// Purpose: Make enough sound events to fill the estimated think interval
// returns: number of shots needed
int CHLMachineGun::WeaponSoundRealtime( WeaponSound_t shoot_type )
	int numBullets = 0;

	// ran out of time, clamp to current
	if (m_flNextSoundTime < gpGlobals->curtime)
		m_flNextSoundTime = gpGlobals->curtime;

	// make enough sound events to fill up the next estimated think interval
	float dt = clamp( m_flAnimTime - m_flPrevAnimTime, 0, 0.2 );
	if (m_flNextSoundTime < gpGlobals->curtime + dt)
		WeaponSound( SINGLE_NPC, m_flNextSoundTime );
		m_flNextSoundTime += GetFireRate();
	if (m_flNextSoundTime < gpGlobals->curtime + dt)
		WeaponSound( SINGLE_NPC, m_flNextSoundTime );
		m_flNextSoundTime += GetFireRate();

	return numBullets;
// Purpose: 
void CWeaponCombatLaserRifle::PrimaryAttack( void )
	CBaseTFPlayer *pPlayer = (CBaseTFPlayer*)GetOwner();
	if (!pPlayer)

	// Fire the bullets
	Vector vecSrc = pPlayer->Weapon_ShootPosition( );
	Vector vecAiming;
	pPlayer->EyeVectors( &vecAiming );

	PlayAttackAnimation( GetPrimaryAttackActivity() );

	// Reduce the spread if the player's ducking
	Vector vecSpread = GetBulletSpread();
	vecSpread *= m_flInaccuracy;

	TFGameRules()->FireBullets( CTakeDamageInfo( this, pPlayer, weapon_combat_laserrifle_damage.GetFloat(), DMG_PLASMA), 1, 
		vecSrc, vecAiming, vecSpread, weapon_combat_laserrifle_range.GetFloat(), m_iPrimaryAmmoType, 0, entindex(), 0 );

	m_flInaccuracy += 0.3;
	m_flInaccuracy = clamp(m_flInaccuracy, 0, 1);

	m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + GetFireRate();
	m_iClip1 = m_iClip1 - 1;
void CWeaponStickyLauncher::PrimaryAttack( void )
	// Only the player fires this way so we can cast
	CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( GetOwner() );

	if (!pPlayer)

	m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + GetFireRate();

	pPlayer->m_fEffects |= EF_MUZZLEFLASH;

	SendWeaponAnim( GetPrimaryAttackActivity() );

	// player "shoot" animation
	pPlayer->SetAnimation( PLAYER_ATTACK1 );

	Vector vecSrc = pPlayer->Weapon_ShootPosition( );
	Vector vecAiming = pPlayer->GetAutoaimVector( AUTOAIM_5DEGREES );
	m_iClip1 = m_iClip1 - 1;

	LaunchStickyBomb( pPlayer, vecSrc, vecAiming );
Exemple #4
void CWeaponCombatKnife::SecondaryAttack( void )
	CBasePlayer* pOwner = ToBasePlayer( GetOwner() );
	Assert( pOwner );

	//Can't throw last knife
	if ( pOwner->GetAmmoCount(GetPrimaryAmmoType()) <= 0 )
		m_flNextSecondaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f;

	#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
		CDHLProjectile* pKnife = (CDHLProjectile*)(CreateEntityByName( "dhl_projectile" ));
		Assert( pKnife );
		pKnife->SetOwnerEntity( pOwner );

		//This is just an easy way of getting an eye vector, there isn't really any autoaim in MP
		Vector vecDir = pOwner->GetAutoaimVector( AUTOAIM_SCALE_DEFAULT );
		//HACK - move it forward so it doesn't appear to spawn inside the player's face
		Vector vecSrc = pOwner->Weapon_ShootPosition() + ( vecDir * 6.0f );

		pKnife->Fire( vecSrc, vecDir * 1232.0f /*70mph*/, GetHL2MPWpnData().m_iPlayerDamage, this, pOwner, -1 );
		if ( dhl_flamingknives.GetBool() )
			pKnife->Ignite( 30.0f, false );

		//Make sure this is done after the call to Fire()
		int iAmmo = pOwner->GetAmmoCount(GetPrimaryAmmoType());
		pOwner->RemoveAmmo( 1, GetPrimaryAmmoType() );
		if ( iAmmo <= 0 )
			AddEffects( EF_NODRAW );
			#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
				pOwner->Weapon_Drop( this, NULL, NULL );
			SendWeaponAnim( ACT_VM_THROW ); //Need to be able to predict this

			pOwner->SetAnimation( PLAYER_ATTACK1 ); //Use the primary attack anim for now
			ToHL2MPPlayer(pOwner)->DoAnimationEvent( PLAYERANIMEVENT_ATTACK_PRIMARY );

			m_flNextSecondaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + GetFireRate();

		/*IPhysicsObject* pPhysObj = VPhysicsGetObject();
		if ( pPhysObj )
			pPhysObj->EnableMotion( false );
			pPhysObj->EnableCollisions( false );
		m_bAllowPickup = false;*/
// Purpose: Place the combat object
void CWeaponBaseCombatObject::PrimaryAttack( void )
	CBaseTFPlayer *pPlayer = dynamic_cast<CBaseTFPlayer*>((CBaseEntity*)GetOwner());
	if ( !pPlayer )
	if ( pPlayer->GetAmmoCount(m_iPrimaryAmmoType) <= 0 )

	m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + GetFireRate();

	Vector vecPlaceOrigin;
	QAngle angPlaceAngles;
	if ( GetPlacePosition( pPlayer, &vecPlaceOrigin, &angPlaceAngles ) == false )
		WeaponSound( DOUBLE );

	// Place the combat object
	PlaceCombatObject( pPlayer, vecPlaceOrigin, angPlaceAngles );

	WeaponSound( SINGLE );
	pPlayer->RemoveAmmo( 1, m_iPrimaryAmmoType );

	// If I'm now out of ammo, switch away
	if ( !HasPrimaryAmmo() )
// Purpose: Spawn a grenade with no velocity and a timer of 0
void CGEWeaponGrenade::ExplodeInHand( void )
	CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( GetOwner() );
	if (!pPlayer)

#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
	Vector	vecEye = pPlayer->EyePosition();

	CGEGrenade *pGrenade = (CGEGrenade *)CBaseEntity::Create( "npc_grenade", vecEye, vec3_angle, NULL );

	if ( pGrenade )
		pGrenade->SetThrower( GetOwner() );
		pGrenade->SetOwnerEntity( GetOwner() );
		pGrenade->SetVelocity( 0, NULL );
		pGrenade->m_bHitSomething = true; //I'm not gonna just give it to you!

		pGrenade->SetDamage( GetGEWpnData().m_iDamage );
		pGrenade->SetDamageRadius( GetGEWpnData().m_flDamageRadius );

		pGrenade->SetTimer( 0 );

	m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + GetFireRate();

	// Remove the grenade from our ammo pool
	pPlayer->RemoveAmmo( 1, m_iPrimaryAmmoType );
void Sinkhole_Top::OnSerpentine(DispenseList& dispenseList)
	for (auto& throwableQuantity : dispenseList)
		int amount = throwableQuantity->GetQuantity();
		int total = amount;

		// Shoot a number proportional to the total number being shot out. This will reduce times for large amounts of coins to a maximum number of shot
		const int maxPerShot = (amount / k_MultishotQuantityThreshold) + 1;
		int launchAmount = amount;
		if (launchAmount > maxPerShot)
			launchAmount = maxPerShot;

		int slotNum = 0;

		int n = m_SingleShotTicker/GetFireRate() % (12*2); 
		slotNum = (n < 12) ?
					n :
					((12*2)-1) - n;

		Position startOffset = Position(2*TILE_SIZE, 3*TILE_SIZE);
		Position start = Position(x + startOffset.x, y + startOffset.y);

		Position launchPos(start.x + slotNum*TILE_SIZE/2, start.y);

		throwableQuantity->Throw(launchPos, std::bind(&Sinkhole_Top::GetLaunchTo, this), launchAmount);

		amount -= launchAmount;
Exemple #8
// Purpose: Allows firing as fast as button is pressed
void CWeaponMosinNagant::ItemPostFrame( void )

	if ( m_bInReload )
	CBasePlayer *pOwner = ToBasePlayer( GetOwner() );

	if ( pOwner == NULL )
	if ( pOwner->m_nButtons & IN_ATTACK2 )
		m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + GetFireRate();

	if ( ( pOwner->m_nButtons & IN_ATTACK ) && ( m_flNextPrimaryAttack < gpGlobals->curtime ) && ( m_iClip1 <= 0 ) )

	if ( m_bInZoom ) //Can't let them switch to third person
		if ( ::input->CAM_IsThirdPerson() )
			m_bWantsThirdPerson = !m_bWantsThirdPerson;
// Purpose: 
void CHLSelectFireMachineGun::PrimaryAttack( void )
	if (m_bFireOnEmpty)
	switch( m_iFireMode )
		// Msg("%.3f\n", m_flNextPrimaryAttack.Get() );
		SetWeaponIdleTime( gpGlobals->curtime + 3.0f );

		m_iBurstSize = GetBurstSize();
		// Call the think function directly so that the first round gets fired immediately.
		SetThink( &CHLSelectFireMachineGun::BurstThink );
		m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + GetBurstCycleRate();
		m_flNextSecondaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + GetBurstCycleRate();

		// Pick up the rest of the burst through the think function.
		SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + GetFireRate() );

	CBasePlayer *pOwner = ToBasePlayer( GetOwner() );
	if ( pOwner )
		gamestats->Event_WeaponFired( pOwner, true, GetClassname() );
// Purpose: 
void CWeaponCombatPlasmaGrenadeLauncher::PrimaryAttack( void )
	CBaseTFPlayer *pPlayer = (CBaseTFPlayer*)GetOwner();
	if (!pPlayer)

	// Fire the bullets
	Vector vecSrc = pPlayer->Weapon_ShootPosition( );

	PlayAttackAnimation( GetPrimaryAttackActivity() );

	// Launch the grenade
	Vector vecForward;
	pPlayer->EyeVectors( &vecForward );
	Vector vecOrigin = pPlayer->EyePosition();
	vecOrigin += (vecForward);

#if !defined( CLIENT_DLL )
	float flSpeed = 1200;

	CGrenadeAntiPersonnel* pGrenade = CGrenadeAntiPersonnel::Create(vecOrigin, vecForward * flSpeed, pPlayer );
	pGrenade->SetModel( "models/weapons/w_grenade.mdl" );
	pGrenade->SetBounceSound( "PlasmaGrenade.Bounce" );
	pGrenade->SetDamage( weapon_combat_plasmagrenadelauncher_damage.GetFloat() );
	pGrenade->SetDamageRadius( weapon_combat_plasmagrenadelauncher_radius.GetFloat() );
	pGrenade->SetExplodeOnContact( true );

	m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + GetFireRate();
	m_iClip1 = m_iClip1 - 1;
void CASW_Weapon_Freeze_Grenades::DelayedAttack( void )
	m_bShotDelayed = false;
	CASW_Player *pPlayer = GetCommander();
	if ( !pPlayer )

	CASW_Marine *pMarine = GetMarine();
	if ( !pMarine || pMarine->GetWaterLevel() == 3 )
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL		
	Vector vecSrc = pMarine->GetOffhandThrowSource();

	Vector vecDest = pPlayer->GetCrosshairTracePos();
	Vector newVel = UTIL_LaunchVector( vecSrc, vecDest, GetThrowGravity() ) * 28.0f;
	float fGrenadeRadius = GetBoomRadius( pMarine );
	if (asw_debug_marine_damage.GetBool())
		Msg( "Freeze grenade radius = %f \n", fGrenadeRadius );
	pMarine->GetMarineSpeech()->Chatter( CHATTER_GRENADE );

	// freeze aliens completely, plus the freeze duration
	float flFreezeAmount = 1.0f + MarineSkills()->GetSkillBasedValueByMarine(pMarine, ASW_MARINE_SKILL_GRENADES, ASW_MARINE_SUBSKILL_GRENADE_FREEZE_DURATION);

	if (ASWGameRules())
		ASWGameRules()->m_fLastFireTime = gpGlobals->curtime;

	CASW_Grenade_Freeze *pGrenade = CASW_Grenade_Freeze::Freeze_Grenade_Create( 
		vecSrc, pMarine->EyeAngles(), newVel, AngularImpulse(0,0,0), pMarine, this );
	if ( pGrenade )
		pGrenade->SetGravity( GetThrowGravity() );
		pGrenade->SetExplodeOnWorldContact( true );
		// decrement ammo
	m_iClip1 -= 1;

#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
	DestroyIfEmpty( true );

	m_flSoonestPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + ASW_FLARES_FASTEST_REFIRE_TIME;
	if (m_iClip1 > 0)		// only force the fire wait time if we have ammo for another shot
		m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + GetFireRate();
		m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime;
Exemple #12
void CWeaponUzi::PrimaryAttack( void )
	m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + GetFireRate();
	//BP muzzlefash de la mort
	/*Vector vecShootOrigin;
	QAngle angShootDir;
	GetAttachment(LookupAttachment("muzzle"), vecShootOrigin, angShootDir);
	DispatchParticleEffect("muzzleflash_final_uzi", vecShootOrigin, angShootDir);*/

		ToBasePlayer( GetOwner() )->DoMuzzleFlash();*/

	#define	EASY_DAMPEN			0.5f
	#define	MAX_VERTICAL_KICK	1.0f	//Degrees
	#define	SLIDE_LIMIT			2.0f	//Seconds
	//Get the view kick
	CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( GetOwner() );

	if ( pPlayer == NULL )

	Vector	vForward, vRight, vUp;
	pPlayer->EyeVectors( &vForward, &vRight, &vUp );
	Vector vecShootOrigin;
	QAngle angShootDir;
	GetAttachment(LookupAttachment("muzzle"), vecShootOrigin, angShootDir);
	Vector	muzzlePoint = pPlayer->Weapon_ShootPosition() + vForward * 18.0f + vRight * 6.0f + vUp * -3.0f;
	Vector	muzzlePoint = vecShootOrigin;
	DispatchParticleEffect("muzzleflash_final_uzi", muzzlePoint, angShootDir);

	dlight_t *el = effects->CL_AllocDlight( LIGHT_INDEX_MUZZLEFLASH + index );

	el->origin = muzzlePoint;
	el->radius = random->RandomInt( 32, 64 ); 
	el->decay = el->radius / 0.05f;
	el->die = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.2f;
	el->color.r = 255;
	el->color.g = 192;
	el->color.b = 64;
	el->color.exponent = 5;

	DoMachineGunKick( pPlayer, EASY_DAMPEN, MAX_VERTICAL_KICK, m_fFireDuration, SLIDE_LIMIT );
void CASW_Weapon_Bait::DelayedAttack()
	m_bShotDelayed = false;
	CASW_Player *pPlayer = GetCommander();
	if ( !pPlayer )

	CASW_Marine *pMarine = GetMarine();
	if ( !pMarine || pMarine->GetWaterLevel() == 3 )

	// sets the animation on the marine holding this weapon
	//pMarine->SetAnimation( PLAYER_ATTACK1 );
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
	Vector vecSrc = pMarine->GetOffhandThrowSource();
	AngularImpulse rotSpeed(0,0,720);

	Vector vecDest = pPlayer->GetCrosshairTracePos();
	Vector newVel = UTIL_LaunchVector( vecSrc, vecDest, GetThrowGravity() ) * 28.0f;
	CASW_Bait *pEnt = CASW_Bait::Bait_Create( vecSrc, QAngle(90,0,0), newVel, rotSpeed, pMarine );
	if ( pEnt )
		float flDuration = pEnt->GetDuration();

		//CALL_ATTRIB_HOOK_FLOAT( flDuration, mod_duration );

		pEnt->SetDuration( flDuration );
		pEnt->SetGravity( GetThrowGravity() );
	// decrement ammo
	m_iClip1 -= 1;

#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
	DestroyIfEmpty( true );

	m_flSoonestPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + ASW_BAIT_FASTEST_REFIRE_TIME;
	if (m_iClip1 > 0)		// only force the fire wait time if we have ammo for another shot
		m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + GetFireRate();
		m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime;
Exemple #14
void CWeaponSAA::ItemPostFrame( void )

	if ( m_bInReload )

	CBasePlayer *pOwner = ToBasePlayer( GetOwner() );
	if ( pOwner == NULL )
	if ( pOwner->m_nButtons & IN_ATTACK2 )
		m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + GetFireRate();

	if ( ( pOwner->m_nButtons & IN_ATTACK ) && ( m_flNextPrimaryAttack < gpGlobals->curtime ) && ( m_iClip1 <= 0 ) )
// Purpose: 
void CHLSelectFireMachineGun::BurstThink( void )


	if( m_iBurstSize == 0 )
		// The burst is over!

		// idle immediately to stop the firing animation
		SetWeaponIdleTime( gpGlobals->curtime );

	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + GetFireRate() );
void CWeaponShotgun::PrimaryAttack( void )
	// Only the player fires this way so we can cast
	CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( GetOwner() );

	if (!pPlayer)

	// MUST call sound before removing a round from the clip of a CMachineGun


	ToGEPlayer(pPlayer)->DoAnimationEvent( PLAYERANIMEVENT_ATTACK_PRIMARY );

	// Don't fire again until our ROF expires
	m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + GetFireRate();
	m_flSoonestPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + GetClickFireRate();
	m_iClip1 -= 1;

	// player "shoot" animation
	pPlayer->SetAnimation( PLAYER_ATTACK1 );

	Vector	vecSrc		= pPlayer->Weapon_ShootPosition( );
	Vector	vecAiming	= pPlayer->GetAutoaimVector( AUTOAIM_10DEGREES );	

//	FireBulletsInfo_t info( 5, vecSrc, vecAiming, pGEPlayer->GetAttackSpread(this), MAX_TRACE_LENGTH, m_iPrimaryAmmoType );
//	info.m_pAttacker = pPlayer;

	// Knock the player's view around


	// Fire the bullets, and force the first shot to be perfectly accuracy
	PrepareFireBullets(5, pPlayer, vecSrc, vecAiming, true);

	if (!m_iClip1 && pPlayer->GetAmmoCount(m_iPrimaryAmmoType) <= 0)
		// HEV suit - indicate out of ammo condition
		pPlayer->SetSuitUpdate("!HEV_AMO0", FALSE, 0); 
// Purpose: Firing
void CWeaponRocketLauncher::PrimaryAttack( void )
	CBaseTFPlayer *pPlayer = ( CBaseTFPlayer* )GetOwner();
	if ( !pPlayer )

	if ( !ComputeEMPFireState() )

	// Weapon "Fire" sound.
	WeaponSound( SINGLE );

	// Play the attack animation (need one for rocket launcher - deploy?)
	PlayAttackAnimation( GetPrimaryAttackActivity() );

	// Fire the rocket (Get the position and angles).
	Vector vecFirePos = pPlayer->Weapon_ShootPosition();
	Vector vecFireAng;
	pPlayer->EyeVectors( &vecFireAng );

	// Shift it down a bit so the firer can see it
	Vector vecRight;
	AngleVectors( pPlayer->EyeAngles() + pPlayer->m_Local.m_vecPunchAngle, NULL, &vecRight, NULL );
	vecFirePos += Vector( 0, 0, -8 ) + vecRight * 12;

	// Create the rocket.
#if !defined( CLIENT_DLL )
	CWeaponGrenadeRocket *pRocket = CWeaponGrenadeRocket::Create( vecFirePos, vecFireAng, weapon_rocket_launcher_range.GetFloat(), pPlayer );
	CWeaponGrenadeRocket *pRocket = CWeaponGrenadeRocket::Create( vecFirePos, vecFireAng, 0, pPlayer );
	if ( pRocket )
		pRocket->SetRealOwner( pPlayer );
#if !defined( CLIENT_DLL )
		pRocket->SetDamage( weapon_rocket_launcher_damage.GetFloat() );

	// Essentially you are done!
	m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + GetFireRate();
	m_iClip1 = m_iClip1 - 1;
// Purpose: 
void CWeaponCombat_ChargeablePlasma::PrimaryAttack( void )
	CBaseTFPlayer *pPlayer = (CBaseTFPlayer*)GetOwner();
	if (!pPlayer)

	// Fire the bullets
	Vector vecSrc = pPlayer->Weapon_ShootPosition( );
	Vector vecAiming;
	pPlayer->EyeVectors( &vecAiming );

	// If we already have a lock target from button down, see if we shouldn't try and get a new one
	// Only do this is the button was released immediately
	if ( !m_hLockTarget || ( m_flLockedAt < gpGlobals->curtime ) )
		m_hLockTarget = GetLockTarget();

	PlayAttackAnimation( GetPrimaryAttackActivity() );

	// Shift it down a bit so the firer can see it
	Vector right;
	AngleVectors( pPlayer->EyeAngles() + pPlayer->m_Local.m_vecPunchAngle, NULL, &right, NULL );
	Vector vecStartSpot = vecSrc + Vector(0,0,-8) + right * 12;

	CGuidedPlasma *pShot = CGuidedPlasma::Create(vecStartSpot, vecAiming, m_hLockTarget, m_vecTargetOffset, pPlayer);

	// Set it's charged power level
	if (m_bHasCharge)
		m_flPower = min( MAX_CHARGED_TIME, gpGlobals->curtime - m_flChargeStartTime );
		m_flPower = 0.0f;

	float flDamageMult = RemapVal( m_flPower, 0, MAX_CHARGED_TIME, 1.0, MAX_CHARGED_POWER );
	pShot->SetPowerLevel( flDamageMult );

	m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + GetFireRate();
	m_iClip1 = m_iClip1 - 1;
	m_hLockTarget = NULL;
// Purpose: 
void CWeaponGauss::PrimaryAttack( void )
	CBasePlayer *pOwner = ToBasePlayer( GetOwner() );
	if ( pOwner == NULL )

	WeaponSound( SINGLE );
	WeaponSound( SPECIAL2 );


	m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + GetFireRate();
	pOwner->RemoveAmmo( 1, m_iPrimaryAmmoType );


	m_flCoilMaxVelocity = 0.0f;
	m_flCoilVelocity = 1000.0f;

// Purpose: Prepare the launcher to fire
void CGEWeaponRocketLauncher::PrimaryAttack( void )
	CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( GetOwner() );
	if (!pPlayer)

	// If my clip is empty (and I use clips) start reload
	if ( UsesClipsForAmmo1() && !m_iClip1 ) 

	// Bring us back to center view

	// Note that this is a primary attack and prepare the grenade attack to pause.
	m_bPreLaunch = true;
	SendWeaponAnim( GetPrimaryAttackActivity() );
	ToGEPlayer(pPlayer)->DoAnimationEvent( PLAYERANIMEVENT_ATTACK_PRIMARY );

	m_flRocketSpawnTime = gpGlobals->curtime + GetFireDelay();
	m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + GetFireRate();
void CASW_Weapon_Hornet_Barrage::PrimaryAttack()
	CASW_Marine *pMarine = GetMarine();
	if ( !pMarine )

	CASW_Player *pPlayer = GetCommander();
	if ( !pPlayer )

	if ( m_iRocketsToFire.Get() > 0 )

	// mine weapon is lost when all mines are gone
	if ( UsesClipsForAmmo1() && !m_iClip1 ) 

	m_flFireInterval = GetRocketFireInterval();
	m_flNextLaunchTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
	const char *pszSound = "ASW_Hornet_Barrage.Fire";
	CPASAttenuationFilter filter( this, pszSound );
	if ( IsPredicted() && CBaseEntity::GetPredictionPlayer() )
	EmitSound( filter, entindex(), pszSound );

	// decrement ammo
	m_iClip1 -= 1;

	m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + GetFireRate();
// Purpose: 
void CHLMachineGun::PrimaryAttack( void )
	// Only the player fires this way so we can cast
	CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( GetOwner() );
	if (!pPlayer)
	// Abort here to handle burst and auto fire modes
	if ( (UsesClipsForAmmo1() && m_iClip1 == 0) || ( !UsesClipsForAmmo1() && !pPlayer->GetAmmoCount(m_iPrimaryAmmoType) ) )



	// To make the firing framerate independent, we may have to fire more than one bullet here on low-framerate systems, 
	// especially if the weapon we're firing has a really fast rate of fire.
	int iBulletsToFire = 0;
	float fireRate = GetFireRate();

	// MUST call sound before removing a round from the clip of a CHLMachineGun
	while ( m_flNextPrimaryAttack <= gpGlobals->curtime )
		WeaponSound(SINGLE, m_flNextPrimaryAttack);
		m_flNextPrimaryAttack = m_flNextPrimaryAttack + fireRate;

	// Make sure we don't fire more than the amount in the clip, if this weapon uses clips
	if ( UsesClipsForAmmo1() )
		if ( iBulletsToFire > m_iClip1 )
			iBulletsToFire = m_iClip1;
		m_iClip1 -= iBulletsToFire;

	gamestats->Event_WeaponFired( pPlayer, true, GetClassname() );

	// Fire the bullets
	FireBulletsInfo_t info;
	info.m_iShots = iBulletsToFire;
	info.m_vecSrc = pPlayer->Weapon_ShootPosition( );
	info.m_vecDirShooting = pPlayer->GetAutoaimVector( AUTOAIM_SCALE_DEFAULT );
	info.m_vecSpread = pPlayer->GetAttackSpread( this );
	info.m_flDistance = MAX_TRACE_LENGTH;
	info.m_iAmmoType = m_iPrimaryAmmoType;
	info.m_iTracerFreq = 2;
	FireBullets( info );

	//Factor in the view kick

	CSoundEnt::InsertSound( SOUND_COMBAT, GetAbsOrigin(), SOUNDENT_VOLUME_MACHINEGUN, 0.2, pPlayer );
	if (!m_iClip1 && pPlayer->GetAmmoCount(m_iPrimaryAmmoType) <= 0)
		// HEV suit - indicate out of ammo condition
		pPlayer->SetSuitUpdate("!HEV_AMO0", FALSE, 0); 

	SendWeaponAnim( GetPrimaryAttackActivity() );
	pPlayer->SetAnimation( PLAYER_ATTACK1 );

	// Register a muzzleflash for the AI
	pPlayer->SetMuzzleFlashTime( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.5 );
// Purpose : Starts the swing of the weapon and determines the animation
// Input   : bIsSecondary - is this a secondary attack?
void CBaseHL2MPBludgeonWeapon::Swing( int bIsSecondary )
    trace_t traceHit;

    // Try a ray
    CBasePlayer *pOwner = ToBasePlayer( GetOwner() );
    if ( !pOwner )

    Vector swingStart = pOwner->Weapon_ShootPosition( );
    Vector forward;

    pOwner->EyeVectors( &forward, NULL, NULL );

    Vector swingEnd = swingStart + forward * GetRange();
    UTIL_TraceLine( swingStart, swingEnd, MASK_SHOT_HULL, pOwner, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &traceHit );
    Activity nHitActivity = ACT_VM_HITCENTER;

#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
    // Like bullets, bludgeon traces have to trace against triggers.
    CTakeDamageInfo triggerInfo( GetOwner(), GetOwner(), GetDamageForActivity( nHitActivity ), DMG_CLUB );
    TraceAttackToTriggers( triggerInfo, traceHit.startpos, traceHit.endpos, vec3_origin );

    if ( traceHit.fraction == 1.0 )
        float bludgeonHullRadius = 1.732f * BLUDGEON_HULL_DIM;  // hull is +/- 16, so use cuberoot of 2 to determine how big the hull is from center to the corner point

        // Back off by hull "radius"
        swingEnd -= forward * bludgeonHullRadius;

        UTIL_TraceHull( swingStart, swingEnd, g_bludgeonMins, g_bludgeonMaxs, MASK_SHOT_HULL, pOwner, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &traceHit );
        if ( traceHit.fraction < 1.0 && traceHit.m_pEnt )
            Vector vecToTarget = traceHit.m_pEnt->GetAbsOrigin() - swingStart;
            VectorNormalize( vecToTarget );

            float dot = vecToTarget.Dot( forward );

            // YWB:  Make sure they are sort of facing the guy at least...
            if ( dot < 0.70721f )
                // Force amiss
                traceHit.fraction = 1.0f;
                nHitActivity = ChooseIntersectionPointAndActivity( traceHit, g_bludgeonMins, g_bludgeonMaxs, pOwner );

    WeaponSound( SINGLE );

    // -------------------------
    //	Miss
    // -------------------------
    if ( traceHit.fraction == 1.0f )
        nHitActivity = bIsSecondary ? ACT_VM_MISSCENTER2 : ACT_VM_MISSCENTER;

        // We want to test the first swing again
        Vector testEnd = swingStart + forward * GetRange();

        // See if we happened to hit water
        ImpactWater( swingStart, testEnd );
        Hit( traceHit, nHitActivity );

    // Send the anim
    SendWeaponAnim( nHitActivity );

    pOwner->SetAnimation( PLAYER_ATTACK1 );
    ToHL2MPPlayer(pOwner)->DoAnimationEvent( PLAYERANIMEVENT_ATTACK_PRIMARY );

    //Setup our next attack times
    m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + GetFireRate();
    m_flNextSecondaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + SequenceDuration();
void CASW_Weapon_Buff_Grenade::PrimaryAttack( void )
	// Only the player fires this way so we can cast
	CASW_Player *pPlayer = GetCommander();

	if (!pPlayer)

	CASW_Marine *pMarine = GetMarine();
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
	bool bThisActive = (pMarine && pMarine->GetActiveWeapon() == this);

	// mine weapon is lost when all mines are gone
	if ( UsesClipsForAmmo1() && !m_iClip1 ) 
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
		if (pMarine)
			if (bThisActive)

	if ( !pMarine || pMarine->GetWaterLevel() == 3 )

	// MUST call sound before removing a round from the clip of a CMachineGun

	// tell the marine to tell its weapon to draw the muzzle flash

	// sets the animation on the weapon model iteself
	SendWeaponAnim( GetPrimaryAttackActivity() );


	// sets the animation on the marine holding this weapon
	//pMarine->SetAnimation( PLAYER_ATTACK1 );
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
	Vector	vecSrc		= pMarine->Weapon_ShootPosition( );
	Vector	vecAiming	= pPlayer->GetAutoaimVectorForMarine(pMarine, GetAutoAimAmount(), GetVerticalAdjustOnlyAutoAimAmount());	// 45 degrees = 0.707106781187
	if ( !pMarine->IsInhabited() && vecSrc.DistTo( pMarine->m_vecOffhandItemSpot ) < 150.0f )
		vecSrc.x = pMarine->m_vecOffhandItemSpot.x;
		vecSrc.y = pMarine->m_vecOffhandItemSpot.y;
		vecSrc.z += 50.0f;

	QAngle ang = pPlayer->EyeAngles();
	ang.x = 0;
	ang.z = 0;
	CShotManipulator Manipulator( vecAiming );
	AngularImpulse rotSpeed(0,0,720);
	// create a pellet at some random spread direction			
	Vector newVel = Manipulator.ApplySpread(GetBulletSpread());

	if ( !pMarine->IsInhabited() )
		newVel = vec3_origin;

	float flRadius = asw_damage_amp_radius.GetFloat();
	float flDuration = asw_damage_amp_duration.GetFloat();
	CASW_BuffGrenade_Projectile::Grenade_Projectile_Create( vecSrc, ang, newVel, rotSpeed, pMarine, flRadius, flDuration );

	pMarine->OnWeaponFired( this, 1 );

	// decrement ammo
	m_iClip1 -= 1;

#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
	DestroyIfEmpty( true );

	m_flSoonestPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + ASW_FLARES_FASTEST_REFIRE_TIME;
	if (m_iClip1 > 0)		// only force the fire wait time if we have ammo for another shot
		m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + GetFireRate();
		m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime;
void CASW_Weapon_HealGrenade::PrimaryAttack( void )
	CASW_Player *pPlayer = GetCommander();
	if (!pPlayer)

	CASW_Marine *pMarine = GetMarine();
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
	bool bThisActive = (pMarine && pMarine->GetActiveWeapon() == this);

	if ( !pMarine )

	// MUST call sound before removing a round from the clip of a CMachineGun

	// sets the animation on the weapon model iteself
	SendWeaponAnim( GetPrimaryAttackActivity() );

	// sets the animation on the marine holding this weapon
	//pMarine->SetAnimation( PLAYER_ATTACK1 );
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
	Vector	vecSrc		= pMarine->Weapon_ShootPosition( );
	Vector	vecAiming	= pPlayer->GetAutoaimVectorForMarine(pMarine, GetAutoAimAmount(), GetVerticalAdjustOnlyAutoAimAmount());	// 45 degrees = 0.707106781187

	if ( !pMarine->IsInhabited() && vecSrc.DistTo( pMarine->m_vecOffhandItemSpot ) < 150.0f )
		vecSrc.x = pMarine->m_vecOffhandItemSpot.x;
		vecSrc.y = pMarine->m_vecOffhandItemSpot.y;
		vecSrc.z += 50.0f;

	QAngle ang = pPlayer->EyeAngles();
	ang.x = 0;
	ang.z = 0;
	CShotManipulator Manipulator( vecAiming );
	AngularImpulse rotSpeed(0,0,720);

	// create a pellet at some random spread direction			
	Vector newVel = Manipulator.ApplySpread(GetBulletSpread());
	if ( pMarine->GetWaterLevel() != 3 )
		CreateProjectile( vecSrc, ang, newVel, rotSpeed, pMarine );
		pMarine->OnWeaponFired( this, 1 );


	// decrement ammo
	m_iClip1 -= 1;

#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
	// destroy if empty
	if ( UsesClipsForAmmo1() && !m_iClip1 ) 

		pMarine->GetMarineSpeech()->Chatter( CHATTER_MEDS_NONE );

		if ( pMarine )
			if ( bThisActive )


	m_flSoonestPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + GetRefireTime();
	if (m_iClip1 > 0)		// only force the fire wait time if we have ammo for another shot
		m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + GetFireRate();
		m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime;

	//m_flLastFireTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
// Purpose: Swing the weapon. bIsSecondary determines which Attack() function was used
void CTDPWeaponMaul::Swing( int bIsSecondary )

	// Do we have a valid owner holding the weapon?
	CTDPPlayer *pPlayer = GetPlayerOwner();
	if ( !pPlayer )

	// Get the player's position
	Vector vSwingStart = pPlayer->Weapon_ShootPosition( );
	Vector vForward;
	pPlayer->EyeVectors( &vForward, NULL, NULL );

	// Get the attack end position by using the weapon's range
	Vector vSwingEnd = vSwingStart + vForward * GetRange();

	trace_t tr;
	UTIL_TraceLine( vSwingStart, vSwingEnd, MASK_SHOT_HULL, pPlayer, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );

	// Let's get our animation sequence depending on the attack type
	Activity nHitActivity = ( bIsSecondary ) ? GetSecondaryAttackActivity() : GetPrimaryAttackActivity();

#if defined( GAME_DLL )
	// Like bullets, bludgeon traces have to trace against triggers.
	CTakeDamageInfo triggerInfo( GetOwner(), GetOwner(), GetDamageForActivity( nHitActivity ), DMG_CLUB );
	TraceAttackToTriggers( triggerInfo, tr.startpos, tr.endpos, vec3_origin );

	// We didn't hit anything. Let's check for hull trace now
	if ( tr.fraction == 1.0f )
		// hull is +/- 16, so use cuberoot of 2 to determine how big the hull is from center to the corner point
		float bludgeonHullRadius = 1.732f * BLUDGEON_HULL_DIM;

		// Back off by hull "radius"
		vSwingEnd -= vForward * bludgeonHullRadius;

		UTIL_TraceHull( vSwingStart, vSwingEnd, g_bludgeonMins, g_bludgeonMaxs, MASK_SHOT_HULL, pPlayer, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );

		// Check if we hit something and if we have hit an entity
		if ( tr.fraction < 1.0 && tr.m_pEnt )
			// Get the position of the entity we just hit
			Vector vToTarget = tr.m_pEnt->GetAbsOrigin() - vSwingStart;
			VectorNormalize( vToTarget );

			float dot = vToTarget.Dot( vForward );

			// Make sure they are sort of facing the guy at least...
			if ( dot < 0.70721f )
				// Force a miss
				tr.fraction = 1.0f;
				// We are sort of facing something. Let's see we should impact based on the melee swing trajectory
				BaseClass::ChooseIntersectionPointAndActivity( tr, g_bludgeonMins, g_bludgeonMaxs, pPlayer );

	// See if we happened to hit water along the way
	BaseClass::ImpactWater( vSwingStart, tr.endpos );

	// Check for hit results
	if ( tr.fraction == 1.0f )
		// We didn't hit anything so let's change the animation sequence to full swing
		nHitActivity = ( bIsSecondary ) ? GetSecondaryMissActivity() : GetPrimaryMissActivity();
		// We hit something. We can keep the same animation sequence.
		BaseClass::Hit( tr, nHitActivity );

	//Play swing sound
	WeaponSound( SINGLE );

	// Send the anim
	SendWeaponAnim( nHitActivity );

	// Setup our next attack times
	m_flNextPrimaryAttack = m_flNextSecondaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + GetFireRate();

	// Setup our next time to idle
	m_flTimeWeaponIdle = gpGlobals->curtime + GetTime2Idle();
void CASW_Weapon_Sniper_Rifle::PrimaryAttack( void )
	// If my clip is empty (and I use clips) start reload
	if ( UsesClipsForAmmo1() && !m_iClip1 ) 

	CASW_Player *pPlayer = GetCommander();
	CASW_Marine *pMarine = GetMarine();
	if ( !pMarine )

	// MUST call sound before removing a round from the clip of a CMachineGun
	if (m_iClip1 <= AmmoClickPoint())
		BaseClass::WeaponSound( EMPTY );

	m_bIsFiring = true;

	// tell the marine to tell its weapon to draw the muzzle flash

	// sets the animation on the weapon model iteself
	//SendWeaponAnim( GetPrimaryAttackActivity() );

	// sets the animation on the marine holding this weapon
	//pMarine->SetAnimation( PLAYER_ATTACK1 );

#ifdef GAME_DLL	// check for turning on lag compensation
	if (pPlayer && pMarine->IsInhabited())
		CASW_Lag_Compensation::RequestLagCompensation( pPlayer, pPlayer->GetCurrentUserCommand() );

	FireBulletsInfo_t info;
	info.m_vecSrc = pMarine->Weapon_ShootPosition( );
	if ( pPlayer && pMarine->IsInhabited() )
		info.m_vecDirShooting = pPlayer->GetAutoaimVectorForMarine(pMarine, GetAutoAimAmount(), GetVerticalAdjustOnlyAutoAimAmount());	// 45 degrees = 0.707106781187
		Msg("Error, clientside firing of a weapon that's being controlled by an AI marine\n");
		info.m_vecDirShooting = pMarine->GetActualShootTrajectory( info.m_vecSrc );
	info.m_iShots = 1;			

	// Make sure we don't fire more than the amount in the clip
	if ( UsesClipsForAmmo1() )
		info.m_iShots = MIN( info.m_iShots, m_iClip1 );
		m_iClip1 -= info.m_iShots;
#ifdef GAME_DLL
		CASW_Marine *pMarine = GetMarine();
		if (pMarine && m_iClip1 <= 0 && pMarine->GetAmmoCount(m_iPrimaryAmmoType) <= 0 )
			// check he doesn't have ammo in an ammo bay
			CASW_Weapon_Ammo_Bag* pAmmoBag = dynamic_cast<CASW_Weapon_Ammo_Bag*>(pMarine->GetASWWeapon(0));
			if (!pAmmoBag)
				pAmmoBag = dynamic_cast<CASW_Weapon_Ammo_Bag*>(pMarine->GetASWWeapon(1));
			if (!pAmmoBag || !pAmmoBag->CanGiveAmmoToWeapon(this))
		info.m_iShots = MIN( info.m_iShots, pMarine->GetAmmoCount( m_iPrimaryAmmoType ) );
		pMarine->RemoveAmmo( info.m_iShots, m_iPrimaryAmmoType );

	info.m_flDistance = asw_weapon_max_shooting_distance.GetFloat();
	info.m_iAmmoType = m_iPrimaryAmmoType;
	info.m_iTracerFreq = 1;
	info.m_flDamageForceScale = asw_weapon_force_scale.GetFloat();

	info.m_vecSpread = GetBulletSpread();
	info.m_flDamage = GetWeaponDamage();
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
	if (asw_debug_marine_damage.GetBool())
		Msg("Weapon dmg = %f\n", info.m_flDamage);
	info.m_flDamage *= pMarine->GetMarineResource()->OnFired_GetDamageScale();

	int iPenetration = 1;
	if ( pMarine->GetDamageBuffEndTime() > gpGlobals->curtime )		// sniper rifle penetrates more targets when marine is in a damage amp
		iPenetration = 3;
	pMarine->FirePenetratingBullets( info, iPenetration, 3.5f, 0, true, NULL, false  );

	// increment shooting stats
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
	if (pMarine && pMarine->GetMarineResource())
		pMarine->GetMarineResource()->UsedWeapon(this, 1);
		pMarine->OnWeaponFired( this, 1 );
	if (m_iClip1 > 0)		// only force the fire wait time if we have ammo for another shot
		m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + GetFireRate();
		m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime;
	m_fSlowTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.03f;
Exemple #28
void CASW_Weapon_T75::PrimaryAttack( void )
	// Only the player fires this way so we can cast
	CASW_Player *pPlayer = GetCommander();
	if (!pPlayer)

	CASW_Marine *pMarine = GetMarine();
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
	bool bThisActive = (pMarine && pMarine->GetActiveWeapon() == this);

	// weapon is lost when all charges are gone
	if ( UsesClipsForAmmo1() && !m_iClip1 ) 
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
		if (pMarine)
			if (bThisActive)

	if ( !pMarine || pMarine->GetWaterLevel() == 3 )		// firing from a marine

	// sets the animation on the weapon model iteself
	SendWeaponAnim( GetPrimaryAttackActivity() );

#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
	Vector	vecSrc		= pMarine->Weapon_ShootPosition( );
	// TODO: Fix for AI
	Vector	vecAiming	= pPlayer->GetAutoaimVectorForMarine(pMarine, GetAutoAimAmount(), GetVerticalAdjustOnlyAutoAimAmount());

	if ( !pMarine->IsInhabited() && vecSrc.DistTo( pMarine->m_vecOffhandItemSpot ) < 150.0f )
		vecSrc.x = pMarine->m_vecOffhandItemSpot.x;
		vecSrc.y = pMarine->m_vecOffhandItemSpot.y;
		vecSrc.z += 50.0f;
	QAngle ang = pPlayer->EyeAngles();
	ang.x = 0;
	ang.z = 0;
	CShotManipulator Manipulator( vecAiming );
	AngularImpulse rotSpeed(0,0,720);
	Vector newVel = Manipulator.ApplySpread(GetBulletSpread());


	if ( !pMarine->IsInhabited() )
		newVel = vec3_origin;

	CASW_T75 *pT75 = CASW_T75::ASW_T75_Create( vecSrc, ang, newVel, rotSpeed, pMarine, this );
	if ( pT75 && !pMarine->IsInhabited() )
		pT75->ActivateUseIcon( pMarine, ASW_USE_RELEASE_QUICK );

	// decrement ammo
	m_iClip1 -= 1;

#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
	DestroyIfEmpty( true );

	m_flSoonestPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + ASW_FLARES_FASTEST_REFIRE_TIME;
	if (m_iClip1 > 0)		// only force the fire wait time if we have ammo for another shot
		m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + GetFireRate();
		m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime;
void CASW_Weapon_Shotgun::PrimaryAttack( void )
	// If my clip is empty (and I use clips) start reload
	if ( UsesClipsForAmmo1() && !m_iClip1 ) 

	CASW_Player *pPlayer = GetCommander();
	CASW_Marine *pMarine = GetMarine();

	if (pMarine)		// firing from a marine
		// MUST call sound before removing a round from the clip of a CMachineGun
		if (m_iClip1 <= AmmoClickPoint())

		m_bIsFiring = true;

		// tell the marine to tell its weapon to draw the muzzle flash

		// sets the animation on the weapon model iteself
		SendWeaponAnim( GetPrimaryAttackActivity() );

#ifdef GAME_DLL	// check for turning on lag compensation
		if (pPlayer && pMarine->IsInhabited())
			CASW_Lag_Compensation::RequestLagCompensation( pPlayer, pPlayer->GetCurrentUserCommand() );

		Vector vecSrc = pMarine->Weapon_ShootPosition( );
		// hull trace out to this shoot position, so we can be sure we're not firing from over an alien's head
		trace_t tr;
		CTraceFilterSimple tracefilter(pMarine, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE);
		Vector vecMarineMiddle(pMarine->GetAbsOrigin());
		vecMarineMiddle.z = vecSrc.z;
		AI_TraceHull( vecMarineMiddle, vecSrc, Vector( -10, -10, -20 ), Vector( 10, 10, 10 ), MASK_SHOT, &tracefilter, &tr );
		vecSrc = tr.endpos;

		Vector vecAiming = vec3_origin;
		if ( pPlayer && pMarine->IsInhabited() )
			vecAiming = pPlayer->GetAutoaimVectorForMarine(pMarine, GetAutoAimAmount(), GetVerticalAdjustOnlyAutoAimAmount());	// 45 degrees = 0.707106781187
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
			vecAiming = pMarine->GetActualShootTrajectory( vecSrc );

		if (true)		// hitscan pellets

#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
			if (asw_DebugAutoAim.GetBool())
				NDebugOverlay::Line(vecSrc, vecSrc + vecAiming * asw_weapon_max_shooting_distance.GetFloat(), 64, 0, 64, false, 120.0);
			int iPellets = GetNumPellets();
			for (int i=0;i<iPellets;i++)
				FireBulletsInfo_t info( 1, vecSrc, vecAiming, GetAngularBulletSpread(), asw_weapon_max_shooting_distance.GetFloat(), m_iPrimaryAmmoType );
				info.m_pAttacker = pMarine;
				info.m_iTracerFreq = 1;
				info.m_flDamage = GetWeaponDamage();
				info.m_flDamageForceScale = asw_weapon_force_scale.GetFloat();
	#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
				if (asw_debug_marine_damage.GetBool())
					Msg("Weapon dmg = %f\n", info.m_flDamage);
				info.m_flDamage *= pMarine->GetMarineResource()->OnFired_GetDamageScale();
				// shotgun bullets have a base 50% chance of piercing
				//float fPiercingChance = 0.5f;
				//if (pMarine->GetMarineResource() && pMarine->GetMarineProfile() && pMarine->GetMarineProfile()->GetMarineClass() == MARINE_CLASS_SPECIAL_WEAPONS)
					//fPiercingChance += MarineSkills()->GetSkillBasedValueByMarine(pMarine, ASW_MARINE_SKILL_PIERCING);
				//pMarine->FirePenetratingBullets(info, 5, fPiercingChance);

				//pMarine->FirePenetratingBullets(info, 5, 1.0f, i, false );
				pMarine->FirePenetratingBullets(info, 0, 1.0f, i, false );
		else	// projectile pellets
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
			CShotManipulator Manipulator( vecAiming );
			int iPellets = GetNumPellets();
			for (int i=0;i<iPellets;i++)
				// create a pellet at some random spread direction
				//CASW_Shotgun_Pellet *pPellet = 			
				Vector newVel = Manipulator.ApplySpread(GetBulletSpread());
				//Vector newVel = ApplySpread( vecAiming, GetBulletSpread() );
				if ( pMarine->GetWaterLevel() == 3 )
				newVel *= (1.0 + (0.1 * random->RandomFloat(-1,1)));
				CreatePellet(vecSrc, newVel, pMarine);
				//CASW_Shotgun_Pellet_Predicted::CreatePellet(vecSrc, newVel, pPlayer, pMarine);

		// increment shooting stats
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
		if (pMarine && pMarine->GetMarineResource())
			pMarine->GetMarineResource()->UsedWeapon(this, 1);
			pMarine->OnWeaponFired( this, GetNumPellets() );

		// decrement ammo
		m_iClip1 -= 1;
#ifdef GAME_DLL
		CASW_Marine *pMarine = GetMarine();
		if (pMarine && m_iClip1 <= 0 && pMarine->GetAmmoCount(m_iPrimaryAmmoType) <= 0 )
			// check he doesn't have ammo in an ammo bay
			CASW_Weapon_Ammo_Bag* pAmmoBag = dynamic_cast<CASW_Weapon_Ammo_Bag*>(pMarine->GetASWWeapon(0));
			if (!pAmmoBag)
				pAmmoBag = dynamic_cast<CASW_Weapon_Ammo_Bag*>(pMarine->GetASWWeapon(1));
			if (!pAmmoBag || !pAmmoBag->CanGiveAmmoToWeapon(this))
	if (m_iClip1 > 0)		// only force the fire wait time if we have ammo for another shot
		m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + GetFireRate();
		m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime;
	m_fSlowTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f;
void CWeaponSMG1::PrimaryAttack( void )
	// Only the player fires this way so we can cast
	CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( GetOwner() );
	if (!pPlayer)
	// Abort here to handle burst and auto fire modes
	if ( (UsesClipsForAmmo1() && m_iClip1 == 0) || ( !UsesClipsForAmmo1() && !pPlayer->GetAmmoCount(m_iPrimaryAmmoType) ) )



	// To make the firing framerate independent, we may have to fire more than one bullet here on low-framerate systems, 
	// especially if the weapon we're firing has a really fast rate of fire.
	int iBulletsToFire = 0;
	float fireRate = GetFireRate();

	while ( m_flNextPrimaryAttack <= gpGlobals->curtime )
		// MUST call sound before removing a round from the clip of a CHLMachineGun
		WeaponSound(SINGLE, m_flNextPrimaryAttack);
		m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + fireRate;

	// Make sure we don't fire more than the amount in the clip, if this weapon uses clips
	if ( UsesClipsForAmmo1() )
		if ( iBulletsToFire > m_iClip1 )
			iBulletsToFire = m_iClip1;
		m_iClip1 -= iBulletsToFire;

	CSDKPlayer *pSDKPlayer = ToSDKPlayer( pPlayer );

	// Fire the bullets
	FireBulletsInfo_t info;
	info.m_iShots = iBulletsToFire;
	info.m_vecSrc = pSDKPlayer->Weapon_ShootPosition( );
	info.m_vecDirShooting = pPlayer->GetAutoaimVector( AUTOAIM_5DEGREES );
	info.m_vecSpread = GetBulletSpread();
	info.m_flDistance = MAX_TRACE_LENGTH;
	info.m_iAmmoType = m_iPrimaryAmmoType;
	info.m_iTracerFreq = 2;
	info.m_iDamage = GetSDKWpnData().m_iDamage;
	pPlayer->FireBullets( info );

	//Factor in the view kick
	if (!m_iClip1 && pPlayer->GetAmmoCount(m_iPrimaryAmmoType) <= 0)
		// HEV suit - indicate out of ammo condition
		pPlayer->SetSuitUpdate("!HEV_AMO0", FALSE, 0); 

	SendWeaponAnim( GetPrimaryAttackActivity() );
	pPlayer->SetAnimation( PLAYER_ATTACK1 );