void CHeadlightEffect::UpdateLight( const Vector &vecPos, const Vector &vecDir, const Vector &vecRight, const Vector &vecUp, int nDistance )
	if ( IsOn() == false )

	FlashlightState_t state;
	Vector basisX, basisY, basisZ;
	basisX = vecDir;
	basisY = vecRight;
	basisZ = vecUp;

	BasisToQuaternion( basisX, basisY, basisZ, state.m_quatOrientation );
	state.m_vecLightOrigin = vecPos;

	state.m_fHorizontalFOVDegrees = 45.0f;
	state.m_fVerticalFOVDegrees = 30.0f;
	//[JL FIX ?
	//state.m_fHorizontalFOVDegrees = r_flashlightfov.GetFloat();
	//state.m_fVerticalFOVDegrees = r_flashlightfov.GetFloat();
	IMaterial *test;
	state.m_fQuadraticAtten = r_flashlightquadratic.GetFloat();
	state.m_fLinearAtten = r_flashlightlinear.GetFloat();
	state.m_fConstantAtten = r_flashlightconstant.GetFloat();
	state.m_Color[0] = 1.0f;
	state.m_Color[1] = 1.0f;
	state.m_Color[2] = 1.0f;
	state.m_Color[3] = r_flashlightambient.GetFloat();
	state.m_NearZ = r_flashlightnear.GetFloat();
	state.m_FarZ = r_flashlightfar.GetFloat();
	state.m_bEnableShadows = true;
	state.m_pSpotlightTexture = m_FlashlightTexture;
	state.m_nSpotlightTextureFrame = 0;
	if( GetFlashlightHandle() == CLIENTSHADOW_INVALID_HANDLE )
		SetFlashlightHandle( g_pClientShadowMgr->CreateFlashlight( state ) );
		g_pClientShadowMgr->UpdateFlashlightState( GetFlashlightHandle(), state );
	g_pClientShadowMgr->UpdateProjectedTexture( GetFlashlightHandle(), true );
Exemple #2
void CHeadlightEffect::UpdateLight( const Vector &vecPos, const Vector &vecDir, const Vector &vecRight, const Vector &vecUp, int nDistance )
	if ( IsOn() == false )

	FlashlightState_t state;
	state.m_vecLightDirection = vecDir;
	Vector end = vecPos + vecRight + vecUp + vecDir;
	VectorNormalize( state.m_vecLightDirection );
	// Trace a line outward, skipping the player model and the view model.
	trace_t pm;
	CTraceFilterSkipPlayerAndViewModel traceFilter;
	UTIL_TraceLine( vecPos, end, MASK_ALL, &traceFilter, &pm );
	VectorCopy( pm.endpos, state.m_vecLightOrigin );
	pm.endpos -= vecDir * 4.0f;
	state.m_fHorizontalFOVDegrees = 90.0f;
	state.m_fVerticalFOVDegrees = 75.0f;
	state.m_fQuadraticAtten = 0.0f;
	state.m_fLinearAtten = 0.0f;
	state.m_fConstantAtten = 1.0f;
	state.m_Color.Init( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
	state.m_NearZ = r_flashlightnear.GetFloat();
	state.m_FarZ = r_flashlightfar.GetFloat();
	if( GetFlashlightHandle() == CLIENTSHADOW_INVALID_HANDLE )
		SetFlashlightHandle( g_pClientShadowMgr->CreateFlashlight( state ) );
		g_pClientShadowMgr->UpdateFlashlightState( GetFlashlightHandle(), state );
	g_pClientShadowMgr->UpdateProjectedTexture( GetFlashlightHandle(), true );