Exemple #1
void TitleScreenGatherInput(bool* Continue)
	SDL_Event ev;

	while (SDL_PollEvent(&ev))
		if (IsExitGameEvent(&ev))
			*Continue = false;
		for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
			players[i].AccelX = GetMovement(i);
#ifdef __GCW0__
		// Enable/disable G-Sensor based on up/down
		if (ev.type == SDL_KEYUP &&
			(ev.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_UP || ev.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_DOWN))
			InputSwitchJoystick(ev.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_UP ? -1 : 1);
			SoundPlay(SoundScore, 1.0);
Exemple #2
void CEntity::UpdateMovement(Ogre::Real ElapsedTime)
	//Also update walk/idle animation?
	if( IsMoving() ){
		Ogre::Real LenghtLeftToGo = (GetDestination() - GetPosition()).length();
		Ogre::Vector3 Movement = GetMovement();
		Ogre::Vector3 CorrectedMovement = ( Movement * ElapsedTime );

		//Set the right angle for the entity
		mNode->lookAt( GetDestination(), Ogre::Node::TS_WORLD );

		if( CorrectedMovement.length() < LenghtLeftToGo ){ //Not at destination yet, just move
			mNode->translate( CorrectedMovement );
		}else{ //Arrived at destination
			mNode->setPosition( GetDestination() );
			//TODO: If there is a next destination then go there with the frametime left of this movement.
			//(Loop till all frametime is used for movement)
			//Example: if there are 3 destinations left, and the first 2 will be reached
			//in 2 seconds.
			//If the user has a slow computer that updates the frame every 2,5 seconds,
			//then it should first use x seconds to reach destination one, then check
			//for how many seconds left, and use those to go to the next node and so on.
Exemple #3
// Purpose: Returns the ground speed of the specifed sequence.
float StudioModel::GetGroundSpeed( int iSequence )
	Vector vecMove;
	QAngle vecAngles;
	GetMovement( iSequence, 0, 1, vecMove, vecAngles );

	float t = GetDuration( iSequence );

	float flGroundSpeed = 0;
	if (t > 0)
		flGroundSpeed = vecMove.Length() / t;

	return flGroundSpeed;
Exemple #4
wxString IACSystem::ToString(bool includePosition) const {
    wxString t;
    t.Append(GetType(m_type) + wxT(" "));
    if (!GetValue().IsEmpty()) {
        t.Append(wxT("(") + GetValue() + wxT(") "));
    if (!GetIntensity().IsEmpty()) {
        t.Append(wxT(" ") + GetIntensity() + wxT(" "));
    if (m_char >= 0) {
        t.Append(GetCharacteristic(m_char) + wxT("\n"));
    if (includePosition) {
        t.Append(PositionsToString() + wxT("\n"));
    return t;
Exemple #5
	void Mouse::Check() {
		pMovement = GetMovement();
		if (!Enabled) return;
		pPosition.X += pMovement.X;
		pPosition.Y += pMovement.Y;
		if (pPosition.X < 0.0f) pPosition.X = 0.0f;
		if (pPosition.Y < 0.0f) pPosition.Y = 0.0f;
		if (pPosition.X > 1.0f) pPosition.X = 1.0f;
		if (pPosition.Y > 1.0f) pPosition.Y = 1.0f;


		//float s = Scripting::GetMouseSensitivity();
		//NetHook::DisplayText("Mouse: " + pPosition.X.ToString("F2") + " " + pPosition.Y.ToString("F2") + " " + s.ToString("F2") + " " + bDrawn.ToString(), 2000);
Exemple #6
void GameGatherInput(bool* Continue)
	SDL_Event ev;

	while (SDL_PollEvent(&ev))
		if (IsPauseEvent(&ev))
			Pause = !Pause;
		else if (IsExitGameEvent(&ev))
			*Continue = false;

	for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
		if (!players[i].Alive) continue;
		players[i].AccelX = GetMovement(i);