int CDVDVideoCodecAndroidMediaCodec::Decode(uint8_t *pData, int iSize, double dts, double pts)
  // Handle input, add demuxer packet to input queue, we must accept it or
  // it will be discarded as DVDPlayerVideo has no concept of "try again".
  // we must return VC_BUFFER or VC_PICTURE, default to VC_BUFFER.
  int rtn = VC_BUFFER;

  if (!m_opened)
    return rtn;

  if (m_hints.ptsinvalid)
    pts = DVD_NOPTS_VALUE;

  // must check for an output picture 1st,
  // otherwise, mediacodec can stall on some devices.
  if (GetOutputPicture() > 0)
    rtn |= VC_PICTURE;

  if (pData)
    if (m_bitstream)
      m_bitstream->Convert(pData, iSize);
      iSize = m_bitstream->GetConvertSize();
      pData = m_bitstream->GetConvertBuffer();

    // queue demux pkt in case we cannot get an input buffer
    amc_demux demux_pkt;
    demux_pkt.dts = dts;
    demux_pkt.pts = pts;
    demux_pkt.iSize = iSize;
    demux_pkt.pData = (uint8_t*)malloc(iSize);
    memcpy(demux_pkt.pData, pData, iSize);

    // try to fetch an input buffer
    int64_t timeout_us = 5000;
    int index = m_codec->dequeueInputBuffer(timeout_us);
    if (xbmc_jnienv()->ExceptionOccurred())
      CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CDVDVideoCodecAndroidMediaCodec::Decode ExceptionOccurred");
      return VC_ERROR;
    if (index >= 0)
      // docs lie, getInputBuffers should be good after
      // m_codec->start() but the internal refs are not
      // setup until much later on some devices.
      if (m_input.empty())
        m_input = m_codec->getInputBuffers();

      // we have an input buffer, fill it.
      int size = m_input[index].capacity();
      // fetch the front demux packet
      amc_demux &demux_pkt = m_demux.front();
      if (demux_pkt.iSize > size)
        CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CDVDVideoCodecAndroidMediaCodec::Decode, iSize(%d) > size(%d)", iSize, size);
        demux_pkt.iSize = size;
      // fetch a pointer to the ByteBuffer backing store
      void *dst_ptr = xbmc_jnienv()->GetDirectBufferAddress(m_input[index].get_raw());
      if (dst_ptr)
        memcpy(dst_ptr, demux_pkt.pData, demux_pkt.iSize);


      // Translate from dvdplayer dts/pts to MediaCodec pts,
      // pts WILL get re-ordered by MediaCodec if needed.
      // Do not try to pass pts as a unioned double/int64_t,
      // some android devices will diddle with presentationTimeUs
      // and you will get NaN back and DVDPlayerVideo will barf.
      int64_t presentationTimeUs = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;
      if (demux_pkt.pts != DVD_NOPTS_VALUE)
        presentationTimeUs = demux_pkt.pts;
      else if (demux_pkt.dts != DVD_NOPTS_VALUE)
        presentationTimeUs = demux_pkt.dts;
      CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CDVDVideoCodecAndroidMediaCodec:: "
        "pts(%f), ipts(%lld), iSize(%d), GetDataSize(%d), loop_cnt(%d)",
        presentationTimeUs, pts_dtoi(presentationTimeUs), iSize, GetDataSize(), loop_cnt);
      int flags = 0;
      int offset = 0;
      m_codec->queueInputBuffer(index, offset, demux_pkt.iSize, presentationTimeUs, flags);
      // clear any jni exceptions, jni gets upset if we do not.
      if (xbmc_jnienv()->ExceptionOccurred())
        CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CDVDVideoCodecAndroidMediaCodec::Decode ExceptionOccurred");

  return rtn;
int CDVDVideoCodecHybris::Decode(BYTE* pData, int iSize, double dts, double pts) {
  // Handle input, add demuxer packet to input queue, we must accept it or
  // it will be discarded as DVDPlayerVideo has no concept of "try again".
  // we must return VC_BUFFER or VC_PICTURE, default to VC_BUFFER.
  int rtn = VC_BUFFER;

  MediaCodecBufferInfo bufferInfo;
  if (m_hints.ptsinvalid)
    pts = DVD_NOPTS_VALUE;

  // must check for an output picture 1st,
  // otherwise, mediacodec can stall on some devices.
  if (GetOutputPicture() > 0)
    rtn |= VC_PICTURE;

  if (pData)
    if (m_bitstream)
      m_bitstream->Convert(pData, iSize);
      iSize = m_bitstream->GetConvertSize();
      pData = m_bitstream->GetConvertBuffer();

    // queue demux pkt in case we cannot get an input buffer
    amc_demux demux_pkt;
    demux_pkt.dts = dts;
    demux_pkt.pts = pts;
    demux_pkt.iSize = iSize;
    demux_pkt.pData = (uint8_t*)malloc(iSize);
    memcpy(demux_pkt.pData, pData, iSize);

    // try to fetch an input buffer
    int64_t timeout_us = 5000;
    size_t index;// = m_codec->dequeueInputBuffer(timeout_us);
    int ret = media_codec_dequeue_input_buffer(m_codec, &index, timeout_us);
    if (ret == OK)
      // we have an input buffer, fill it.
      int size = media_codec_get_nth_input_buffer_capacity(m_codec, index);
      // fetch the front demux packet
      amc_demux &demux_pkt = m_demux.front();
      if (demux_pkt.iSize > size)
        CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CDVDVideoCodecHybris::Decode, iSize(%d) > size(%d)", iSize, size);
        demux_pkt.iSize = size;
      // fetch a pointer to the ByteBuffer backing store
      void *dst_ptr = media_codec_get_nth_input_buffer(m_codec, index);
      if (dst_ptr)
        memcpy(dst_ptr, demux_pkt.pData, demux_pkt.iSize);


      // Translate from dvdplayer dts/pts to MediaCodec pts,
      // pts WILL get re-ordered by MediaCodec if needed.
      // Do not try to pass pts as a unioned double/int64_t,
      // some android devices will diddle with presentationTimeUs
      // and you will get NaN back and DVDPlayerVideo will barf.
      int64_t presentationTimeUs = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;
      if (demux_pkt.pts != DVD_NOPTS_VALUE)
        presentationTimeUs = demux_pkt.pts;
      else if (demux_pkt.dts != DVD_NOPTS_VALUE)
        presentationTimeUs = demux_pkt.dts;
      CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "CDVDVideoCodecHybris:: "
          "pts(%f), ipts(%lld), iSize(%d), GetDataSize(%d), loop_cnt(%d)",
           presentationTimeUs, pts_dtoi(presentationTimeUs), iSize, 
           GetDataSize(), loop_cnt);
      //m_codec->queueInputBuffer(index, offset, demux_pkt.iSize, presentationTimeUs, flags);
      bufferInfo.index = index;
      bufferInfo.offset = 0;
      bufferInfo.size = demux_pkt.iSize;
      bufferInfo.presentation_time_us = 0;//presentationTimeUs;
      bufferInfo.flags = 0;

      if(media_codec_queue_input_buffer(m_codec, &bufferInfo) != OK) {
        CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CDVDVideoCodecHybris::Decode, failed to queue input buffer!");

  return rtn;