Exemple #1
float Camera::GetDistance(const Vector3& worldPos) const
    if (!orthographic_)
        const Vector3& cameraPos = node_ ? node_->GetWorldPosition() : Vector3::ZERO;
        return (worldPos - cameraPos).Length();
        return Abs((GetInverseWorldTransform() * worldPos).z_);
Exemple #2
float Camera::GetDistanceSquared(const Vector3& worldPos) const
    if (!orthographic_)
        const Vector3& cameraPos = node_ ? node_->GetWorldPosition() : Vector3::ZERO;
        return (worldPos - cameraPos).LengthSquared();
        float distance = (GetInverseWorldTransform() * worldPos).z_;
        return distance * distance;
Exemple #3
Ray Camera::GetScreenRay(float x, float y)
    Ray ret;
    // If projection is invalid, just return a ray pointing forward
    if (!IsProjectionValid())
        ret.origin_ = node_ ? node_->GetWorldPosition() : Vector3::ZERO;
        ret.direction_ = GetForwardVector();
        return ret;
    Matrix4 viewProjInverse = (GetProjection(false) * GetInverseWorldTransform()).Inverse();
    // The parameters range from 0.0 to 1.0. Expand to normalized device coordinates (-1.0 to 1.0) & flip Y axis
    x = 2.0f * x - 1.0f;
    y = 1.0f - 2.0f * y;
    Vector3 near(x, y, 0.0f);
    Vector3 far(x, y, 1.0f);
    ret.origin_ = viewProjInverse * near;
    ret.direction_ = ((viewProjInverse * far) - ret.origin_).Normalized();
    return ret;
Exemple #4
bool Zone::IsInside(const Vector3& point) const
    // Use an oriented bounding box test
    Vector3 localPoint(GetInverseWorldTransform() * point);
    return boundingBox_.IsInside(localPoint) != OUTSIDE;