Exemple #1
 * Return the axis determined by the argument.
 * This is for cases where the gamepad axis is returned programatically,
 * otherwise one of the previous functions would be preferable (for example
 * GetLeftX()).
 * @param axis The axis to read.
 * @return The value of the axis.
float Gamepad::GetAxis(AxisType axis)
        case kLeftXAxis: return GetLeftX();
        case kLeftYAxis: return GetLeftY();
        case kRightXAxis: return GetRightX();
        case kRightYAxis: return GetRightY();
//            wpi_fatal(BadJoystickAxis);
            return 0.0;
Exemple #2
 * Get the direction of the vector formed by the joystick and its origin
 * in radians
 * @return The direction of the vector in radians
float Gamepad::GetLeftDirectionRadians(){
	return atan2(GetLeftX(), -GetLeftY());
Exemple #3
 * Get the magnitude of the direction vector formed by the joystick's
 * current position relative to its origin
 * @return The magnitude of the direction vector
float Gamepad::GetLeftMagnitude(){
	return sqrt(pow(GetLeftX(),2) + pow(GetLeftY(),2) );