bool GrDefaultPathRenderer::internalDrawPath(const SkPath& path, const SkStrokeRec& origStroke, GrDrawTarget* target, bool stencilOnly) { SkMatrix viewM = target->getDrawState().getViewMatrix(); SkTCopyOnFirstWrite<SkStrokeRec> stroke(origStroke); SkScalar hairlineCoverage; if (IsStrokeHairlineOrEquivalent(*stroke, target->getDrawState().getViewMatrix(), &hairlineCoverage)) { uint8_t newCoverage = SkScalarRoundToInt(hairlineCoverage * target->getDrawState().getCoverage()); target->drawState()->setCoverage(newCoverage); if (!stroke->isHairlineStyle()) { stroke.writable()->setHairlineStyle(); } } SkScalar tol = SK_Scalar1; tol = GrPathUtils::scaleToleranceToSrc(tol, viewM, path.getBounds()); int vertexCnt; int indexCnt; GrPrimitiveType primType; GrDrawTarget::AutoReleaseGeometry arg; if (!this->createGeom(path, *stroke, tol, target, &primType, &vertexCnt, &indexCnt, &arg)) { return false; } SkASSERT(NULL != target); GrDrawTarget::AutoStateRestore asr(target, GrDrawTarget::kPreserve_ASRInit); GrDrawState* drawState = target->drawState(); bool colorWritesWereDisabled = drawState->isColorWriteDisabled(); // face culling doesn't make sense here SkASSERT(GrDrawState::kBoth_DrawFace == drawState->getDrawFace()); int passCount = 0; const GrStencilSettings* passes[3]; GrDrawState::DrawFace drawFace[3]; bool reverse = false; bool lastPassIsBounds; if (stroke->isHairlineStyle()) { passCount = 1; if (stencilOnly) { passes[0] = &gDirectToStencil; } else { passes[0] = NULL; } lastPassIsBounds = false; drawFace[0] = GrDrawState::kBoth_DrawFace; } else { if (single_pass_path(path, *stroke)) { passCount = 1; if (stencilOnly) { passes[0] = &gDirectToStencil; } else { passes[0] = NULL; } drawFace[0] = GrDrawState::kBoth_DrawFace; lastPassIsBounds = false; } else { switch (path.getFillType()) { case SkPath::kInverseEvenOdd_FillType: reverse = true; // fallthrough case SkPath::kEvenOdd_FillType: passes[0] = &gEOStencilPass; if (stencilOnly) { passCount = 1; lastPassIsBounds = false; } else { passCount = 2; lastPassIsBounds = true; if (reverse) { passes[1] = &gInvEOColorPass; } else { passes[1] = &gEOColorPass; } } drawFace[0] = drawFace[1] = GrDrawState::kBoth_DrawFace; break; case SkPath::kInverseWinding_FillType: reverse = true; // fallthrough case SkPath::kWinding_FillType: if (fSeparateStencil) { if (fStencilWrapOps) { passes[0] = &gWindStencilSeparateWithWrap; } else { passes[0] = &gWindStencilSeparateNoWrap; } passCount = 2; drawFace[0] = GrDrawState::kBoth_DrawFace; } else { if (fStencilWrapOps) { passes[0] = &gWindSingleStencilWithWrapInc; passes[1] = &gWindSingleStencilWithWrapDec; } else { passes[0] = &gWindSingleStencilNoWrapInc; passes[1] = &gWindSingleStencilNoWrapDec; } // which is cw and which is ccw is arbitrary. drawFace[0] = GrDrawState::kCW_DrawFace; drawFace[1] = GrDrawState::kCCW_DrawFace; passCount = 3; } if (stencilOnly) { lastPassIsBounds = false; --passCount; } else { lastPassIsBounds = true; drawFace[passCount-1] = GrDrawState::kBoth_DrawFace; if (reverse) { passes[passCount-1] = &gInvWindColorPass; } else { passes[passCount-1] = &gWindColorPass; } } break; default: SkDEBUGFAIL("Unknown path fFill!"); return false; } } } SkRect devBounds; GetPathDevBounds(path, drawState->getRenderTarget(), viewM, &devBounds); for (int p = 0; p < passCount; ++p) { drawState->setDrawFace(drawFace[p]); if (NULL != passes[p]) { *drawState->stencil() = *passes[p]; } if (lastPassIsBounds && (p == passCount-1)) { if (!colorWritesWereDisabled) { drawState->disableState(GrDrawState::kNoColorWrites_StateBit); } SkRect bounds; GrDrawState::AutoViewMatrixRestore avmr; if (reverse) { SkASSERT(NULL != drawState->getRenderTarget()); // draw over the dev bounds (which will be the whole dst surface for inv fill). bounds = devBounds; SkMatrix vmi; // mapRect through persp matrix may not be correct if (!drawState->getViewMatrix().hasPerspective() && drawState->getViewInverse(&vmi)) { vmi.mapRect(&bounds); } else { avmr.setIdentity(drawState); } } else { bounds = path.getBounds(); } GrDrawTarget::AutoGeometryAndStatePush agasp(target, GrDrawTarget::kPreserve_ASRInit); target->drawSimpleRect(bounds, NULL); } else { if (passCount > 1) { drawState->enableState(GrDrawState::kNoColorWrites_StateBit); } if (indexCnt) { target->drawIndexed(primType, 0, 0, vertexCnt, indexCnt, &devBounds); } else { target->drawNonIndexed(primType, 0, vertexCnt, &devBounds); } } } return true; }
bool GrDefaultPathRenderer::internalDrawPath(GrDrawTarget* target, GrPipelineBuilder* pipelineBuilder, GrColor color, const SkMatrix& viewMatrix, const SkPath& path, const GrStrokeInfo& origStroke, bool stencilOnly) { SkTCopyOnFirstWrite<GrStrokeInfo> stroke(origStroke); SkScalar hairlineCoverage; uint8_t newCoverage = 0xff; if (IsStrokeHairlineOrEquivalent(*stroke, viewMatrix, &hairlineCoverage)) { newCoverage = SkScalarRoundToInt(hairlineCoverage * 0xff); if (!stroke->getStrokeRec().isHairlineStyle()) { stroke.writable()->getStrokeRecPtr()->setHairlineStyle(); } } const bool isHairline = stroke->getStrokeRec().isHairlineStyle(); // Save the current xp on the draw state so we can reset it if needed SkAutoTUnref<const GrXPFactory> backupXPFactory(SkRef(pipelineBuilder->getXPFactory())); // face culling doesn't make sense here SkASSERT(GrPipelineBuilder::kBoth_DrawFace == pipelineBuilder->getDrawFace()); int passCount = 0; const GrStencilSettings* passes[3]; GrPipelineBuilder::DrawFace drawFace[3]; bool reverse = false; bool lastPassIsBounds; if (isHairline) { passCount = 1; if (stencilOnly) { passes[0] = &gDirectToStencil; } else { passes[0] = NULL; } lastPassIsBounds = false; drawFace[0] = GrPipelineBuilder::kBoth_DrawFace; } else { if (single_pass_path(path, stroke->getStrokeRec())) { passCount = 1; if (stencilOnly) { passes[0] = &gDirectToStencil; } else { passes[0] = NULL; } drawFace[0] = GrPipelineBuilder::kBoth_DrawFace; lastPassIsBounds = false; } else { switch (path.getFillType()) { case SkPath::kInverseEvenOdd_FillType: reverse = true; // fallthrough case SkPath::kEvenOdd_FillType: passes[0] = &gEOStencilPass; if (stencilOnly) { passCount = 1; lastPassIsBounds = false; } else { passCount = 2; lastPassIsBounds = true; if (reverse) { passes[1] = &gInvEOColorPass; } else { passes[1] = &gEOColorPass; } } drawFace[0] = drawFace[1] = GrPipelineBuilder::kBoth_DrawFace; break; case SkPath::kInverseWinding_FillType: reverse = true; // fallthrough case SkPath::kWinding_FillType: if (fSeparateStencil) { if (fStencilWrapOps) { passes[0] = &gWindStencilSeparateWithWrap; } else { passes[0] = &gWindStencilSeparateNoWrap; } passCount = 2; drawFace[0] = GrPipelineBuilder::kBoth_DrawFace; } else { if (fStencilWrapOps) { passes[0] = &gWindSingleStencilWithWrapInc; passes[1] = &gWindSingleStencilWithWrapDec; } else { passes[0] = &gWindSingleStencilNoWrapInc; passes[1] = &gWindSingleStencilNoWrapDec; } // which is cw and which is ccw is arbitrary. drawFace[0] = GrPipelineBuilder::kCW_DrawFace; drawFace[1] = GrPipelineBuilder::kCCW_DrawFace; passCount = 3; } if (stencilOnly) { lastPassIsBounds = false; --passCount; } else { lastPassIsBounds = true; drawFace[passCount-1] = GrPipelineBuilder::kBoth_DrawFace; if (reverse) { passes[passCount-1] = &gInvWindColorPass; } else { passes[passCount-1] = &gWindColorPass; } } break; default: SkDEBUGFAIL("Unknown path fFill!"); return false; } } } SkScalar tol = GrPathUtils::kDefaultTolerance; SkScalar srcSpaceTol = GrPathUtils::scaleToleranceToSrc(tol, viewMatrix, path.getBounds()); SkRect devBounds; GetPathDevBounds(path, pipelineBuilder->getRenderTarget(), viewMatrix, &devBounds); for (int p = 0; p < passCount; ++p) { pipelineBuilder->setDrawFace(drawFace[p]); if (passes[p]) { *pipelineBuilder->stencil() = *passes[p]; } if (lastPassIsBounds && (p == passCount-1)) { // Reset the XP Factory on pipelineBuilder pipelineBuilder->setXPFactory(backupXPFactory); SkRect bounds; SkMatrix localMatrix = SkMatrix::I(); if (reverse) { SkASSERT(pipelineBuilder->getRenderTarget()); // draw over the dev bounds (which will be the whole dst surface for inv fill). bounds = devBounds; SkMatrix vmi; // mapRect through persp matrix may not be correct if (!viewMatrix.hasPerspective() && viewMatrix.invert(&vmi)) { vmi.mapRect(&bounds); } else { if (!viewMatrix.invert(&localMatrix)) { return false; } } } else { bounds = path.getBounds(); } const SkMatrix& viewM = (reverse && viewMatrix.hasPerspective()) ? SkMatrix::I() : viewMatrix; target->drawRect(pipelineBuilder, color, viewM, bounds, NULL, &localMatrix); } else { if (passCount > 1) { pipelineBuilder->setDisableColorXPFactory(); } DefaultPathBatch::Geometry geometry; geometry.fColor = color; geometry.fPath = path; geometry.fTolerance = srcSpaceTol; SkAutoTUnref<GrBatch> batch(DefaultPathBatch::Create(geometry, newCoverage, viewMatrix, isHairline, devBounds)); target->drawBatch(pipelineBuilder, batch); } } return true; }
bool GrDefaultPathRenderer::internalDrawPath(GrRenderTargetContext* renderTargetContext, GrPaint&& paint, GrAAType aaType, const GrUserStencilSettings& userStencilSettings, const GrClip& clip, const SkMatrix& viewMatrix, const GrShape& shape, bool stencilOnly) { auto context = renderTargetContext->surfPriv().getContext(); SkASSERT(GrAAType::kCoverage != aaType); SkPath path; shape.asPath(&path); SkScalar hairlineCoverage; uint8_t newCoverage = 0xff; bool isHairline = false; if (IsStrokeHairlineOrEquivalent(, viewMatrix, &hairlineCoverage)) { newCoverage = SkScalarRoundToInt(hairlineCoverage * 0xff); isHairline = true; } else { SkASSERT(; } int passCount = 0; const GrUserStencilSettings* passes[2]; bool reverse = false; bool lastPassIsBounds; if (isHairline) { passCount = 1; if (stencilOnly) { passes[0] = &gDirectToStencil; } else { passes[0] = &userStencilSettings; } lastPassIsBounds = false; } else { if (single_pass_shape(shape)) { passCount = 1; if (stencilOnly) { passes[0] = &gDirectToStencil; } else { passes[0] = &userStencilSettings; } lastPassIsBounds = false; } else { switch (path.getFillType()) { case SkPath::kInverseEvenOdd_FillType: reverse = true; // fallthrough case SkPath::kEvenOdd_FillType: passes[0] = &gEOStencilPass; if (stencilOnly) { passCount = 1; lastPassIsBounds = false; } else { passCount = 2; lastPassIsBounds = true; if (reverse) { passes[1] = &gInvEOColorPass; } else { passes[1] = &gEOColorPass; } } break; case SkPath::kInverseWinding_FillType: reverse = true; // fallthrough case SkPath::kWinding_FillType: passes[0] = &gWindStencilPass; passCount = 2; if (stencilOnly) { lastPassIsBounds = false; --passCount; } else { lastPassIsBounds = true; if (reverse) { passes[passCount-1] = &gInvWindColorPass; } else { passes[passCount-1] = &gWindColorPass; } } break; default: SkDEBUGFAIL("Unknown path fFill!"); return false; } } } SkScalar tol = GrPathUtils::kDefaultTolerance; SkScalar srcSpaceTol = GrPathUtils::scaleToleranceToSrc(tol, viewMatrix, path.getBounds()); SkRect devBounds; GetPathDevBounds(path, renderTargetContext->asRenderTargetProxy()->worstCaseWidth(), renderTargetContext->asRenderTargetProxy()->worstCaseHeight(), viewMatrix, &devBounds); for (int p = 0; p < passCount; ++p) { if (lastPassIsBounds && (p == passCount-1)) { SkRect bounds; SkMatrix localMatrix = SkMatrix::I(); if (reverse) { // draw over the dev bounds (which will be the whole dst surface for inv fill). bounds = devBounds; SkMatrix vmi; // mapRect through persp matrix may not be correct if (!viewMatrix.hasPerspective() && viewMatrix.invert(&vmi)) { vmi.mapRect(&bounds); } else { if (!viewMatrix.invert(&localMatrix)) { return false; } } } else { bounds = path.getBounds(); } const SkMatrix& viewM = (reverse && viewMatrix.hasPerspective()) ? SkMatrix::I() : viewMatrix; // This is a non-coverage aa rect op since we assert aaType != kCoverage at the start assert_alive(paint); renderTargetContext->priv().stencilRect(clip, passes[p], std::move(paint), GrAA(aaType == GrAAType::kMSAA), viewM, bounds, &localMatrix); } else { bool stencilPass = stencilOnly || passCount > 1; std::unique_ptr<GrDrawOp> op; if (stencilPass) { GrPaint stencilPaint; stencilPaint.setXPFactory(GrDisableColorXPFactory::Get()); op = DefaultPathOp::Make(context, std::move(stencilPaint), path, srcSpaceTol, newCoverage, viewMatrix, isHairline, aaType, devBounds, passes[p]); } else { assert_alive(paint); op = DefaultPathOp::Make(context, std::move(paint), path, srcSpaceTol, newCoverage, viewMatrix, isHairline, aaType, devBounds, passes[p]); } renderTargetContext->addDrawOp(clip, std::move(op)); } } return true; }