Exemple #1
bool CredentialSet::VerifyInternally() const
    if (!m_MasterCredential) {
        otOut << __FUNCTION__
              << ": This credential set does not have a master credential.\n";
        return false;

    // Check for a valid master credential, including whether or not the NymID
    // and MasterID in the CredentialSet match the master credentials's versions.
    if (!(m_MasterCredential->Validate())) {
        otOut << __FUNCTION__
        << ": Master Credential failed to verify: " << GetMasterCredID()
        << "\nNymID: " << GetNymID() << "\n";
        return false;

    // Check each child credential for validity.
    for (const auto& it : m_mapCredentials) {
        std::string str_sub_id = it.first;
        Credential* pSub = it.second;
        OT_ASSERT(nullptr != pSub);

        if (!pSub->Validate()) {
            otOut << __FUNCTION__
                  << ": Child credential failed to verify: " << str_sub_id
                  << "\nNymID: " << GetNymID() << "\n";
            return false;

    return true;
Exemple #2
void OTSubkey::UpdateContents()

    Tag tag("keyCredential");

    // a hash of the nymIDSource
    tag.add_attribute("nymID", GetNymID().Get());
    // Hash of the master credential that signed this subcredential.
    tag.add_attribute("masterID", GetMasterCredID().Get());

    if (GetNymIDSource().Exists()) {
        OTASCIIArmor ascSource;
        // A nym should always verify through its own
        // source. (Whatever that may be.)
        tag.add_tag("nymIDSource", ascSource.Get());
    if (OTSubcredential::credMasterSigned == m_StoreAs ||
        OTSubcredential::credPrivateInfo == m_StoreAs) {
    // PUBLIC INFO (signed by subkey, contains master signed info.)
    if (OTSubcredential::credPublicInfo == m_StoreAs ||
        OTSubcredential::credPrivateInfo == m_StoreAs) {
        // GetMasterSigned() returns the contract
        // containing the master-signed contents
        // from the above block.
        OTASCIIArmor ascMasterSigned(GetMasterSigned());

        // Contains all the public info, signed by the master key.
        // Packaged up here inside a final, subkey-signed credential.
        tag.add_tag("masterSigned", ascMasterSigned.Get());
    // If we're saving the private credential info...
    if (OTSubcredential::credPrivateInfo == m_StoreAs) {

    // <=== SET IT BACK TO DEFAULT BEHAVIOR. Any other state
    // processes ONCE, and then goes back to this again.
    m_StoreAs = OTSubcredential::credPrivateInfo;

    std::string str_result;

    m_xmlUnsigned.Concatenate("%s", str_result.c_str());
Exemple #3
bool OTSubkey::VerifySignedByMaster()
    // See if m_strMasterSigned was signed by my master credential.
    OTSubkey masterKey(*m_pOwner);

    if (m_strMasterSigned.Exists() &&
        masterKey.LoadContractFromString(m_strMasterSigned)) {
        // Here we need to MAKE SURE that the "master signed" version contains
        // the same CONTENTS as the actual version.
        if (!GetNymID().Compare(masterKey.GetNymID())) {
            Log::vOutput(0, "%s: Failure, NymID of this key credential "
                            "doesn't match NymID of master-signed version of "
                            "this key credential.\n",
            return false;

        if (!GetNymIDSource().Compare(masterKey.GetNymIDSource())) {
            Log::vOutput(0, "%s: Failure, NymIDSource of this key credential "
                            "doesn't match NymIDSource of master-signed "
                            "version of this key credential.\n",
            return false;

        if (!GetMasterCredID().Compare(masterKey.GetMasterCredID())) {
            Log::vOutput(0, "%s: Failure, MasterCredID of this key "
                            "credential doesn't match MasterCredID of "
                            "master-signed version of this key credential.\n",
            return false;

        if (GetPublicMap().size() > 0 &&
            GetPublicMap() != masterKey.GetPublicMap()) {
            Log::vOutput(0, "%s: Failure, public info of this key credential "
                            "doesn't match public info of master-signed "
                            "version of this key credential.\n",
            return false;

        // Master-signed version of subkey does not contain the private keys,
        // since normally the master is signing
        // the public version of the sub credential (to validate it) and you
        // don't want the public seeing your private keys.
        // So we would never expect these to match, since the master signed
        // version should have no private keys in it.
        //        if (GetPrivateMap() != masterKey.GetPrivateMap())
        //        {
        //            OTLog::vOutput(0, "%s: Failure, private info of this key
        // credential doesn't match private info of master-signed version of
        // this key credential.\n", __FUNCTION__);
        //            return false;
        //        }

        bool verifiedWithKey = masterKey.VerifyWithKey(

        // ON SERVER SIDE, THE ACTUAL SUBKEY doesn't have any public key, only
        // the master-signed version of it.
        // (The master-signed version being basically the only contents of the
        // public version.)
        // So we need to be able to, after verifying, load up those contents so
        // they are available on the
        // subkey itself, and not just on some master-signed version of itself
        // hidden inside itself.
        // Otherwise I would have to load up the master-signed version anytime
        // the server-side wanted to
        // mess with any of the keys.
        // Thus: copy the public info from master signed, to* this, if the above
        // call was successful
        if (verifiedWithKey && GetPublicMap().size() == 0) {
            // For master credential.
            return SetPublicContents(masterKey.GetPublicMap());
        return verifiedWithKey;
    return false;