void CModelessDlg::OnDestroy() 
	GetSafeOwner()->SendMessage(UWM_MODELESSDESTROY, WPARAM(this));	// notify owner
Exemple #2
// creates a new balloon window
// Parameters:
//    strTitle    |  Title of balloon
//    strContent  |  Content of balloon
//    ptAnchor    |  point tail of balloon will be "anchor"ed to
//    unOptions   |  One or more of:
//                :     unCLOSE_ON_LBUTTON_UP   |  closes window on WM_LBUTTON_UP
//                :     unCLOSE_ON_MBUTTON_UP   |  closes window on WM_MBUTTON_UP
//                :     unCLOSE_ON_RBUTTON_UP   |  closes window on WM_RBUTTON_UP
//                :     unCLOSE_ON_LBUTTON_DOWN |  closes window on WM_LBUTTON_DOWN
//                :     unCLOSE_ON_MBUTTON_DOWN |  closes window on WM_MBUTTON_DOWN
//                :     unCLOSE_ON_RBUTTON_DOWN |  closes window on WM_RBUTTON_DOWN
//                :     unCLOSE_ON_MOUSE_MOVE   |  closes window when user moves mouse past threshhold
//                :     unCLOSE_ON_KEYPRESS     |  closes window on the next keypress message sent to this thread.    (!!! probably not thread safe !!!)
//                :     unDELETE_THIS_ON_CLOSE  |  deletes object when window is closed.  Used by LaunchBalloon(), use with care
//                :     unSHOW_CLOSE_BUTTON     |  shows close button in upper right
//                :     unSHOW_INNER_SHADOW     |  draw inner shadow in balloon
//                :     unSHOW_TOPMOST          |  place balloon above all other windows
//                :     unDISABLE_FADE          |  disable the fade-in/fade-out effects (overrides system and user settings)
//                :     unDISABLE_FADEIN        |  disable the fade-in effect
//                :     unDISABLE_FADEOUT       |  disable the fade-out effect
//    pParentWnd  |  Parent window.  If NULL will be set to AfxGetMainWnd() and anchor to screen
//    strURL      |  If not empty, when the balloon is clicked ShellExecute() will
//                |  be called, with strURL passed in.
//    unTimeout   |  If not 0, balloon will automatically close after unTimeout milliseconds.
//    hIcon       |  If not NULL, the icon indicated by hIcon will be displayed at top-left of the balloon.
// Returns:
//    TRUE if successful, else FALSE
BOOL CBalloonHelp::Create(const CString& strTitle, const CString& strContent, 
						  const CPoint& ptAnchor, unsigned int unOptions,
						  CWnd* pParentWnd /*=NULL*/,
						  const CString strURL /*= ""*/,
						  unsigned int unTimeout /*= 0*/,
						  HICON hIcon /*= NULL*/)
	m_strContent   = strContent;
	SetAnchorPoint(ptAnchor, pParentWnd);
	m_unOptions    = unOptions;
	m_strURL       = strURL;
	m_unTimeout    = unTimeout;
	if ( NULL != hIcon )
	pParentWnd = GetSafeOwner(pParentWnd);
	if (NULL == pParentWnd)
		return FALSE;
	// if no fonts set, use defaults
	if ( NULL == m_pContentFont )
		m_pContentFont = new CFont;
		if ( !m_pContentFont->CreateStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT) )
			return FALSE;
	// title font defaults to bold version of content font
	if ( NULL == m_pTitleFont )
		m_pTitleFont = new CFont;
		LOGFONT LogFont;
		LogFont.lfWeight = FW_BOLD;
		if ( !m_pTitleFont->CreateFontIndirect(&LogFont) )
			return FALSE;
	if ( !GetClassAtom() )  // couldn't register class
		return FALSE;
	// check system settings: if fade effects are disabled or unavailable, disable here too
	BOOL bFade = FALSE;
	::SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETTOOLTIPANIMATION, 0, &bFade, 0);
	if (bFade)
		::SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETTOOLTIPFADE, 0, &bFade, 0);
	if (!bFade || NULL == m_fnAnimateWindow)
		m_unOptions |= unDISABLE_FADE;
	// create invisible at arbitrary position; then position, set region, and finally show
	// the idea with WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW is, you can't switch to this using alt+tab
	if ( m_unOptions&unSHOW_TOPMOST )      // make topmost, if requested
		dwExStyle |= WS_EX_TOPMOST;
	if ( !CreateEx(dwExStyle, _T("BalloonHelpClass"), strTitle, WS_POPUP, CRect(0,0,10,10), pParentWnd, 0, NULL) )
		return FALSE;
	if ( (m_unOptions&unCLOSE_ON_MOUSE_MOVE)
		||(m_unOptions&unCLOSE_ON_RBUTTON_DOWN) )
	// these need to take effect even if the window receiving them
	// is not owned by this process.  So, if this process does not
	// already have the mouse captured, capture it!
	if ( (m_unOptions&unCLOSE_ON_LBUTTON_UP)
		||(m_unOptions&unCLOSE_ON_RBUTTON_UP) )
		// no, i don't particularly need or want to deal with a situation
		// where a balloon is being created and another program has captured
		// the mouse.  If you need it, it shouldn't be too hard, just do it here.
		if ( NULL == GetCapture() )
	if ( m_unOptions&unCLOSE_ON_KEYPRESS )
	return TRUE;