Exemple #1
void wxRadioBox::DoMoveWindow(int x, int y, int width, int height)
    wxRect oldRect = GetRect();

    m_pos.x = x;
    m_pos.y = y;
    m_size.x = width;
    m_size.y = height;

    const bool use_cols = HasFlag(wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS);

    const unsigned int n = GetCount();
    unsigned int minor = n / GetMajorDim();
    if(n % GetMajorDim() > 0)

    unsigned int i = 0;
    for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < minor; j++ )
        for ( unsigned int k = 0; k < GetMajorDim(); k++ )
                wxPoint start, end;
                start.x = (use_cols ? (k*m_size.x)/GetMajorDim() : (j*m_size.x)/minor);
                start.y = (use_cols ? (j*m_size.y)/minor : (k*m_size.y)/GetMajorDim());
                end.x = (use_cols ? ((k+1)*m_size.x)/GetMajorDim() : ((j+1)*m_size.x)/minor);
                end.y = (use_cols ? ((j+1)*m_size.y)/minor : ((k+1)*m_size.y)/GetMajorDim());
                wxRadioButton* rb = GetRadioButton(i);

    // refresh old and new area
Exemple #2
wxRadioBox::PositionAllButtons(int x, int y, int width, int WXUNUSED(height))
    wxSize maxSize = GetMaxButtonSize();
    int maxWidth = maxSize.x,
        maxHeight = maxSize.y;

    // Now position all the buttons: the current button will be put at
    // wxPoint(x_offset, y_offset) and the new row/column will start at
    // startX/startY. The size of all buttons will be the same wxSize(maxWidth,
    // maxHeight) except for the buttons in the last column which should extend
    // to the right border of radiobox and thus can be wider than this.

    // Also, remember that wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS means that we arrange buttons in
    // left to right order and GetMajorDim() is the number of columns while
    // wxRA_SPECIFY_ROWS means that the buttons are arranged top to bottom and
    // GetMajorDim() is the number of rows.

    int cx1, cy1;
    wxGetCharSize(m_hWnd, &cx1, &cy1, GetFont());

    int x_offset = x + cx1;
    int y_offset = y + cy1;

    // Add extra space under the label, if it exists.
    if (!wxControl::GetLabel().empty())
        y_offset += cy1/2;

    int startX = x_offset;
    int startY = y_offset;

    const unsigned int count = GetCount();
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++)
        // the last button in the row may be wider than the other ones as the
        // radiobox may be wider than the sum of the button widths (as it
        // happens, for example, when the radiobox label is very long)
        bool isLastInTheRow;
        if ( m_windowStyle & wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS )
            // item is the last in its row if it is a multiple of the number of
            // columns or if it is just the last item
            unsigned int n = i + 1;
            isLastInTheRow = ((n % GetMajorDim()) == 0) || (n == count);
        else // wxRA_SPECIFY_ROWS
            // item is the last in the row if it is in the last columns
            isLastInTheRow = i >= (count/GetMajorDim())*GetMajorDim();

        // is this the start of new row/column?
        if ( i && (i % GetMajorDim() == 0) )
            if ( m_windowStyle & wxRA_SPECIFY_ROWS )
                // start of new column
                y_offset = startY;
                x_offset += maxWidth + cx1;
            else // start of new row
                x_offset = startX;
                y_offset += maxHeight;
                if (m_radioWidth[0]>0)
                    y_offset += cy1/2;

        int widthBtn;
        if ( isLastInTheRow )
            // make the button go to the end of radio box
            widthBtn = startX + width - x_offset - 2*cx1;
            if ( widthBtn < maxWidth )
                widthBtn = maxWidth;
            // normal button, always of the same size
            widthBtn = maxWidth;

        // make all buttons of the same, maximal size - like this they cover
        // the radiobox entirely and the radiobox tooltips are always shown
        // (otherwise they are not when the mouse pointer is in the radiobox
        // part not belonging to any radiobutton)
        DoMoveSibling((*m_radioButtons)[i], x_offset, y_offset, widthBtn, maxHeight);

        // where do we put the next button?
        if ( m_windowStyle & wxRA_SPECIFY_ROWS )
            // below this one
            y_offset += maxHeight;
            if (m_radioWidth[0]>0)
                y_offset += cy1/2;
            // to the right of this one
            x_offset += widthBtn + cx1;
Exemple #3
bool wxRadioBox::Create(wxWindow *parent,
                        wxWindowID id,
                        const wxString& title,
                        const wxPoint& pos,
                        const wxSize& size,
                        int n,
                        const wxString choices[],
                        int majorDim,
                        long style,
                        const wxValidator& val,
                        const wxString& name)
    // initialize members
    SetMajorDim(majorDim == 0 ? n : majorDim, style);

    if ( GetMajorDim() == 0 || n == 0 )
        return false;

    // subtype of the native palmOS radio: checkbox or push button?
    const bool use_checkbox = style & wxRA_USE_CHECKBOX;
    const bool use_cols = style & wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS;

    // get default size and position for the initial placement
    m_size = size;
    m_pos = pos;
    int minor = n / GetMajorDim();
    if(n % GetMajorDim() > 0)

    m_label = title;

    if(!wxControl::Create(parent, id, m_pos, m_size, style, val, name))
        return false;

    int i = 0;
    for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < minor; j++ )
        for ( unsigned int k = 0; k < GetMajorDim(); k++ )
                wxPoint start, end;
                start.x = (use_cols ? (k*m_size.x)/GetMajorDim() : (j*m_size.x)/minor);
                start.y = (use_cols ? (j*m_size.y)/minor : (k*m_size.y)/GetMajorDim());
                end.x = (use_cols ? ((k+1)*m_size.x)/GetMajorDim() : ((j+1)*m_size.x)/minor);
                end.y = (use_cols ? ((j+1)*m_size.y)/minor : ((k+1)*m_size.y)/GetMajorDim());
                wxRadioButton* rb = new wxRadioButton();
                rb->SetGroup( id );
                    ( n == 0 ? wxRB_GROUP : 0 ) |
                    use_checkbox ? wxRB_USE_CHECKBOX : 0
void wxRadioBox::DoSetSize(int x, int y, int width, int height, int sizeFlags)
    int i;
    wxRadioButton *current;

    // define the position

    int x_current, y_current;
    int x_offset, y_offset;
    int widthOld, heightOld;

    GetSize( &widthOld, &heightOld );
    GetPosition( &x_current, &y_current );

    x_offset = x;
    y_offset = y;
    if (!(sizeFlags & wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE))
        if (x == wxDefaultCoord)
            x_offset = x_current;
        if (y == wxDefaultCoord)
            y_offset = y_current;

    // define size
    int charWidth, charHeight;
    int maxWidth, maxHeight;
    int eachWidth[128], eachHeight[128];
    int totWidth, totHeight;

        &charWidth, &charHeight );

    charWidth /= 52;

    maxWidth = -1;
    maxHeight = -1;
    wxSize bestSizeRadio ;
    if ( m_radioButtonCycle )
        bestSizeRadio = m_radioButtonCycle->GetBestSize();

    for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < m_noItems; i++)
        GetTextExtent(GetString(i), &eachWidth[i], &eachHeight[i] );
        eachWidth[i] = eachWidth[i] + RADIO_SIZE;
        eachHeight[i] = wxMax( eachHeight[i], bestSizeRadio.y );

        if (maxWidth < eachWidth[i])
            maxWidth = eachWidth[i];
        if (maxHeight < eachHeight[i])
            maxHeight = eachHeight[i];

    // according to HIG (official space - 3 Pixels Diff between Frame and Layout size)
    int space = 3;
    if ( GetWindowVariant() == wxWINDOW_VARIANT_MINI )
        space = 2;

    totHeight = GetRowCount() * maxHeight + (GetRowCount() - 1) * space;
    totWidth  = GetColumnCount() * (maxWidth + charWidth);

    wxSize sz = DoGetSizeFromClientSize( wxSize( totWidth, totHeight ) ) ;

    // change the width / height only when specified
    if ( width == wxDefaultCoord )
        if ( sizeFlags & wxSIZE_AUTO_WIDTH )
            width = sz.x;
            width = widthOld;

    if ( height == wxDefaultCoord )
        if ( sizeFlags & wxSIZE_AUTO_HEIGHT )
            height = sz.y;
            height = heightOld;

    wxControl::DoSetSize( x_offset, y_offset, width, height, wxSIZE_AUTO );

    // arrange radio buttons
    int x_start, y_start;

    x_start = ( width - sz.x ) / 2;
    y_start = ( height - sz.y ) / 2;

    x_offset = x_start;
    y_offset = y_start;

    current = m_radioButtonCycle;
    for (i = 0 ; i < (int)m_noItems; i++)
        // not to do for the zero button!
        if ((i > 0) && ((i % GetMajorDim()) == 0))
            if (m_windowStyle & wxRA_SPECIFY_ROWS)
                x_offset += maxWidth + charWidth;
                y_offset = y_start;
                x_offset = x_start;
                y_offset += maxHeight + space;

        current->SetSize( x_offset, y_offset, eachWidth[i], eachHeight[i] );
        current = current->NextInCycle();

        if (m_windowStyle & wxRA_SPECIFY_ROWS)
            y_offset += maxHeight + space;
            x_offset += maxWidth + charWidth;
Exemple #5
void wxRadioBox::DoSetSize(
  int                               nX
, int                               nY
, int                               nWidth
, int                               nHeight
, int                               nSizeFlags
    // Input parameters assume wxWidgets coordinate system
    int                             nCurrentX;
    int                             nCurrentY;
    int                             nWidthOld;
    int                             nHeightOld;
    int                             nXx = nX;
    int                             nYy = nY;
    int                             nXOffset = nXx;
    int                             nYOffset = nYy;
    int                             nCx1;
    int                             nCy1;
    wxSize                          vMaxSize = GetMaxButtonSize();
    int                             nMaxWidth;
    int                             nMaxHeight;
    wxSize                          vTotSize;
    int                             nTotWidth;
    int                             nTotHeight;
    int                             nStartX;
    int                             nStartY;
    wxFont                          vFont = GetFont();

    m_nSizeFlags = nSizeFlags;
    GetPosition( &nCurrentX
    GetSize( &nWidthOld

    if (nX == wxDefaultCoord && !(nSizeFlags & wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE))
        nXx = nCurrentX;
    if (nY == wxDefaultCoord && !(nSizeFlags & wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE))
        nYy = nCurrentY;
    if (nYy < 0)
        nYy = 0;
    if (nXx < 0)
        nXx = 0;

    wxGetCharSize( m_hWnd

    // Attempt to have a look coherent with other platforms: We compute the
    // biggest toggle dim, then we align all items according this value.
    vMaxSize   = GetMaxButtonSize();
    nMaxWidth  = vMaxSize.x;
    nMaxHeight = vMaxSize.y;

    vTotSize   = GetTotalButtonSize(vMaxSize);
    nTotWidth  = vTotSize.x;
    nTotHeight = vTotSize.y;

    // Only change our width/height if asked for
    if (nWidth == -1)
        if (nSizeFlags & wxSIZE_AUTO_WIDTH )
            nWidth = nTotWidth;
            nWidth = nWidthOld;

    if (nHeight == -1)
        if (nSizeFlags & wxSIZE_AUTO_HEIGHT)
            nHeight = nTotHeight;
            nHeight = nHeightOld;

    // Now convert to OS/2 coordinate system
    wxWindowOS2*                    pParent = (wxWindowOS2*)GetParent();
    if (pParent)
        nYy = GetOS2ParentHeight(pParent) - nYy - nHeight;
        RECTL                       vRect;
        ::WinQueryWindowRect(HWND_DESKTOP, &vRect);
        nYy = vRect.yTop - nYy - nHeight;
    nYOffset = nYy + nHeight;
    ::WinSetWindowPos( GetHwnd()
                      ,SWP_ZORDER | SWP_SIZE | SWP_MOVE | SWP_SHOW

    // Now position all the buttons: the current button will be put at
    // wxPoint(x_offset, y_offset) and the new row/column will start at
    // startX/startY. The size of all buttons will be the same wxSize(maxWidth,
    // maxHeight) except for the buttons in the last column which should extend
    // to the right border of radiobox and thus can be wider than this.
    // Also, remember that wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS means that we arrange buttons in
    // left to right order and m_majorDim is the number of columns while
    // wxRA_SPECIFY_ROWS means that the buttons are arranged top to bottom and
    // m_majorDim is the number of rows.
    nXOffset += nCx1;
    nYOffset -= (nMaxHeight + ((3*nCy1)/2));

    nStartX = nXOffset;
    nStartY = nYOffset;

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_nNoItems; i++)
        // The last button in the row may be wider than the other ones as the
        // radiobox may be wider than the sum of the button widths (as it
        // happens, for example, when the radiobox label is very long)
        bool bIsLastInTheRow;

        if (m_windowStyle & wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS)
            // Item is the last in its row if it is a multiple of the number of
            // columns or if it is just the last item
            int                  n = i + 1;

            bIsLastInTheRow = ((n % GetMajorDim()) == 0) || (n == (int)m_nNoItems);
        else // winRA_SPECIFY_ROWS
            // Item is the last in the row if it is in the last columns
            bIsLastInTheRow = i >= (m_nNoItems/GetMajorDim()) * GetMajorDim();

        // Is this the start of new row/column?
        if (i && (i % GetMajorDim() == 0))
            if (m_windowStyle & wxRA_SPECIFY_ROWS)
                // Start of new column
                nYOffset = nStartY;
                nXOffset += nMaxWidth + nCx1;
            else // start of new row
                nXOffset = nStartX;
                nYOffset -= nMaxHeight;
                if (m_pnRadioWidth[0] > 0L)
                    nYOffset -= nCy1/2;

        int                      nWidthBtn;

        if (bIsLastInTheRow)
            // Make the button go to the end of radio box
            nWidthBtn = nStartX + nWidth - nXOffset - (2 * nCx1);
            if (nWidthBtn < nMaxWidth)
                nWidthBtn = nMaxWidth;
            // Normal button, always of the same size
            nWidthBtn = nMaxWidth;

        // Make all buttons of the same, maximal size - like this they
        // cover the radiobox entirely and the radiobox tooltips are always
        // shown (otherwise they are not when the mouse pointer is in the
        // radiobox part not belonging to any radiobutton)
        ::WinSetWindowPos( (HWND)m_ahRadioButtons[i]
                          ,SWP_ZORDER | SWP_SIZE | SWP_MOVE | SWP_SHOW
        // Where do we put the next button?
        if (m_windowStyle & wxRA_SPECIFY_ROWS)
            // Below this one
            nYOffset -= nMaxHeight;
            if (m_pnRadioWidth[0] > 0)
                nYOffset -= nCy1/2;
            // To the right of this one
            nXOffset += nWidthBtn + nCx1;
} // end of wxRadioBox::DoSetSize
Exemple #6
// Restored old code.
void wxRadioBox::DoSetSize(int x, int y, int width, int height, int sizeFlags)
    int currentX, currentY;
    GetPosition(&currentX, &currentY);
    int widthOld, heightOld;
    GetSize(&widthOld, &heightOld);

    int xx = x;
    int yy = y;

    if (x == wxDefaultCoord && !(sizeFlags & wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE))
        xx = currentX;
    if (y == wxDefaultCoord && !(sizeFlags & wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE))
        yy = currentY;

    int y_offset = yy;
    int x_offset = xx;

    int cx1, cy1;
    wxGetCharSize(m_hWnd, &cx1, &cy1, GetFont());

    // Attempt to have a look coherent with other platforms: We compute the
    // biggest toggle dim, then we align all items according this value.
    wxSize maxSize = GetMaxButtonSize();
    int maxWidth = maxSize.x,
        maxHeight = maxSize.y;

    wxSize totSize = GetTotalButtonSize(maxSize);
    int totWidth = totSize.x,
        totHeight = totSize.y;

    // only change our width/height if asked for
    if ( width == wxDefaultCoord )
        if ( sizeFlags & wxSIZE_AUTO_WIDTH )
            width = totWidth;
            width = widthOld;

    if ( height == wxDefaultCoord )
        if ( sizeFlags & wxSIZE_AUTO_HEIGHT )
            height = totHeight;
            height = heightOld;

    DoMoveWindow(xx, yy, width, height);

    // Now position all the buttons: the current button will be put at
    // wxPoint(x_offset, y_offset) and the new row/column will start at
    // startX/startY. The size of all buttons will be the same wxSize(maxWidth,
    // maxHeight) except for the buttons in the last column which should extend
    // to the right border of radiobox and thus can be wider than this.

    // Also, remember that wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS means that we arrange buttons in
    // left to right order and GetMajorDim() is the number of columns while
    // wxRA_SPECIFY_ROWS means that the buttons are arranged top to bottom and
    // GetMajorDim() is the number of rows.

    x_offset += cx1;
    y_offset += cy1;

    // Add extra space under the label, if it exists.
    if (!wxControl::GetLabel().empty())
        y_offset += cy1/2;

    int startX = x_offset;
    int startY = y_offset;

    const unsigned int count = GetCount();
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++)
        // the last button in the row may be wider than the other ones as the
        // radiobox may be wider than the sum of the button widths (as it
        // happens, for example, when the radiobox label is very long)
        bool isLastInTheRow;
        if ( m_windowStyle & wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS )
            // item is the last in its row if it is a multiple of the number of
            // columns or if it is just the last item
            unsigned int n = i + 1;
            isLastInTheRow = ((n % GetMajorDim()) == 0) || (n == count);
        else // wxRA_SPECIFY_ROWS
            // item is the last in the row if it is in the last columns
            isLastInTheRow = i >= (count/GetMajorDim())*GetMajorDim();

        // is this the start of new row/column?
        if ( i && (i % GetMajorDim() == 0) )
            if ( m_windowStyle & wxRA_SPECIFY_ROWS )
                // start of new column
                y_offset = startY;
                x_offset += maxWidth + cx1;
            else // start of new row
                x_offset = startX;
                y_offset += maxHeight;
                if (m_radioWidth[0]>0)
                    y_offset += cy1/2;

        int widthBtn;
        if ( isLastInTheRow )
            // make the button go to the end of radio box
            widthBtn = startX + width - x_offset - 2*cx1;
            if ( widthBtn < maxWidth )
                widthBtn = maxWidth;
            // normal button, always of the same size
            widthBtn = maxWidth;

        // make all buttons of the same, maximal size - like this they cover
        // the radiobox entirely and the radiobox tooltips are always shown
        // (otherwise they are not when the mouse pointer is in the radiobox
        // part not belonging to any radiobutton)
        DoMoveSibling((*m_radioButtons)[i], x_offset, y_offset, widthBtn, maxHeight);

        // where do we put the next button?
        if ( m_windowStyle & wxRA_SPECIFY_ROWS )
            // below this one
            y_offset += maxHeight;
            if (m_radioWidth[0]>0)
                y_offset += cy1/2;
            // to the right of this one
            x_offset += widthBtn + cx1;
void wxRadioBox::DoSetSize(int x, int y, int width, int height, int sizeFlags)
    int i;
    wxRadioButton *current;

    // define the position

    int x_current, y_current;
    int x_offset, y_offset;
    int widthOld, heightOld;

    GetSize( &widthOld, &heightOld );
    GetPosition( &x_current, &y_current );

    x_offset = x;
    y_offset = y;
    if (!(sizeFlags & wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE))
        if (x == wxDefaultCoord)
            x_offset = x_current;
        if (y == wxDefaultCoord)
            y_offset = y_current;

    // define size
    int charWidth, charHeight;
    int maxWidth, maxHeight;
    int eachWidth[128], eachHeight[128];
    int totWidth, totHeight;

        &charWidth, &charHeight );

    charWidth /= 52;

    maxWidth = -1;
    maxHeight = -1;
    wxSize bestSizeRadio ;
    if ( m_radioButtonCycle )
        bestSizeRadio = m_radioButtonCycle->GetBestSize();

#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && 1 /* VDM auto patch */
#   pragma ivdep
#   pragma swp
#   pragma unroll
#   pragma prefetch
#   if 0
#       pragma simd noassert
#   endif
#endif /* VDM auto patch */
    for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < m_noItems; i++)
        GetTextExtent(GetString(i), &eachWidth[i], &eachHeight[i] );
        eachWidth[i] = eachWidth[i] + RADIO_SIZE;
        eachHeight[i] = wxMax( eachHeight[i], bestSizeRadio.y );

        if (maxWidth < eachWidth[i])
            maxWidth = eachWidth[i];
        if (maxHeight < eachHeight[i])
            maxHeight = eachHeight[i];

    // according to HIG (official space - 3 Pixels Diff between Frame and Layout size)
    int space = 3;
    if ( GetWindowVariant() == wxWINDOW_VARIANT_MINI )
        space = 2;

    totHeight = GetRowCount() * maxHeight + (GetRowCount() - 1) * space;
    totWidth  = GetColumnCount() * (maxWidth + charWidth);

    // Determine the full size in case we need to use it as fallback.
    wxSize sz;
    if ( (width == wxDefaultCoord && (sizeFlags & wxSIZE_AUTO_WIDTH)) ||
            (height == wxDefaultCoord && (sizeFlags & wxSIZE_AUTO_HEIGHT)) )
        sz = DoGetSizeFromClientSize( wxSize( totWidth, totHeight ) ) ;

    // change the width / height only when specified
    if ( width == wxDefaultCoord )
        if ( sizeFlags & wxSIZE_AUTO_WIDTH )
            width = sz.x;
            width = widthOld;

    if ( height == wxDefaultCoord )
        if ( sizeFlags & wxSIZE_AUTO_HEIGHT )
            height = sz.y;
            height = heightOld;

    wxControl::DoSetSize( x_offset, y_offset, width, height, wxSIZE_AUTO );

    // But now recompute the full size again because it could have changed.
    // This notably happens if the previous full size was too small to fully
    // fit the box margins.
    sz = DoGetSizeFromClientSize( wxSize( totWidth, totHeight ) ) ;

    // arrange radio buttons
    int x_start, y_start;

    x_start = ( width - sz.x ) / 2;
    y_start = ( height - sz.y ) / 2;

    x_offset = x_start;
    y_offset = y_start;

    current = m_radioButtonCycle;
#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && 1 /* VDM auto patch */
#   pragma ivdep
#   pragma swp
#   pragma unroll
#   pragma prefetch
#   if 0
#       pragma simd noassert
#   endif
#endif /* VDM auto patch */
    for (i = 0 ; i < (int)m_noItems; i++)
        // not to do for the zero button!
        if ((i > 0) && ((i % GetMajorDim()) == 0))
            if (m_windowStyle & wxRA_SPECIFY_ROWS)
                x_offset += maxWidth + charWidth;
                y_offset = y_start;
                x_offset = x_start;
                y_offset += maxHeight + space;

        current->SetSize( x_offset, y_offset, eachWidth[i], eachHeight[i] );
        current = current->NextInCycle();

        if (m_windowStyle & wxRA_SPECIFY_ROWS)
            y_offset += maxHeight + space;
            x_offset += maxWidth + charWidth;
bool wxRadioBox::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& title,
                        const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size,
                        int n, const wxString choices[],
                        int majorDim, long style,
                        const wxValidator& val, const wxString& name)
    if( !CreateControl( parent, id, pos, size, style, val, name ) )
        return false;

    m_noItems = (unsigned int)n;
    m_noRowsOrCols = majorDim;

    SetMajorDim(majorDim == 0 ? n : majorDim, style);

    Widget parentWidget = (Widget) parent->GetClientWidget();
    Display* dpy = XtDisplay(parentWidget);

    m_mainWidget = XtVaCreateWidget ("radioboxframe",
                                     xmFrameWidgetClass, parentWidget,
                                     XmNresizeHeight, True,
                                     XmNresizeWidth, True,

    wxString label1(GetLabelText(title));

    if (!label1.empty())
        wxXmString text(label1);
        m_labelWidget = (WXWidget)
                        XtVaCreateManagedWidget( label1.mb_str(),
                                style & wxCOLOURED ? xmLabelWidgetClass
                                : xmLabelGadgetClass,
                                xmLabelWidgetClass, (Widget)m_mainWidget,
                                wxFont::GetFontTag(), m_font.GetFontTypeC(dpy),
                                XmNlabelString, text(),
// XmNframeChildType is not in Motif 1.2, nor in Lesstif,
// if it was compiled with 1.2 compatibility
// TODO: check this still looks OK for Motif 1.2.
#if (XmVersion > 1200)
                                XmNframeChildType, XmFRAME_TITLE_CHILD,
                                XmNchildType, XmFRAME_TITLE_CHILD,
                                XmNchildVerticalAlignment, XmALIGNMENT_CENTER,

    Arg args[3];

    XtSetArg (args[0], XmNorientation, ((style & wxHORIZONTAL) == wxHORIZONTAL ?
                                        XmHORIZONTAL : XmVERTICAL));
    XtSetArg (args[1], XmNnumColumns, GetMajorDim());
    XtSetArg (args[2], XmNadjustLast, False);

    Widget radioBoxWidget =
        XmCreateRadioBox ((Widget)m_mainWidget, wxMOTIF_STR("radioBoxWidget"), args, 3);


    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        wxString str(GetLabelText(choices[i]));
        Widget radioItem =  XtVaCreateManagedWidget (
                                xmToggleButtonGadgetClass, radioBoxWidget,
                                xmToggleButtonWidgetClass, radioBoxWidget,
                                wxFont::GetFontTag(), m_font.GetFontTypeC(dpy),
        XtAddCallback (radioItem, XmNvalueChangedCallback,
                       (XtCallbackProc) wxRadioBoxCallback,
                       (XtPointer) this);

    SetSelection (0);

    XtManageChild (radioBoxWidget);
    XtManageChild ((Widget)m_mainWidget);

    AttachWidget (parent, m_mainWidget, NULL, pos.x, pos.y, size.x, size.y);

    return true;