Exemple #1
std::string GameFile::GetUniqueIdentifier() const
  std::vector<std::string> info;
  if (!GetGameID().empty())
  if (GetRevision() != 0)
    info.push_back("Revision " + std::to_string(GetRevision()));

  std::string name = GetLongName(DiscIO::Language::English);
  if (name.empty())
    // Use the file name as a fallback. Not necessarily consistent, but it's the best we have
    name = m_file_name;

  int disc_number = GetDiscNumber() + 1;

  std::string lower_name = name;
  std::transform(lower_name.begin(), lower_name.end(), lower_name.begin(), ::tolower);
  if (disc_number > 1 &&
      lower_name.find(StringFromFormat("disc %i", disc_number)) == std::string::npos &&
      lower_name.find(StringFromFormat("disc%i", disc_number)) == std::string::npos)
    std::string disc_text = "Disc ";
    info.push_back(disc_text + std::to_string(disc_number));
  if (info.empty())
    return name;
  std::ostringstream ss;
  std::copy(info.begin(), info.end() - 1, std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(ss, ", "));
  ss << info.back();
  return name + " (" + ss.str() + ")";
Exemple #2
std::string GameFile::GetUniqueIdentifier() const
  std::vector<std::string> info;
  if (!GetGameID().empty())
  if (GetRevision() != 0)
    info.push_back("Revision " + std::to_string(GetRevision()));

  const std::string& name = GetName();

  int disc_number = GetDiscNumber() + 1;

  std::string lower_name = name;
  std::transform(lower_name.begin(), lower_name.end(), lower_name.begin(), ::tolower);
  if (disc_number > 1 &&
      lower_name.find(StringFromFormat("disc %i", disc_number)) == std::string::npos &&
      lower_name.find(StringFromFormat("disc%i", disc_number)) == std::string::npos)
    std::string disc_text = "Disc ";
    info.push_back(disc_text + std::to_string(disc_number));
  if (info.empty())
    return name;
  std::ostringstream ss;
  std::copy(info.begin(), info.end() - 1, std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(ss, ", "));
  ss << info.back();
  return name + " (" + ss.str() + ")";
Exemple #3
std::string GameListItem::GetUniqueIdentifier() const
  const DiscIO::Language lang = DiscIO::Language::LANGUAGE_ENGLISH;
  std::vector<std::string> info;
  if (!GetGameID().empty())
  if (GetRevision() != 0)
    std::string rev_str = "Revision ";
    info.push_back(rev_str + std::to_string((long long)GetRevision()));

  std::string name(GetName(lang));
  if (name.empty())
    name = GetName();

  int disc_number = GetDiscNumber() + 1;

  std::string lower_name = name;
  std::transform(lower_name.begin(), lower_name.end(), lower_name.begin(), ::tolower);
  if (disc_number > 1 &&
      lower_name.find(std::string(wxString::Format("disc %i", disc_number))) == std::string::npos &&
      lower_name.find(std::string(wxString::Format("disc%i", disc_number))) == std::string::npos)
    std::string disc_text = "Disc ";
    info.push_back(disc_text + std::to_string(disc_number));
  if (info.empty())
    return name;
  std::ostringstream ss;
  std::copy(info.begin(), info.end() - 1, std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(ss, ", "));
  ss << info.back();
  return name + " (" + ss.str() + ")";
void TITLE_BLOCK::Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* aFormatter, int aNestLevel, int aControlBits ) const
    throw( IO_ERROR )
    // Don't write the title block information if there is nothing to write.
    bool isempty = true;
    for( unsigned idx = 0; idx < m_tbTexts.GetCount(); idx++ )
        if( ! m_tbTexts[idx].IsEmpty() )
            isempty = false;

    if( !isempty  )
        aFormatter->Print( aNestLevel, "(title_block\n" );

        if( !GetTitle().IsEmpty() )
            aFormatter->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(title %s)\n",
                               aFormatter->Quotew( GetTitle() ).c_str() );

        if( !GetDate().IsEmpty() )
            aFormatter->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(date %s)\n",
                               aFormatter->Quotew( GetDate() ).c_str() );

        if( !GetRevision().IsEmpty() )
            aFormatter->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(rev %s)\n",
                               aFormatter->Quotew( GetRevision() ).c_str() );

        if( !GetCompany().IsEmpty() )
            aFormatter->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(company %s)\n",
                               aFormatter->Quotew( GetCompany() ).c_str() );

        for( int ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++ )
            if( !GetComment(ii).IsEmpty() )
                aFormatter->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(comment %d %s)\n", ii+1,
                                  aFormatter->Quotew( GetComment(ii) ).c_str() );

        aFormatter->Print( aNestLevel, ")\n\n" );
Exemple #5
void MIOSEHCIInit2( void )
	GetRevision( SP+1, SP );

	if( SP[1] <= 1 )
		write32( 0xD8001E0, 0x65244A );
		write32( 0xD8001E4, 0x46A024 );

//	dbgprintf("Unsupported CPU version!\n");
Exemple #6
void MIOSHWInit( u32 A, u32 B )
	GetRevision( SP+1, SP );

	set32( HW_EXICTRL, 1 );

	MIOSDoStuff( SP[1], SP[0] );


	MIOSEHCIInit( SP[1] );

	set32( HW_RESETS, 0x7FDFBCF );

int ReadFMailCfg(char *pchFileName, USERDATAOPT *pUserdata, OUTBOUND *pOutbounds,
                 PAREALIST pRetList, PDRIVEREMAP driveremap, ULONG ulOptions)
   driveremap = driveremap;

      case -1:
         return CFGFILE_OPEN; /* CFGFILE_OPEN */

      case -2:
         return CFGFILE_READ; /* CFGFILE_READ */

      case 0x5e00: /* Revision 1 */
         return ReadRev1(pchFileName, pUserdata, pOutbounds, pRetList,

void FLevelCollectionModel::SCCDiffAgainstDepot(const FLevelModelList& InList, UEditorEngine* InEditor)
	// Load the asset registry module
	FAssetToolsModule& AssetToolsModule = FModuleManager::GetModuleChecked<FAssetToolsModule>("AssetTools");

	ISourceControlProvider& SourceControlProvider = ISourceControlModule::Get().GetProvider();

	// Iterate over each selected asset
	for (auto It = InList.CreateConstIterator(); It; ++It)
		ULevel* Level = (*It)->GetLevelObject();
		if (Level == NULL)
		UPackage* OriginalPackage = Level->GetOutermost();
		FString PackageName = OriginalPackage->GetName();

		// Make sure our history is up to date
		auto UpdateStatusOperation = ISourceControlOperation::Create<FUpdateStatus>();
		SourceControlProvider.Execute(UpdateStatusOperation, OriginalPackage);

		// Get the SCC state
		FSourceControlStatePtr SourceControlState = SourceControlProvider.GetState(
			OriginalPackage, EStateCacheUsage::Use

		// If the level is in SCC.
		if (SourceControlState.IsValid() && SourceControlState->IsSourceControlled())
			// Get the file name of package
			FString RelativeFileName;
			if(FPackageName::DoesPackageExist(PackageName, NULL, &RelativeFileName))
				if (SourceControlState->GetHistorySize() > 0)
					auto Revision = SourceControlState->GetHistoryItem(0);

					// Get the head revision of this package from source control
					FString AbsoluteFileName = FPaths::ConvertRelativePathToFull(RelativeFileName);
					FString TempFileName;
					if (Revision->Get(TempFileName))
						// Forcibly disable compile on load in case we are loading old blueprints that might try to update/compile
						TGuardValue<bool> DisableCompileOnLoad(GForceDisableBlueprintCompileOnLoad, true);

						// Try and load that package
						FText NotMapReason;
						UPackage* OldPackage = LoadPackage(NULL, *TempFileName, LOAD_None);
						if(OldPackage != NULL && InEditor->PackageIsAMapFile(*TempFileName, NotMapReason))
							/* Set the revision information*/
							UPackage* Package = OriginalPackage;

							FRevisionInfo OldRevision;
							OldRevision.Changelist = Revision->GetCheckInIdentifier();
							OldRevision.Date = Revision->GetDate();
							OldRevision.Revision = Revision->GetRevision();

							FRevisionInfo NewRevision; 
							NewRevision.Revision = TEXT("");

							// Dump assets to temp text files
							FString OldTextFilename = AssetToolsModule.Get().DumpAssetToTempFile(OldPackage);
							FString NewTextFilename = AssetToolsModule.Get().DumpAssetToTempFile(OriginalPackage);
							FString DiffCommand = GetDefault<UEditorLoadingSavingSettings>()->TextDiffToolPath.FilePath;

							AssetToolsModule.Get().CreateDiffProcess(DiffCommand, OldTextFilename, NewTextFilename);
							AssetToolsModule.Get().DiffAssets(OldPackage, OriginalPackage, OldRevision, NewRevision);
Exemple #9
std::string CVolumeGC::GetRevisionSpecificUniqueID() const
	return GetUniqueID() + StringFromFormat("r%d", GetRevision());
Exemple #10
// called from ---GUI--- thread
bool NetPlayServer::SyncSaveData()
  m_save_data_synced_players = 0;

  u8 save_count = 0;

  constexpr size_t exi_device_count = 2;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < exi_device_count; i++)
    if (m_settings.m_EXIDevice[i] == ExpansionInterface::EXIDEVICE_MEMORYCARD ||
        SConfig::GetInstance().m_EXIDevice[i] == ExpansionInterface::EXIDEVICE_MEMORYCARDFOLDER)

  const auto game = m_dialog->FindGameFile(m_selected_game);
  if (game == nullptr)
    PanicAlertT("Selected game doesn't exist in game list!");
    return false;

  bool wii_save = false;
  if (m_settings.m_CopyWiiSave && (game->GetPlatform() == DiscIO::Platform::WiiDisc ||
                                   game->GetPlatform() == DiscIO::Platform::WiiWAD))
    wii_save = true;

    sf::Packet pac;
    pac << static_cast<MessageId>(NP_MSG_SYNC_SAVE_DATA);
    pac << static_cast<MessageId>(SYNC_SAVE_DATA_NOTIFY);
    pac << save_count;


  if (save_count == 0)
    return true;

  const std::string region =

  for (size_t i = 0; i < exi_device_count; i++)
    const bool is_slot_a = i == 0;

    if (m_settings.m_EXIDevice[i] == ExpansionInterface::EXIDEVICE_MEMORYCARD)
      std::string path = is_slot_a ? Config::Get(Config::MAIN_MEMCARD_A_PATH) :

      MemoryCard::CheckPath(path, region, is_slot_a);

      bool mc251;
      IniFile gameIni = SConfig::LoadGameIni(game->GetGameID(), game->GetRevision());
      gameIni.GetOrCreateSection("Core")->Get("MemoryCard251", &mc251, false);

      if (mc251)
        path.insert(path.find_last_of('.'), ".251");

      sf::Packet pac;
      pac << static_cast<MessageId>(NP_MSG_SYNC_SAVE_DATA);
      pac << static_cast<MessageId>(SYNC_SAVE_DATA_RAW);
      pac << is_slot_a << region << mc251;

      if (File::Exists(path))
        if (!CompressFileIntoPacket(path, pac))
          return false;
        // No file, so we'll say the size is 0
        pac << sf::Uint64{0};

    else if (SConfig::GetInstance().m_EXIDevice[i] ==
      const std::string path = File::GetUserPath(D_GCUSER_IDX) + region + DIR_SEP +
                               StringFromFormat("Card %c", is_slot_a ? 'A' : 'B');

      sf::Packet pac;
      pac << static_cast<MessageId>(NP_MSG_SYNC_SAVE_DATA);
      pac << static_cast<MessageId>(SYNC_SAVE_DATA_GCI);
      pac << is_slot_a;

      if (File::IsDirectory(path))
        std::vector<std::string> files =
            GCMemcardDirectory::GetFileNamesForGameID(path + DIR_SEP, game->GetGameID());

        pac << static_cast<u8>(files.size());

        for (const std::string& file : files)
          pac << file.substr(file.find_last_of('/') + 1);
          if (!CompressFileIntoPacket(file, pac))
            return false;
        pac << static_cast<u8>(0);


  if (wii_save)
    const auto configured_fs = IOS::HLE::FS::MakeFileSystem(IOS::HLE::FS::Location::Configured);
    const auto save = WiiSave::MakeNandStorage(configured_fs.get(), game->GetTitleID());

    sf::Packet pac;
    pac << static_cast<MessageId>(NP_MSG_SYNC_SAVE_DATA);
    pac << static_cast<MessageId>(SYNC_SAVE_DATA_WII);

    if (save->SaveExists())
      const std::optional<WiiSave::Header> header = save->ReadHeader();
      const std::optional<WiiSave::BkHeader> bk_header = save->ReadBkHeader();
      const std::optional<std::vector<WiiSave::Storage::SaveFile>> files = save->ReadFiles();
      if (!header || !bk_header || !files)
        return false;

      pac << true;  // save exists

      // Header
      pac << sf::Uint64{header->tid};
      pac << header->banner_size << header->permissions << header->unk1;
      for (size_t i = 0; i < header->md5.size(); i++)
        pac << header->md5[i];
      pac << header->unk2;
      for (size_t i = 0; i < header->banner_size; i++)
        pac << header->banner[i];

      // BkHeader
      pac << bk_header->size << bk_header->magic << bk_header->ngid << bk_header->number_of_files
          << bk_header->size_of_files << bk_header->unk1 << bk_header->unk2
          << bk_header->total_size;
      for (size_t i = 0; i < bk_header->unk3.size(); i++)
        pac << bk_header->unk3[i];
      pac << sf::Uint64{bk_header->tid};
      for (size_t i = 0; i < bk_header->mac_address.size(); i++)
        pac << bk_header->mac_address[i];

      // Files
      for (const WiiSave::Storage::SaveFile& file : *files)
        pac << file.mode << file.attributes << static_cast<u8>(file.type) << file.path;

        if (file.type == WiiSave::Storage::SaveFile::Type::File)
          const std::optional<std::vector<u8>>& data = *file.data;
          if (!data || !CompressBufferIntoPacket(*data, pac))
            return false;
      pac << false;  // save does not exist


  return true;
Exemple #11
int CLuaInstMisc::GetRevision_old(lua_State *L)
	return GetRevision(L);