 * @param aXSide LEFT means we draw from the left side of the buffer (which
 * is drawn on the right side of mBufferRect). RIGHT means we draw from
 * the right side of the buffer (which is drawn on the left side of
 * mBufferRect).
 * @param aYSide TOP means we draw from the top side of the buffer (which
 * is drawn on the bottom side of mBufferRect). BOTTOM means we draw from
 * the bottom side of the buffer (which is drawn on the top side of
 * mBufferRect).
RotatedBuffer::DrawBufferQuadrant(gfx::DrawTarget* aTarget,
                                  XSide aXSide, YSide aYSide,
                                  ContextSource aSource,
                                  float aOpacity,
                                  gfx::CompositionOp aOperator,
                                  gfx::SourceSurface* aMask,
                                  const gfx::Matrix* aMaskTransform) const
  // The rectangle that we're going to fill. Basically we're going to
  // render the buffer at mBufferRect + quadrantTranslation to get the
  // pixels in the right place, but we're only going to paint within
  // mBufferRect
  nsIntRect quadrantRect = GetQuadrantRectangle(aXSide, aYSide);
  nsIntRect fillRect;
  if (!fillRect.IntersectRect(mBufferRect, quadrantRect))

  gfx::Point quadrantTranslation(quadrantRect.x, quadrantRect.y);

  MOZ_ASSERT(aOperator == OP_OVER || aOperator == OP_SOURCE);
  // direct2d is much slower when using OP_SOURCE so use OP_OVER and
  // (maybe) a clear instead. Normally we need to draw in a single operation
  // (to avoid flickering) but direct2d is ok since it defers rendering.
  // We should try abstract this logic in a helper when we have other use
  // cases.
  if (aTarget->GetType() == BACKEND_DIRECT2D && aOperator == OP_SOURCE) {
    aOperator = OP_OVER;
    if (mDTBuffer->GetFormat() == FORMAT_B8G8R8A8) {

  RefPtr<gfx::SourceSurface> snapshot;
  if (aSource == BUFFER_BLACK) {
    snapshot = mDTBuffer->Snapshot();
  } else {
    snapshot = mDTBufferOnWhite->Snapshot();

  if (aOperator == OP_SOURCE) {
    // OP_SOURCE is unbounded in Azure, and we really don't want that behaviour here.
    // We also can't do a ClearRect+FillRect since we need the drawing to happen
    // as an atomic operation (to prevent flickering).
    aTarget->PushClipRect(gfx::Rect(fillRect.x, fillRect.y,
                                    fillRect.width, fillRect.height));

  if (aMask) {
    // Transform from user -> buffer space.
    Matrix transform;
    transform.Translate(quadrantTranslation.x, quadrantTranslation.y);

    SurfacePattern source(snapshot, EXTEND_CLAMP, transform, FILTER_POINT);
    SurfacePattern source(snapshot, EXTEND_CLAMP, transform);

    Matrix oldTransform = aTarget->GetTransform();
    aTarget->MaskSurface(source, aMask, Point(0, 0), DrawOptions(aOpacity, aOperator));
  } else {
    DrawSurfaceOptions options(FILTER_POINT);
    DrawSurfaceOptions options;
    aTarget->DrawSurface(snapshot, ToRect(fillRect),
                         GetSourceRectangle(aXSide, aYSide),
                         DrawOptions(aOpacity, aOperator));

  if (aOperator == OP_SOURCE) {

ThebesLayerBuffer::BeginPaint(ThebesLayer* aLayer, ContentType aContentType)
  PaintState result;

  result.mRegionToDraw.Sub(aLayer->GetVisibleRegion(), aLayer->GetValidRegion());

  if (mBuffer && aContentType != mBuffer->GetContentType()) {
    // We're effectively clearing the valid region, so we need to draw
    // the entire visible region now.
    result.mRegionToDraw = aLayer->GetVisibleRegion();
    result.mRegionToInvalidate = aLayer->GetValidRegion();

  if (result.mRegionToDraw.IsEmpty())
    return result;
  nsIntRect drawBounds = result.mRegionToDraw.GetBounds();

  nsIntRect visibleBounds = aLayer->GetVisibleRegion().GetBounds();
  nsRefPtr<gfxASurface> destBuffer;
  nsIntRect destBufferRect;

  if (BufferSizeOkFor(visibleBounds.Size())) {
    // The current buffer is big enough to hold the visible area.
    if (mBufferRect.Contains(visibleBounds)) {
      // We don't need to adjust mBufferRect.
      destBufferRect = mBufferRect;
    } else {
      // The buffer's big enough but doesn't contain everything that's
      // going to be visible. We'll move it.
      destBufferRect = nsIntRect(visibleBounds.TopLeft(), mBufferRect.Size());
    nsIntRect keepArea;
    if (keepArea.IntersectRect(destBufferRect, mBufferRect)) {
      // Set mBufferRotation so that the pixels currently in mBuffer
      // will still be rendered in the right place when mBufferRect
      // changes to destBufferRect.
      nsIntPoint newRotation = mBufferRotation +
        (destBufferRect.TopLeft() - mBufferRect.TopLeft());
      WrapRotationAxis(&newRotation.x, mBufferRect.width);
      WrapRotationAxis(&newRotation.y, mBufferRect.height);
      NS_ASSERTION(nsIntRect(nsIntPoint(0,0), mBufferRect.Size()).Contains(newRotation),
                   "newRotation out of bounds");
      PRInt32 xBoundary = destBufferRect.XMost() - newRotation.x;
      PRInt32 yBoundary = destBufferRect.YMost() - newRotation.y;
      if ((drawBounds.x < xBoundary && xBoundary < drawBounds.XMost()) ||
          (drawBounds.y < yBoundary && yBoundary < drawBounds.YMost())) {
        // The stuff we need to redraw will wrap around an edge of the
        // buffer, so we will need to do a self-copy
        if (mBufferRotation == nsIntPoint(0,0)) {
          destBuffer = mBuffer;
        } else {
          // We can't do a real self-copy because the buffer is rotated.
          // So allocate a new buffer for the destination.
          destBufferRect = visibleBounds;
          destBuffer = CreateBuffer(aContentType, destBufferRect.Size());
          if (!destBuffer)
            return result;
      } else {
        mBufferRect = destBufferRect;
        mBufferRotation = newRotation;
    } else {
      // No pixels are going to be kept. The whole visible region
      // will be redrawn, so we don't need to copy anything, so we don't
      // set destBuffer.
      mBufferRect = destBufferRect;
      mBufferRotation = nsIntPoint(0,0);
  } else {
    // The buffer's not big enough, so allocate a new one
    destBufferRect = visibleBounds;
    destBuffer = CreateBuffer(aContentType, destBufferRect.Size());
    if (!destBuffer)
      return result;

  // If we have no buffered data already, then destBuffer will be a fresh buffer
  // and we do not need to clear it below.
  PRBool isClear = mBuffer == nsnull;

  if (destBuffer) {
    if (mBuffer) {
      // Copy the bits
      nsRefPtr<gfxContext> tmpCtx = new gfxContext(destBuffer);
      nsIntPoint offset = -destBufferRect.TopLeft();
      tmpCtx->Translate(gfxPoint(offset.x, offset.y));
      DrawBufferWithRotation(tmpCtx, 1.0);

    mBuffer = destBuffer.forget();
    mBufferRect = destBufferRect;
    mBufferRotation = nsIntPoint(0,0);

  nsIntRegion invalidate;
  invalidate.Sub(aLayer->GetValidRegion(), destBufferRect);
  result.mRegionToInvalidate.Or(result.mRegionToInvalidate, invalidate);

  result.mContext = new gfxContext(mBuffer);

  // Figure out which quadrant to draw in
  PRInt32 xBoundary = mBufferRect.XMost() - mBufferRotation.x;
  PRInt32 yBoundary = mBufferRect.YMost() - mBufferRotation.y;
  XSide sideX = drawBounds.XMost() <= xBoundary ? RIGHT : LEFT;
  YSide sideY = drawBounds.YMost() <= yBoundary ? BOTTOM : TOP;
  nsIntRect quadrantRect = GetQuadrantRectangle(sideX, sideY);
  NS_ASSERTION(quadrantRect.Contains(drawBounds), "Messed up quadrants");
  result.mContext->Translate(-gfxPoint(quadrantRect.x, quadrantRect.y));

  ClipToRegion(result.mContext, result.mRegionToDraw);
  if (aContentType == gfxASurface::CONTENT_COLOR_ALPHA && !isClear) {
  return result;