Exemple #1
    void Eval(CTreeNode<CBDB_QueryNode>& tr)

        CBDB_QueryNode& qnode = tr.GetValue();

        const string* arg0 = GetArg(0);
        const string* arg1 = GetArg(1);

        const CBDB_Field* fld0 = GetArgField(0);
        const CBDB_Field* fld1 = GetArgField(1);

        // here we check two cases:
        //   field = "value"
        //   "value" == field

        if (fld0 != 0 && fld1 == 0) {
            CBoyerMooreMatcher* matcher = GetMatcher(*arg1, 0);
            int pos = matcher->Search(*arg0);
            if (pos == -1) { // not found
            } else {

        if (fld0 == 0 && fld1 != 0) {
            CBoyerMooreMatcher* matcher = GetMatcher(*arg0, 0);
            int pos = matcher->Search(*arg1);
            if (pos == -1) { // not found
            } else {

        // Plain equal

        bool res = (*arg0 == *arg1);
        if (IsNot())
            res = !res;
        SetResult(qnode, res);
Exemple #2
    /// Checks if value is equal to any field in the database
    bool IsAnyField(CBDB_File& dbf,
                    const string& search_value,
                    unsigned int arg_idx)
        CBoyerMooreMatcher* matcher = GetMatcher(search_value, arg_idx);
        CBDB_File::TUnifiedFieldIndex fidx =
                BDB_find_field(dbf, *matcher, &m_TmpStr);

        return (fidx != 0);
void Features::Match(const Mat& descTarget, const Mat& descScene, vector<Point2f>& target, vector<Point2f> scene) const {
   cv::DescriptorMatcher* matcher = GetMatcher(this->flag);

   std::vector<std::vector<cv::DMatch> > all_matches;
   matcher->knnMatch(descTarget, descScene, all_matches, 2);

   std::vector<cv::DMatch> goods;
   for(unsigned i = 0; i < all_matches.size(); i++)
      if(all_matches[i][0].distance < 0.7 * all_matches[i][1].distance)

//   for(unsigned i = 0; i < goods.size(); i++ ){
//      //Get the keypoints from the good matches
//      target.push_back(imageKeys[goods[i].queryIdx].pt);
//      scene.push_back(frameKeys[goods[i].trainIdx].pt);
//   }
bool SearchReplaceEngine::ReplaceAll() {
	if (!initialized)
		return false;

	size_t count = 0;

	auto matches = GetMatcher(settings);

	auto const& sel = context->selectionController->GetSelectedSet();
	bool selection_only = settings.limit_to == SearchReplaceSettings::Limit::SELECTED;

	for (auto& diag : context->ass->Events) {
		if (selection_only && !sel.count(&diag)) continue;
		if (settings.ignore_comments && diag.Comment) continue;

		if (settings.use_regex) {
			if (MatchState ms = matches(&diag, 0)) {
				auto& diag_field = diag.*get_dialogue_field(settings.field);
				std::string const& text = diag_field.get();
				count += std::distance(
					boost::u32regex_iterator<std::string::const_iterator>(begin(text), end(text), *ms.re),
				diag_field = u32regex_replace(text, *ms.re, settings.replace_with);

		size_t pos = 0;
		while (MatchState ms = matches(&diag, pos)) {
			Replace(&diag, ms);
			pos = ms.end;

	if (count > 0) {
		context->ass->Commit(_("replace"), AssFile::COMMIT_DIAG_TEXT);
		wxMessageBox(fmt_plural(count, "One match was replaced.", "%d matches were replaced.", (int)count));
	else {
		wxMessageBox(_("No matches found."));

	return true;
bool SearchReplaceEngine::FindReplace(bool replace) {
	if (!initialized)
		return false;

	auto matches = GetMatcher(settings);

	AssDialogue *line = context->selectionController->GetActiveLine();
	auto it = context->ass->iterator_to(*line);
	size_t pos = 0;

	auto replace_ms = bad_match;
	if (replace) {
		if (settings.field == SearchReplaceSettings::Field::TEXT)
			pos = context->textSelectionController->GetSelectionStart();

		if ((replace_ms = matches(line, pos))) {
			size_t end = bad_pos;
			if (settings.field == SearchReplaceSettings::Field::TEXT)
				end = context->textSelectionController->GetSelectionEnd();

			if (end == bad_pos || (pos == replace_ms.start && end == replace_ms.end)) {
				Replace(line, replace_ms);
				pos = replace_ms.end;
				context->ass->Commit(_("replace"), AssFile::COMMIT_DIAG_TEXT);
			else {
				// The current line matches, but it wasn't already selected,
				// so the match hasn't been "found" and displayed to the user
				// yet, so do that rather than replacing
				context->textSelectionController->SetSelection(replace_ms.start, replace_ms.end);
				return true;
	// Search from the end of the selection to avoid endless matching the same thing
	else if (settings.field == SearchReplaceSettings::Field::TEXT)
		pos = context->textSelectionController->GetSelectionEnd();
	// For non-text fields we just look for matching lines rather than each
	// match within the line, so move to the next line
	else if (settings.field != SearchReplaceSettings::Field::TEXT)
		it = circular_next(it, context->ass->Events);

	auto const& sel = context->selectionController->GetSelectedSet();
	bool selection_only = sel.size() > 1 && settings.limit_to == SearchReplaceSettings::Limit::SELECTED;

	do {
		if (selection_only && !sel.count(&*it)) continue;
		if (settings.ignore_comments && it->Comment) continue;

		if (MatchState ms = matches(&*it, pos)) {
			if (selection_only)
				// We're cycling through the selection, so don't muck with it
				context->selectionController->SetSelectionAndActive({ &*it }, &*it);

			if (settings.field == SearchReplaceSettings::Field::TEXT)
				context->textSelectionController->SetSelection(ms.start, ms.end);

			return true;
	} while (pos = 0, &*(it = circular_next(it, context->ass->Events)) != line);

	// Replaced something and didn't find another match, so select the newly
	// inserted text
	if (replace_ms && settings.field == SearchReplaceSettings::Field::TEXT)
		context->textSelectionController->SetSelection(replace_ms.start, replace_ms.end);

	return true;