Exemple #1
//key of last start rect in the map
unsigned int IBattle::GetLastRectIdx() const
	if(GetNumRects() > 0)
		return m_rects.rbegin()->first;

	return 0;

Exemple #2
//return  the lowest currently unused key in the map of rects.
unsigned int IBattle::GetNextFreeRectIdx() const
	//check for unused allyno keys
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i <= GetLastRectIdx(); i++) {
			return i;
	return GetNumRects(); //if all rects are in use, or no elements exist, return first possible available allyno.
Exemple #3
void nsRegion::SimplifyInward (uint32_t aMaxRects)
  NS_ASSERTION(aMaxRects >= 1, "Invalid max rect count");

  if (GetNumRects() <= aMaxRects)

Exemple #4
void nsRegion::SimplifyOutward (uint32_t aMaxRects)
  MOZ_ASSERT(aMaxRects >= 1, "Invalid max rect count");

  if (GetNumRects() <= aMaxRects)

  pixman_box32_t *boxes;
  int n;
  boxes = pixman_region32_rectangles(&mImpl, &n);

  // Try combining rects in horizontal bands into a single rect
  int dest = 0;
  for (int src = 1; src < n; src++)
    // The goal here is to try to keep groups of rectangles that are vertically
    // discontiguous as separate rectangles in the final region. This is
    // simple and fast to implement and page contents tend to vary more
    // vertically than horizontally (which is why our rectangles are stored
    // sorted by y-coordinate, too).
    // Note: if boxes share y1 because of the canonical representation they
    // will share y2
    while ((src < (n)) && boxes[dest].y1 == boxes[src].y1) {
      // merge box[i] and box[i+1]
      boxes[dest].x2 = boxes[src].x2;
    if (src < n) {
      boxes[dest] = boxes[src];

  uint32_t reducedCount = dest+1;
  // pixman has a special representation for
  // regions of 1 rectangle. So just use the
  // bounds in that case
  if (reducedCount > 1 && reducedCount <= aMaxRects) {
    // reach into pixman and lower the number
    // of rects stored in data.
    mImpl.data->numRects = reducedCount;
  } else {
    *this = GetBounds();
Exemple #5
nsRect nsRegion::GetLargestRectangle (const nsRect& aContainingRect) const {
  nsRect bestRect;

  if (GetNumRects() <= 1) {
    bestRect = GetBounds();
    return bestRect;

  AxisPartition xaxis, yaxis;

  // Step 1: Calculate the grid lines
  nsRegionRectIterator iter(*this);
  const nsRect *currentRect;
  while ((currentRect = iter.Next())) {
  if (!aContainingRect.IsEmpty()) {

  // Step 2: Fill out the grid with the areas
  // Note: due to the ordering of rectangles in the region, it is not always
  // possible to combine steps 2 and 3 so we don't try to be clever.
  int32_t matrixHeight = yaxis.GetNumStops() - 1;
  int32_t matrixWidth = xaxis.GetNumStops() - 1;
  int32_t matrixSize = matrixHeight * matrixWidth;
  nsTArray<SizePair> areas(matrixSize);

  while ((currentRect = iter.Next())) {
    int32_t xstart = xaxis.IndexOf(currentRect->x);
    int32_t xend = xaxis.IndexOf(currentRect->XMost());
    int32_t y = yaxis.IndexOf(currentRect->y);
    int32_t yend = yaxis.IndexOf(currentRect->YMost());

    for (; y < yend; y++) {
      nscoord height = yaxis.StopSize(y);
      for (int32_t x = xstart; x < xend; x++) {
        nscoord width = xaxis.StopSize(x);
        int64_t size = width*int64_t(height);
        if (currentRect->Intersects(aContainingRect)) {
          areas[y*matrixWidth+x].mSizeContainingRect = size;
        areas[y*matrixWidth+x].mSize = size;

  // Step 3: Find the maximum submatrix sum that does not contain a rectangle
    // First get the prefix sum array
    int32_t m = matrixHeight + 1;
    int32_t n = matrixWidth + 1;
    nsTArray<SizePair> pareas(m*n);
    for (int32_t y = 1; y < m; y++) {
      for (int32_t x = 1; x < n; x++) {
        SizePair area = areas[(y-1)*matrixWidth+x-1];
        if (!area.mSize) {
          area = SizePair::VeryLargeNegative();
        area = area + pareas[    y*n+x-1]
                    + pareas[(y-1)*n+x  ]
                    - pareas[(y-1)*n+x-1];
        pareas[y*n+x] = area;

    // No longer need the grid

    SizePair bestArea;
    struct {
      int32_t left, top, right, bottom;
    } bestRectIndices = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
    for (int32_t m1 = 0; m1 < m; m1++) {
      for (int32_t m2 = m1+1; m2 < m; m2++) {
        nsTArray<SizePair> B;
        for (int32_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
          B[i] = pareas[m2*n+i] - pareas[m1*n+i];
        int32_t minIdx, maxIdx;
        SizePair area = MaxSum1D(B, n, &minIdx, &maxIdx);
        if (area > bestArea) {
          bestRectIndices.left = minIdx;
          bestRectIndices.top = m1;
          bestRectIndices.right = maxIdx;
          bestRectIndices.bottom = m2;
          bestArea = area;

    bestRect.SizeTo(xaxis.StopAt(bestRectIndices.right) - bestRect.x,
                    yaxis.StopAt(bestRectIndices.bottom) - bestRect.y);

  return bestRect;
Exemple #6
void Battle::Autobalance( BalanceType balance_type, bool support_clans, bool strong_clans, int numallyteams )
    wxLogMessage(_T("Autobalancing alliances, type=%d, clans=%d, strong_clans=%d, numallyteams=%d"),balance_type, support_clans,strong_clans, numallyteams);
    //size_t i;
    //int num_alliances;
	if ( numallyteams == 0 || numallyteams == -1 ) // 0 or 1 -> use num start rects
        int ally = 0;
        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < GetNumRects(); ++i )
            BattleStartRect sr = GetStartRect(i);
            if ( sr.IsOk() )
                alliances.push_back( Alliance( ally ) );
        // make at least two alliances
        while ( alliances.size() < 2 )
            alliances.push_back( Alliance( ally ) );
        for ( int i = 0; i < numallyteams; i++ ) alliances.push_back( Alliance( i ) );


    wxLogMessage( _T("number of alliances: %u"), alliances.size() );

    std::vector<User*> players_sorted;
    players_sorted.reserve( GetNumUsers() );

    for ( size_t i = 0; i < GetNumUsers(); ++i )
        User& usr = GetUser( i );
        if ( !usr.BattleStatus().spectator )
            players_sorted.push_back( &usr );

    // remove players in the same team so only one remains
    std::map< int, User*> dedupe_teams;
    for ( std::vector<User*>::iterator it = players_sorted.begin(); it != players_sorted.end(); it++ )
        dedupe_teams[(*it)->BattleStatus().team] = *it;
    players_sorted.reserve( dedupe_teams.size() );
    for ( std::map<int, User*>::iterator it = dedupe_teams.begin(); it != dedupe_teams.end(); it++ )
        players_sorted.push_back( it->second );

    shuffle( players_sorted );

    std::map<wxString, Alliance> clan_alliances;
    if ( support_clans )
        for ( size_t i=0; i < players_sorted.size(); ++i )
            wxString clan = players_sorted[i]->GetClan();
            if ( !clan.empty() )
                clan_alliances[clan].AddPlayer( players_sorted[i] );

    if ( balance_type != balance_random ) std::sort( players_sorted.begin(), players_sorted.end(), PlayerRankCompareFunction );

    if ( support_clans )
        std::map<wxString, Alliance>::iterator clan_it = clan_alliances.begin();
        while ( clan_it != clan_alliances.end() )
            Alliance &clan = (*clan_it).second;
            // if clan is too small (only 1 clan member in battle) or too big, dont count it as clan
            if ( ( clan.players.size() < 2 ) || ( !strong_clans && ( clan.players.size() > ( ( players_sorted.size() + alliances.size() -1 ) / alliances.size() ) ) ) )
                wxLogMessage( _T("removing clan %s"), (*clan_it).first.c_str() );
                std::map<wxString, Alliance>::iterator next = clan_it;
                clan_alliances.erase( clan_it );
                clan_it = next;
            wxLogMessage( _T("Inserting clan %s"), (*clan_it).first.c_str() );
            std::sort( alliances.begin(), alliances.end() );
            float lowestrank = alliances[0].ranksum;
            int rnd_k = 1;// number of alliances with rank equal to lowestrank
            while ( size_t( rnd_k ) < alliances.size() )
                if ( fabs( alliances[rnd_k].ranksum - lowestrank ) > 0.01 ) break;
            wxLogMessage( _T("number of lowestrank alliances with same rank=%d"), rnd_k );
            alliances[my_random( rnd_k )].AddAlliance( clan );

    for ( size_t i = 0; i < players_sorted.size(); ++i )
        // skip clanners, those have been added already.
        if ( clan_alliances.count( players_sorted[i]->GetClan() ) > 0 )
            wxLogMessage( _T("clanner already added, nick=%s"), players_sorted[i]->GetNick().c_str() );

        // find alliances with lowest ranksum
        // insert current user into random one out of them
        // since performance doesnt matter here, i simply sort alliances,
        // then find how many alliances in beginning have lowest ranksum
        // note that balance player ranks range from 1 to 1.1 now
        // i.e. them are quasi equal
        // so we're essentially adding to alliance with smallest number of players,
        // the one with smallest ranksum.

        std::sort( alliances.begin(), alliances.end() );
        float lowestrank = alliances[0].ranksum;
        int rnd_k = 1;// number of alliances with rank equal to lowestrank
        while ( size_t( rnd_k ) < alliances.size() )
            if ( fabs( alliances[rnd_k].ranksum - lowestrank ) > 0.01 ) break;
        wxLogMessage( _T("number of lowestrank alliances with same rank=%d"), rnd_k );
        alliances[my_random( rnd_k )].AddPlayer( players_sorted[i] );

    UserList::user_map_t::size_type totalplayers = GetNumUsers();
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < alliances.size(); ++i )
        for ( size_t j = 0; j < alliances[i].players.size(); ++j )
            ASSERT_LOGIC( alliances[i].players[j], _T("fail in Autobalance, NULL player") );
            int balanceteam = alliances[i].players[j]->BattleStatus().team;
            wxLogMessage( _T("setting team %d to alliance %d"), balanceteam, i );
            for ( size_t h = 0; h < totalplayers; h++ ) // change ally num of all players in the team
              User& usr = GetUser( h );
              if ( usr.BattleStatus().team == balanceteam ) ForceAlly( usr, alliances[i].allynum );
Exemple #7
	inline void Draw( const TextureHandle& texture ) { m_pImpl->Draw( 0, GetNumRects(), texture ); }
Exemple #8
	/// renders all the rects
	inline void Draw() { SetBasicRenderStates(); m_pImpl->Draw( 0, GetNumRects() ); }
Exemple #9
	/// renders all the rects with the current render states
	inline void draw() { m_pImpl->draw( 0, GetNumRects() ); }