void VisualToolDrag::UpdateToggleButtons() {
	bool to_move = true;
	if (active_line) {
		Vector2D p1, p2;
		int t1, t2;
		to_move = !GetLineMove(active_line, p1, p2, t1, t2);

	if (to_move == button_is_move) return;

		to_move ? ICON(visual_move_conv_move) : ICON(visual_move_conv_pos));
	button_is_move = to_move;
void VisualToolDrag::MakeFeatures(AssDialogue *diag, feature_iterator pos) {
	Vector2D p1 = FromScriptCoords(GetLinePosition(diag));

	// Create \pos feature
	Feature feat;
	feat.pos = p1;
	feat.layer = 0;
	feat.type = DRAG_START;
	feat.time = 0;
	feat.line = diag;
	feat.parent = features.end();
	features.insert(pos, feat);
	feature_iterator cur = prev(pos);
	feat.parent = cur;
	if (selection.count(diag))

	Vector2D p2;
	int t1, t2;

	// Create move destination feature
	if (GetLineMove(diag, p1, p2, t1, t2)) {
		feat.pos = FromScriptCoords(p2);
		feat.layer = 1;
		feat.type = DRAG_END;
		feat.parent->time = t1;
		feat.time = t2;
		feat.line = diag;
		features.insert(pos, feat);
		feat.parent->parent = prev(pos);

	// Create org feature
	if (Vector2D org = GetLineOrigin(diag)) {
		feat.pos = FromScriptCoords(org);
		feat.layer = -1;
		feat.type = DRAG_ORIGIN;
		feat.time = 0;
		feat.line = diag;
		features.insert(pos, feat);
void VisualToolCross::OnDoubleClick() {
	Vector2D d = ToScriptCoords(mouse_pos) - GetLinePosition(active_line);

	for (auto line : c->selectionController->GetSelectedSet()) {
		Vector2D p1, p2;
		int t1, t2;
		if (GetLineMove(line, p1, p2, t1, t2)) {
			if (t1 > 0 || t2 > 0)
				SetOverride(line, "\\move", str(boost::format("(%s,%s,%d,%d)") % Text(p1 + d) % Text(p2 + d) % t1 % t2));
				SetOverride(line, "\\move", str(boost::format("(%s,%s)") % Text(p1 + d) % Text(p2 + d)));
			SetOverride(line, "\\pos", "(" + Text(GetLinePosition(line) + d) + ")");

		if (Vector2D org = GetLineOrigin(line))
			SetOverride(line, "\\org", "(" + Text(org + d) + ")");

void VisualToolDrag::OnDoubleClick() {
	Vector2D d = ToScriptCoords(mouse_pos) - (primary ? ToScriptCoords(primary->pos) : GetLinePosition(active_line));

	for (auto line : c->selectionController->GetSelectedSet()) {
		Vector2D p1, p2;
		int t1, t2;
		if (GetLineMove(line, p1, p2, t1, t2)) {
			if (t1 > 0 || t2 > 0)
				SetOverride(line, "\\move", str(boost::format("(%s,%s,%d,%d)") % (p1 + d).Str() % (p2 + d).Str() % t1 % t2));
				SetOverride(line, "\\move", str(boost::format("(%s,%s)") % (p1 + d).Str() % (p2 + d).Str()));
			SetOverride(line, "\\pos", (GetLinePosition(line) + d).PStr());

		if (Vector2D org = GetLineOrigin(line))
			SetOverride(line, "\\org", (org + d).PStr());


void VisualToolDrag::OnSubTool(wxCommandEvent &) {
	// Toggle \move <-> \pos
	VideoContext *vc = c->videoController;
	for (auto line : selection) {
		Vector2D p1, p2;
		int t1, t2;

		bool has_move = GetLineMove(line, p1, p2, t1, t2);

		if (has_move)
			SetOverride(line, "\\pos", p1.PStr());
		else {
			p1 = GetLinePosition(line);
			// Round the start and end times to exact frames
			int start = vc->TimeAtFrame(vc->FrameAtTime(line->Start, agi::vfr::START)) - line->Start;
			int end = vc->TimeAtFrame(vc->FrameAtTime(line->Start, agi::vfr::END)) - line->Start;
			SetOverride(line, "\\move", str(boost::format("(%s,%s,%d,%d)") % p1.Str() % p1.Str() % start % end));
