Exemple #1
void cPluginManager::FindPlugins(void)
	AString PluginsPath = GetPluginsPath() + "/";

	// First get a clean list of only the currently running plugins, we don't want to mess those up
	for (PluginMap::iterator itr = m_Plugins.begin(); itr != m_Plugins.end();)
		if (itr->second == NULL)
			PluginMap::iterator thiz = itr;
			m_Plugins.erase( itr );
			itr = thiz;

	AStringVector Files = cFile::GetFolderContents(PluginsPath.c_str());
	for (AStringVector::const_iterator itr = Files.begin(); itr != Files.end(); ++itr)
		if ((*itr == ".") || (*itr == "..") || (!cFile::IsFolder(PluginsPath + *itr)))
			// We only want folders, and don't want "." or ".."

		// Add plugin name/directory to the list
		if (m_Plugins.find(*itr) == m_Plugins.end())
			m_Plugins[*itr] = NULL;
void cPluginManager::RefreshPluginList(void)
	// Get a list of currently available folders:
	AString PluginsPath = GetPluginsPath() + "/";
	AStringVector Contents = cFile::GetFolderContents(PluginsPath.c_str());
	AStringVector Folders;
	for (auto & item: Contents)
		if ((item == ".") || (item == "..") || (!cFile::IsFolder(PluginsPath + item)))
			// We only want folders, and don't want "." or ".."
	}  // for item - Contents[]

	// Set all plugins with invalid folders as psNotFound:
	for (auto & plugin: m_Plugins)
		if (std::find(Folders.cbegin(), Folders.cend(), plugin->GetFolderName()) == Folders.end())
			plugin->m_Status = psNotFound;
	}  // for plugin - m_Plugins[]

	// Add all newly discovered plugins:
	for (auto & folder: Folders)
		bool hasFound = false;
		for (auto & plugin: m_Plugins)
			if (plugin->GetFolderName() == folder)
				hasFound = true;
		}  // for plugin - m_Plugins[]
		if (!hasFound)
	}  // for folder - Folders[]