Exemple #1
|   PLT_MimeType::GetMimeType
const char* 
PLT_MimeType::GetMimeType(const NPT_String&   filename,
                          PLT_DeviceSignature signature /* = PLT_DEVICE_UNKNOWN */)
    int last_dot = filename.ReverseFind('.');
    if (last_dot >= 0) { // passing just the extension is ok (ex .mp3)
        NPT_String extension = filename.GetChars()+last_dot+1;
        return GetMimeTypeFromExtension(extension, signature);

    return "application/octet-stream";
nsresult nsEudoraWin32::GetAttachmentInfo( const char *pFileName, nsIFile *pFile, nsCString& mimeType, nsCString& aAttachmentName)
  nsresult  rv;
  nsCOMPtr <nsILocalFile> pLocalFile = do_QueryInterface(pFile, &rv);
  PRBool    isFile = PR_FALSE;
  PRBool    exists = PR_FALSE;
  if (NS_FAILED( rv = pFile->Exists( &exists)))
    return( rv);
  if ( exists && NS_FAILED( rv = pFile->IsFile(&isFile) ) )
    return( rv);

  if (!exists || !isFile)
    // Windows Eudora writes the full path to the attachment when the message
    // is received, but doesn't update that path if the attachment directory
    // changes (e.g. if email directory is moved). When operating on an
    // attachment (opening, etc.) Eudora will first check the full path
    // and then if the file doesn't exist there Eudora will check the
    // current attachment directory for a file with the same name.
    // Check to see if we have any better luck looking for the attachment
    // in the current attachment directory.
    nsCAutoString name;
    if (name.IsEmpty())
      return( NS_ERROR_FAILURE);

    nsCOMPtr <nsIFile> altFile;
    rv = m_mailImportLocation->Clone(getter_AddRefs(altFile));
    NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
    // For now, we'll do that using a hard coded name and location for the
    // attachment directory on Windows (the default location) "attach" inside
    // of the Eudora mail directory. Once settings from Eudora are imported
    // better, we'll want to check where the settings say attachments are stored.

    // Did we come up with a different path or was the original path already
    // in the current attachment directory?
    PRBool  isSamePath = PR_TRUE;
    rv = altFile->Equals(pFile, &isSamePath);

    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !isSamePath)
      // We came up with a different path - check the new path.
      if (NS_FAILED( rv = altFile->Exists( &exists)))
        return( rv);
      if ( exists && NS_FAILED( rv = altFile->IsFile( &isFile) ) )
        return( rv);

      // Keep the new path if it helped us.
      if (exists && isFile)
        nsCString   nativePath;

  if (exists && isFile)
    nsCAutoString name;
    if (name.IsEmpty())
      return( NS_ERROR_FAILURE);
    if (name.Length() > 4)
      nsCString ext;
      PRInt32 idx = name.RFindChar( '.');
      if (idx != -1)
        name.Right( ext, name.Length() - idx);
        GetMimeTypeFromExtension( ext, mimeType);
    if (mimeType.IsEmpty())
      mimeType = "application/octet-stream";

    aAttachmentName = name; // use the leaf name of the attachment file url as the attachment name

    return( NS_OK);

  return( NS_ERROR_FAILURE);
Exemple #3
 |   PLT_MimeType::GetMimeTypeFromExtension
const char* 
PLT_MimeType::GetMimeTypeFromExtension(const NPT_String&             extension,
                                       const PLT_HttpRequestContext* context /* = NULL */)
    return GetMimeTypeFromExtension(extension, context?PLT_HttpHelper::GetDeviceSignature(context->GetRequest()):PLT_DEVICE_UNKNOWN);