelocity().Normalize() );

	if( HasWeapons() )
		// we drop the guns here because weapons that have an area effect and can kill their user
		// will sometimes crash coming back from CBasePlayer::Killed() if they kill their owner because the
		// player class sometimes is freed. It's safer to manipulate the weapons once we know
		// we aren't calling into any of their code anymore through the player pointer.

	if( GetModelIndex() && ( !m_fSequenceFinished ) && ( GetDeadFlag() == DEAD_DYING ) )

		m_iRespawnFrames++;				// Note, these aren't necessarily real "frames", so behavior is dependent on # of client movement commands
		if( m_iRespawnFrames < 120 )   // Animations should be no longer than this

	// once we're done animating our death and we're on the ground, we want to set movetype to None so our dead body won't do collisions and stuff anymore
	// this prevents a bug where the dead body would go to a player's head if he walked over it while the dead player was clicking their button to respawn
	if( GetMoveType() != MOVETYPE_NONE && GetFlags().Any( FL_ONGROUND ) )
		SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE );

	if( GetDeadFlag() == DEAD_DYING )
		SetDeadFlag( DEAD_DEAD );


	GetEffects() |= EF_NOINTERP;
	SetFrameRate( 0.0 );

	const bool fAnyButtonDown = ( GetButtons().Any( ~IN_SCORE ) ) != 0;

	// wait for all buttons released
	if( GetDeadFlag() == DEAD_DEAD )
		if( fAnyButtonDown )

		if( g_pGameRules->FPlayerCanRespawn( this ) )
			m_fDeadTime = gpGlobals->time;


	// if the player has been dead for one second longer than allowed by forcerespawn, 
	// forcerespawn isn't on. Send the player off to an intermission camera until they 
	// choose to respawn.
	if( g_pGameRules->IsMultiplayer() && ( gpGlobals->time > ( m_fDeadTime + 6 ) ) && !( m_afPhysicsFlags & PFLAG_OBSERVER ) )
		// go to dead camera. 

	if( IsObserver() )	// player is in spectator mode

	// wait for any button down,  or mp_forcerespawn is set and the respawn time is up
	if( !fAnyButtonDown
		&& !( g_pGameRules->IsMultiplayer() && forcerespawn.value > 0 && ( gpGlobals->time > ( m_fDeadTime + 5 ) ) ) )

	m_iRespawnFrames = 0;

	//ALERT(at_console, "Respawn\n");

	g_pGameRules->PlayerRespawn( this, !( m_afPhysicsFlags & PFLAG_OBSERVER ) );// don't copy a corpse if we're in deathcam.
	SetNextThink( -1 );