wxString pgForeignKey::GetDefinition()
	wxString sql;

	sql = wxT("(") + GetQuotedFkColumns()
	      +  wxT(")\n      REFERENCES ") + GetQuotedSchemaPrefix(GetRefSchema()) + qtIdent(GetReferences())
	      +  wxT(" (") + GetQuotedRefColumns()
	      +  wxT(")");

	if (GetDatabase()->BackendMinimumVersion(7, 4) || GetMatch() == wxT("FULL"))
		sql += wxT(" MATCH ") + GetMatch();

	sql += wxT("\n      ON UPDATE ") + GetOnUpdate()
	       +  wxT(" ON DELETE ") + GetOnDelete();
	if (GetDeferrable())
		if (GetDeferred())
			sql += wxT("DEFERRED");
			sql += wxT("IMMEDIATE");

	if (GetDatabase()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 1) && !GetValid())
		sql += wxT("\n      NOT VALID");

	return sql;
Exemple #2
wxString wxRegEx::GetMatch(const wxString& text, size_t index) const
    size_t start, len;
    if ( !GetMatch(&start, &len, index) )
        return wxEmptyString;

    return text.Mid(start, len);
Exemple #3
int wxRegExImpl::Replace(wxString *text,
                         const wxString& replacement,
                         size_t maxMatches) const
    wxCHECK_MSG( text, wxNOT_FOUND, wxT("NULL text in wxRegEx::Replace") );
    wxCHECK_MSG( IsValid(), wxNOT_FOUND, wxT("must successfully Compile() first") );

    // the input string
    const wxChar *textstr = text->c_str();
    size_t textlen = text->length();
    const wxWX2MBbuf textstr = WXREGEX_CHAR(*text);
    if (!textstr)
        wxLogError(_("Failed to find match for regular expression: %s"),
                   GetErrorMsg(0, true).c_str());
        return 0;
    size_t textlen = strlen(textstr);

    // the replacement text
    wxString textNew;

    // the result, allow 25% extra
    wxString result;
    result.reserve(5 * textlen / 4);

    // attempt at optimization: don't iterate over the string if it doesn't
    // contain back references at all
    bool mayHaveBackrefs =
        replacement.find_first_of(wxT("\\&")) != wxString::npos;

    if ( !mayHaveBackrefs )
        textNew = replacement;

    // the position where we start looking for the match
    size_t matchStart = 0;

    // number of replacement made: we won't make more than maxMatches of them
    // (unless maxMatches is 0 which doesn't limit the number of replacements)
    size_t countRepl = 0;

    // note that "^" shouldn't match after the first call to Matches() so we
    // use wxRE_NOTBOL to prevent it from happening
    while ( (!maxMatches || countRepl < maxMatches) &&
                    textstr + matchStart,
                    textstr.data() + matchStart,
                    countRepl ? wxRE_NOTBOL : 0
                    WXREGEX_IF_NEED_LEN(textlen - matchStart)) )
        // the string possibly contains back references: we need to calculate
        // the replacement text anew after each match
        if ( mayHaveBackrefs )
            mayHaveBackrefs = false;

            for ( const wxChar *p = replacement.c_str(); *p; p++ )
                size_t index = (size_t)-1;

                if ( *p == wxT('\\') )
                    if ( wxIsdigit(*++p) )
                        // back reference
                        wxChar *end;
                        index = (size_t)wxStrtoul(p, &end, 10);
                        p = end - 1; // -1 to compensate for p++ in the loop
                    //else: backslash used as escape character
                else if ( *p == wxT('&') )
                    // treat this as "\0" for compatbility with ed and such
                    index = 0;

                // do we have a back reference?
                if ( index != (size_t)-1 )
                    // yes, get its text
                    size_t start, len;
                    if ( !GetMatch(&start, &len, index) )
                        wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("invalid back reference") );

                        // just eat it...
                        textNew += wxString(
                                + matchStart + start,
                                *wxConvCurrent, len);

                        mayHaveBackrefs = true;
                else // ordinary character
                    textNew += *p;

        size_t start, len;
        if ( !GetMatch(&start, &len) )
            // we did have match as Matches() returned true above!
            wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("internal logic error in wxRegEx::Replace") );

            return wxNOT_FOUND;

        // an insurance against implementations that don't grow exponentially
        // to ensure building the result takes linear time
        if (result.capacity() < result.length() + start + textNew.length())
            result.reserve(2 * result.length());

        result.append(*text, matchStart, start);
        result.append(wxString(textstr.data() + matchStart, *wxConvCurrent, start));
        matchStart += start;


        matchStart += len;

    result.append(*text, matchStart, wxString::npos);
    result.append(wxString(textstr.data() + matchStart, *wxConvCurrent));
    *text = result;

    return countRepl;
Exemple #4
void CAnchors::GetPaddedResults(CLineVector & baseResult, CLineVector & compResult) const
	unsigned int matchCount = GetMatchCount();
	unsigned int gapCount = GetGapCount();
	unsigned int matchPos = 0;
	unsigned int gapPos = 0;
	while(matchPos < matchCount)
			CTable baseTable, compTable;
			GetMatch(matchPos, baseTable, compTable);
			for (size_t i = 1; i < baseTable.size() - 1; ++i)
				CLine baseLine = baseTable[i];
				CLine compLine = compTable[i];
				CLine::TYPE type = baseLine.Equals(compLine, 0) ? CLine::TYPE_MATCH : CLine::TYPE_SIMILAR;
				if (type == CLine::TYPE_SIMILAR)
					CTable baseLineTable(baseLine.GetText(), true);
					CTable compLineTable(compLine.GetText(), true);
					CAnchors lineAnchors(baseLineTable, compLineTable, 0);
					CLineVector baseLineVector, compLineVector;
					lineAnchors.GetResults(baseLineVector, compLineVector);
					SetCharTypes(baseLine, baseLineVector);
					SetCharTypes(compLine, compLineVector);
			ATLASSERT(baseResult.size() == compResult.size());
		if (gapPos < gapCount)
			CTable baseTable, compTable;
			GetGap(gapPos, baseTable, compTable);
			if (baseTable.size() <= 2)	//Added lines
				ATLASSERT(compTable.size() > 2);
				AppendBlankLines(baseResult, compTable, CLine::TYPE_ADDED);
				AppendTable(compResult, compTable, CLine::TYPE_ADDED);
			else if (compTable.size() <= 2)  //Deleted lines
				ATLASSERT(baseTable.size() > 2);
				AppendTable(baseResult, baseTable, CLine::TYPE_DELETED);
				AppendBlankLines(compResult, baseTable, CLine::TYPE_DELETED);
			else if (m_accuracy > 35)	//  Don't recurse too much.
				AppendTable(baseResult, baseTable, CLine::TYPE_DELETED);
				AppendBlankLines(compResult, baseTable, CLine::TYPE_DELETED);
				AppendBlankLines(baseResult, compTable, CLine::TYPE_ADDED);
				AppendTable(compResult, compTable, CLine::TYPE_ADDED);
				CAnchors gapAnchors(baseTable, compTable, m_accuracy + 5);
				gapAnchors.GetPaddedResults(baseResult, compResult);
			ATLASSERT(baseResult.size() == compResult.size());
Exemple #5
void ZopfliFindLongestMatch(ZopfliBlockState* s, const ZopfliHash* h,
    const unsigned char* array,
    size_t pos, size_t size, size_t limit,
    unsigned short* sublen, unsigned short* distance, unsigned short* length) {
  unsigned short hpos = pos & ZOPFLI_WINDOW_MASK, p, pp;
  unsigned short bestdist = 0;
  unsigned short bestlength = 1;
  const unsigned char* scan;
  const unsigned char* match;
  const unsigned char* arrayend;
  const unsigned char* arrayend_safe;
  int chain_counter = ZOPFLI_MAX_CHAIN_HITS;  /* For quitting early. */

  unsigned dist = 0;  /* Not unsigned short on purpose. */

  int* hhead = h->head;
  unsigned short* hprev = h->prev;
  int* hhashval = h->hashval;
  int hval = h->val;

  if (TryGetFromLongestMatchCache(s, pos, &limit, sublen, distance, length)) {
    assert(pos + *length <= size);

  assert(limit <= ZOPFLI_MAX_MATCH);
  assert(limit >= ZOPFLI_MIN_MATCH);
  assert(pos < size);

  if (size - pos < ZOPFLI_MIN_MATCH) {
    /* The rest of the code assumes there are at least ZOPFLI_MIN_MATCH bytes to
       try. */
    *length = 0;
    *distance = 0;

  if (pos + limit > size) {
    limit = size - pos;
  arrayend = &array[pos] + limit;
  arrayend_safe = arrayend - 8;

  assert(hval < 65536);

  pp = hhead[hval];  /* During the whole loop, p == hprev[pp]. */
  p = hprev[pp];

  assert(pp == hpos);

  dist = p < pp ? pp - p : ((ZOPFLI_WINDOW_SIZE - p) + pp);

  /* Go through all distances. */
  while (dist < ZOPFLI_WINDOW_SIZE) {
    unsigned short currentlength = 0;

    assert(p < ZOPFLI_WINDOW_SIZE);
    assert(p == hprev[pp]);
    assert(hhashval[p] == hval);

    if (dist > 0) {
      assert(pos < size);
      assert(dist <= pos);
      scan = &array[pos];
      match = &array[pos - dist];

      /* Testing the byte at position bestlength first, goes slightly faster. */
      if (pos + bestlength >= size
          || *(scan + bestlength) == *(match + bestlength)) {

        unsigned short same0 = h->same[pos & ZOPFLI_WINDOW_MASK];
        if (same0 > 2 && *scan == *match) {
          unsigned short same1 = h->same[(pos - dist) & ZOPFLI_WINDOW_MASK];
          unsigned short same = same0 < same1 ? same0 : same1;
          if (same > limit) same = limit;
          scan += same;
          match += same;
        scan = GetMatch(scan, match, arrayend, arrayend_safe);
        currentlength = scan - &array[pos];  /* The found length. */

      if (currentlength > bestlength) {
        if (sublen) {
          unsigned short j;
          for (j = bestlength + 1; j <= currentlength; j++) {
            sublen[j] = dist;
        bestdist = dist;
        bestlength = currentlength;
        if (currentlength >= limit) break;

    /* Switch to the other hash once this will be more efficient. */
    if (hhead != h->head2 && bestlength >= h->same[hpos] &&
        h->val2 == h->hashval2[p]) {
      /* Now use the hash that encodes the length and first byte. */
      hhead = h->head2;
      hprev = h->prev2;
      hhashval = h->hashval2;
      hval = h->val2;

    pp = p;
    p = hprev[p];
    if (p == pp) break;  /* Uninited prev value. */

    dist += p < pp ? pp - p : ((ZOPFLI_WINDOW_SIZE - p) + pp);

    if (chain_counter <= 0) break;

  StoreInLongestMatchCache(s, pos, limit, sublen, bestdist, bestlength);

  assert(bestlength <= limit);

  *distance = bestdist;
  *length = bestlength;
  assert(pos + *length <= size);
void pgForeignKey::ShowTreeDetail(ctlTree *browser, frmMain *form, ctlListView *properties, ctlSQLBox *sqlPane)
	if (!expandedKids)
		expandedKids = true;

		wxStringTokenizer c1l(GetConkey(), wxT(","));
		wxStringTokenizer c2l(GetConfkey(), wxT(","));
		wxString c1, c2;

		// resolve column names
		while (c1l.HasMoreTokens())
			c1 = c1l.GetNextToken();
			c2 = c2l.GetNextToken();
			pgSet *set = ExecuteSet(
			                 wxT("SELECT a1.attname as conattname, a2.attname as confattname\n")
			                 wxT("  FROM pg_attribute a1, pg_attribute a2\n")
			                 wxT(" WHERE a1.attrelid=") + GetTableOidStr() + wxT(" AND a1.attnum=") + c1 + wxT("\n")
			                 wxT("   AND a2.attrelid=") + GetRelTableOidStr() + wxT(" AND a2.attnum=") + c2);
			if (set)
				if (!fkColumns.IsNull())
					fkColumns += wxT(", ");
					refColumns += wxT(", ");
					quotedFkColumns += wxT(", ");
					quotedRefColumns += wxT(", ");
				fkColumns += set->GetVal(0);
				refColumns += set->GetVal(1);
				quotedFkColumns += qtIdent(set->GetVal(0));
				quotedRefColumns += qtIdent(set->GetVal(1));
				delete set;
		wxTreeItemId item = browser->GetItemParent(GetId());
		while (item)
			pgTable *table = (pgTable *)browser->GetObject(item);
			if (table->IsCreatedBy(tableFactory))
				coveringIndex = table->GetCoveringIndex(browser, fkColumns);
			item = browser->GetItemParent(item);

	if (properties)

		properties->AppendItem(_("Name"), GetName());
		properties->AppendItem(_("OID"), NumToStr(GetOid()));
		properties->AppendItem(_("Child columns"), GetFkColumns());
		properties->AppendItem(_("References"), GetReferences()
		                       + wxT("(") + GetRefColumns() + wxT(")"));

		properties->AppendItem(_("Covering index"), GetCoveringIndex());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Match type"), GetMatch());
		properties->AppendItem(_("On update"), GetOnUpdate());
		properties->AppendItem(_("On delete"), GetOnDelete());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Deferrable?"), BoolToYesNo(GetDeferrable()));
		if (GetDeferrable())
			                       GetDeferred() ? wxT("DEFERRED") : wxT("IMMEDIATE"));
		if (GetDatabase()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 1))
			properties->AppendItem(_("Valid?"), BoolToYesNo(GetValid()));
		properties->AppendItem(_("System foreign key?"), BoolToYesNo(GetSystemObject()));
		properties->AppendItem(_("Comment"), firstLineOnly(GetComment()));