Exemple #1
 * Prints graph node in stderr.
void vf_Graph::DumpNode(vf_NodeHandle node)     // a graph node
    // print node incoming edges
    vf_EdgeHandle edge;
    for (edge = node->m_inedge; edge; edge = edge->m_innext) {
        VF_DEBUG(" [" << GetNodeNum(edge->m_start) << "] -->");

    switch (node->m_type) {
        VF_DEBUG("node[" << GetNodeNum(node) << "]: start node");
        VF_DEBUG("node[" << GetNodeNum(node) << "]: end node");
        VF_DEBUG("node[" << GetNodeNum(node) << "]: exception handler");

    // print node outcoming edges
    for (edge = node->m_outedge; edge; edge = edge->m_outnext) {
        VF_DEBUG(" --> [" << GetNodeNum(edge->m_end) << "]");
#endif // _VF_DEBUG
}                               // vf_Graph::DumpNode
Exemple #2
int GetNodeNum(BSTree T)
    if (T == NULL){
        return 0;

    return GetNodeNum(T->lchild) + GetNodeNum(T->rchild) + 1;
Exemple #3
int CheckVertical (vec3_t start, float x, float y, float z, int max_steps_up, int max_steps_down)
	int i, n, max_steps;
	vec3_t v;

	VectorCopy(start, v);

	max_steps = max_steps_up + max_steps_down;

	v[0] += x; // left-right
	v[1] += y; // forward-backward
	// step up from this location until we find a node
	for (i=0; i<=max_steps; i++)
		if ((n = GetNodeNum(v)) != -1)
			return n;
		if (i <= max_steps_up)
			v[2] += z;
			v[2] -= z;

	return -1;
	REAL QPBO<REAL>::ComputeTwiceEnergy(int option)
	REAL E = 2*zero_energy, E1[2], E2[2][2];
	int i, j, e;
	int xi, xj;

	for (i=0; i<GetNodeNum(); i++)
		GetTwiceUnaryTerm(i, E1[0], E1[1]);
		if (option == 0) xi = (nodes[0][i].label < 0) ? 0 : nodes[0][i].label;
		else             xi = nodes[0][i].user_label;
		code_assert(xi==0 || xi==1);
		E += E1[xi] - E1[0];
	for (e=GetNextEdgeId(-1); e>=0; e=GetNextEdgeId(e))
		GetTwicePairwiseTerm(e, i, j, E2[0][0], E2[0][1], E2[1][0], E2[1][1]);
		if (option == 0)
			xi = (nodes[0][i].label < 0) ? 0 : nodes[0][i].label;
			xj = (nodes[0][j].label < 0) ? 0 : nodes[0][j].label;
			xi = nodes[0][i].user_label;
			xj = nodes[0][j].user_label;
		E += E2[xi][xj] - E2[0][0];
	return E;
Exemple #5
 * Dumps graph node instruction in file stream in DOT format.
void vf_Graph::DumpDotNodeInternal(vf_NodeHandle node,  // graph node number
                                   char *next_node,     // separator between nodes in stream
                                   char *next_instr,    // separator between instructions in stream
                                   ofstream &out)       // output file stream
    // print node header
    out << " [label=\"";
    out << "Node " << GetNodeNum(node) << next_node
        << "Stack mod: " << node->m_stack << next_node;

    // get code instructions
    unsigned count = node->m_end - node->m_start + 1;
    vf_InstrHandle instr = node->m_start;

    // print node instructions
    for (unsigned index = 0; index < count; index++, instr++) {
        out << index << ": " << ((instr->m_stack < 0) ? "[" : "[ ")
            << instr->m_stack << "\\| " << instr->m_minstack << "] "
            << vf_opcode_names[*(instr->m_addr)] << next_instr;
    out << "\"" << endl;

    if (node->m_sub) {
        out << ", color=\"#B2F" << hex
            << (vf_get_sub_num(node->m_sub, m_ctx) % 16) << dec << "EE\"";
    out << "]" << endl;
#endif // _VF_DEBUG
}                               // vf_Graph::DumpDotNodeInternal
// get position for current boundary conditions
// assumes nodal BC, override for particle BC
void BoundaryCondition::GetPosition(double *xpos,double *ypos,double *zpos,double *rot)
{	int i=GetNodeNum();
Exemple #7
 * Dumps graph node in file in DOT format.
void vf_Graph::DumpDotNode(vf_NodeHandle node,  // graph node number
                           ofstream &out)       // output file stream
    // print node to dot file
    out << "node" << GetNodeNum(node);
    if (VF_NODE_START_ENTRY == node->m_type) {  // start node
        out << " [label=\"START\", color=limegreen]" << endl;
    } else if (VF_NODE_END_ENTRY == node->m_type) {     // end node
        out << " [label=\"END\", color=orangered]" << endl;
    } else if (VF_NODE_HANDLER == node->m_type) {       // handler node
        out << " [label=\"Handler #"
            << GetNodeNum(node) << "\", shape=ellipse, color=";
        if (node->m_sub) {
            out << "\"#B7FFE" << hex
                << (vf_get_sub_num(node->m_sub, m_ctx) % 16) << dec << "\"";
        } else {
            out << "aquamarine";
        out << "]" << endl;
    } else {                    // other nodes
        DumpDotNodeInternal(node, "\\n---------\\n", "\\l", out);

    // print node outcoming edges to dot file
    for (vf_EdgeHandle edge = node->m_outedge; edge; edge = edge->m_outnext) {
        out << "node" << GetNodeNum(node) << " -> "
            << "node" << GetNodeNum(edge->m_end);
        if (VF_NODE_HANDLER == edge->m_end->m_type) {
            out << "[color=red]" << endl;
        } else if (vf_is_jsr_branch(edge, m_ctx)) {
            out << "[color=blue]" << endl;
        out << ";" << endl;
#endif // _VF_DEBUG
}                               // vf_Graph::DumpDotNode
	REAL QPBO<REAL>::ComputeTwiceEnergy(int* solution)
	REAL E = 2*zero_energy, E1[2], E2[2][2];
	int i, j, e;

	for (i=0; i<GetNodeNum(); i++)
		GetTwiceUnaryTerm(i, E1[0], E1[1]);
		if (solution[i] == 1) E += E1[1];
	for (e=GetNextEdgeId(-1); e>=0; e=GetNextEdgeId(e))
		GetTwicePairwiseTerm(e, i, j, E2[0][0], E2[0][1], E2[1][0], E2[1][1]);
		E += E2[(solution[i] == 1) ? 1 : 0][(solution[j] == 1) ? 1 : 0] - E2[0][0];
	return E;
	REAL QPBO<REAL>::ComputeTwiceLowerBound()
	REAL lowerBound = 2*zero_energy, E0, E1, E00, E01, E10, E11;
	int i, j, e;

	for (i=0; i<GetNodeNum(); i++)
		GetTwiceUnaryTerm(i, E0, E1);
		if (E0 > E1) lowerBound += E1 - E0;
	for (e=GetNextEdgeId(-1); e>=0; e=GetNextEdgeId(e))
		GetTwicePairwiseTerm(e, i, j, E00, E01, E10, E11);
		lowerBound -= E00;

	return lowerBound;
Exemple #10
 * Prints graph node instruction in stream.
void vf_Graph::DumpNodeInternal(vf_NodeHandle node)     // graph node number
    // print node header
    VF_DEBUG("Node #" << GetNodeNum(node));
    VF_DEBUG("Stack mod: " << node->m_stack);

    // get code instructions
    unsigned count = node->m_end - node->m_start + 1;
    vf_InstrHandle instr = node->m_start;

    // print node instructions
    for (unsigned index = 0; index < count; index++, instr++) {
        VF_DEBUG(index << ": " << ((instr->m_stack < 0) ? "[" : "[ ")
                 << instr->m_stack << "| " << instr->m_minstack << "] "
                 << vf_opcode_names[*(instr->m_addr)]);
#endif // _VF_DEBUG
}                               // vf_Graph::DumpNodeInternal
/// 求二叉树中的结点个数
/// 思路:  如果二叉树为空,结点个数为0
///        如果二叉树不为空,二叉树结点个数 = 左子树结点个数 + 右子树结点个数 + 1
int GetNodeNum(TreeNode* root)
	if(root == NULL)
		return 0;
	return GetNodeNum(root->left) + GetNodeNum(root->right) + 1;
Exemple #12
int FindPath(vec3_t start, vec3_t destination) {
node_t *StartNode;
node_t *BestNode;
node_t *tNode;
int NodeNumD;
int NodeNumS;
int g,c,i;
float h;
vec3_t tstart,tdest;


  // Get NodeNum of start vector
  if (NodeNumS==-1) {
	  //gi.dprintf("bad nodenum at start\n");
  return 0; // ERROR

  // Get NodeNum of destination vector
  if (NodeNumD==-1) 
	 // gi.dprintf("bad nondenum at end\n");
	  return 0; // ERROR

  // Allocate OPEN/CLOSED list pointers..
  OPEN=(node_t *)V_Malloc(sizeof(node_t), TAG_LEVEL);
 // OPEN=(node_t *)malloc(sizeof(node_t));

  CLOSED=(node_t *)V_Malloc(sizeof(node_t), TAG_LEVEL);
  //CLOSED=(node_t *)malloc(sizeof(node_t));

  // This is our very first NODE!  Our start vector
  StartNode=(node_t *)V_Malloc(sizeof(node_t), TAG_LEVEL);
  //StartNode=(node_t *)malloc(sizeof(node_t));
  StartNode->nodenum=NodeNumS; // starting position nodenum
  StartNode->g=g=0; // we haven't gone anywhere yet
  StartNode->h=h=distance(start, destination);//fabs(vDiff(start,destination)); // calculate remaining distance (heuristic estimate) GHz - changed to fabs()
  StartNode->f=g+h; // total cost from start to finish
  for (c=0;c < NUMCHILDS;c++)
    StartNode->Child[c]=NULL; // no children for search pattern yet

  // next node in open list points to our starting node
  OPEN->NextNode=BestNode=StartNode; // First node on OPEN list..

  //GHz - need to free these nodes too!
  //NodeList[NodeCount++] = OPEN;
//  NodeList[NodeCount++] = CLOSED;

  for (;;) {
    tNode=BestNode; // Save last valid node
    BestNode=(node_t *)NextBestNode(NodeNumS, NodeNumD); // Get next node from OPEN list
    if (!BestNode) {
		//gi.dprintf("ran out of nodes to search\n");
		return 0;//GHz
     // BestNode=tNode; // Last valid node..
     // break;

    if (BestNode->nodenum==NodeNumD) break;// we there yet?
    ComputeSuccessors(BestNode,NodeNumD);} // Search from here..


     RemoveDuplicates(BestNode, CLOSED);//FIXME: move this up before the start==end crash check

 // gi.dprintf("%d: processed %d nodes\n", level.framenum,NodeCount);
  if (BestNode==StartNode) {  // Start==End??
    FreeStack(StartNode);//FIXME: may cause crash
    return 0; }


  //gi.dprintf("Start = %d End = %d\n", NodeNumS, NodeNumD);
 // gi.dprintf("Printing tNode (in reverse):\n");
 // PrintNodes(BestNode, true);
 // gi.dprintf("Printing OPEN list:\n");
  //PrintNodes(OPEN, false);
  //gi.dprintf("Printing CLOSED list:\n");
 // PrintNodes(CLOSED, false);

BestNode->NextNode=NULL; // Must tie this off!

  // How many nodes we got?
  while (tNode) {
    i++; // How many nodes?
    tNode=tNode->PrevNode; }

  if (i <= 2) { // Only nodes are Start and End??
    FreeStack(BestNode);//FIXME: may cause crash
	//gi.dprintf("only start and end nodes\n");
    return 0; }

  // Let's allocate our own stuff...

  //CLOSED->NextNode = NULL;//GHz - only needs to be null if we are using freestack()

  //GHz - free old memory

  Waypoint=(int *)V_Malloc(numpts*sizeof(int), TAG_LEVEL);
  //Waypoint=(int *)malloc(numpts*sizeof(int));

  // Now, we have to assign the nodenum's along
  // this path in reverse order because that is
  // the way the A* algorithm finishes its search.
  // The last best node it visited was the END!
  // So, we copy them over in reverse.. No biggy..

  while (BestNode) {
    Waypoint[--i]=BestNode->nodenum;//GHz: how/when is this freed?
    BestNode=BestNode->PrevNode; }

// NOTE: At this point, if our numpts returned is not
// zero, then a path has been found!  To follow this
// path we simply follow node[Waypoint[i]].origin
// because Waypoint array is filled with indexes into
// our node[i] array of valid vectors in the map..
// We did it!!  Now free the stack and exit..


  //++++++++++ GHz NOTES +++++++++++++
  // FreeStack() is flawed because the lists have nodes that point to nodes on other lists
  // so if you free one list, then the next list will crash when it encounters a node with
  // an invalid pointer (node was freed in last list)

  FreeStack(tNode); // Release ALL resources!!

  //GHz: cleanup test/debugging
  //for (i=0;i<NodeCount;i++)
//	  V_Free(NodeList[i]);
 // }
 // OPEN = NULL;
  NodeCount = 0;

  //TODO: performance... cpu usage is still very high
  //TODO: grid editor, save grid to disk
  //TODO: need some way of handling manually edited grid
  // because NextNode() only searches within a specific 32x32 pattern

 // gi.dprintf("%d: found %d\n",level.framenum,numpts);

  return (numpts);
	bool QPBO<REAL>::Save(char* filename, int format)
	int e;
	int edge_num = 0;
	for (e=GetNextEdgeId(-1); e>=0; e=GetNextEdgeId(e)) edge_num ++;

	if (format == 0)
		FILE* fp;
		REAL E0, E1, E00, E01, E10, E11;
		int i, j;
		char* type_name;
		char* type_format;
		char FORMAT_LINE[64];
		int factor = (stage == 0) ? 2 : 1;

		get_type_information(type_name, type_format);

		fp = fopen(filename, "w");
		if (!fp) return false;

		fprintf(fp, "nodes=%d\n", GetNodeNum());
		fprintf(fp, "edges=%d\n", edge_num);
		fprintf(fp, "labels=2\n");
		fprintf(fp, "type=%s\n", type_name);
		fprintf(fp, "\n");

		sprintf(FORMAT_LINE, "n %%d\t%%%s %%%s\n", type_format, type_format);
		for (i=0; i<GetNodeNum(); i++)
			GetTwiceUnaryTerm(i, E0, E1);
			REAL delta = (E0 < E1) ? E0 : E1;
			fprintf(fp, FORMAT_LINE, i, (E0-delta)/factor, (E1-delta)/factor);
		sprintf(FORMAT_LINE, "e %%d %%d\t%%%s %%%s %%%s %%%s\n", type_format, type_format, type_format, type_format);
		for (e=GetNextEdgeId(-1); e>=0; e=GetNextEdgeId(e))
			GetTwicePairwiseTerm(e, i, j, E00, E01, E10, E11);
			fprintf(fp, FORMAT_LINE, i, j, E00/factor, E01/factor, E10/factor, E11/factor);
		return true;
	if (format == 1)
		FILE* fp;
		REAL E0, E1, E00, E01, E10, E11;
		int i, j;
		Arc* a;
		char* type_name;
		char* type_format;

		if (stage == 0) Solve();

		get_type_information(type_name, type_format);
		if (type_format[0] != 'd') return false;

		fp = fopen(filename, "w");
		if (!fp) return false;

		fprintf(fp, "p %d %d\n", GetNodeNum(), GetNodeNum() + edge_num);

		for (i=0; i<GetNodeNum(); i++)
			GetTwiceUnaryTerm(i, E0, E1);
			REAL delta = E1 - E0;
			for (a=nodes[0][i].first; a; a=a->next)
				if (IsNode0(a->head)) delta += a->sister->r_cap + GetMate(a)->sister->r_cap;
				else                  delta -= a->r_cap + GetMate(a)->r_cap;
			fprintf(fp, "1 %d %d\n", i+1, delta);
		for (e=GetNextEdgeId(-1); e>=0; e=GetNextEdgeId(e))
			GetTwicePairwiseTerm(e, i, j, E00, E01, E10, E11);
			fprintf(fp, "2 %d %d %d\n", i+1, j+1, E00 + E11 - E01 - E10);
		return true;
	return false;