Exemple #1
float Player::GetTotalSpellCritChanceOnTarget(SpellSchoolMask schoolMask, Unit* victim)
    // For normal school set zero crit chance
    if (schoolMask == SPELL_SCHOOL_MASK_NORMAL || victim == NULL)
        return 0.0f;

    float crit_chance = GetFloatValue(PLAYER_SPELL_CRIT_PERCENTAGE1 + GetFirstSchoolInMask(schoolMask));
    // Modify critical chance by victim SPELL_AURA_MOD_ATTACKER_SPELL_CRIT_CHANCE
    crit_chance += victim->GetTotalAuraModifierByMiscMask(SPELL_AURA_MOD_ATTACKER_SPELL_CRIT_CHANCE, schoolMask);
    // Modify critical chance by victim SPELL_AURA_MOD_ATTACKER_SPELL_AND_WEAPON_CRIT_CHANCE
    crit_chance += victim->GetTotalAuraModifier(SPELL_AURA_MOD_ATTACKER_SPELL_AND_WEAPON_CRIT_CHANCE);

    return crit_chance;
Exemple #2
uint32 CalculatePowerCost(SpellEntry const * spellInfo, Unit const * caster, SpellSchoolMask schoolMask)
    // Spell drain all exist power on cast (Only paladin lay of Hands)
    if (spellInfo->AttributesEx & SPELL_ATTR_EX_DRAIN_ALL_POWER)
        // If power type - health drain all
        if (spellInfo->powerType == POWER_HEALTH)
            return caster->GetHealth();
        // Else drain all power
        if (spellInfo->powerType < MAX_POWERS)
            return caster->GetPower(Powers(spellInfo->powerType));
        sLog.outError("CalculateManaCost: Unknown power type '%d' in spell %d", spellInfo->powerType, spellInfo->Id);
        return 0;

    // Base powerCost
    int32 powerCost = spellInfo->manaCost;
    // PCT cost from total amount
    if (spellInfo->ManaCostPercentage)
        switch (spellInfo->powerType)
            // health as power used
            case POWER_HEALTH:
                powerCost += spellInfo->ManaCostPercentage * caster->GetCreateHealth() / 100;
            case POWER_MANA:
                powerCost += spellInfo->ManaCostPercentage * caster->GetCreateMana() / 100;
            case POWER_RAGE:
            case POWER_FOCUS:
            case POWER_ENERGY:
            case POWER_HAPPINESS:
                powerCost += spellInfo->ManaCostPercentage * caster->GetMaxPower(Powers(spellInfo->powerType)) / 100;
            case POWER_RUNE:
            case POWER_RUNIC_POWER:
                sLog.outDebug("CalculateManaCost: Not implemented yet!");
                sLog.outError("CalculateManaCost: Unknown power type '%d' in spell %d", spellInfo->powerType, spellInfo->Id);
                return 0;
    SpellSchools school = GetFirstSchoolInMask(schoolMask);
    // Flat mod from caster auras by spell school
    powerCost += caster->GetInt32Value(UNIT_FIELD_POWER_COST_MODIFIER + school);
    // Shiv - costs 20 + weaponSpeed*10 energy (apply only to non-triggered spell with energy cost)
    if (spellInfo->AttributesEx4 & SPELL_ATTR_EX4_SPELL_VS_EXTEND_COST)
        powerCost += caster->GetAttackTime(OFF_ATTACK)/100;
    // Apply cost mod by spell
    if (Player* modOwner = caster->GetSpellModOwner())
        modOwner->ApplySpellMod(spellInfo->Id, SPELLMOD_COST, powerCost);

    if (spellInfo->Attributes & SPELL_ATTR_LEVEL_DAMAGE_CALCULATION)
        powerCost = int32(powerCost/ (1.117f* spellInfo->spellLevel / caster->getLevel() -0.1327f));

    // PCT mod from user auras by school
    powerCost = int32(powerCost * (1.0f+caster->GetFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_POWER_COST_MULTIPLIER+school)));
    if (powerCost < 0)
        powerCost = 0;
    return powerCost;