Exemple #1
* GetNearbyObjects(CBounds*)				Returns all objects that could/do
*											collide with the specified bounds
* Ins:					cBounds - The bounds of the object.
* Outs:					None
* Returns:				vector<IObject*>
* Mod. Date:		    08/12/2015
* Mod. Initials:	    MZ
std::vector<IObject*>CQuadTree::GetNearbyObjects(CBounds* cBounds)
	Bounds::eBoundsType eType = cBounds->GetType();

	float xMin = 0.0f, zMin = 0.0f, xMax = 0.0f, zMax = 0.0f;

	if (eType == Bounds::AABB)
		xMin = ((CAABB *)cBounds)->Min().x;
		zMin = ((CAABB *)cBounds)->Min().z;
		xMax = ((CAABB *)cBounds)->Max().x;
		zMax = ((CAABB *)cBounds)->Max().z;
	else if (eType == Bounds::Capsule)
		float fRadius = ((CCapsule*)cBounds)->GetRadius();
		xMin = ((CCapsule*)cBounds)->GetStart().x - fRadius;
		zMin = ((CCapsule*)cBounds)->GetStart().z - fRadius;
		xMax = ((CCapsule*)cBounds)->GetStart().x + fRadius;
		zMax = ((CCapsule*)cBounds)->GetStart().z + fRadius;

		float testXMin = ((CCapsule*)cBounds)->GetEnd().x - fRadius;
		float testZMin = ((CCapsule*)cBounds)->GetEnd().z - fRadius;
		float testXMax = ((CCapsule*)cBounds)->GetEnd().x + fRadius;
		float testZMax = ((CCapsule*)cBounds)->GetEnd().z + fRadius;
		if (testXMin < xMin)
			xMin = testXMin;
		if (testZMin < zMin)
			zMin = testZMin;
		if (testXMax > xMax)
			xMax = testXMax;
		if (testZMax > zMax)
			zMax = testZMax;
	else if (eType == Bounds::Plane)
		xMin = ((CPlane *)cBounds)->Min().x;
		zMin = ((CPlane *)cBounds)->Min().z;
		xMax = ((CPlane *)cBounds)->Max().x;
		zMax = ((CPlane *)cBounds)->Max().z;
		assert(0 && "Type Not Supported.  Let Matt Know About This Please.");

	return GetNearbyObjects(xMin,zMin,xMax,zMax);
Exemple #2
void World::PhysicsUpdate(Vec<double,3> pos, double radius, double dt){
  std::list<GameObjectBase> golist = GetNearbyObjects(pos,radius);
  double gravity = 0.1;//9.8;

  std::list<AABBMass> masses;
  for(GameObjectBase gob : golist){
  AABBListPhysics physicsHandler;
  PhysicsIterationResult result = physicsHandler.PhysicsIteration2(masses,dt);
  masses = result.NewMasses;
  for(AABBMass aabb : masses){
    (*(golist.begin())).Get()->aabb = aabb;