void CUser::SelectCharacter(Packet & pkt) { Packet result(WIZ_SEL_CHAR); uint8 bResult, bInit; if (isBanned()) { Disconnect(); return; } pkt >> bResult >> bInit; result << bResult; if (bResult == 0 || !GetZoneID()) goto fail_return; m_pMap = g_pMain->GetZoneByID(GetZoneID()); if (GetMap() == nullptr) goto fail_return; if (g_pMain->m_nServerNo != GetMap()->m_nServerNo) { _ZONE_SERVERINFO *pInfo = g_pMain->m_ServerArray.GetData(GetMap()->m_nServerNo); if (pInfo == nullptr) goto fail_return; SendServerChange(pInfo->strServerIP, bInit); return; } if (!g_pMain->isWarOpen() && GetFame() == COMMAND_CAPTAIN) m_bFame = CHIEF; // Disallow players from relogging in the opposite nation's home zone when an invasion's not running. if (((GetZoneID() != GetNation() && GetZoneID() <= ZONE_ELMORAD && !g_pMain->m_byBattleOpen) // also disallow players from logging back into war zones that aren't currently active... || (GetMap()->isWarZone() && !g_pMain->m_byBattleOpen) // Chaos, bdw and juraid montuain || isInTempleEventZone() // Ronark Land, Ardream, RLB, Bifrost, Krowaz Dominion. || (g_pMain->m_byBattleOpen && (GetZoneID() == ZONE_RONARK_LAND || GetZoneID() == ZONE_ARDREAM || GetZoneID() == ZONE_RONARK_LAND_BASE || GetZoneID() == ZONE_BIFROST || GetZoneID() == ZONE_KROWAZ_DOMINION))) && !isGM()) { NativeZoneReturn(); Disconnect(); return; } SetLogInInfoToDB(bInit); result << GetZoneID() << GetSPosX() << GetSPosZ() << GetSPosY() << g_pMain->m_byOldVictory; m_bSelectedCharacter = true; Send(&result); SetUserAbility(false); if (GetLevel() > MAX_LEVEL) { Disconnect(); return; } m_iMaxExp = g_pMain->GetExpByLevel(GetLevel()); SetRegion(GetNewRegionX(), GetNewRegionZ()); if (GetClanID() == -1) { SetClanID(0); m_bFame = 0; return; } else if (GetClanID() != 0 && GetZoneID() > 2) { result.Initialize(WIZ_KNIGHTS_PROCESS); result << uint8(KNIGHTS_LIST_REQ) << GetClanID(); g_pMain->AddDatabaseRequest(result, this); } return; fail_return: Send(&result); }
void CUser::GetUserInfo(Packet & pkt) { pkt.SByte(); pkt << GetName() << uint16(GetNation()) << GetClanID() << GetFame(); CKnights * pKnights = g_pMain->GetClanPtr(GetClanID()); if (pKnights == nullptr) { pkt << uint32(0) << uint16(0) << uint8(0) << uint16(-1) << uint32(0) << uint8(0); } else { pkt << pKnights->GetAllianceID() << pKnights->m_strName << pKnights->m_byGrade << pKnights->m_byRanking << uint16(pKnights->m_sMarkVersion) // symbol/mark version << uint16(pKnights->m_sCape) // cape ID << pKnights->m_bCapeR << pKnights->m_bCapeG << pKnights->m_bCapeB << uint8(0) // this is stored in 4 bytes after all. // not sure what this is, but it (just?) enables the clan symbol on the cape // value in dump was 9, but everything tested seems to behave as equally well... // we'll probably have to implement logic to respect requirements. << uint8(1); } // There are two event-driven invisibility states; dispel on attack, and dispel on move. // These are handled primarily server-side; from memory the client only cares about value 1 (which we class as 'dispel on move'). // As this is the only place where this flag is actually sent to the client, we'll just convert 'dispel on attack' // back to 'dispel on move' as the client expects. uint8 bInvisibilityType = m_bInvisibilityType; if (bInvisibilityType == INVIS_DISPEL_ON_ATTACK) bInvisibilityType = INVIS_DISPEL_ON_MOVE; pkt << GetLevel() << m_bRace << m_sClass << GetSPosX() << GetSPosZ() << GetSPosY() << m_bFace << m_nHair << m_bResHpType << uint32(m_bAbnormalType) << m_bNeedParty << m_bAuthority << m_bPartyLeader // is party leader (bool) << bInvisibilityType // visibility state << uint8(0) // team colour (i.e. in soccer, 0=none, 1=blue, 2=red) << m_bIsHidingHelmet // either this is correct and items are super buggy, or it causes baldness. You choose. << m_sDirection // direction << m_bIsChicken // chicken/beginner flag << m_bRank // king flag << m_bPersonalRank << m_bKnightsRank // NP ranks (total, monthly) << m_sItemArray[BREAST].nNum << m_sItemArray[BREAST].sDuration << uint8(0) << m_sItemArray[LEG].nNum << m_sItemArray[LEG].sDuration << uint8(0) << m_sItemArray[HEAD].nNum << m_sItemArray[HEAD].sDuration << uint8(0) << m_sItemArray[GLOVE].nNum << m_sItemArray[GLOVE].sDuration << uint8(0) << m_sItemArray[FOOT].nNum << m_sItemArray[FOOT].sDuration << uint8(0) << m_sItemArray[SHOULDER].nNum << m_sItemArray[SHOULDER].sDuration << uint8(0) << m_sItemArray[RIGHTHAND].nNum << m_sItemArray[RIGHTHAND].sDuration << uint8(0) << m_sItemArray[LEFTHAND].nNum << m_sItemArray[LEFTHAND].sDuration << uint8(0) << m_sItemArray[CWING].nNum << m_sItemArray[CWING].sDuration << uint8(0) << m_sItemArray[CTOP].nNum << m_sItemArray[CTOP].sDuration << uint8(0) << m_sItemArray[CHELMET].nNum << m_sItemArray[CHELMET].sDuration << uint8(0) << m_sItemArray[CRIGHT].nNum << m_sItemArray[CRIGHT].sDuration << uint8(0) << m_sItemArray[CLEFT].nNum << m_sItemArray[CLEFT].sDuration << uint8(0) << GetZoneID() << uint8(-1) << uint8(-1) << uint16(0) << uint16(0) << uint16(0); }
void CUser::GetUserInfo(Packet & pkt) { pkt.SByte(); pkt << GetName() << GetNation() << GetClanID() << GetFame(); CKnights * pKnights = g_pMain->GetClanPtr(GetClanID()); if (pKnights == nullptr) { //pkt /*<< uint8(0)*/ << uint16(0) << uint8(0) << uint8(0); pkt << uint32(0) << uint16(0) << uint8(0) << uint16(-1); } else { pkt << pKnights->GetAllianceID() << pKnights->m_strName << pKnights->m_byGrade << pKnights->m_byRanking << uint16(pKnights->m_sMarkVersion) // symbol/mark version << pKnights->GetCapeID(pKnights); // cape ID } // There are two event-driven invisibility states; dispel on attack, and dispel on move. // These are handled primarily server-side; from memory the client only cares about value 1 (which we class as 'dispel on move'). // As this is the only place where this flag is actually sent to the client, we'll just convert 'dispel on attack' // back to 'dispel on move' as the client expects. uint8 bInvisibilityType = m_bInvisibilityType; if (bInvisibilityType != INVIS_NONE) bInvisibilityType = INVIS_DISPEL_ON_MOVE; pkt << GetLevel() << m_bRace << m_sClass << GetSPosX() << GetSPosZ() << GetSPosY() << m_bFace << m_nHair << m_bResHpType << uint32(m_bAbnormalType)//uint8(m_bAbnormalType) << m_bNeedParty << m_bAuthority << m_bPartyLeader // is party leader (bool) << bInvisibilityType // visibility state //<< uint8(m_teamColour) // team colour (i.e. in soccer, 0=none, 1=blue, 2=red) //<< m_bIsHidingHelmet // either this is correct and items are super buggy, or it causes baldness. You choose. << m_sDirection // direction << m_bIsChicken // chicken/beginner flag << m_bRank // king flag << m_bKnightsRank << m_bPersonalRank; // NP ranks (total, monthly) uint8 equippedItems[] = { BREAST, LEG, HEAD, GLOVE, FOOT, SHOULDER, RIGHTHAND, LEFTHAND, CTOP, CHELMET }; foreach_array(i, equippedItems) { _ITEM_DATA * pItem = GetItem(equippedItems[i]); if (pItem == nullptr) continue; pkt << pItem->nNum << pItem->sDuration << pItem->bFlag; }
void CUser::Chat(Packet & pkt) { Packet result; uint16 sessID; uint8 type = pkt.read<uint8>(), bNation; string chatstr, finalstr, strSender, * strMessage; bool isAnnouncement = false; if (isMuted()) return; pkt >> chatstr; if (chatstr.empty() || chatstr.size() > 128) return; // Process GM commands if (isGM() && ProcessChatCommand(chatstr)) return; #if 0 // Removed this - all it seems to do is cause chat to break for GMs (is it 19xx+ only?) if( isGM() && type == GENERAL_CHAT) type = 0x14; #endif // Handle GM notice & announcement commands if (type == PUBLIC_CHAT || type == ANNOUNCEMENT_CHAT) { // Trying to use a GM command without authorisation? Bad player! if (!isGM()) return; if (type == ANNOUNCEMENT_CHAT) type = WAR_SYSTEM_CHAT; // This is horrible, but we'll live with it for now. // Pull the notice string (#### NOTICE : %s ####) from the database. // Format the chat string around it, so our chat data is within the notice g_pMain->GetServerResource(IDP_ANNOUNCEMENT, &finalstr, chatstr.c_str()); isAnnouncement = true; } if (isAnnouncement) { // GM notice/announcements show no name, so don't bother setting it. strMessage = &finalstr; // use the formatted message from the user bNation = KARUS; // arbitrary nation sessID = -1; } else { strMessage = &chatstr; // use the raw message from the user strSender = GetName(); // everything else uses a name, so set it bNation = GetNation(); sessID = GetSocketID(); } ChatPacket::Construct(&result, type, strMessage, &strSender, bNation, sessID); switch (type) { case GENERAL_CHAT: g_pMain->Send_NearRegion(&result, GetMap(), GetRegionX(), GetRegionZ(), GetX(), GetZ()); break; case PRIVATE_CHAT: { CUser *pUser = g_pMain->GetUserPtr(m_sPrivateChatUser); if (pUser != nullptr) pUser->Send(&result); } break; case PARTY_CHAT: if (isInParty()) g_pMain->Send_PartyMember(m_sPartyIndex, &result); break; case SHOUT_CHAT: if (m_sMp < (m_iMaxMp / 5)) break; // Characters under level 35 require 3,000 coins to shout. if (!isGM() && GetLevel() < 35 && !GoldLose(SHOUT_COIN_REQUIREMENT)) break; MSpChange(-(m_iMaxMp / 5)); SendToRegion(&result); break; case KNIGHTS_CHAT: if (isInClan()) g_pMain->Send_KnightsMember(GetClanID(), &result); break; case PUBLIC_CHAT: case ANNOUNCEMENT_CHAT: if (isGM()) g_pMain->Send_All(&result); break; case COMMAND_CHAT: if (GetFame() == COMMAND_CAPTAIN) g_pMain->Send_CommandChat(&result, m_bNation, this); break; case MERCHANT_CHAT: if (isMerchanting()) SendToRegion(&result); break; case ALLIANCE_CHAT: if (isInClan()) { CKnights *pKnights = g_pMain->GetClanPtr(GetClanID()); if (pKnights != nullptr && pKnights->isInAlliance()) g_pMain->Send_KnightsAlliance(pKnights->GetAllianceID(), &result); } break; case WAR_SYSTEM_CHAT: if (isGM()) g_pMain->Send_All(&result); break; } }
void CUser::SelectCharacter(Packet & pkt) { Packet result(WIZ_SEL_CHAR); uint8 bResult, bInit; if (isBanned()) { Disconnect(); return; } pkt >> bResult >> bInit; result << bResult; if (bResult == 0 || !GetZoneID()) goto fail_return; m_pMap = g_pMain->GetZoneByID(GetZoneID()); if (GetMap() == nullptr) goto fail_return; if (g_pMain->m_nServerNo != GetMap()->m_nServerNo) { _ZONE_SERVERINFO *pInfo = g_pMain->m_ServerArray.GetData(GetMap()->m_nServerNo); if (pInfo == nullptr) goto fail_return; SendServerChange(pInfo->strServerIP, bInit); return; } if (g_pMain->m_byBattleOpen == NO_BATTLE && GetFame() == COMMAND_CAPTAIN) m_bFame = CHIEF; if ((GetZoneID() != GetNation() && GetZoneID() < 3 && !g_pMain->m_byBattleOpen) || (GetZoneID() == ZONE_BATTLE && (g_pMain->m_byBattleOpen != NATION_BATTLE)) || (GetZoneID() == ZONE_SNOW_BATTLE && (g_pMain->m_byBattleOpen != SNOW_BATTLE)) || (GetZoneID() == ZONE_RONARK_LAND && g_pMain->m_byBattleOpen)) { NativeZoneReturn(); Disconnect(); return; } SetLogInInfoToDB(bInit); result << GetZoneID() << GetSPosX() << GetSPosZ() << GetSPosY() << g_pMain->m_byOldVictory; m_bSelectedCharacter = true; Send(&result); SetSlotItemValue(); SetUserAbility(false); if (GetLevel() > MAX_LEVEL) { Disconnect(); return; } m_iMaxExp = g_pMain->GetExpByLevel(GetLevel()); SetRegion(GetNewRegionX(), GetNewRegionZ()); if (GetClanID() == -1) { SetClanID(0); m_bFame = 0; return; } else if (GetClanID() != 0 && GetZoneID() > 2) { result.Initialize(WIZ_KNIGHTS_PROCESS); result << uint8(KNIGHTS_LIST_REQ) << GetClanID(); g_pMain->AddDatabaseRequest(result, this); } return; fail_return: Send(&result); }