static int32_t ServeStaticResource(OrthancPluginRestOutput* output, const char* url, const OrthancPluginHttpRequest* request) { if (request->method != OrthancPluginHttpMethod_Get) { OrthancPluginSendMethodNotAllowed(context, output, "GET"); return 0; } std::string path = "/" + std::string(request->groups[0]); const char* mime = GetMimeType(path); try { std::string s; Orthanc::EmbeddedResources::GetDirectoryResource (s, Orthanc::EmbeddedResources::STATIC_RESOURCES, path.c_str()); const char* resource = s.size() ? s.c_str() : NULL; OrthancPluginAnswerBuffer(context, output, resource, s.size(), mime); return 0; } catch (std::runtime_error&) { std::string s = "Unknown static resource in plugin: " + std::string(request->groups[0]); OrthancPluginLogError(context, s.c_str()); OrthancPluginSendHttpStatusCode(context, output, 404); return 0; } }
void Http::SendFile(char *path, struct stat *st) { const char *mime_type = GetMimeType(strrchr(path, '.')); SendHeader(mime_type, st->st_size, 200); if (strcmp(request.request_method, "HEAD") != 0) SendFileStream(path, st); }
std::string CMime::GetMimeType(const CFileItem &item) { std::string path = item.GetPath(); if (item.HasVideoInfoTag() && !item.GetVideoInfoTag()->GetPath().empty()) path = item.GetVideoInfoTag()->GetPath(); else if (item.HasMusicInfoTag() && !item.GetMusicInfoTag()->GetURL().empty()) path = item.GetMusicInfoTag()->GetURL(); return GetMimeType(URIUtils::GetExtension(path)); }
OP_STATUS ContentDetector::IsTextOrBinary(URLContentType &url_type, OpStringC8 &mime_type) { unsigned long length = MIN(m_length, DETERMINISTIC_HEADER_LENGTH); const unsigned char UTF16BE_BOM[2] = {0xFE, 0xFF}; const unsigned char UTF16LE_BOM[2] = {0xFF, 0xFE}; const unsigned char UTF8_BOM[3] = {0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF}; if (length >= 3) { if (op_memcmp(m_octets, UTF16BE_BOM, 2) == 0 || op_memcmp(m_octets, UTF16LE_BOM, 2) == 0 || op_memcmp(m_octets, UTF8_BOM, 3) == 0) { url_type = URL_TEXT_CONTENT; mime_type = "text/plain"; return OpStatus::OK; } } if (!HasBinaryOctet(m_octets, length)) { m_deterministic = m_length >= DETERMINISTIC_HEADER_LENGTH; url_type = URL_TEXT_CONTENT; mime_type = "text/plain"; return OpStatus::OK; } if (m_compliancy_type == WEB) { CharsetDetector detector(NULL); detector.PeekAtBuffer(m_octets, length); if (detector.GetDetectedCharset()) { url_type = URL_TEXT_CONTENT; mime_type = "text/plain"; } } int found_at_index; RETURN_IF_ERROR(LookUpInSniffTable(m_octets, length, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, UNDETERMINED, found_at_index)); if (found_at_index >= 0) { ContentDetectorPatternData pd = GetPatternData(found_at_index); url_type = pd.content_type; mime_type = GetMimeType(found_at_index); } else { url_type = URL_UNKNOWN_CONTENT; mime_type = "application/octet-stream"; } return OpStatus::OK; }
/******************************************************************* * Get file mime type * *******************************************************************/ int GetFileMimeType(char *filename) { char *p; if((p = strrchr(filename, '.')) != NULL) p = p+1; else p = filename; return GetMimeType(p); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------- | CUPnPRenderer::ProcessHttpRequest +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ NPT_Result CUPnPRenderer::ProcessHttpGetRequest(NPT_HttpRequest& request, const NPT_HttpRequestContext& context, NPT_HttpResponse& response) { // get the address of who sent us some data back NPT_String ip_address = context.GetRemoteAddress().GetIpAddress().ToString(); NPT_String method = request.GetMethod(); NPT_String protocol = request.GetProtocol(); NPT_HttpUrl url = request.GetUrl(); if (url.GetPath() == "/thumb") { NPT_HttpUrlQuery query(url.GetQuery()); NPT_String filepath = query.GetField("path"); if (!filepath.IsEmpty()) { NPT_HttpEntity* entity = response.GetEntity(); if (entity == NULL) return NPT_ERROR_INVALID_STATE; // check the method if (request.GetMethod() != NPT_HTTP_METHOD_GET && request.GetMethod() != NPT_HTTP_METHOD_HEAD) { response.SetStatus(405, "Method Not Allowed"); return NPT_SUCCESS; } // prevent hackers from accessing files outside of our root if ((filepath.Find("/..") >= 0) || (filepath.Find("\\..") >=0)) { return NPT_FAILURE; } #if 1 std::string path; //url #else // open the file CStdString path = CURL::Decode((const char*) filepath); #endif NPT_File file(path.c_str()); NPT_Result result = file.Open(NPT_FILE_OPEN_MODE_READ); if (NPT_FAILED(result)) { response.SetStatus(404, "Not Found"); return NPT_SUCCESS; } NPT_InputStreamReference stream; file.GetInputStream(stream); entity->SetContentType(GetMimeType(filepath)); entity->SetInputStream(stream, true); return NPT_SUCCESS; } } return PLT_MediaRenderer::ProcessHttpGetRequest(request, context, response); }
bool wxFileTypeImpl::GetMimeTypes(wxArrayString& mimeTypes) const { wxString s; if (GetMimeType(&s)) { mimeTypes.Clear(); mimeTypes.Add(s); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }
bool wxFileTypeImpl::GetMimeTypes(wxArrayString& mimeTypes) const { wxString s; if ( !GetMimeType(&s) ) { return false; } mimeTypes.Clear(); mimeTypes.Add(s); return true; }
OP_STATUS ContentDetector::IsImage(URLContentType &url_type, OpStringC8 &mime_type) { if (m_official_mime_type.CompareI("image/svg+xml") == 0) return OpStatus::OK; int found_at_index; RETURN_IF_ERROR(LookUpInSniffTable(m_octets, m_length, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, IMAGE, found_at_index)); if (found_at_index >= 0) { ContentDetectorPatternData pd = GetPatternData(found_at_index); url_type = pd.content_type; mime_type = GetMimeType(found_at_index); } return OpStatus::OK; }
void ServerContext::AnswerAttachment(RestApiOutput& output, const std::string& instancePublicId, FileContentType content) { FileInfo attachment; if (!index_.LookupAttachment(attachment, instancePublicId, content)) { throw OrthancException(ErrorCode_InternalError); } accessor_.SetCompressionForNextOperations(attachment.GetCompressionType()); std::auto_ptr<HttpFileSender> sender(accessor_.ConstructHttpFileSender(attachment.GetUuid(), attachment.GetContentType())); sender->SetContentType(GetMimeType(content)); sender->SetDownloadFilename(instancePublicId + ".dcm"); output.AnswerFile(*sender); }
OP_STATUS ContentDetector::IsVideo(URLContentType &url_type, OpStringC8 &mime_type) { unsigned long length = MIN(m_length, DETERMINISTIC_HEADER_LENGTH); int found_at_index; RETURN_IF_ERROR(LookUpInSniffTable(m_octets, length, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, VIDEO, found_at_index)); if (found_at_index >= 0) { ContentDetectorPatternData pd = GetPatternData(found_at_index); url_type = pd.content_type; mime_type = GetMimeType(found_at_index); } else if (HasMP4Signature(m_octets, length)) { url_type = URL_MEDIA_CONTENT; mime_type = "video/mp4"; } m_deterministic = m_length >= DETERMINISTIC_HEADER_LENGTH; return OpStatus::OK; }
/* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % % % + M a g i c k T o M i m e % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % MagickToMime() returns the officially registered (or de facto) MIME % media-type corresponding to a magick string. If there is no registered % media-type, then the string "image/x-magick" (all lower case) is returned. % The returned string must be deallocated by the user. % % The format of the MagickToMime method is: % % char *MagickToMime(const char *magick) % % A description of each parameter follows. % % o magick: ImageMagick format specification "magick" tag. % */ MagickExport char *MagickToMime(const char *magick) { char filename[MagickPathExtent], media[MagickPathExtent]; const MimeInfo *mime_info; ExceptionInfo *exception; (void) FormatLocaleString(filename,MagickPathExtent,"file.%s",magick); LocaleLower(filename); exception=AcquireExceptionInfo(); mime_info=GetMimeInfo(filename,(unsigned char *) " ",1,exception); exception=DestroyExceptionInfo(exception); if (mime_info != (const MimeInfo *) NULL) return(ConstantString(GetMimeType(mime_info))); (void) FormatLocaleString(media,MagickPathExtent,"image/x-%s",magick); LocaleLower(media+8); return(ConstantString(media)); }
std::string CMime::GetMimeType(const CURL &url, bool lookup) { std::string strMimeType; if( url.IsProtocol("shout") || url.IsProtocol("http") || url.IsProtocol("https")) { // If lookup is false, bail out early to leave mime type empty if (!lookup) return strMimeType; std::string strmime; XFILE::CCurlFile::GetMimeType(url, strmime); // try to get mime-type again but with an NSPlayer User-Agent // in order for server to provide correct mime-type. Allows us // to properly detect an MMS stream if (StringUtils::StartsWithNoCase(strmime, "video/x-ms-")) XFILE::CCurlFile::GetMimeType(url, strmime, "NSPlayer/11.00.6001.7000"); // make sure there are no options set in mime-type // mime-type can look like "video/x-ms-asf ; charset=utf8" size_t i = strmime.find(';'); if(i != std::string::npos) strmime.erase(i, strmime.length() - i); StringUtils::Trim(strmime); strMimeType = strmime; } else strMimeType = GetMimeType(url.GetFileType()); // if it's still empty set to an unknown type if (strMimeType.empty()) strMimeType = "application/octet-stream"; return strMimeType; }
/* void CIPFilter::UpdateIPFilterURL() */ void CIPFilter::UpdateIPFilterURL(uint32 uNewVersion) // <== Advanced Updates [MorphXT/Stulle] - Stulle { bool bHaveNewFilterFile = false; CString url = thePrefs.GetAutoUpdateIPFilter_URL(); SYSTEMTIME SysTime; if (!url.IsEmpty()) { CString strTempFilePath; _tmakepathlimit(strTempFilePath.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), NULL, thePrefs.GetMuleDirectory(EMULE_CONFIGDIR), DFLT_IPFILTER_FILENAME, _T("tmp")); strTempFilePath.ReleaseBuffer(); CHttpDownloadDlg dlgDownload; dlgDownload.m_strTitle = GetResString(IDS_DWL_IPFILTERFILE); dlgDownload.m_sURLToDownload = url; dlgDownload.m_sFileToDownloadInto = strTempFilePath; if (PathFileExists(GetDefaultFilePath())) memcpy(&SysTime, &thePrefs.m_IPfilterVersion, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME)); else memset(&SysTime, 0, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME)); // ==> Advanced Updates [MorphXT/Stulle] - Stulle if(thePrefs.IsIPFilterViaDynDNS()) dlgDownload.m_pLastModifiedTime = NULL; else // <== Advanced Updates [MorphXT/Stulle] - Stulle dlgDownload.m_pLastModifiedTime = &SysTime; //Xman remark: m_pLastModifiedTime is a pointer which points to the SysTime-struct if (dlgDownload.DoModal() != IDOK) { (void)_tremove(strTempFilePath); CString strError = GetResString(IDS_DWLIPFILTERFAILED); if (!dlgDownload.GetError().IsEmpty()) strError += _T("\r\n\r\n") + dlgDownload.GetError(); AfxMessageBox(strError, MB_ICONERROR); return; } // ==> Advanced Updates [MorphXT/Stulle] - Stulle /* if (dlgDownload.m_pLastModifiedTime == NULL) */ if (thePrefs.IsIPFilterViaDynDNS() == false && dlgDownload.m_pLastModifiedTime == NULL) // <== Advanced Updates [MorphXT/Stulle] - Stulle return; CString strMimeType; GetMimeType(strTempFilePath, strMimeType); bool bIsArchiveFile = false; bool bUncompressed = false; CZIPFile zip; if (zip.Open(strTempFilePath)) { bIsArchiveFile = true; CZIPFile::File* zfile = zip.GetFile(_T("guarding.p2p")); if (zfile == NULL) zfile = zip.GetFile(_T("ipfilter.dat")); if (zfile) { CString strTempUnzipFilePath; _tmakepathlimit(strTempUnzipFilePath.GetBuffer(_MAX_PATH), NULL, thePrefs.GetMuleDirectory(EMULE_CONFIGDIR), DFLT_IPFILTER_FILENAME, _T(".unzip.tmp")); strTempUnzipFilePath.ReleaseBuffer(); if (zfile->Extract(strTempUnzipFilePath)) { zip.Close(); zfile = NULL; if (_tremove(theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath()) != 0) TRACE(_T("*** Error: Failed to remove default IP filter file \"%s\" - %hs\n"), theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath(), strerror(errno)); if (_trename(strTempUnzipFilePath, theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath()) != 0) TRACE(_T("*** Error: Failed to rename uncompressed IP filter file \"%s\" to default IP filter file \"%s\" - %hs\n"), strTempUnzipFilePath, theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath(), strerror(errno)); if (_tremove(strTempFilePath) != 0) TRACE(_T("*** Error: Failed to remove temporary IP filter file \"%s\" - %hs\n"), strTempFilePath, strerror(errno)); bUncompressed = true; bHaveNewFilterFile = true; } else { CString strError; strError.Format(GetResString(IDS_ERR_IPFILTERZIPEXTR), strTempFilePath); AfxMessageBox(strError, MB_ICONERROR); } } else { CString strError; strError.Format(GetResString(IDS_ERR_IPFILTERCONTENTERR), strTempFilePath); AfxMessageBox(strError, MB_ICONERROR); } zip.Close(); } else if (strMimeType.CompareNoCase(_T("application/x-rar-compressed")) == 0) { bIsArchiveFile = true; CRARFile rar; if (rar.Open(strTempFilePath)) { CString strFile; if (rar.GetNextFile(strFile) && (strFile.CompareNoCase(_T("ipfilter.dat")) == 0 || strFile.CompareNoCase(_T("guarding.p2p")) == 0)) { CString strTempUnzipFilePath; _tmakepathlimit(strTempUnzipFilePath.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), NULL, thePrefs.GetMuleDirectory(EMULE_CONFIGDIR), DFLT_IPFILTER_FILENAME, _T(".unzip.tmp")); strTempUnzipFilePath.ReleaseBuffer(); if (rar.Extract(strTempUnzipFilePath)) { rar.Close(); if (_tremove(theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath()) != 0) TRACE(_T("*** Error: Failed to remove default IP filter file \"%s\" - %hs\n"), theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath(), strerror(errno)); if (_trename(strTempUnzipFilePath, theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath()) != 0) TRACE(_T("*** Error: Failed to rename uncompressed IP filter file \"%s\" to default IP filter file \"%s\" - %hs\n"), strTempUnzipFilePath, theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath(), strerror(errno)); if (_tremove(strTempFilePath) != 0) TRACE(_T("*** Error: Failed to remove temporary IP filter file \"%s\" - %hs\n"), strTempFilePath, strerror(errno)); bUncompressed = true; bHaveNewFilterFile = true; } else { CString strError; strError.Format(_T("Failed to extract IP filter file from RAR file \"%s\"."), strTempFilePath); AfxMessageBox(strError, MB_ICONERROR); } } else { CString strError; strError.Format(_T("Failed to find IP filter file \"guarding.p2p\" or \"ipfilter.dat\" in RAR file \"%s\"."), strTempFilePath); AfxMessageBox(strError, MB_ICONERROR); } rar.Close(); } else { CString strError; strError.Format(_T("Failed to open file \"%s\".\r\n\r\nInvalid file format?\r\n\r\nDownload latest version of UNRAR.DLL from and copy UNRAR.DLL into eMule installation folder."), url); AfxMessageBox(strError, MB_ICONERROR); } } else { CGZIPFile gz; if (gz.Open(strTempFilePath)) { bIsArchiveFile = true; CString strTempUnzipFilePath; _tmakepathlimit(strTempUnzipFilePath.GetBuffer(_MAX_PATH), NULL, thePrefs.GetMuleDirectory(EMULE_CONFIGDIR), DFLT_IPFILTER_FILENAME, _T(".unzip.tmp")); strTempUnzipFilePath.ReleaseBuffer(); // add filename and extension of uncompressed file to temporary file CString strUncompressedFileName = gz.GetUncompressedFileName(); if (!strUncompressedFileName.IsEmpty()) { strTempUnzipFilePath += _T('.'); strTempUnzipFilePath += strUncompressedFileName; } if (gz.Extract(strTempUnzipFilePath)) { gz.Close(); if (_tremove(theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath()) != 0) TRACE(_T("*** Error: Failed to remove default IP filter file \"%s\" - %hs\n"), theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath(), strerror(errno)); if (_trename(strTempUnzipFilePath, theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath()) != 0) TRACE(_T("*** Error: Failed to rename uncompressed IP filter file \"%s\" to default IP filter file \"%s\" - %hs\n"), strTempUnzipFilePath, theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath(), strerror(errno)); if (_tremove(strTempFilePath) != 0) TRACE(_T("*** Error: Failed to remove temporary IP filter file \"%s\" - %hs\n"), strTempFilePath, strerror(errno)); bUncompressed = true; bHaveNewFilterFile = true; } else { CString strError; strError.Format(GetResString(IDS_ERR_IPFILTERZIPEXTR), strTempFilePath); AfxMessageBox(strError, MB_ICONERROR); } } gz.Close(); } if (!bIsArchiveFile && !bUncompressed) { // Check first lines of downloaded file for potential HTML content (e.g. 404 error pages) bool bValidIPFilterFile = true; FILE* fp = _tfsopen(strTempFilePath, _T("rb"), _SH_DENYWR); if (fp) { char szBuff[16384]; int iRead = fread(szBuff, 1, _countof(szBuff)-1, fp); if (iRead <= 0) bValidIPFilterFile = false; else { szBuff[iRead-1] = '\0'; const char* pc = szBuff; while (*pc == ' ' || *pc == '\t' || *pc == '\r' || *pc == '\n') pc++; if (strnicmp(pc, "<html", 5) == 0 || strnicmp(pc, "<xml", 4) == 0 || strnicmp(pc, "<!doc", 5) == 0) { bValidIPFilterFile = false; } } fclose(fp); } if (bValidIPFilterFile) { (void)_tremove(theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath()); VERIFY( _trename(strTempFilePath, theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath()) == 0 ); bHaveNewFilterFile = true; } else { AfxMessageBox(GetResString(IDS_DWLIPFILTERFAILED), MB_ICONERROR); } } } else { AfxMessageBox(_T("Failed to auto-update IPFilter. No URL given"), MB_ICONERROR); return; } // ==> Advanced Updates [MorphXT/Stulle] - Stulle /* struct tm tmTemp; thePrefs.m_last_ipfilter_check = safe_mktime(CTime::GetCurrentTime().GetLocalTm(&tmTemp)); */ // <== Advanced Updates [MorphXT/Stulle] - Stulle if (bHaveNewFilterFile) { LoadFromDefaultFile(); if (thePrefs.GetFilterServerByIP()) theApp.emuledlg->serverwnd->serverlistctrl.RemoveAllFilteredServers(); } // In case we received an invalid IP-filter file (e.g. an 404 HTML page with HTTP status "OK"), // warn the user that there are no IP-filters available any longer. if (bHaveNewFilterFile && theApp.ipfilter->GetIPFilter().GetCount() == 0) { CString strLoaded; strLoaded.Format(GetResString(IDS_IPFILTERLOADED), theApp.ipfilter->GetIPFilter().GetCount()); CString strError; strError.Format(_T("%s\r\n\r\n%s"), GetResString(IDS_DWLIPFILTERFAILED), strLoaded); AfxMessageBox(strError, MB_ICONERROR); return; } //everything fine. update the stored version if (bHaveNewFilterFile) // ==> Advanced Updates [MorphXT/Stulle] - Stulle /* memcpy(&thePrefs.m_IPfilterVersion, &SysTime, sizeof SysTime); */ { thePrefs.m_uIPFilterVersionNum = uNewVersion; if(thePrefs.IsIPFilterViaDynDNS()) { memset(&SysTime, 0, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME)); if(theApp.emuledlg->preferenceswnd && theApp.emuledlg->preferenceswnd->m_wndScar && theApp.emuledlg->preferenceswnd->m_wndScar.m_IpFilterTime) { CString strBuffer = NULL; strBuffer.Format(_T("v%u"), thePrefs.GetIPFilterVersionNum()); theApp.emuledlg->preferenceswnd->m_wndScar.m_IpFilterTime.SetWindowText(strBuffer); } } else memcpy(&thePrefs.m_IPfilterVersion, &SysTime, sizeof SysTime); } else { thePrefs.m_uIPFilterVersionNum = 0; memset(&SysTime, 0, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME)); if(thePrefs.IsIPFilterViaDynDNS()) { if(theApp.emuledlg->preferenceswnd && theApp.emuledlg->preferenceswnd->m_wndScar && theApp.emuledlg->preferenceswnd->m_wndScar.m_IpFilterTime) theApp.emuledlg->preferenceswnd->m_wndScar.m_IpFilterTime.SetWindowText(GetResString(IDS_DL_NONE)); } } if(thePrefs.IsIPFilterViaDynDNS() == false && theApp.emuledlg->preferenceswnd && theApp.emuledlg->preferenceswnd->m_wndScar && theApp.emuledlg->preferenceswnd->m_wndScar.m_IpFilterTime) { TCHAR sTime[30]; sTime[0] = _T('\0'); SysTimeToStr(thePrefs.GetIPfilterVersion(), sTime); theApp.emuledlg->preferenceswnd->m_wndScar.m_IpFilterTime.SetWindowText(sTime); } // <== Advanced Updates [MorphXT/Stulle] - Stulle }
OP_STATUS ContentDetector::IsUnknownType(URLContentType &url_type, OpStringC8 &mime_type) { unsigned long length = MIN(m_length, DETERMINISTIC_HEADER_LENGTH); int found_at_index; RETURN_IF_ERROR(LookUpInSniffTable(m_octets, length, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, UNDETERMINED, found_at_index)); if (found_at_index >= 0) { ContentDetectorPatternData pd = GetPatternData(found_at_index); // if the found content type is not displayable then try to find by extension (if feature enabled) if ((m_extension_use_allowed || m_compliancy_type == WEB) && !IsDisplayable(pd.content_type)) { BOOL found = FALSE; RETURN_IF_ERROR(TryToFindByExtension(url_type, mime_type, found)); if (found) return OpStatus::OK; } url_type = pd.content_type; mime_type = GetMimeType(found_at_index); return OpStatus::OK; } if (m_compliancy_type == WEB) { int image_type = imgManager->CheckImageType((const unsigned char *)m_octets, length); if (image_type > 0) { url_type = (URLContentType)image_type; const char *mimetype = g_viewers->GetContentTypeString(url_type); mime_type = mimetype ? mimetype : "image/unknown"; return OpStatus::OK; } } if (HasMP4Signature(m_octets, length)) { url_type = URL_MEDIA_CONTENT; mime_type = "video/mp4"; return OpStatus::OK; } if (HasBinaryOctet(m_octets, length)) { BOOL found = FALSE; if (m_extension_use_allowed || m_compliancy_type == WEB) TryToFindByExtension(url_type, mime_type, found); if (!found) { url_type = URL_UNKNOWN_CONTENT; mime_type = "application/octet-stream"; } } else { m_deterministic = m_length >= DETERMINISTIC_HEADER_LENGTH; url_type = URL_TEXT_CONTENT; mime_type = "text/plain"; } return OpStatus::OK; }
void ItkImageIO::Write() { const mitk::Image *image = dynamic_cast<const mitk::Image *>(this->GetInput()); if (image == NULL) { mitkThrow() << "Cannot write non-image data"; } // Switch the current locale to "C" LocaleSwitch localeSwitch("C"); // Clone the image geometry, because we might have to change it // for writing purposes BaseGeometry::Pointer geometry = image->GetGeometry()->Clone(); // Check if geometry information will be lost if (image->GetDimension() == 2 && !geometry->Is2DConvertable()) { MITK_WARN << "Saving a 2D image with 3D geometry information. Geometry information will be lost! You might " "consider using Convert2Dto3DImageFilter before saving."; // set matrix to identity mitk::AffineTransform3D::Pointer affTrans = mitk::AffineTransform3D::New(); affTrans->SetIdentity(); mitk::Vector3D spacing = geometry->GetSpacing(); mitk::Point3D origin = geometry->GetOrigin(); geometry->SetIndexToWorldTransform(affTrans); geometry->SetSpacing(spacing); geometry->SetOrigin(origin); } LocalFile localFile(this); const std::string path = localFile.GetFileName(); MITK_INFO << "Writing image: " << path << std::endl; try { // Implementation of writer using itkImageIO directly. This skips the use // of templated itkImageFileWriter, which saves the multiplexing on MITK side. const unsigned int dimension = image->GetDimension(); const unsigned int *const dimensions = image->GetDimensions(); const mitk::PixelType pixelType = image->GetPixelType(); const mitk::Vector3D mitkSpacing = geometry->GetSpacing(); const mitk::Point3D mitkOrigin = geometry->GetOrigin(); // Due to templating in itk, we are forced to save a 4D spacing and 4D Origin, // though they are not supported in MITK itk::Vector<double, 4u> spacing4D; spacing4D[0] = mitkSpacing[0]; spacing4D[1] = mitkSpacing[1]; spacing4D[2] = mitkSpacing[2]; spacing4D[3] = 1; // There is no support for a 4D spacing. However, we should have a valid value here itk::Vector<double, 4u> origin4D; origin4D[0] = mitkOrigin[0]; origin4D[1] = mitkOrigin[1]; origin4D[2] = mitkOrigin[2]; origin4D[3] = 0; // There is no support for a 4D origin. However, we should have a valid value here // Set the necessary information for imageIO m_ImageIO->SetNumberOfDimensions(dimension); m_ImageIO->SetPixelType(pixelType.GetPixelType()); m_ImageIO->SetComponentType(pixelType.GetComponentType() < PixelComponentUserType ? static_cast<itk::ImageIOBase::IOComponentType>(pixelType.GetComponentType()) : itk::ImageIOBase::UNKNOWNCOMPONENTTYPE); m_ImageIO->SetNumberOfComponents(pixelType.GetNumberOfComponents()); itk::ImageIORegion ioRegion(dimension); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) { m_ImageIO->SetDimensions(i, dimensions[i]); m_ImageIO->SetSpacing(i, spacing4D[i]); m_ImageIO->SetOrigin(i, origin4D[i]); mitk::Vector3D mitkDirection; mitkDirection.SetVnlVector(geometry->GetIndexToWorldTransform()->GetMatrix().GetVnlMatrix().get_column(i)); itk::Vector<double, 4u> direction4D; direction4D[0] = mitkDirection[0]; direction4D[1] = mitkDirection[1]; direction4D[2] = mitkDirection[2]; // MITK only supports a 3x3 direction matrix. Due to templating in itk, however, we must // save a 4x4 matrix for 4D images. in this case, add an homogneous component to the matrix. if (i == 3) { direction4D[3] = 1; // homogenous component } else { direction4D[3] = 0; } vnl_vector<double> axisDirection(dimension); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < dimension; j++) { axisDirection[j] = direction4D[j] / spacing4D[i]; } m_ImageIO->SetDirection(i, axisDirection); ioRegion.SetSize(i, image->GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetSize(i)); ioRegion.SetIndex(i, image->GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetIndex(i)); } // use compression if available m_ImageIO->UseCompressionOn(); m_ImageIO->SetIORegion(ioRegion); m_ImageIO->SetFileName(path); // Handle time geometry const ArbitraryTimeGeometry *arbitraryTG = dynamic_cast<const ArbitraryTimeGeometry *>(image->GetTimeGeometry()); if (arbitraryTG) { itk::EncapsulateMetaData<std::string>(m_ImageIO->GetMetaDataDictionary(), PROPERTY_KEY_TIMEGEOMETRY_TYPE, ArbitraryTimeGeometry::GetStaticNameOfClass()); std::stringstream stream; stream << arbitraryTG->GetTimeBounds(0)[0]; for (TimeStepType pos = 0; pos < arbitraryTG->CountTimeSteps(); ++pos) { stream << " " << arbitraryTG->GetTimeBounds(pos)[1]; } std::string data = stream.str(); itk::EncapsulateMetaData<std::string>( m_ImageIO->GetMetaDataDictionary(), PROPERTY_KEY_TIMEGEOMETRY_TIMEPOINTS, data); } // Handle properties mitk::PropertyList::Pointer imagePropertyList = image->GetPropertyList(); for (const auto &property : *imagePropertyList->GetMap()) { IPropertyPersistence::InfoResultType infoList = mitk::CoreServices::GetPropertyPersistence()->GetInfo(property.first, GetMimeType()->GetName(), true); if (infoList.empty()) { continue; } std::string value = infoList.front()->GetSerializationFunction()(property.second); if (value == mitk::BaseProperty::VALUE_CANNOT_BE_CONVERTED_TO_STRING) { continue; } std::string key = infoList.front()->GetKey(); itk::EncapsulateMetaData<std::string>(m_ImageIO->GetMetaDataDictionary(), key, value); } ImageReadAccessor imageAccess(image); m_ImageIO->Write(imageAccess.GetData()); } catch (const std::exception &e) { mitkThrow() << e.what(); } }
std::vector<BaseData::Pointer> ItkImageIO::Read() { std::vector<BaseData::Pointer> result; mitk::LocaleSwitch localeSwitch("C"); Image::Pointer image = Image::New(); const unsigned int MINDIM = 2; const unsigned int MAXDIM = 4; const std::string path = this->GetLocalFileName(); MITK_INFO << "loading " << path << " via itk::ImageIOFactory... " << std::endl; // Check to see if we can read the file given the name or prefix if (path.empty()) { mitkThrow() << "Empty filename in mitk::ItkImageIO "; } // Got to allocate space for the image. Determine the characteristics of // the image. m_ImageIO->SetFileName(path); m_ImageIO->ReadImageInformation(); unsigned int ndim = m_ImageIO->GetNumberOfDimensions(); if (ndim < MINDIM || ndim > MAXDIM) { MITK_WARN << "Sorry, only dimensions 2, 3 and 4 are supported. The given file has " << ndim << " dimensions! Reading as 4D."; ndim = MAXDIM; } itk::ImageIORegion ioRegion(ndim); itk::ImageIORegion::SizeType ioSize = ioRegion.GetSize(); itk::ImageIORegion::IndexType ioStart = ioRegion.GetIndex(); unsigned int dimensions[MAXDIM]; dimensions[0] = 0; dimensions[1] = 0; dimensions[2] = 0; dimensions[3] = 0; ScalarType spacing[MAXDIM]; spacing[0] = 1.0f; spacing[1] = 1.0f; spacing[2] = 1.0f; spacing[3] = 1.0f; Point3D origin; origin.Fill(0); unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < ndim; ++i) { ioStart[i] = 0; ioSize[i] = m_ImageIO->GetDimensions(i); if (i < MAXDIM) { dimensions[i] = m_ImageIO->GetDimensions(i); spacing[i] = m_ImageIO->GetSpacing(i); if (spacing[i] <= 0) spacing[i] = 1.0f; } if (i < 3) { origin[i] = m_ImageIO->GetOrigin(i); } } ioRegion.SetSize(ioSize); ioRegion.SetIndex(ioStart); MITK_INFO << "ioRegion: " << ioRegion << std::endl; m_ImageIO->SetIORegion(ioRegion); void *buffer = new unsigned char[m_ImageIO->GetImageSizeInBytes()]; m_ImageIO->Read(buffer); image->Initialize(MakePixelType(m_ImageIO), ndim, dimensions); image->SetImportChannel(buffer, 0, Image::ManageMemory); const itk::MetaDataDictionary &dictionary = m_ImageIO->GetMetaDataDictionary(); // access direction of itk::Image and include spacing mitk::Matrix3D matrix; matrix.SetIdentity(); unsigned int j, itkDimMax3 = (ndim >= 3 ? 3 : ndim); for (i = 0; i < itkDimMax3; ++i) for (j = 0; j < itkDimMax3; ++j) matrix[i][j] = m_ImageIO->GetDirection(j)[i]; // re-initialize PlaneGeometry with origin and direction PlaneGeometry *planeGeometry = image->GetSlicedGeometry(0)->GetPlaneGeometry(0); planeGeometry->SetOrigin(origin); planeGeometry->GetIndexToWorldTransform()->SetMatrix(matrix); // re-initialize SlicedGeometry3D SlicedGeometry3D *slicedGeometry = image->GetSlicedGeometry(0); slicedGeometry->InitializeEvenlySpaced(planeGeometry, image->GetDimension(2)); slicedGeometry->SetSpacing(spacing); MITK_INFO << slicedGeometry->GetCornerPoint(false, false, false); MITK_INFO << slicedGeometry->GetCornerPoint(true, true, true); // re-initialize TimeGeometry TimeGeometry::Pointer timeGeometry; if (dictionary.HasKey(PROPERTY_NAME_TIMEGEOMETRY_TYPE) || dictionary.HasKey(PROPERTY_KEY_TIMEGEOMETRY_TYPE)) { // also check for the name because of backwards compatibility. Past code version stored with the name and not with // the key itk::MetaDataObject<std::string>::ConstPointer timeGeometryTypeData = nullptr; if (dictionary.HasKey(PROPERTY_NAME_TIMEGEOMETRY_TYPE)) { timeGeometryTypeData = dynamic_cast<const itk::MetaDataObject<std::string> *>(dictionary.Get(PROPERTY_NAME_TIMEGEOMETRY_TYPE)); } else { timeGeometryTypeData = dynamic_cast<const itk::MetaDataObject<std::string> *>(dictionary.Get(PROPERTY_KEY_TIMEGEOMETRY_TYPE)); } if (timeGeometryTypeData->GetMetaDataObjectValue() == ArbitraryTimeGeometry::GetStaticNameOfClass()) { MITK_INFO << "used time geometry: " << ArbitraryTimeGeometry::GetStaticNameOfClass() << std::endl; typedef std::vector<TimePointType> TimePointVector; TimePointVector timePoints; if (dictionary.HasKey(PROPERTY_NAME_TIMEGEOMETRY_TIMEPOINTS)) { timePoints = ConvertMetaDataObjectToTimePointList(dictionary.Get(PROPERTY_NAME_TIMEGEOMETRY_TIMEPOINTS)); } else if (dictionary.HasKey(PROPERTY_KEY_TIMEGEOMETRY_TIMEPOINTS)) { timePoints = ConvertMetaDataObjectToTimePointList(dictionary.Get(PROPERTY_KEY_TIMEGEOMETRY_TIMEPOINTS)); } if (timePoints.size() - 1 != image->GetDimension(3)) { MITK_ERROR << "Stored timepoints (" << timePoints.size() - 1 << ") and size of image time dimension (" << image->GetDimension(3) << ") do not match. Switch to ProportionalTimeGeometry fallback" << std::endl; } else { ArbitraryTimeGeometry::Pointer arbitraryTimeGeometry = ArbitraryTimeGeometry::New(); TimePointVector::const_iterator pos = timePoints.begin(); TimePointVector::const_iterator prePos = pos++; for (; pos != timePoints.end(); ++prePos, ++pos) { arbitraryTimeGeometry->AppendTimeStepClone(slicedGeometry, *pos, *prePos); } timeGeometry = arbitraryTimeGeometry; } } } if (timeGeometry.IsNull()) { // Fallback. If no other valid time geometry has been created, create a ProportionalTimeGeometry MITK_INFO << "used time geometry: " << ProportionalTimeGeometry::GetStaticNameOfClass() << std::endl; ProportionalTimeGeometry::Pointer propTimeGeometry = ProportionalTimeGeometry::New(); propTimeGeometry->Initialize(slicedGeometry, image->GetDimension(3)); timeGeometry = propTimeGeometry; } image->SetTimeGeometry(timeGeometry); buffer = NULL; MITK_INFO << "number of image components: " << image->GetPixelType().GetNumberOfComponents() << std::endl; for (itk::MetaDataDictionary::ConstIterator iter = dictionary.Begin(), iterEnd = dictionary.End(); iter != iterEnd; ++iter) { if (iter->second->GetMetaDataObjectTypeInfo() == typeid(std::string)) { const std::string &key = iter->first; std::string assumedPropertyName = key; std::replace(assumedPropertyName.begin(), assumedPropertyName.end(), '_', '.'); std::string mimeTypeName = GetMimeType()->GetName(); // Check if there is already a info for the key and our mime type. IPropertyPersistence::InfoResultType infoList = mitk::CoreServices::GetPropertyPersistence()->GetInfoByKey(key); auto predicate = [mimeTypeName](const PropertyPersistenceInfo::ConstPointer &x) { return x.IsNotNull() && x->GetMimeTypeName() == mimeTypeName; }; auto finding = std::find_if(infoList.begin(), infoList.end(), predicate); if (finding == infoList.end()) { auto predicateWild = [](const PropertyPersistenceInfo::ConstPointer &x) { return x.IsNotNull() && x->GetMimeTypeName() == PropertyPersistenceInfo::ANY_MIMETYPE_NAME(); }; finding = std::find_if(infoList.begin(), infoList.end(), predicateWild); } PropertyPersistenceInfo::ConstPointer info; if (finding != infoList.end()) { assumedPropertyName = (*finding)->GetName(); info = *finding; } else { // we have not found anything suitable so we generate our own info PropertyPersistenceInfo::Pointer newInfo = PropertyPersistenceInfo::New(); newInfo->SetNameAndKey(assumedPropertyName, key); newInfo->SetMimeTypeName(PropertyPersistenceInfo::ANY_MIMETYPE_NAME()); info = newInfo; } std::string value = dynamic_cast<itk::MetaDataObject<std::string> *>(iter->second.GetPointer())->GetMetaDataObjectValue(); mitk::BaseProperty::Pointer loadedProp = info->GetDeserializationFunction()(value); image->SetProperty(assumedPropertyName.c_str(), loadedProp); // Read properties should be persisted unless they are default properties // which are written anyway bool isDefaultKey(false); for (const auto &defaultKey : m_DefaultMetaDataKeys) { if (defaultKey.length() <= assumedPropertyName.length()) { // does the start match the default key if (assumedPropertyName.substr(0, defaultKey.length()).find(defaultKey) != std::string::npos) { isDefaultKey = true; break; } } } if (!isDefaultKey) { mitk::CoreServices::GetPropertyPersistence()->AddInfo(info); } } } MITK_INFO << "...finished!" << std::endl; result.push_back(image.GetPointer()); return result; }
void CPPgSecurity::OnLoadIPFFromURL() { bool bHaveNewFilterFile = false; CString url; GetDlgItemText(IDC_UPDATEURL,url); if (!url.IsEmpty()) { // add entered URL to LRU list even if it's not yet known whether we can download from this URL (it's just more convenient this way) if (m_pacIPFilterURL && m_pacIPFilterURL->IsBound()) m_pacIPFilterURL->AddItem(url, 0); CString strTempFilePath; _tmakepathlimit(strTempFilePath.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), NULL, thePrefs.GetMuleDirectory(EMULE_CONFIGDIR), DFLT_IPFILTER_FILENAME, _T("tmp")); strTempFilePath.ReleaseBuffer(); CHttpDownloadDlg dlgDownload; dlgDownload.m_strTitle = GetResString(IDS_DWL_IPFILTERFILE); dlgDownload.m_sURLToDownload = url; dlgDownload.m_sFileToDownloadInto = strTempFilePath; if (dlgDownload.DoModal() != IDOK) { (void)_tremove(strTempFilePath); CString strError = GetResString(IDS_DWLIPFILTERFAILED); if (!dlgDownload.GetError().IsEmpty()) strError += _T("\r\n\r\n") + dlgDownload.GetError(); AfxMessageBox(strError, MB_ICONERROR); return; } CString strMimeType; GetMimeType(strTempFilePath, strMimeType); bool bIsArchiveFile = false; bool bUncompressed = false; CZIPFile zip; if (zip.Open(strTempFilePath)) { bIsArchiveFile = true; CZIPFile::File* zfile = zip.GetFile(_T("guarding.p2p")); if (zfile == NULL) zfile = zip.GetFile(_T("ipfilter.dat")); if (zfile) { CString strTempUnzipFilePath; _tmakepathlimit(strTempUnzipFilePath.GetBuffer(_MAX_PATH), NULL, thePrefs.GetMuleDirectory(EMULE_CONFIGDIR), DFLT_IPFILTER_FILENAME, _T(".unzip.tmp")); strTempUnzipFilePath.ReleaseBuffer(); if (zfile->Extract(strTempUnzipFilePath)) { zip.Close(); zfile = NULL; if (_tremove(theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath()) != 0) TRACE(_T("*** Error: Failed to remove default IP filter file \"%s\" - %s\n"), theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath(), _tcserror(errno)); if (_trename(strTempUnzipFilePath, theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath()) != 0) TRACE(_T("*** Error: Failed to rename uncompressed IP filter file \"%s\" to default IP filter file \"%s\" - %s\n"), strTempUnzipFilePath, theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath(), _tcserror(errno)); if (_tremove(strTempFilePath) != 0) TRACE(_T("*** Error: Failed to remove temporary IP filter file \"%s\" - %s\n"), strTempFilePath, _tcserror(errno)); bUncompressed = true; bHaveNewFilterFile = true; } else { CString strError; strError.Format(GetResString(IDS_ERR_IPFILTERZIPEXTR), strTempFilePath); AfxMessageBox(strError, MB_ICONERROR); } } else { CString strError; strError.Format(GetResString(IDS_ERR_IPFILTERCONTENTERR), strTempFilePath); AfxMessageBox(strError, MB_ICONERROR); } zip.Close(); } else if (strMimeType.CompareNoCase(_T("application/x-rar-compressed")) == 0) { bIsArchiveFile = true; CRARFile rar; if (rar.Open(strTempFilePath)) { CString strFile; if (rar.GetNextFile(strFile) && (strFile.CompareNoCase(_T("ipfilter.dat")) == 0 || strFile.CompareNoCase(_T("guarding.p2p")) == 0)) { CString strTempUnzipFilePath; _tmakepathlimit(strTempUnzipFilePath.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), NULL, thePrefs.GetMuleDirectory(EMULE_CONFIGDIR), DFLT_IPFILTER_FILENAME, _T(".unzip.tmp")); strTempUnzipFilePath.ReleaseBuffer(); if (rar.Extract(strTempUnzipFilePath)) { rar.Close(); if (_tremove(theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath()) != 0) TRACE(_T("*** Error: Failed to remove default IP filter file \"%s\" - %s\n"), theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath(), _tcserror(errno)); if (_trename(strTempUnzipFilePath, theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath()) != 0) TRACE(_T("*** Error: Failed to rename uncompressed IP filter file \"%s\" to default IP filter file \"%s\" - %s\n"), strTempUnzipFilePath, theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath(), _tcserror(errno)); if (_tremove(strTempFilePath) != 0) TRACE(_T("*** Error: Failed to remove temporary IP filter file \"%s\" - %s\n"), strTempFilePath, _tcserror(errno)); bUncompressed = true; bHaveNewFilterFile = true; } else { CString strError; strError.Format(_T("Failed to extract IP filter file from RAR file \"%s\"."), strTempFilePath); AfxMessageBox(strError, MB_ICONERROR); } } else { CString strError; strError.Format(_T("Failed to find IP filter file \"guarding.p2p\" or \"ipfilter.dat\" in RAR file \"%s\"."), strTempFilePath); AfxMessageBox(strError, MB_ICONERROR); } rar.Close(); } else { CString strError; strError.Format(_T("Failed to open file \"%s\".\r\n\r\nInvalid file format?\r\n\r\nDownload latest version of UNRAR.DLL from and copy UNRAR.DLL into eMule installation folder."), url); AfxMessageBox(strError, MB_ICONERROR); } } else { CGZIPFile gz; if (gz.Open(strTempFilePath)) { bIsArchiveFile = true; CString strTempUnzipFilePath; _tmakepathlimit(strTempUnzipFilePath.GetBuffer(_MAX_PATH), NULL, thePrefs.GetMuleDirectory(EMULE_CONFIGDIR), DFLT_IPFILTER_FILENAME, _T(".unzip.tmp")); strTempUnzipFilePath.ReleaseBuffer(); // add filename and extension of uncompressed file to temporary file CString strUncompressedFileName = gz.GetUncompressedFileName(); if (!strUncompressedFileName.IsEmpty()) { strTempUnzipFilePath += _T('.'); strTempUnzipFilePath += strUncompressedFileName; } if (gz.Extract(strTempUnzipFilePath)) { gz.Close(); if (_tremove(theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath()) != 0) TRACE(_T("*** Error: Failed to remove default IP filter file \"%s\" - %s\n"), theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath(), _tcserror(errno)); if (_trename(strTempUnzipFilePath, theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath()) != 0) TRACE(_T("*** Error: Failed to rename uncompressed IP filter file \"%s\" to default IP filter file \"%s\" - %s\n"), strTempUnzipFilePath, theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath(), _tcserror(errno)); if (_tremove(strTempFilePath) != 0) TRACE(_T("*** Error: Failed to remove temporary IP filter file \"%s\" - %s\n"), strTempFilePath, _tcserror(errno)); bUncompressed = true; bHaveNewFilterFile = true; } else { CString strError; strError.Format(GetResString(IDS_ERR_IPFILTERZIPEXTR), strTempFilePath); AfxMessageBox(strError, MB_ICONERROR); } } gz.Close(); } if (!bIsArchiveFile && !bUncompressed) { // Check first lines of downloaded file for potential HTML content (e.g. 404 error pages) bool bValidIPFilterFile = true; FILE* fp = _tfsopen(strTempFilePath, _T("rb"), _SH_DENYWR); if (fp) { char szBuff[16384]; int iRead = fread(szBuff, 1, _countof(szBuff)-1, fp); if (iRead <= 0) bValidIPFilterFile = false; else { szBuff[iRead-1] = '\0'; const char* pc = szBuff; while (*pc == ' ' || *pc == '\t' || *pc == '\r' || *pc == '\n') pc++; if (strnicmp(pc, "<html", 5) == 0 || strnicmp(pc, "<xml", 4) == 0 || strnicmp(pc, "<!doc", 5) == 0) { bValidIPFilterFile = false; } } fclose(fp); } if (bValidIPFilterFile) { (void)_tremove(theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath()); VERIFY( _trename(strTempFilePath, theApp.ipfilter->GetDefaultFilePath()) == 0 ); bHaveNewFilterFile = true; } else { AfxMessageBox(GetResString(IDS_DWLIPFILTERFAILED), MB_ICONERROR); } } } if (url.IsEmpty() || bHaveNewFilterFile) OnReloadIPFilter(); // In case we received an invalid IP-filter file (e.g. an 404 HTML page with HTTP status "OK"), // warn the user that there are no IP-filters available any longer. if (bHaveNewFilterFile && theApp.ipfilter->GetIPFilter().GetCount() == 0) { CString strLoaded; strLoaded.Format(GetResString(IDS_IPFILTERLOADED), theApp.ipfilter->GetIPFilter().GetCount()); CString strError; strError.Format(_T("%s\r\n\r\n%s"), GetResString(IDS_DWLIPFILTERFAILED), strLoaded); AfxMessageBox(strError, MB_ICONERROR); } }
bool CResourceHTMLItem::Start ( void ) { if ( !m_bIsRaw ) { // go through and search for <* or *> FILE * pFile = fopen ( m_strResourceFileName.c_str (), "r" ); if ( !pFile ) return false; bool bInCode = false; bool bJustStartedCodeBlock = false; bool bIsShorthandCodeBlock = false; std::string strScript; strScript += "function renderPage ( requestHeaders, form, cookies, hostname, url, querystring, user )\n"; strScript += "\nhttpWrite ( \""; // bit hacky, possibly can be terminated straight away unsigned char c; int i = 0; while ( !feof ( pFile ) ) { c = ReadChar ( pFile ); if ( feof ( pFile ) ) break; if ( bInCode == false ) // we're in a plain HTML section { if ( c == '<' && !feof ( pFile ) ) { c = ReadChar ( pFile ); if ( c == '*' ) // we've found <* { bInCode = true; bJustStartedCodeBlock = true; strScript.append("\" )\n"); // add ") to the end to terminate our last non-code section } else { // we found < but not a *, so just output both characters we read strScript += '<'; strScript += c; } } else { if ( c == '\r' ) { strScript += "\\r"; } else if ( c == '\n' ) { strScript += "\\n"; } else if ( c == '\\' ) { strScript += "\\\\"; } else if ( c == '\"' ) { strScript += "\\\""; } else strScript += c; } } else { // we're in a code block if ( c == '*' && !feof ( pFile ) ) { c = ReadChar ( pFile ); if ( c == '>' ) // we've found *> { bInCode = false; if ( bIsShorthandCodeBlock ) { bIsShorthandCodeBlock = false; strScript += ')'; // terminate the 'httpWrite' function } strScript.append ( "\nhttpWrite ( \"" ); // add httpWrite ( " to start a new non-code section } else { // we found * but not a >, so just output both characters we read strScript += '*'; strScript += c; } } else if ( c == '=' && bJustStartedCodeBlock ) { strScript.append("httpWrite ( "); bIsShorthandCodeBlock = true; } else { if ( c != '\t' && c != ' ' ) // we allow whitespace before the shorthand '=' sign bJustStartedCodeBlock = false; strScript += c; } } i++; } if ( !bInCode ) strScript.append("\" )\n"); strScript.append("\nend"); /* FILE * debug = fopen ("debug.lua", "w" ); fwrite ( m_szBuffer, 1, strlen(m_szBuffer), debug ); fclose ( debug );*/ m_pVM = g_pGame->GetLuaManager()->CreateVirtualMachine ( m_resource ); m_pVM->LoadScript ( strScript.c_str () ); m_pVM->SetResourceFile ( this ); m_pVM->RegisterHTMLDFunctions(); fclose ( pFile ); GetMimeType ( m_strResourceFileName.c_str () ); return true; } else { // its a raw page FILE * file = fopen ( m_strResourceFileName.c_str (), "rb" ); if ( file ) { GetMimeType ( m_strResourceFileName.c_str () ); // don't actually read it here, it could be way too large fclose ( file ); return true; } return false; } }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------- | PLT_MimeType::GetMimeType +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const char* PLT_MimeType::GetMimeType(const NPT_String& filename, const PLT_HttpRequestContext* context /* = NULL */) { return GetMimeType(filename, context?PLT_HttpHelper::GetDeviceSignature(context->GetRequest()):PLT_DEVICE_UNKNOWN); }