RECT CBitmapFont::CalculateRect(int id)
	RECT rCell;
	rCell.left	= (id % GetNumCols()) * GetCharWidth();	= (id / GetNumCols()) * GetCharHeight();

	rCell.right		= rCell.left + GetCharWidth();
	rCell.bottom	= + GetCharHeight();

	return rCell;
void DiagonalBlockSparseMatrix::Solve(const Eigen::MatrixXd& rhs, Eigen::MatrixXd& sol)
	int numRows = GetNumRows();
	int numCols = GetNumCols();
	LOG_IF(FATAL, numRows != numCols) << "DiagonalBlockSparseMatrix is not a square matrix and noninvertible.";
	int rhsCols = rhs.cols();
	int rhsRows = rhs.rows();
	LOG_IF(FATAL, numCols != rhsRows) << "DiagonalBlockSparseMatrix and right hand side matrix are of different dimensions.";

	sol.resize(rhsRows, rhsCols);
	int numUntilLast = 0;
	int numDiagElements = static_cast<int>(mDiagElements.size());
	for (int i = 0; i < numDiagElements; ++i)
		int numColsElement = mDiagElements[i].GetNumCols();	
		Eigen::MatrixXd partSol(numColsElement, rhsCols);
		Eigen::MatrixXd partRhs = rhs.block(numUntilLast, 0, numColsElement, rhsCols);
		mDiagElements[i].LltSolve(partRhs, partSol);
		mDiagElements[i].ConjugateGradientSolve(partRhs, partSol);
		sol.block(numUntilLast, 0, numColsElement, rhsCols) = partSol;
		numUntilLast += numColsElement;
Exemple #3
void NDMask::MarkSectionAs(const std::vector<size_t>& sectionOffset, const NDShape& sectionShape, MaskKind maskKind)
    // TODO: Implement batching of masking operation for masks residing on GPUs to avoid making
    // GPU invocations for each MaskSection call.

    if (sectionOffset.size() > m_maskShape.Rank())
        LogicError("NDMask::MaskSection: The sectionOffset cannot have dimensionality higher than the rank of 'this' mask");

    if (sectionShape.Rank() > m_maskShape.Rank())
        LogicError("NDMask::MaskSection: The section shape cannot have an axes count higher than the rank of 'this' mask");

    std::vector<size_t> offset(m_maskShape.Rank(), 0);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < sectionOffset.size(); ++i)
        offset[i] = sectionOffset[i];

    NDShape shape = sectionShape.AppendShape(NDShape(m_maskShape.Rank() - sectionShape.Rank(), NDShape::InferredDimension));

    auto maskMatrix = GetMatrix();
    size_t rowOffset = offset[0];
    size_t colOffset = offset[1];
    size_t sliceRowLength = (shape[0] != NDShape::InferredDimension) ? shape[0] : (maskMatrix->GetNumRows() - rowOffset);
    size_t sliceColLength = (shape[1] != NDShape::InferredDimension) ? shape[1] : (maskMatrix->GetNumCols() - colOffset);
    if ((rowOffset == 0) && (sliceRowLength == maskMatrix->GetNumRows()))
        maskMatrix->ColumnSlice(colOffset, sliceColLength).SetValue((char)maskKind);
        // Since Matrix does not support strides in the row dimension, we will need to create separate slices for each column
        for (size_t i = colOffset; i < (colOffset + sliceColLength); ++i)
            auto column = maskMatrix->ColumnSlice(i, 1);
            column.Reshape(1, maskMatrix->GetNumRows());
            column.ColumnSlice(rowOffset, sliceRowLength).SetValue((char)maskKind);
Exemple #4
    NDArrayView::NDArrayView(const NDShape& viewShape, const SparseIndexType* colStarts, const SparseIndexType* rowIndices, const ElementType* nonZeroValues, size_t numNonZeroValues, const DeviceDescriptor& device, bool readOnly/* = false*/)
        : NDArrayView(AsDataType<ElementType>(), device, StorageFormat::SparseCSC, viewShape, false, AllocateTensorView<ElementType>(viewShape, StorageFormat::SparseCSC, device))
        if ((colStarts == nullptr) || (rowIndices == nullptr) || (nonZeroValues == nullptr) || (numNonZeroValues == 0) || (numNonZeroValues > viewShape.TotalSize()))
            InvalidArgument("Invalid sparse CSC format initial data specified for NDArrayView construction");

        auto sparseMatrix = GetWritableMatrix<ElementType>(1);
        sparseMatrix->SetMatrixFromCSCFormat(colStarts, rowIndices, nonZeroValues, numNonZeroValues, sparseMatrix->GetNumRows(), sparseMatrix->GetNumCols());
        m_isReadOnly = readOnly;
Exemple #5
bool MatrixMarketReader<FloatType>::MMReadHeader( const std::string &filename )
    FILE *mm_file = ::fopen( filename.c_str( ), "r" );
    if( mm_file == NULL )
        printf( "Cannot Open Matrix-Market File !\n" );
        return 1;

    if ( MMReadHeader( mm_file ) )
        printf ("Matrix not supported !\n");
        return 2;

    // If symmetric MM stored file, double the reported size
    if( mm_is_symmetric( Typecode ) )
        nNZ <<= 1;

    ::fclose( mm_file );

    std::clog << "Matrix: " << filename << " [nRow: " << GetNumRows( ) << "] [nCol: " << GetNumCols( ) << "] [nNZ: " << GetNumNonZeroes( ) << "]" << std::endl;

    return 0;
Exemple #6
MBLayoutPtr SequencePacker::PackSparseStream(const StreamBatch& batch, size_t streamIndex)
    assert(m_outputStreamDescriptions[streamIndex]->m_storageType == StorageType::sparse_csc);

    // compute the aggregate nnz count of all the sequence in the batch.
    size_t nnzCount = 0;
    for (const auto& sequence : batch)
        SparseSequenceDataPtr sparseSequence = static_pointer_cast<SparseSequenceData>(sequence);
        nnzCount += sparseSequence->m_totalNnzCount;

    if (nnzCount > numeric_limits<IndexType>::max())
        RuntimeError("Minibatch NNZ count (%" PRIu64 ") exceeds the maximum allowed "
            "value (%" PRIu64 ")\n", nnzCount, (size_t)numeric_limits<IndexType>::max());

    const auto& stream = m_inputStreamDescriptions[streamIndex];
    assert(stream->m_storageType == StorageType::sparse_csc);
    auto elementSize = GetSizeByType(stream->m_elementType);
    auto indexSize = sizeof(IndexType);
    auto pMBLayout = CreateMBLayout(batch);

    // Compute the required buffer size:
    // size of nnz type + nnz * (size of the element type) + nnz * (size of the row index type) + 
    // (number of columns + 1) * (size of the column index type). 
    size_t requiredSize =
        sizeof(nnzCount) +
        nnzCount * (elementSize + indexSize) +
        indexSize * (pMBLayout->GetNumCols() + 1);

    auto& buffer = m_streamBuffers[m_currentBufferIndex][streamIndex];
    if (buffer.m_size < requiredSize)

    auto* destination = buffer.m_data.get();
    // insert the nnzCount as the first element in the buffer.
    memcpy(destination, &nnzCount, sizeof(nnzCount));

    // create two pointers to the memory blocks inside the buffer,
    // one for data portion and anther -- for indices.
    auto* dataDst = destination + sizeof(nnzCount);
    auto* indicesDst = dataDst + elementSize* nnzCount;
    // column index for the current sample (= number of nnz value packed so far).
    IndexType columnOffset = 0;
    // a vector to store column index for each sample in the resulting (packed) matrix.
    vector<IndexType> sparseColumnIndices;
    // a vector to keep track of the offsets into each input sequence,
    // there an offset is the number of nnz values packed so far. Current sample
    // values/indices start of the offset position in the sequence data/index array
    vector<IndexType>  sequenceOffsets(batch.size(), 0); 

    vector<MBLayout::SequenceInfo> sequenceInfos(pMBLayout->GetAllSequences());

    // sort the vector in ascending order of the parallel sequence index.
    sort(sequenceInfos.begin(), sequenceInfos.end(),
        [](const MBLayout::SequenceInfo& a, const MBLayout::SequenceInfo& b){ return a.s < b.s; });

    // Iterate over the all time steps in the layout (total number of samples/columns 
    // in a parallel sequence), traversing the layout in horizontal direction.
    for (auto timeStep = 0; timeStep < pMBLayout->GetNumTimeSteps(); ++timeStep)
        // For each time step, iterate over all sequences in the minibatch,
        // traversing the layout in vertical direction.
        for (const auto& sequenceInfo : sequenceInfos)
            // skip the sequence if it does not intersect with the time step
            if (timeStep < sequenceInfo.tBegin || timeStep >= sequenceInfo.tEnd)

            // store the offset of the current column )...

            auto seqId = sequenceInfo.seqId;
            if (seqId == GAP_SEQUENCE_ID)

            // compute the index of the sample inside the sequence.
            size_t sampleIndex = timeStep - sequenceInfo.tBegin;
            const auto& sequence = batch[seqId];
            // make sure the index less than the sequence length in samples.
            assert(sampleIndex < sequence->m_numberOfSamples);

            auto& sequenceOffset = sequenceOffsets[seqId];
            SparseSequenceDataPtr sparseSequence = static_pointer_cast<SparseSequenceData>(sequence);
            IndexType nnz = sparseSequence->m_nnzCounts[sampleIndex];

            // compute the sample offset in bytes.
            size_t sampleOffset = sequenceOffset * elementSize;
            // copy all nzz values from source sequence into the buffer.
            const auto* dataSrc = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(sequence->GetDataBuffer()) + sampleOffset;
            memcpy(dataDst, dataSrc, nnz * elementSize);
            dataDst += nnz * elementSize; // advance the destination pointer

            // copy all nzz value indices from source sequence into the buffer.
            const auto* indicesSrc = sparseSequence->m_indices + sequenceOffset;
            memcpy(indicesDst, indicesSrc, nnz * indexSize);
            indicesDst += nnz * indexSize; // advance the destination pointer

            sequenceOffset += nnz;
            columnOffset += nnz;

    // at this point each element in sequenceOffsets should be equal to the total
    // nnz count of the respective sequence and the sum of all elements - to the 
    // overall nnz count.
    assert(accumulate(sequenceOffsets.begin(), sequenceOffsets.end(), 0) == nnzCount);

    // check the distance between data and index destination pointers.
    assert(indicesDst == dataDst + nnzCount * indexSize);
    // after we packed all samples, the column offset must be equal to the total nnz count.
    assert(columnOffset == nnzCount);
    // check that the number of column indices == N + 1 (where N is the number of
    // column in the packed matrix)
    assert((pMBLayout->GetNumCols() + 1) == sparseColumnIndices.size());

    // verify that there's enough space in the buffer for the array of column indices.
    assert(indicesDst + sparseColumnIndices.size()*indexSize <= destination + requiredSize);
    // copy column indices into the buffer.
    memcpy(indicesDst,, sparseColumnIndices.size() * indexSize);

    return pMBLayout;
Exemple #7
MBLayoutPtr SequencePacker::PackDenseStream(const StreamBatch& batch, size_t streamIndex)
    assert(m_outputStreamDescriptions[streamIndex]->m_storageType == StorageType::dense);
    const auto& stream = m_inputStreamDescriptions[streamIndex];
    auto& buffer = m_streamBuffers[m_currentBufferIndex][streamIndex];
    size_t sampleSize = GetSampleSize(m_outputStreamDescriptions[streamIndex]);
    auto pMBLayout = CreateMBLayout(batch);
    size_t requiredSize = pMBLayout->GetNumCols() * sampleSize;
    if (buffer.m_size < requiredSize)

    auto elementSize = GetSizeByType(stream->m_elementType);

    const auto& sequenceInfos = pMBLayout->GetAllSequences();

    // Iterate over sequences in the layout, copy samples from the
    // source sequences into the buffer (at appropriate offsets).
    for (int i = 0; i < sequenceInfos.size(); ++i)
        const auto& sequenceInfo = sequenceInfos[i];
        // skip gaps
        if (sequenceInfo.seqId == GAP_SEQUENCE_ID)

        const auto& sequence = batch[sequenceInfo.seqId];
        size_t numSamples = sequence->m_numberOfSamples;
        assert(numSamples == sequenceInfo.GetNumTimeSteps());

        char* bufferPtr = buffer.m_data.get();
        // Iterate over all samples in the sequence, keep track of the sample offset (which is especially
        // important for sparse input, where offset == number of preceding nnz elements).
        for (size_t sampleIndex = 0, sampleOffset = 0; sampleIndex < numSamples; ++sampleIndex)
            // Compute the offset into the destination buffer, using the layout information 
            // to get the column index corresponding to the given sample.
            auto destinationOffset = pMBLayout->GetColumnIndex(sequenceInfo, sampleIndex) * sampleSize;
            // verify that there's enough space left in the buffer to fit a full sample.
            assert(destinationOffset <= buffer.m_size - sampleSize);
            auto* destination = bufferPtr + destinationOffset;
            if (stream->m_storageType == StorageType::dense)
                // verify that the offset (an invariant for dense).
                assert(sampleOffset == sampleIndex * sampleSize);
                PackDenseSample(destination, sequence, sampleOffset, sampleSize);
                sampleOffset += sampleSize;
            else if (stream->m_storageType == StorageType::sparse_csc)
                // TODO: make type casts members of the SparseSequenceData
                SparseSequenceDataPtr sparseSequence = static_pointer_cast<SparseSequenceData>(sequence);
                // make sure that the sequence meta-data is correct.
                assert(numSamples == sparseSequence->m_nnzCounts.size());
                PackSparseSampleAsDense(destination, sparseSequence, sampleIndex, sampleOffset, sampleSize, elementSize);
                // move the offset by nnz count of the sample.
                sampleOffset += sparseSequence->m_nnzCounts[sampleIndex];
                // verify that the offset is within the bounds (less or equal 
                // to the total nnz count of the sequence).
                assert(sampleOffset <= sparseSequence->m_totalNnzCount);
                RuntimeError("Storage type %d is not supported.", (int)stream->m_storageType);

    return pMBLayout;
Exemple #8
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  char *inFileName = NULL;
  char *outBaseName = NULL;
  char *flowOrder = NULL;
  int nFrame = 0;
  // Parse command line arguments

  // Determine number of flows, make sure it is a multiple of nFrame
  int nLines = GetNumLines(inFileName);
  if(0 != (nLines % nFrame)) {
    fprintf(stderr,"Number of lines in input file %s is %d, should be a multiple of nFrames %d\n",inFileName,nLines,nFrame);
  int nFlow = nLines/nFrame;

  // Determine number of wells, make sure we have at least one to process
  int nCols;
  nCols = GetNumCols(inFileName);
  if(nCols < 2) {
    fprintf(stderr,"Number of columns in input file %s is %d, should be at least 2 (1 background + multiple wells)\n",inFileName,nCols);
  int nWell = nCols-1;

  // Read the input data
  double *dat = NULL;
  double *bkg = NULL;

  // Fit background model

    int my_nuc_block[NUMFB];
  // TODO: Objects should be isolated!!!!

  float sigma_guess=1.2;
  float t0_guess=23;
  float dntp_uM=50.0;
  BkgModel *bkgmodel = new BkgModel(nWell,nFrame,sigma_guess,t0_guess,dntp_uM);

  // Iterate over flows
  struct bead_params p;
  struct reg_params rp;
  short *imgBuffer  = new short[nWell * nFrame];
  short *bkgBuffer  = new short[nFrame];
  float *out_sig    = new float[nWell*nFlow];
  float *out_sim_fg = new float[nWell*nFlow*nFrame];
  float *out_sim_bg = new float[nFlow*nFrame];
  int fitFramesPerFlow = 0;
  for(int iFlow=0, iFlowBatch=0; iFlow < nFlow; iFlow++) {
    //copy well data into imgBuffer and bkg data into bkgBufer
    int flowOffset = iFlow * nFrame;
    for(int iWell=0, iImg=0; iWell<nWell; iWell++)
      for(int iFrame=0; iFrame<nFrame; iFrame++, iImg++)
        imgBuffer[iImg] = (short) dat[iWell*nLines+flowOffset+iFrame];
    for(int iFrame=0; iFrame<nFrame; iFrame++)
      bkgBuffer[iFrame] = (short) bkg[iFlow*nFrame+iFrame];

    // Pass data to background model
    bool last_flow = (iFlow == (nFlow-1));

    // If the model has been fit, store results
    if ((((1+iFlow) % NUMFB) == 0) || last_flow) {
      for (int iWell=0; iWell < nWell; iWell++) {
        // Store estimated signal per well
        for (int iFlowParam=0, iFlowOut=iFlow-NUMFB+1; iFlowParam < NUMFB; iFlowParam++, iFlowOut++)
          out_sig[iWell*nFlow+iFlowOut]    = p.Ampl[iFlowParam]*p.Copies;
        // Simulate data from the fitted model
        float *fg,*bg,*feval,*isig,*pf;
        int tot_frms = bkgmodel->GetModelEvaluation(iWell,&p,&rp,&fg,&bg,&feval,&isig,&pf);
        fitFramesPerFlow = floor(tot_frms/(double)NUMFB);
        for (int iFlowParam=0, iFlowOut=iFlow-NUMFB+1; iFlowParam < NUMFB; iFlowParam++, iFlowOut++) {
          for (int iFrame=0; iFrame < fitFramesPerFlow; iFrame++) {
            out_sim_fg[iWell*nLines+iFlowOut*nFrame+iFrame] = fg[iFlowParam*fitFramesPerFlow+iFrame];
              out_sim_bg[iFlowOut*nFrame+iFrame] = bg[iFlowParam*fitFramesPerFlow+iFrame];

  // Cleanup
  delete [] imgBuffer;
  delete [] bkgBuffer;
  delete bkgmodel;

  // Write out results
  char *outFileSig = new char[strlen(outBaseName)+50];
  delete [] out_sig;
  char *outFileSimFg = new char[strlen(outBaseName)+50];
  delete [] out_sim_fg;
  char *outFileSimBg = new char[strlen(outBaseName)+50];
  delete [] out_sim_bg;

  printf("Simulated data has %d frames per flow\n",fitFramesPerFlow);
