BOOL CClient::SendClipFormat(CClipFormat* pCF) { CSendInfo Info; LPVOID pvData = GlobalLock(pCF->m_hgData); INT_PTR length = GlobalSize(pCF->m_hgData); UCHAR* pOutput = NULL; int nLenOutput = 0; CTextConvert Convert; BOOL bRet = FALSE; LogSendRecieveInfo(StrF(_T("BEFORE Encrypt clip data %d"), length)); if(m_SendSocket.m_pEncryptor) { if(m_SendSocket.m_pEncryptor->Encrypt((UCHAR*)pvData, (int)length, g_Opt.m_csPassword, pOutput, nLenOutput)) { LogSendRecieveInfo(StrF(_T("AFTER Encrypt clip data %d"), nLenOutput)); Info.m_lParameter1 = nLenOutput; //Send over as UTF-8 CStringA dest; if(CTextConvert::ConvertToUTF8(GetFormatName(pCF->m_cfType), dest)) { strncpy(Info.m_cDesc, dest, sizeof(Info.m_cDesc)); Info.m_cDesc[sizeof(Info.m_cDesc)-1] = 0; } if(m_SendSocket.SendCSendData(Info, MyEnums::DATA_START) == FALSE) return FALSE; m_SendSocket.SendExactSize((char*)pOutput, nLenOutput, false); m_SendSocket.m_pEncryptor->FreeBuffer(pOutput); bRet = TRUE; } else { LogSendRecieveInfo("Failed to encrypt data"); return FALSE; } } else { ASSERT(!"SendItem::Encryption not initialized"); LogSendRecieveInfo("SendItem::Encryption not initialized"); } GlobalUnlock(pCF->m_hgData); if(m_SendSocket.SendCSendData(Info, MyEnums::DATA_END) == FALSE) return FALSE; return bRet; }
INT_PTR COleClipSource::PutFormatOnClipboard(CClipFormats *pFormats) { Log(_T("Start of put format on clipboard")); CClipFormat* pCF; INT_PTR count = pFormats->GetSize(); bool bDelayedRenderCF_HDROP = false; INT_PTR i = 0; //see if the html format is in the list //if it is the list we will not paste CF_TEXT for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { pCF = &pFormats->ElementAt(i); if(pCF->m_cfType == theApp.m_RemoteCF_HDROP) { bDelayedRenderCF_HDROP = true; } } for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { pCF = &pFormats->ElementAt(i); if(bDelayedRenderCF_HDROP) { if(pCF->m_cfType == CF_HDROP) { LogSendRecieveInfo("Added delayed cf_hdrop to clipboard"); DelayRenderData(pCF->m_cfType); } continue; } wchar_t * stringData = (wchar_t *) GlobalLock(pCF->m_hgData); int size = (int) GlobalSize(pCF->m_hgData); CString cs(stringData); GlobalUnlock(pCF->m_hgData); Log(StrF(_T("Setting clipboard type: %s to the clipboard"), GetFormatName(pCF->m_cfType))); CacheGlobalData(pCF->m_cfType, pCF->m_hgData); pCF->m_hgData = 0; // OLE owns it now } pFormats->RemoveAll(); m_bLoadedFormats = true; Log(_T("End of put format on clipboard")); return count; }
//##ModelId=474D30760272 bool CClip_ImportExport::ExportToSqliteDB(CppSQLite3DB &db) { bool bRet = false; try { //Add to Main Table m_Desc.Replace(_T("'"), _T("''")); db.execDMLEx(_T("insert into Main values(NULL, %d, '%s');"), CURRENT_EXPORT_VERSION, m_Desc); long lId = (long)db.lastRowId(); //Add to Data table CClipFormat* pCF; CppSQLite3Statement stmt = db.compileStatement(_T("insert into Data values (NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?);")); for(int i = m_Formats.GetSize()-1; i >= 0 ; i--) { pCF = & m_Formats.ElementAt(i); stmt.bind(1, lId); stmt.bind(2, GetFormatName(pCF->m_cfType)); long lOriginalSize = GlobalSize(pCF->m_hgData); stmt.bind(3, lOriginalSize); const unsigned char *Data = (const unsigned char *)GlobalLock(pCF->m_hgData); if(Data) { //First compress the data long lZippedSize = compressBound(lOriginalSize); Bytef *pZipped = new Bytef[lZippedSize]; if(pZipped) { int nZipReturn = compress(pZipped, (uLongf *)&lZippedSize, (const Bytef *)Data, lOriginalSize); if(nZipReturn == Z_OK) { stmt.bind(4, pZipped, lZippedSize); } delete []pZipped; pZipped = NULL; } } GlobalUnlock(pCF->m_hgData); stmt.execDML(); stmt.reset(); m_Formats.RemoveAt(i); } bRet = true; } CATCH_SQLITE_EXCEPTION_AND_RETURN(false) return bRet; }
/**************************************************************************** * * * FUNCTION : CreateXactionWindow() * * * * PURPOSE : Creates a transaction window for the given transaction * * under the given conversation window. * * * * RETURNS : TRUE - If successful. * * FALSE - otherwise. * * * ****************************************************************************/ HWND CreateXactionWindow( HWND hwndMDI, XACT *pxact) { PSTR pszFmt, pszItem; PSTR pData; HWND hwnd; pszItem = GetHSZName(pxact->hszItem); pszFmt = GetFormatName(pxact->wFmt); pData = GetTextData(pxact->hDdeData); /* * Útype/optsÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ITEM ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄretÄ¿ GWW_WUSER=pxact * ³ ³ * ³ ³ * ³ ³ * ³ ³ * ³ DATA ³ * ³ ³ * ³ ³ * ³ ³ * ³ ³ * Àstate/errorÄÄÄÄÄ FORMAT ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄResultÄÙ */ hwnd = CreateInfoCtrl((LPSTR)pData, (int)SendMessage(hwndMDI, UM_GETNEXTCHILDX, 0, 0L), (int)SendMessage(hwndMDI, UM_GETNEXTCHILDY, 0, 0L), 200, 100, hwndMDI, hInst, Type2String(pxact->wType, pxact->fsOptions), pszItem, NULL, "Starting", (LPSTR)pszFmt, NULL, ICSTY_SHOWFOCUS, 0, (DWORD)(LPSTR)pxact); MyFree(pszItem); MyFree(pszFmt); MyFree(pData); return(hwnd); }
const char* SkImageDecoder::getFormatName() const { return GetFormatName(this->getFormat()); }
void CCopyProperties::LoadDataFromCClip(CClip &Clip) { COleDateTime dtTime(Clip.m_Time.GetTime()); m_eDate = dtTime.Format(); COleDateTime lastPasteDate(Clip.m_lastPasteDate.GetTime()); m_lastPasteDate = lastPasteDate.Format(); m_description.SetWindowText(Clip.m_Desc); if(Clip.m_dontAutoDelete) { m_bNeverAutoDelete = TRUE; } else { m_bNeverAutoDelete = FALSE; } m_hotKeyGlobal = Clip.m_globalShortCut; m_GroupCombo.SetCurSelOnItemData(Clip.m_parentId); m_HotKey.SetHotKey(LOBYTE(Clip.m_shortCut), (HIBYTE(Clip.m_shortCut) & ~HOTKEYF_EXT)); m_HotKey.SetRules(HKCOMB_A, 0); if(HIBYTE(Clip.m_shortCut) & HOTKEYF_EXT) { ::CheckDlgButton(m_hWnd, IDC_CHECK_WIN, BST_CHECKED); } m_moveToGroupHotKeyGlobal = Clip.m_globalMoveToGroupShortCut; m_MoveToGrouHotKey.SetHotKey(LOBYTE(Clip.m_moveToGroupShortCut), (HIBYTE(Clip.m_moveToGroupShortCut) & ~HOTKEYF_EXT)); m_MoveToGrouHotKey.SetRules(HKCOMB_A, 0); if(HIBYTE(Clip.m_moveToGroupShortCut) & HOTKEYF_EXT) { ::CheckDlgButton(m_hWnd, IDC_CHECK_WIN_MOVE_TO_GROUP, BST_CHECKED); } m_QuickPasteText.SetWindowText(Clip.m_csQuickPaste); CString cs; CClipFormat* pCF; INT_PTR count = Clip.m_Formats.GetSize(); for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { pCF = &Clip.m_Formats.GetData()[i]; if(pCF) { cs.Format(_T("%s, %d"), GetFormatName(pCF->m_cfType), GlobalSize(pCF->m_hgData)); int nIndex = m_lCopyData.AddString(cs); if(m_lCopyID == -1 && pCF->m_dataId == -1) m_lCopyData.SetItemData(nIndex, i); else m_lCopyData.SetItemData(nIndex, pCF->m_dataId); } } int selectedRow = m_lCopyData.GetCount()-1; if(selectedRow >= 0 && selectedRow < m_lCopyData.GetCount()) { m_lCopyData.SetSel(selectedRow); m_lCopyData.SetCurSel(selectedRow); m_lCopyData.SetCaretIndex(selectedRow); m_lCopyData.SetAnchorIndex(selectedRow); } if(Clip.m_bIsGroup == FALSE) { ::ShowWindow(::GetDlgItem(m_hWnd, IDC_STATIC_HOT_KEY_MOVE_TO_GROUP), SW_HIDE); ::ShowWindow(::GetDlgItem(m_hWnd, IDC_HOTKEY_MOVE_TO_GROUP), SW_HIDE); ::ShowWindow(::GetDlgItem(m_hWnd, IDC_CHECK_WIN_MOVE_TO_GROUP), SW_HIDE); ::ShowWindow(::GetDlgItem(m_hWnd, IDC_HOT_KEY_GLOBAL_MOVE_TO_GROUP), SW_HIDE); CRect anchorRect; ::GetWindowRect(::GetDlgItem(m_hWnd, IDC_STATIC_HOT_KEY_MOVE_TO_GROUP), &anchorRect); ScreenToClient(&anchorRect); HWND hwnd = ::GetTopWindow(this->GetSafeHwnd()); // while we have a valid hwnd, // loop through all child windows while (hwnd) { CRect rect; ::GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rect); ScreenToClient(&rect); if( > anchorRect.bottom) { ::MoveWindow(hwnd, rect.left, - (anchorRect.Height()+4), rect.Width(), rect.Height(), TRUE); } // do something with the hwnd // and get the next child control's hwnd hwnd = ::GetNextWindow(hwnd, GW_HWNDNEXT); } CRect rect2; ::GetWindowRect(m_hWnd, &rect2); ::MoveWindow(m_hWnd, rect2.left,, rect2.Width(), rect2.Height() - (anchorRect.Height()+4), TRUE); } }
// // IDataObject::SetData // HRESULT __stdcall CDataObject::SetData(FORMATETC *pFormatEtc, STGMEDIUM *pMedium, BOOL fRelease) { _ASSERTE(pMedium && pMedium->pUnkForRelease==NULL); #ifdef _DEBUG LPCWSTR pszName = GetFormatName(pFormatEtc->cfFormat, true); DWORD nData = (DWORD)-1; if (lstrcmp(pszName, L"IsShowingLayered")==0 || lstrcmp(pszName, L"IsShowingText")==0 || lstrcmp(pszName, L"DragContext")==0 || lstrcmp(pszName, L"UsingDefaultDragImage")==0 || lstrcmp(pszName, L"DragSourceHelperFlags")==0 || lstrcmp(pszName, L"DragWindow")==0 || lstrcmp(pszName, L"DisableDragText")==0 ) { LPDWORD pdw = (LPDWORD)GlobalLock(pMedium->hGlobal); if (pdw) { nData = *pdw; } GlobalUnlock(pMedium->hGlobal); } wchar_t szDbg[255]; _wsprintf(szDbg, SKIPLEN(countof(szDbg)) L"CDataObject::SetData {cfFormat=%s, lindex=%i, tymed=x%02X(%u)}, {tymed=x%02X}", GetFormatName(pFormatEtc->cfFormat), pFormatEtc->lindex, pFormatEtc->tymed, pFormatEtc->tymed, pMedium->tymed); if (nData != (DWORD)-1) { int nLen = lstrlen(szDbg); _wsprintf(szDbg+nLen, SKIPLEN(countof(szDbg)-nLen) L", Data=x%02X(%u)", nData, nData); } wcscat_c(szDbg, L"\n"); DEBUGSTRDATA(szDbg); #endif DEBUGTEST(bool bNew = false); LONG nIndex = LookupFormatEtc(pFormatEtc); if (nIndex >= 0) { if ((pMedium != &(m_Data[nIndex].StgMedium)) && (pMedium->hGlobal != &(m_Data[nIndex].StgMedium))) { if (m_Data[nIndex].fRelease) { ReleaseStgMedium(&m_Data[nIndex].StgMedium); } else { ZeroStruct(m_Data[nIndex].StgMedium); } } else { Assert((pMedium != &(m_Data[nIndex].StgMedium)) && (pMedium->hGlobal != &(m_Data[nIndex].StgMedium))); } } else // if (nIndex < 0) { DEBUGTEST(bNew = true); _ASSERTE(nIndex < 0); DragData newItem = {}; newItem.FormatEtc = *pFormatEtc; nIndex = m_Data.push_back(newItem); } m_Data[nIndex].fUsed = TRUE; m_Data[nIndex].fRelease = fRelease; m_Data[nIndex].StgMedium = *pMedium; return S_OK; }
// // IDataObject::GetData // HRESULT __stdcall CDataObject::GetData(FORMATETC *pFormatEtc, STGMEDIUM *pMedium) { int idx; #ifdef _DEBUG wchar_t szDbg[200]; #endif // // try to match the requested FORMATETC with one of our supported formats // if ((idx = LookupFormatEtc(pFormatEtc)) == -1) { #ifdef _DEBUG _wsprintf(szDbg, SKIPLEN(countof(szDbg)) L"!!! CDataObject::LookupFormatEtc(%s) failed\n", GetFormatName(pFormatEtc->cfFormat)); DEBUGSTRDATA(szDbg); #endif return DV_E_FORMATETC; } #ifdef _DEBUG _wsprintf(szDbg, SKIPLEN(countof(szDbg)) L"CDataObject::GetData {cfFormat=%s, lindex=%i, tymed=x%02X(%u)})", GetFormatName(pFormatEtc->cfFormat), pFormatEtc->lindex, pFormatEtc->tymed, pFormatEtc->tymed); LPCWSTR pszName = GetFormatName(pFormatEtc->cfFormat, true); DWORD nData = (DWORD)-1; if (lstrcmp(pszName, L"IsShowingLayered")==0 || lstrcmp(pszName, L"IsShowingText")==0 || lstrcmp(pszName, L"DragContext")==0 || lstrcmp(pszName, L"UsingDefaultDragImage")==0 || lstrcmp(pszName, L"DragSourceHelperFlags")==0 || lstrcmp(pszName, L"DragWindow")==0 || lstrcmp(pszName, L"DisableDragText")==0 ) { LPDWORD pdw = (LPDWORD)GlobalLock(m_Data[idx].StgMedium.hGlobal); if (pdw) { nData = *pdw; int nLen = lstrlen(szDbg); _wsprintf(szDbg+nLen, SKIPLEN(countof(szDbg)-nLen) L", Data=x%02X(%u)", nData, nData); } GlobalUnlock(m_Data[idx].StgMedium.hGlobal); } wcscat_c(szDbg, L"\n"); DEBUGSTRDATA(szDbg); #endif HRESULT hr = DV_E_FORMATETC; switch (m_Data[idx].FormatEtc.tymed) { case TYMED_HGLOBAL: //ReleaseStgMedium(pMedium); pMedium->hGlobal = DupMem(m_Data[idx].StgMedium.hGlobal); pMedium->pUnkForRelease = NULL; // m_Data[idx].StgMedium.pUnkForRelease; hr = S_OK; break; case TYMED_ISTREAM: _ASSERTE(pMedium->pstm != m_Data[idx].StgMedium.pstm); //ReleaseStgMedium(pMedium); pMedium->pstm = m_Data[idx].StgMedium.pstm; if (m_Data[idx].StgMedium.pstm) m_Data[idx].StgMedium.pstm->AddRef(); pMedium->pUnkForRelease = m_Data[idx].StgMedium.pUnkForRelease; hr = S_OK; break; case TYMED_ISTORAGE: _ASSERTE(pMedium->pstg != m_Data[idx].StgMedium.pstg); //ReleaseStgMedium(pMedium); pMedium->pstg = m_Data[idx].StgMedium.pstg; if (m_Data[idx].StgMedium.pstg) m_Data[idx].StgMedium.pstg->AddRef(); pMedium->pUnkForRelease = m_Data[idx].StgMedium.pUnkForRelease; hr = S_OK; break; default: AssertMsg(L"Unsupported value in m_Data[idx].FormatEtc.tymed"); } if (hr == S_OK) { // // found a match! transfer the data into the supplied storage-medium // pMedium->tymed = m_Data[idx].FormatEtc.tymed; //Assert(pMedium->pUnkForRelease==NULL && m_Data[idx].StgMedium.pUnkForRelease==NULL); //pMedium->pUnkForRelease = NULL; } else { #ifdef _DEBUG _wsprintf(szDbg, SKIPLEN(countof(szDbg)) L"!!! CDataObject::GetData(tymed=%u) failed", m_Data[idx].FormatEtc.tymed); DEBUGSTRDATA(szDbg); //_ASSERTE(FALSE && "Unsupported tymed!"); #endif } return hr; }
void GenAudioID::Trigger(const std::string& src_dir, const std::string& dst_file) { Json::Value val; // audio { wxArrayString files; ee::FileHelper::FetchAllFiles(src_dir + "\\audio", files); int idx = val.size(); for (auto& file : files) { if (file.find("manga_") == std::string::npos) { continue; } Json::Value item; item["id"] = idx; item["name"] = "audio/" + GetFormatName(file.ToStdString()); val[idx++] = item; } for (auto& file : files) { if (file.find("manga_") != std::string::npos) { continue; } Json::Value item; item["id"] = idx; item["name"] = "audio/" + GetFormatName(file.ToStdString()); val[idx++] = item; } } // sound { wxArrayString files; ee::FileHelper::FetchAllFiles(src_dir + "\\sound", files); int idx = val.size(); for (auto& file : files) { Json::Value item; item["id"] = idx; item["name"] = "sound/" + GetFormatName(file.ToStdString()); val[idx++] = item; } } // music { wxArrayString files; ee::FileHelper::FetchAllFiles(src_dir + "\\music", files); int idx = val.size(); for (auto& file : files) { Json::Value item; item["id"] = idx; item["name"] = "music/" + GetFormatName(file.ToStdString()); val[idx++] = item; } } Json::StyledStreamWriter writer; std::locale::global(std::locale("")); std::ofstream fout(dst_file.c_str()); std::locale::global(std::locale("C")); writer.write(fout, val); fout.close(); }
/**************************************************************************** * * * FUNCTION : DdeCallback() * * * * PURPOSE : This handles all callbacks from the DDEML. This handles * * updating of the associated conversation and any special * * testing cases such as blocking callbacks etc. * * * * For the most part, clients only handle advise data and * * asynchronous transaction completion here. * * * * RETURNS : Results vary depending on transaction type. * * * ****************************************************************************/ HDDEDATA EXPENTRY DdeCallback( WORD wType, WORD wFmt, HCONV hConv, HSZ hsz1, HSZ hsz2, HDDEDATA hData, DWORD lData1, DWORD lData2) { HWND hwnd; CONVINFO ci; XACT *pxact; if (hConv) { /* * update conversation status if it changed. */ MYCONVINFO *pmci; ci.cb = sizeof(CONVINFO); if (!DdeQueryConvInfo(hConv,(DWORD) QID_SYNC, &ci) || (!IsWindow((HWND)ci.hUser))) { /* * This conversation does not yet have a corresponding MDI window * or is disconnected. */ return 0; } if (pmci = (MYCONVINFO *)GetWindowWord((HWND)ci.hUser, 0)) { if (pmci->ci.wStatus != ci.wStatus || pmci->ci.wConvst != ci.wConvst || pmci->ci.wLastError != ci.wLastError) { /* * Things have changed, updated the conversation window. */ InvalidateRect((HWND)ci.hUser, NULL, TRUE); } if (ci.wConvst & ST_INLIST) { /* * update the associated list window (if any) as well. */ if (hwnd = FindListWindow(ci.hConvList)) InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, TRUE); } } } /* * handle special block on next callback option here. This demonstrates * the CBR_BLOCK feature. */ if (fBlockNextCB && !(wType & XTYPF_NOBLOCK)) { fBlockNextCB = FALSE; return(CBR_BLOCK); } /* * handle special termination here. This demonstrates that at any time * a client can drop a conversation. */ if (fTermNextCB && hConv && wType != XTYP_DISCONNECT) { fTermNextCB = FALSE; MyDisconnect(hConv); return(0); } /* * Now we begin sort out what to do. */ switch (wType) { case XTYP_REGISTER: case XTYP_UNREGISTER: /* * This is where the client would insert code to keep track of * what servers are available. This could cause the initiation * of some conversations. */ break; case XTYP_DISCONNECT: if (fAutoReconnect) { /* * attempt a reconnection */ if (hConv = DdeReconnect(hConv)) { AddConv(ci.hszServiceReq, ci.hszTopic, hConv, FALSE); return 0; } } /* * update conv window to show its new state. */ SendMessage((HWND)ci.hUser, UM_DISCONNECTED, 0, 0); return 0; break; case XTYP_ADVDATA: /* * data from an active advise loop (from a server) */ Delay(wDelay); hwnd = FindAdviseChild((HWND)ci.hUser, hsz2, wFmt); if (!IsWindow(hwnd)) { PSTR pszItem, pszFmt; /* * AdviseStart window is gone, make a new one. */ pxact = (XACT *)MyAlloc(sizeof(XACT)); pxact->wType = wType; pxact->hConv = hConv; pxact->wFmt = wFmt; pxact->hszItem = hsz2; DdeKeepStringHandle(idInst, hsz2); pszItem = GetHSZName(hsz2); pszFmt = GetFormatName(wFmt); hwnd = CreateInfoCtrl(NULL, (int)SendMessage((HWND)ci.hUser, UM_GETNEXTCHILDX, 0, 0L), (int)SendMessage((HWND)ci.hUser, UM_GETNEXTCHILDY, 0, 0L), 200, 100, (HWND)ci.hUser, hInst, Type2String(wType, 0), (LPSTR)pszItem, NULL, NULL, (LPSTR)pszFmt, NULL, ICSTY_SHOWFOCUS, 0, (DWORD)(LPSTR)pxact); MyFree(pszFmt); MyFree(pszItem); if (!IsWindow(hwnd)) return(DDE_FNOTPROCESSED); } if (!hData) { /* * XTYPF_NODATA case - request the info. (we do this synchronously * for simplicity) */ hData = DdeClientTransaction(NULL, 0L, hConv, hsz2, wFmt, XTYP_REQUEST, DefTimeout, NULL); } if (hData) { PSTR pData; /* * Show incomming data on corresponding transaction window. */ pData = GetTextData(hData); SendMessage(hwnd, ICM_SETSTRING, ICSID_CENTER, (DWORD)(LPSTR)pData); MyFree(pData); DdeFreeDataHandle(hData); } SendMessage(hwnd, ICM_SETSTRING, ICSID_LL, (DWORD)(LPSTR)"Advised"); return(DDE_FACK); break; case XTYP_XACT_COMPLETE: /* * An asynchronous transaction has completed. Show the results. * * ...unless the XOPT_BLOCKRESULT is chosen. */ ci.cb = sizeof(CONVINFO); if (DdeQueryConvInfo(hConv, lData1, &ci) && IsWindow((HWND)ci.hUser) && (pxact = (XACT *)GetWindowWord((HWND)ci.hUser, GWW_WUSER))) { if (pxact->fsOptions & XOPT_BLOCKRESULT) { pxact->fsOptions &= ~XOPT_BLOCKRESULT; return(CBR_BLOCK); } pxact->Result = lData2; pxact->ret = hData; CompleteTransaction((HWND)ci.hUser, pxact); } break; } }
long CDittoRulerRichEditCtrl::GetTypeFlags(long lID) { long lRet = stNONE; try { CLIPFORMAT cfType = CF_TEXT; CppSQLite3Query q = theApp.m_db.execQueryEx(_T("SELECT lID FROM Data WHERE lParentID = %d AND strClipboardFormat = '%s'"), lID, GetFormatName(cfType)); if(q.eof() == false) { lRet |= stCF_TEXT; } cfType = CF_UNICODETEXT; q = theApp.m_db.execQueryEx(_T("SELECT lID FROM Data WHERE lParentID = %d AND strClipboardFormat = '%s'"), lID, GetFormatName(cfType)); if(q.eof() == false) { lRet |= stCF_UNICODETEXT; } cfType = RegisterClipboardFormat(_T("Rich Text Format")); q = theApp.m_db.execQueryEx(_T("SELECT lID FROM Data WHERE lParentID = %d AND strClipboardFormat = '%s'"), lID, GetFormatName(cfType)); if(q.eof() == false) { lRet |= stRTF; } } CATCH_SQLITE_EXCEPTION return lRet; }