Exemple #1
static void CopyLightGridLumps( rbspHeader_t *header )
	int				i;
	unsigned short	*inArray;
	bspGridPoint_t	*in, *out;
	/* get count */
	numBSPGridPoints = GetLumpElements( (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_LIGHTARRAY, sizeof( *inArray ) );
	/* allocate buffer */
	bspGridPoints = safe_malloc( numBSPGridPoints * sizeof( *bspGridPoints ) );
	memset( bspGridPoints, 0, numBSPGridPoints * sizeof( *bspGridPoints ) );
	/* copy */
	inArray = GetLump( (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_LIGHTARRAY );
	in = GetLump( (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_LIGHTGRID );
	out = bspGridPoints;
	for( i = 0; i < numBSPGridPoints; i++ )
		memcpy( out, &in[ *inArray ], sizeof( *in ) );
Exemple #2
static void CopyLightGridLumps(xbspHeader_t * header)
	int             i, j;
	xbspGridPoint_t *in;
	bspGridPoint_t *out;

	/* get count */
	numBSPGridPoints = GetLumpElements((bspHeader_t *) header, LUMP_LIGHTGRID, sizeof(*in));

	/* allocate buffer */
	bspGridPoints = safe_malloc(numBSPGridPoints * sizeof(*bspGridPoints));
	memset(bspGridPoints, 0, numBSPGridPoints * sizeof(*bspGridPoints));

	/* copy */
	in = GetLump((bspHeader_t *) header, LUMP_LIGHTGRID);
	out = bspGridPoints;
	for(i = 0; i < numBSPGridPoints; i++)
		for(j = 0; j < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; j++)
			VectorCopy(in->ambient, out->ambient[j]);
			VectorCopy(in->directed, out->directed[j]);
			out->styles[j] = LS_NONE;

		out->styles[0] = LS_NORMAL;

		out->latLong[0] = in->latLong[0];
		out->latLong[1] = in->latLong[1];

Exemple #3
static void CopyDrawVertsLump(ibspHeader_t * header)
    int             i;
    ibspDrawVert_t *in;
    bspDrawVert_t  *out;

    /* get count */
    numBSPDrawVerts = GetLumpElements((bspHeader_t *) header, LUMP_DRAWVERTS, sizeof(*in));

    /* copy */
    in = GetLump((bspHeader_t *) header, LUMP_DRAWVERTS);
    out = bspDrawVerts;
    for(i = 0; i < numBSPDrawVerts; i++)
        VectorCopy(in->xyz, out->xyz);
        out->st[0] = in->st[0];
        out->st[1] = in->st[1];

        out->lightmap[0][0] = in->lightmap[0];
        out->lightmap[0][1] = in->lightmap[1];

        VectorCopy(in->normal, out->normal);

        out->lightColor[0][0] = in->color[0];
        out->lightColor[0][1] = in->color[1];
        out->lightColor[0][2] = in->color[2];
        out->lightColor[0][3] = in->color[3];

Exemple #4
static void CopyDrawSurfacesLump(xbspHeader_t * header)
	int             i, j;
	xbspDrawSurface_t *in;
	bspDrawSurface_t *out;

	/* get count */
	numBSPDrawSurfaces = GetLumpElements((bspHeader_t *) header, LUMP_SURFACES, sizeof(*in));

	/* copy */
	in = GetLump((bspHeader_t *) header, LUMP_SURFACES);
	out = bspDrawSurfaces;
	for(i = 0; i < numBSPDrawSurfaces; i++)
		out->shaderNum = in->shaderNum;
		out->fogNum = in->fogNum;
		out->surfaceType = in->surfaceType;
		out->firstVert = in->firstVert;
		out->numVerts = in->numVerts;
		out->firstIndex = in->firstIndex;
		out->numIndexes = in->numIndexes;

		out->lightmapStyles[0] = LS_NORMAL;
		out->vertexStyles[0] = LS_NORMAL;
		out->lightmapNum[0] = in->lightmapNum;
		out->lightmapX[0] = in->lightmapX;
		out->lightmapY[0] = in->lightmapY;

		for(j = 1; j < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; j++)
			out->lightmapStyles[j] = LS_NONE;
			out->vertexStyles[j] = LS_NONE;
			out->lightmapNum[j] = -3;
			out->lightmapX[j] = 0;
			out->lightmapY[j] = 0;

		out->lightmapWidth = in->lightmapWidth;
		out->lightmapHeight = in->lightmapHeight;

		VectorCopy(in->lightmapOrigin, out->lightmapOrigin);
		VectorCopy(in->lightmapVecs[0], out->lightmapVecs[0]);
		VectorCopy(in->lightmapVecs[1], out->lightmapVecs[1]);
		VectorCopy(in->lightmapVecs[2], out->lightmapVecs[2]);

		out->patchWidth = in->patchWidth;
		out->patchHeight = in->patchHeight;

Exemple #5
static void CopyLump( dheader_t *header, int lump, const void *src, void *dest, int size, qboolean swap ) {
	int length;

	length = GetLumpElements( header, lump, size ) * size;

	/* handle erroneous cases */
	if ( length <= 0 ) {

	if ( swap ) {
		BSP_SwapBlock( dest, (int *)((byte*) src + header->lumps[lump].fileofs), length );
	} else {
		Com_Memcpy( dest, (byte*) src + header->lumps[lump].fileofs, length );
Exemple #6
static void CopyBrushSidesLump(xbspHeader_t * header)
	int             i;
	xbspBrushSide_t *in;
	bspBrushSide_t *out;

	/* get count */
	numBSPBrushSides = GetLumpElements((bspHeader_t *) header, LUMP_BRUSHSIDES, sizeof(*in));

	/* copy */
	in = GetLump((bspHeader_t *) header, LUMP_BRUSHSIDES);
	for(i = 0; i < numBSPBrushSides; i++)
		AUTOEXPAND_BY_REALLOC(bspBrushSides, i, allocatedBSPBrushSides, 1024);
		out = &bspBrushSides[i];
		out->planeNum = in->planeNum;
		out->shaderNum = in->shaderNum;
		out->surfaceNum = -1;
Exemple #7
static void CopyBrushSidesLump( ibspHeader_t *header )
	int				i;
	ibspBrushSide_t	*in;
	bspBrushSide_t	*out;
	/* get count */
	numBSPBrushSides = GetLumpElements( (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_BRUSHSIDES, sizeof( *in ) );
	/* copy */
	in = GetLump( (bspHeader_t*) header, LUMP_BRUSHSIDES );
	out = bspBrushSides;
	for( i = 0; i < numBSPBrushSides; i++ )
		out->planeNum = in->planeNum;
		out->shaderNum = in->shaderNum;
		out->surfaceNum = -1;
Exemple #8
void LoadXBSPFile(const char *filename)
	xbspHeader_t   *header;

	/* load the file header */
	LoadFile(filename, (void **)&header);

	/* swap the header (except the first 4 bytes) */
	SwapBlock((int *)((byte *) header + sizeof(int)), sizeof(*header) - sizeof(int));

	/* make sure it matches the format we're trying to load */
	if(force == qfalse && *((int *)header->ident) != *((int *)game->bspIdent))
		Error("%s is not a %s file", filename, game->bspIdent);
	if(force == qfalse && header->version != game->bspVersion)
		Error("%s is version %d, not %d", filename, header->version, game->bspVersion);

	/* load/convert lumps */
	numBSPShaders =
		CopyLump_Allocate((bspHeader_t *) header, LUMP_SHADERS, (void **)&bspShaders, sizeof(bspShader_t), &allocatedBSPShaders);

	numBSPModels =
		CopyLump_Allocate((bspHeader_t *) header, LUMP_MODELS, (void **)&bspModels, sizeof(bspModel_t), &allocatedBSPModels);

	numBSPPlanes =
		CopyLump_Allocate((bspHeader_t *) header, LUMP_PLANES, (void **)&bspPlanes, sizeof(bspPlane_t), &allocatedBSPPlanes);

	numBSPLeafs = CopyLump((bspHeader_t *) header, LUMP_LEAFS, bspLeafs, sizeof(bspLeaf_t));

	numBSPNodes =
		CopyLump_Allocate((bspHeader_t *) header, LUMP_NODES, (void **)&bspNodes, sizeof(bspNode_t), &allocatedBSPNodes);

	numBSPLeafSurfaces =
		CopyLump_Allocate((bspHeader_t *) header, LUMP_LEAFSURFACES, (void **)&bspLeafSurfaces, sizeof(bspLeafSurfaces[0]),

	numBSPLeafBrushes =
		CopyLump_Allocate((bspHeader_t *) header, LUMP_LEAFBRUSHES, (void **)&bspLeafBrushes, sizeof(bspLeafBrushes[0]),

	numBSPBrushes =
		CopyLump_Allocate((bspHeader_t *) header, LUMP_BRUSHES, (void **)&bspBrushes, sizeof(bspBrush_t),




	numBSPFogs = CopyLump((bspHeader_t *) header, LUMP_FOGS, bspFogs, sizeof(bspFog_t));

	numBSPDrawIndexes = CopyLump((bspHeader_t *) header, LUMP_DRAWINDEXES, bspDrawIndexes, sizeof(bspDrawIndexes[0]));

	numBSPVisBytes = CopyLump((bspHeader_t *) header, LUMP_VISIBILITY, bspVisBytes, 1);

	numBSPLightBytes = GetLumpElements((bspHeader_t *) header, LUMP_LIGHTMAPS, 1);
	bspLightBytes = safe_malloc(numBSPLightBytes);
	CopyLump((bspHeader_t *) header, LUMP_LIGHTMAPS, bspLightBytes, 1);

	bspEntDataSize = CopyLump_Allocate((bspHeader_t *) header, LUMP_ENTITIES, (void **)&bspEntData, 1, &allocatedBSPEntData);


	/* free the file buffer */
Exemple #9
bspFile_t *BSP_LoadEF2( const bspFormat_t *format, const char *name, const void *data, int length ) {
	int				i, j, k;
	dheader_t		header;
	bspFile_t		*bsp;

	BSP_SwapBlock( (int *) &header, (int *)data, sizeof ( dheader_t ) );

	if ( header.ident != format->ident || header.version != format->version ) {
		return NULL;

	bsp = malloc( sizeof ( bspFile_t ) );
	Com_Memset( bsp, 0, sizeof ( bspFile_t ) );

	// ...
	bsp->checksum = header.checksum;
	bsp->defaultLightGridSize[0] = LIGHTING_GRIDSIZE_X;
	bsp->defaultLightGridSize[1] = LIGHTING_GRIDSIZE_Y;
	bsp->defaultLightGridSize[2] = LIGHTING_GRIDSIZE_Z;

	// count and alloc
	bsp->entityStringLength = GetLumpElements( &header, LUMP_ENTITIES, 1 );
	bsp->entityString = malloc( bsp->entityStringLength );

	bsp->numShaders = GetLumpElements( &header, LUMP_SHADERS, sizeof ( realDshader_t ) );
	bsp->shaders = malloc( bsp->numShaders * sizeof ( *bsp->shaders ) );

	bsp->numPlanes = GetLumpElements( &header, LUMP_PLANES, sizeof ( realDplane_t ) );
	bsp->planes = malloc( bsp->numPlanes * sizeof ( *bsp->planes ) );

	bsp->numNodes = GetLumpElements( &header, LUMP_NODES, sizeof ( realDnode_t ) );
	bsp->nodes = malloc( bsp->numNodes * sizeof ( *bsp->nodes ) );

	bsp->numLeafs = GetLumpElements( &header, LUMP_LEAFS, sizeof ( realDleaf_t ) );
	bsp->leafs = malloc( bsp->numLeafs * sizeof ( *bsp->leafs ) );

	bsp->numLeafSurfaces = GetLumpElements( &header, LUMP_LEAFSURFACES, sizeof ( int ) );
	bsp->leafSurfaces = malloc( bsp->numLeafSurfaces * sizeof ( *bsp->leafSurfaces ) );

	bsp->numLeafBrushes = GetLumpElements( &header, LUMP_LEAFBRUSHES, sizeof ( int ) );
	bsp->leafBrushes = malloc( bsp->numLeafBrushes * sizeof ( *bsp->leafBrushes ) );

	bsp->numSubmodels = GetLumpElements( &header, LUMP_MODELS, sizeof ( realDmodel_t ) );
	bsp->submodels = malloc( bsp->numSubmodels * sizeof ( *bsp->submodels ) );

	bsp->numBrushes = GetLumpElements( &header, LUMP_BRUSHES, sizeof ( realDbrush_t ) );
	bsp->brushes = malloc( bsp->numBrushes * sizeof ( *bsp->brushes ) );

	bsp->numBrushSides = GetLumpElements( &header, LUMP_BRUSHSIDES, sizeof ( realDbrushside_t ) );
	bsp->brushSides = malloc( bsp->numBrushSides * sizeof ( *bsp->brushSides ) );

	bsp->numDrawVerts = GetLumpElements( &header, LUMP_DRAWVERTS, sizeof ( realDrawVert_t ) );
	bsp->drawVerts = malloc( bsp->numDrawVerts * sizeof ( *bsp->drawVerts ) );

	bsp->numDrawIndexes = GetLumpElements( &header, LUMP_DRAWINDEXES, sizeof ( int ) );
	bsp->drawIndexes = malloc( bsp->numDrawIndexes * sizeof ( *bsp->drawIndexes ) );

	bsp->numFogs = GetLumpElements( &header, LUMP_FOGS, sizeof ( realDfog_t ) );
	bsp->fogs = malloc( bsp->numFogs * sizeof ( *bsp->fogs ) );

	bsp->numSurfaces = GetLumpElements( &header, LUMP_SURFACES, sizeof ( realDsurface_t ) );
	bsp->surfaces = malloc( bsp->numSurfaces * sizeof ( *bsp->surfaces ) );

	bsp->numLightmaps = GetLumpElements( &header, LUMP_LIGHTMAPS, 128 * 128 * 3 );
	bsp->lightmapData = malloc( bsp->numLightmaps * 128 * 128 * 3 );

	bsp->numGridPoints = GetLumpElements( &header, LUMP_LIGHTGRID, 8 );
	bsp->lightGridData = malloc( bsp->numGridPoints * 8 );

	bsp->visibilityLength = GetLumpElements( &header, LUMP_VISIBILITY, 1 ) - VIS_HEADER;
	if ( bsp->visibilityLength > 0 )
		bsp->visibility = malloc( bsp->visibilityLength );
		bsp->visibilityLength = 0;

	// copy and swap and convert data
	CopyLump( &header, LUMP_ENTITIES, data, (void *) bsp->entityString, sizeof ( *bsp->entityString ), qfalse ); /* NO SWAP */

		realDshader_t *in = GetLump( &header, data, LUMP_SHADERS );
		dshader_t *out = bsp->shaders;

		for ( i = 0; i < bsp->numShaders; i++, in++, out++ ) {
			Q_strncpyz( out->shader, in->shader, sizeof ( out->shader ) );
			out->contentFlags = LittleLong( in->contentFlags );
			out->surfaceFlags = LittleLong( in->surfaceFlags );

		realDplane_t *in = GetLump( &header, data, LUMP_PLANES );
		dplane_t *out = bsp->planes;

		for ( i = 0; i < bsp->numPlanes; i++, in++, out++) {
			for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) {
				out->normal[j] = LittleFloat (in->normal[j]);

			out->dist = LittleFloat (in->dist);

		realDnode_t *in = GetLump( &header, data, LUMP_NODES );
		dnode_t *out = bsp->nodes;

		for ( i = 0; i < bsp->numNodes; i++, in++, out++ ) {
			out->planeNum = LittleLong( in->planeNum );

			for ( j = 0; j < 2; j++ ) {
				out->children[j] = LittleLong( in->children[j] );

			for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
				out->mins[j] = LittleLong( in->mins[j] );
				out->maxs[j] = LittleLong( in->maxs[j] );

		realDleaf_t *in = GetLump( &header, data, LUMP_LEAFS );
		dleaf_t *out = bsp->leafs;

		for ( i = 0; i < bsp->numLeafs; i++, in++, out++ ) {
			out->cluster = LittleLong (in->cluster);
			out->area = LittleLong (in->area);

			for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
				out->mins[j] = LittleLong( in->mins[j] );
				out->maxs[j] = LittleLong( in->maxs[j] );

			out->firstLeafBrush = LittleLong (in->firstLeafBrush);
			out->numLeafBrushes = LittleLong (in->numLeafBrushes);
			out->firstLeafSurface = LittleLong (in->firstLeafSurface);
			out->numLeafSurfaces = LittleLong (in->numLeafSurfaces);

	CopyLump( &header, LUMP_LEAFSURFACES, data, (void *) bsp->leafSurfaces, sizeof ( *bsp->leafSurfaces ), qtrue );
	CopyLump( &header, LUMP_LEAFBRUSHES, data, (void *) bsp->leafBrushes, sizeof ( *bsp->leafBrushes ), qtrue );

		realDmodel_t *in = GetLump( &header, data, LUMP_MODELS );
		dmodel_t *out = bsp->submodels;

		for ( i = 0; i < bsp->numSubmodels; i++, in++, out++ ) {
			for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
				out->mins[j] = LittleFloat( in->mins[j] );
				out->maxs[j] = LittleFloat( in->maxs[j] );

			out->firstSurface = LittleLong (in->firstSurface);
			out->numSurfaces = LittleLong (in->numSurfaces);
			out->firstBrush = LittleLong (in->firstBrush);
			out->numBrushes = LittleLong (in->numBrushes);

		realDbrush_t *in = GetLump( &header, data, LUMP_BRUSHES );
		dbrush_t *out = bsp->brushes;

		for ( i = 0; i < bsp->numBrushes; i++, in++, out++ )
			out->firstSide = LittleLong (in->firstSide);
			out->numSides = LittleLong (in->numSides);
			out->shaderNum = LittleLong (in->shaderNum);

		realDbrushside_t *in = GetLump( &header, data, LUMP_BRUSHSIDES );
		dbrushside_t *out = bsp->brushSides;

		for ( i = 0; i < bsp->numBrushSides; i++, in++, out++ ) {
			out->planeNum = LittleLong (in->planeNum);
			out->shaderNum = LittleLong (in->shaderNum);
			out->surfaceNum = -1;

		realDrawVert_t *in = GetLump( &header, data, LUMP_DRAWVERTS );
		drawVert_t *out = bsp->drawVerts;

		for ( i = 0; i < bsp->numDrawVerts; i++, in++, out++ ) {
			for ( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++ ) {
				out->xyz[j] = LittleFloat( in->xyz[j] );
				out->normal[j] = LittleFloat( in->normal[j] );
			for ( j = 0 ; j < 2 ; j++ ) {
				out->st[j] = LittleFloat( in->st[j] );
				out->lightmap[j] = LittleFloat( in->lightmap[j] );

			/* NO SWAP */
			for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) {
				out->color[j] = in->color[j];

	CopyLump( &header, LUMP_DRAWINDEXES, data, (void *) bsp->drawIndexes, sizeof ( *bsp->drawIndexes ), qtrue );

		realDfog_t *in = GetLump( &header, data, LUMP_FOGS );
		dfog_t *out = bsp->fogs;

		for ( i = 0; i < bsp->numFogs; i++, in++, out++ ) {
			Q_strncpyz( out->shader, in->shader, sizeof ( out->shader ) );
			out->brushNum = LittleLong (in->brushNum);
			out->visibleSide = LittleLong (in->visibleSide);

		realDsurface_t *in = GetLump( &header, data, LUMP_SURFACES );
		dsurface_t *out = bsp->surfaces;

		for ( i = 0; i < bsp->numSurfaces; i++, in++, out++ ) {
			out->shaderNum = LittleLong (in->shaderNum);
			out->fogNum = LittleLong (in->fogNum);
			out->surfaceType = LittleLong (in->surfaceType);
			if ( out->surfaceType == REAL_MST_TERRAIN ) {
				out->surfaceType = MST_TERRAIN;
			} else if ( out->surfaceType == REAL_MST_FOLIAGE ) {
				out->surfaceType = MST_FOLIAGE;
			out->firstVert = LittleLong (in->firstVert);
			out->numVerts = LittleLong (in->numVerts);
			out->firstIndex = LittleLong (in->firstIndex);
			out->numIndexes = LittleLong (in->numIndexes);
			out->lightmapNum = LittleLong (in->lightmapNum);
			out->lightmapX = LittleLong (in->lightmapX);
			out->lightmapY = LittleLong (in->lightmapY);
			out->lightmapWidth = LittleLong (in->lightmapWidth);
			out->lightmapHeight = LittleLong (in->lightmapHeight);

			for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
				out->lightmapOrigin[j] = LittleFloat( in->lightmapOrigin[j] );
				for ( k = 0; k < 3; k++ ) {
					out->lightmapVecs[j][k] = LittleFloat( in->lightmapVecs[j][k] );

			out->patchWidth = LittleLong (in->patchWidth);
			out->patchHeight = LittleLong (in->patchHeight);

			out->subdivisions = LittleFloat( in->subdivisions );

	CopyLump( &header, LUMP_LIGHTMAPS, data, (void *) bsp->lightmapData, sizeof ( *bsp->lightmapData ), qfalse ); /* NO SWAP */
	CopyLump( &header, LUMP_LIGHTGRID, data, (void *) bsp->lightGridData, sizeof ( *bsp->lightGridData ), qfalse ); /* NO SWAP */

	if ( bsp->visibilityLength )
		byte *in = GetLump( &header, data, LUMP_VISIBILITY );

		bsp->numClusters = LittleLong( ((int *)in)[0] );
		bsp->clusterBytes = LittleLong( ((int *)in)[1] );

		Com_Memcpy( bsp->visibility, in + VIS_HEADER, bsp->visibilityLength ); /* NO SWAP */

	return bsp;