Exemple #1
static VALUE
ossl_hmac_copy(VALUE self, VALUE other)
    HMAC_CTX *ctx1, *ctx2;

    if (self == other) return self;

    GetHMAC(self, ctx1);
    GetHMAC(other, ctx2);

    if (!HMAC_CTX_copy(ctx1, ctx2))
	ossl_raise(eHMACError, "HMAC_CTX_copy");
    return self;
Exemple #2
 *  call-seq:
 *     hmac.update(string) -> self
 * Returns +self+ updated with the message to be authenticated.
 * Can be called repeatedly with chunks of the message.
 * === Example
 *	first_chunk = 'The quick brown fox jumps '
 * 	second_chunk = 'over the lazy dog'
 * 	instance.update(first_chunk)
 * 	#=> 5b9a8038a65d571076d97fe783989e52278a492a
 * 	instance.update(second_chunk)
 * 	#=> de7c9b85b8b78aa6bc8a7a36f70a90701c9db4d9
static VALUE
ossl_hmac_update(VALUE self, VALUE data)
    HMAC_CTX *ctx;

    GetHMAC(self, ctx);
    HMAC_Update(ctx, (unsigned char *)RSTRING_PTR(data), RSTRING_LEN(data));

    return self;
Exemple #3
 *  call-seq:
 *     HMAC.new(key, digest) -> hmac
 * Returns an instance of OpenSSL::HMAC set with the key and digest
 * algorithm to be used. The instance represents the initial state of
 * the message authentication code before any data has been processed.
 * To process data with it, use the instance method #update with your
 * data as an argument.
 * === Example
 *	key = 'key'
 * 	digest = OpenSSL::Digest.new('sha1')
 * 	instance = OpenSSL::HMAC.new(key, digest)
 * 	#=> f42bb0eeb018ebbd4597ae7213711ec60760843f
 * 	instance.class
 * 	#=> OpenSSL::HMAC
 * === A note about comparisons
 * Two instances won't be equal when they're compared, even if they have the
 * same value. Use #to_s or #hexdigest to return the authentication code that
 * the instance represents. For example:
 *	other_instance = OpenSSL::HMAC.new('key', OpenSSL::Digest.new('sha1'))
 *  	#=> f42bb0eeb018ebbd4597ae7213711ec60760843f
 *  	instance
 *  	#=> f42bb0eeb018ebbd4597ae7213711ec60760843f
 *  	instance == other_instance
 *  	#=> false
 *  	instance.to_s == other_instance.to_s
 *  	#=> true
static VALUE
ossl_hmac_initialize(VALUE self, VALUE key, VALUE digest)
    HMAC_CTX *ctx;

    GetHMAC(self, ctx);
    HMAC_Init(ctx, RSTRING_PTR(key), RSTRING_LENINT(key),

    return self;
Exemple #4
 *  call-seq:
 *     HMAC.new(key, digest) -> hmac
 * Returns an instance of OpenSSL::HMAC set with the key and digest
 * algorithm to be used. The instance represents the initial state of
 * the message authentication code before any data has been processed.
 * To process data with it, use the instance method #update with your
 * data as an argument.
 * === Example
 *	key = 'key'
 * 	digest = OpenSSL::Digest.new('sha1')
 * 	instance = OpenSSL::HMAC.new(key, digest)
 * 	#=> f42bb0eeb018ebbd4597ae7213711ec60760843f
 * 	instance.class
 * 	#=> OpenSSL::HMAC
 * === A note about comparisons
 * Two instances won't be equal when they're compared, even if they have the
 * same value. Use #to_s or #hexdigest to return the authentication code that
 * the instance represents. For example:
 *	other_instance = OpenSSL::HMAC.new('key', OpenSSL::Digest.new('sha1'))
 *  	#=> f42bb0eeb018ebbd4597ae7213711ec60760843f
 *  	instance
 *  	#=> f42bb0eeb018ebbd4597ae7213711ec60760843f
 *  	instance == other_instance
 *  	#=> false
 *  	instance.to_s == other_instance.to_s
 *  	#=> true
static VALUE
ossl_hmac_initialize(VALUE self, VALUE key, VALUE digest)
    HMAC_CTX *ctx;

    GetHMAC(self, ctx);
    HMAC_Init_ex(ctx, RSTRING_PTR(key), RSTRING_LENINT(key),
		 ossl_evp_get_digestbyname(digest), NULL);

    return self;
Exemple #5
static VALUE
ossl_hmac_copy(VALUE self, VALUE other)
    HMAC_CTX *ctx1, *ctx2;

    if (self == other) return self;

    GetHMAC(self, ctx1);
    SafeGetHMAC(other, ctx2);

    HMAC_CTX_copy(ctx1, ctx2);
    return self;