Exemple #1
static BOOL CreateFatReferedMap(RDWRHandle handle)
    unsigned long LabelsInFat;
    CLUSTER current, label;

    LabelsInFat = GetLabelsInFat(handle);
    if (!LabelsInFat) return FAIL;
    FatReferedMap = CreateVFSBitField(handle, LabelsInFat);
    if (!FatReferedMap) return FAIL;

    for (current = 2; current < LabelsInFat; current++)
	if (!GetNthCluster(handle, current, &label))
	    return FALSE;

	if (FAT_NORMAL(label))
	    if (!SetVFSBitfieldBit(FatReferedMap, label))
		return FALSE;	

    return TRUE;
Exemple #2
BOOL FragmentVolume(RDWRHandle handle, unsigned long index, CLUSTER* from, CLUSTER* to)
    unsigned long labelsinfat;

    CLUSTER current;
    CLUSTER freeSpace;
    char acFName[1000];
    char acVFSFName[1000];

    labelsinfat = GetLabelsInFat(handle);
    if (!labelsinfat) 
        return FALSE;

    current   = random_cluster(handle, labelsinfat);
    freeSpace = random_freeSpace(handle, labelsinfat);

    *from = current;
    *to   = freeSpace;

//    CreateLogFileName(index, current, freeSpace, acFName);
//    CreateVFSLogFileName(index, current, freeSpace, acVFSFName);

//    if (!OpenLogFile(acFName))
//        return FALSE;

//    if (!OpenVFSlogFile(acVFSFName))
//        return FALSE;

 //   if (IsClusterUsed(handle, freeSpace) == FALSE)
        if (!EnsureClustersFree(handle, freeSpace, 1))
            return FALSE;

        if (!RelocateCluster(handle, current, freeSpace))
            return FALSE;

//    CloseLogFile();
//    CloseVFSLogFile();

    return TRUE;
Exemple #3
**                        RecoverFileChains
** Goes through the FAT and converts every cluster chain to a valid file.
static BOOL RecoverFileChains(RDWRHandle handle)
    unsigned long LabelsInFat, i;
    unsigned long filesize;
    CLUSTER label;
    LabelsInFat = GetLabelsInFat(handle);
    if (!LabelsInFat) return FALSE;
    for (i = 2; i < LabelsInFat; i++)
	if (!GetNthCluster(handle, i, &label))
	   return FALSE;
	if (FAT_NORMAL(label) || (label == FAT_LAST_LABEL))
	   switch (IsStartOfChain(handle, i))
	      case TRUE:    
	           if (!RecoverFileChain(handle, i, &filesize))
		      return FALSE;
		   if (filesize)
		      if (!AddToRootDir(handle, i, filesize))
		         return FALSE;
	      case FAIL:
	           return FALSE;	       
    return TRUE;
Exemple #4
BOOL ScanFileChain(RDWRHandle handle, CLUSTER firstcluster,
                   struct DirectoryPosition* pos, 
                   struct DirectoryEntry* entry,
                   char* filename,
                   BOOL fixit)
    char* bitfield;
    unsigned long labelsinfat;    
    BOOL breakoff = FALSE;
    CLUSTER current = firstcluster, label, breakingcluster, lengthBreakingCluster=0;  
    unsigned long length = 0, calculatedsize, bytespercluster;
    static char tempbuf[255];   
    BOOL retVal = TRUE;

    /* If it is a root directory that we have to scan see wether it is
       a FAT32 volume and if it is get the root cluster */ 
    if (!firstcluster)
       switch (GetFatLabelSize(handle))
          case FAT12:
          case FAT16:
               return TRUE;
          case FAT32:
               current = GetFAT32RootCluster(handle);
               return FAIL;
       bytespercluster = GetSectorsPerCluster(handle) * BYTESPERSECTOR;
       if (!bytespercluster) return FAIL;   
       calculatedsize = (entry->filesize / bytespercluster) +
                                   ((entry->filesize % bytespercluster) > 0);       
    labelsinfat = GetLabelsInFat(handle);
    if (!labelsinfat) return FAIL;
    bitfield = CreateBitField(labelsinfat);
    if (!bitfield)
       return FAIL;  
    SetBitfieldBit(bitfield, current);  
    /* Initialise the checks on the directory entries */
    if (entry->attribute & FA_DIREC)
       InitClusterEntryChecking(handle, current, filename);
       switch (PreProcessClusterEntryChecking(handle, current, filename, fixit))
          case FALSE:
               retVal = FALSE;              
          case FAIL:
               DestroyClusterEntryChecking(handle, current, filename);
               return FAIL;
    while (TRUE)

        if (!GetNthCluster(handle, current, &label))
           if (entry->attribute & FA_DIREC)
              DestroyClusterEntryChecking(handle, current, filename);           
           return FAIL;
        /* Check the read cluster: */
        /* the last cluster */
        if (FAT_LAST(label))
           if (entry->attribute & FA_DIREC) /* Here the current cluster is valid */
              switch (CheckEntriesInCluster(handle, current, filename, fixit))
                  case FALSE:
                       retVal = FALSE;                                
                  case FAIL:
                       if (entry->attribute & FA_DIREC)
                          DestroyClusterEntryChecking(handle, current, filename);                 
                       return FAIL;                   
        /* Check wether it is in range */
        if (FAT_NORMAL(label) && !IsLabelValid(handle, label))
           if (firstcluster)
              ShowFileNameViolation(handle, filename,
                                    "%s contains an invalid cluster");
              ShowFileNameViolation(handle, filename,
                                     "The root directory contains an invalid cluster");           
           breakoff = TRUE;
           breakingcluster = current;
           retVal = FALSE;                         
        /* bad cluster */                                         
        if (FAT_BAD(label))
           if (firstcluster)
              ShowFileNameViolation(handle, filename,
                                    "%s contains a bad cluster");
              ShowFileNameViolation(handle, filename,
                                    "The root directory contains a bad cluster");           
           breakingcluster = current;
           breakoff = TRUE;
           retVal = FALSE;                         
        if (FAT_FREE(label))
           if (firstcluster)
              ShowFileNameViolation(handle, filename,
                                     "%s contains a free cluster");
              ShowFileNameViolation(handle, filename,
                                     "The root directory contains a free cluster");           
           breakoff = TRUE;      
           breakingcluster = current;     
           retVal = FALSE;                         
        /* Check wether there is a loop */
        if (!breakoff && GetBitfieldBit(bitfield, label))
           if (firstcluster)
              ShowFileNameViolation(handle, filename,
                                    "%s contains a loop");
              ShowFileNameViolation(handle, filename,
                                    "The root directory contains a loop");           
           breakoff = TRUE;      
           breakingcluster = current;              
           retVal = FALSE;                     
        if ((firstcluster && ((entry->attribute & FA_DIREC) == 0)) &&
            (length > calculatedsize)                              &&
            (lengthBreakingCluster == 0))
           lengthBreakingCluster = current;
        if (breakoff)
           if (fixit)
              if (!WriteFatLabel(handle, breakingcluster, FAT_LAST_LABEL))
                 if (entry->attribute & FA_DIREC)
                    DestroyClusterEntryChecking(handle, current, filename);                 
                 return FAIL;
        SetBitfieldBit(bitfield, label);  
        if (entry->attribute & FA_DIREC) /* Here the current cluster is valid */
           switch (CheckEntriesInCluster(handle, current, filename, fixit))
              case FALSE:
                   retVal = FALSE;                                
              case FAIL:
                   if (entry->attribute & FA_DIREC)
                      DestroyClusterEntryChecking(handle, current, filename);                 
                   return FAIL;                   
        current = label;  
    /* Check the length of the file */
    if (firstcluster)
       if (((entry->attribute & FA_DIREC) == 0) && (length > calculatedsize))
                  "%%s has an invalid size, the size should be about %lu, but the entry says it's %lu",
                  length * bytespercluster, entry->filesize);     

          ShowFileNameViolation(handle, filename, tempbuf);
          if (fixit &&
              !WriteFatLabel(handle, lengthBreakingCluster, FAT_LAST_LABEL))
             if (entry->attribute & FA_DIREC)
                DestroyClusterEntryChecking(handle, current, filename);             
             return FAIL;
          retVal = FALSE;                                   

       if (((entry->attribute & FA_DIREC) == 0) && (length != calculatedsize))
                  "%%s has an invalid size, the size should be about %lu, but the entry says it's %lu",
                  length * bytespercluster, entry->filesize);     

          ShowFileNameViolation(handle, filename, tempbuf); 
          if (fixit)
             /* Notice that we are modifying the filesize of the same entry in chkentrs.c,
                the entry shall be written to disk there. */     
             entry->filesize = length * bytespercluster;          
          retVal = FALSE;                       
    /* Destroy the checks on the directory entries */
    if (entry->attribute & FA_DIREC)
       switch (PostProcessClusterEntryChecking(handle, current, filename, fixit))
          case FALSE:
               retVal = FALSE;                           
          case FAIL:
               retVal = FAIL;
       DestroyClusterEntryChecking(handle, current, filename);     
    return retVal;
Exemple #5
static BOOL FilesSummaryGetter(RDWRHandle handle,
			       struct DirectoryPosition* position,
			       struct DirectoryEntry* entry,
                               void** structure)
    CLUSTER firstcluster;
    struct FilesSummary** info = (struct FilesSummary**) structure;
    unsigned long dirsize=0, *pdirsize = &dirsize, bytespercluster, labelsinfat;

    position = position;

    bytespercluster = GetSectorsPerCluster(handle) * BYTESPERSECTOR;
    if (!bytespercluster) return FAIL;

    if (entry->attribute & FA_LABEL)
       return TRUE;

    if (IsLFNEntry(entry))
       return TRUE;
    if (IsDeletedLabel(*entry))
       return TRUE;

    if (entry->attribute & FA_DIREC)
       if (IsCurrentDir(*entry))  return TRUE;
       if (IsPreviousDir(*entry)) return TRUE;


       labelsinfat = GetLabelsInFat(handle);
       if (!labelsinfat) return FAIL;
       fatmap = CreateBitField(labelsinfat);
       if (!fatmap) return FAIL;
       firstcluster = GetFirstCluster(entry);
       if (!TraverseSubdir(handle, firstcluster, DirSizeGetter,
                           (void**) &pdirsize, FALSE))
          return FAIL;


       return TRUE;     /* Not taking directories into account when
                           gathering information on files. */


                 CalculateClustersSize(entry->filesize, bytespercluster));

    if (entry->attribute & FA_SYSTEM)

                    CalculateClustersSize(entry->filesize, bytespercluster));

    if (entry->attribute & FA_HIDDEN)

                    CalculateClustersSize(entry->filesize, bytespercluster));


    return TRUE;