Exemple #1
static PyObject *ScrapObj_GetScrapFlavorFlags(ScrapObject *_self, PyObject *_args)
	PyObject *_res = NULL;
	OSStatus _err;
	ScrapFlavorType flavorType;
	ScrapFlavorFlags flavorFlags;
	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&",
	                      PyMac_GetOSType, &flavorType))
		return NULL;
	_err = GetScrapFlavorFlags(_self->ob_itself,
	if (_err != noErr) return PyMac_Error(_err);
	_res = Py_BuildValue("l",
	return _res;
Exemple #2
boolean getscrap (tyscraptype scraptype, Handle hscrap) {
	return true if something was loaded from the scrap, false 
	12/26/91 dmb: return true if scraptype exists; generate error alert on real error.

	5.0a16 dmb: need to scan more than last 32 bytes for NUL char
		ScrapRef			theScrap;
	    ScrapFlavorType 	flavorType = (ScrapFlavorType)scraptype;
	    Size 				byteCount;
	    OSStatus			status;
	    ScrapFlavorFlags	flavorFlags;
		boolean				retVal = true;
		Size				prevCount;

	    status = GetCurrentScrap(&theScrap);
	    if(status != noErr)
			oserror (status);

		status = GetScrapFlavorFlags(theScrap, flavorType, &flavorFlags);
		if(status == noTypeErr)
			retVal = false;
		else if(status < 0)
			retVal = false;
			oserror (status);
		//if we get here and the handles nil, we really don't want the data
		//also if retVal is false, it means the type does not exist
		if(hscrap == nil || !retVal)
			return retVal;

		status = GetScrapFlavorSize(theScrap, flavorType, &byteCount);
		if(status != noErr)
			oserror (status);
		prevCount = byteCount;
		SetHandleSize(hscrap, byteCount);
		if (MemError () != noErr)
			return (false);
		//lock the handle before getting the data
	    status = GetScrapFlavorData(theScrap, flavorType, &byteCount, *(hscrap));

	    if(status != noErr)
			oserror (status);
		//only return true if we got all the data.
		return (byteCount == prevCount);

		#else //precarbon mac		
		long result;
		long offset;
		result = GetScrap (hscrap, scraptype, &offset);
		if (result == noTypeErr)
			return (false);
		if (result < 0)
			oserror (result);

		return (true); /*there was something on the scrap of the given type*/
	#ifdef WIN95VERSION
		Handle hdata;
		long ctbytes;
		char *pdata;
		boolean fl;
		/*long i;*/
		UINT wintype;
		wintype = shell2winscraptype (scraptype);
		if (wintype == 0)
			return (false);
		releasethreadglobals (); //getting clipboard data can send us a WM_RENDERFORMAT msg
		hdata = GetClipboardData (wintype);
		grabthreadglobals ();
		if (hdata == NULL) {
			oserror (GetLastError ()); // may be no error
			return (false);
		ctbytes = GlobalSize (hdata);
		pdata = GlobalLock (hdata);
		if (pdata == NULL)
			return (false);
		if (scraptype == textscraptype) {		//Handle reducing the scrap size to the NULL
			/* i = 0x40;
			 if (i > ctbytes)
				 i = ctbytes;

			 while (i > 0) {
				 if (*(pdata + ctbytes - i) == 0) {
					 ctbytes = ctbytes - i;

				 } /%while%/

			ctbytes = strlen (pdata); /*7.1b23: call strlen to find the first terminator: removes junk from end*/
			} /*if*/

		fl = sethandlecontents (pdata, ctbytes, hscrap);
		GlobalUnlock (hdata);
		return (fl);
	} /*getscrap*/
Exemple #3
/*** ADJUST MENUS ***/
OSStatus AdjustMenus( void )
	register		WindowRef theWin;
	short 			windowKind;
	Boolean 		isDA, isObjectWin, selection, scrapExists, undoExists, isGotoWin, isFindWin;
	EditWindowPtr	dWin = NULL;
	Str31			menuStr;
	short 			i;
	long			scrapSize;	// LR: v1.6.5
	Str255			frontWindowName, menuItemTitle;
	Boolean			namesMatch;

	theWin = FrontNonFloatingWindow();
	if( theWin )
		isGotoWin = (g.gotoDlg && theWin == GetDialogWindow( g.gotoDlg ));		//LR: 1.7 - don't get window info on NULL!
		isFindWin = (g.searchDlg && theWin == GetDialogWindow( g.searchDlg ));

		windowKind = GetWindowKind( theWin );
		isDA = ( windowKind < 0 );
		isObjectWin = GetWindowKind( theWin ) == kHexEditWindowTag;
		if( isObjectWin )
			dWin = (EditWindowPtr)GetWRefCon( theWin );	//LR: 1.66 - don't set unless an edit window!
			selection = dWin->endSel > dWin->startSel;
			selection = (isGotoWin || isFindWin);
	else	// LR: v1.6.5 if no window is visible, then nothing is true!
		isGotoWin = isFindWin = isObjectWin = isDA = selection = 0;

	// LR: v1.6.5 - rewrite of scrap check
	if( isObjectWin || isFindWin || isGotoWin )
		ScrapFlavorFlags flavorFlags;
		ScrapRef scrapRef;
		OSErr anErr;

		anErr = GetCurrentScrap( &scrapRef );
		if( !anErr )
			anErr = GetScrapFlavorFlags( scrapRef, kScrapFlavorTypeText, &flavorFlags );	// non-blocking check for scrap data
		if( !anErr )
			anErr = GetScrapFlavorSize( scrapRef, kScrapFlavorTypeText, &scrapSize );		// blocking call to get size
		long offset;

		scrapSize = GetScrap( NULL, 'TEXT', &offset );
		scrapExists = scrapSize > 0;
		scrapExists = false;

	undoExists = (isObjectWin && gUndo.type != 0 && gUndo.theWin == dWin);	// check for NULL gUndo!
// LR: - enable file menu items during search, via Aaron D.
// LR:	_enableMenuItem( fileMenu, FM_New, g.searchDlg == NULL );
// LR:	_enableMenuItem( fileMenu, FM_Open, g.searchDlg == NULL );

// LR: 1.65 moved print names to string for localization
	GetIndString( menuStr, strPrint, (isObjectWin && dWin->startSel < dWin->endSel) ? 2 : 1 );

	SetMenuItemText( fileMenu, FM_Print, menuStr );

//LR 188 -- page setup should always be enabled
//	_enableMenuItem( fileMenu, FM_PageSetup, isObjectWin );	//SEL: 1.7 - enabled for carbon
	_enableMenuItem( fileMenu, FM_Print, isObjectWin );

//	HR/LR 050328 - Enable and check FM_Disassemble menu item
	_enableMenuItem( fileMenu, FM_Disassemble, isObjectWin );
	CheckMenuItem( fileMenu, FM_Disassemble, g.disassemble );

	_enableMenuItem( fileMenu, FM_OtherFork, isObjectWin );
	_enableMenuItem( fileMenu, FM_Close, isDA || isObjectWin || isFindWin || isGotoWin );	// LR: v1.6.5 rewrite via Max Horn
	_enableMenuItem( fileMenu, FM_Save, isObjectWin && dWin->dirtyFlag );
	_enableMenuItem( fileMenu, FM_SaveAs, isObjectWin );
	_enableMenuItem( fileMenu, FM_Revert, isObjectWin && dWin->refNum && dWin->dirtyFlag );

	_enableMenuItem( editMenu, 0, theWin != NULL );
	_enableMenuItem( editMenu, EM_Undo, isDA || undoExists );
	_enableMenuItem( editMenu, EM_Cut,  isDA || (selection && (!gPrefs.overwrite || (gPrefs.overwrite && !gPrefs.nonDestructive))) );
	_enableMenuItem( editMenu, EM_Copy, isDA || selection );
	_enableMenuItem( editMenu, EM_Paste, isDA || (scrapExists && (!gPrefs.overwrite || (gPrefs.overwrite && !gPrefs.nonDestructive))) );
	_enableMenuItem( editMenu, EM_Clear, isDA || selection );

	_enableMenuItem( editMenu, EM_SelectAll, isDA || isObjectWin || isFindWin || isGotoWin );

	_enableMenuItem( findMenu, 0, isObjectWin || isFindWin || isGotoWin );
/* 1.65
	_enableMenuItem( findMenu, SM_Find, isObjectWin );
	_enableMenuItem( findMenu, SM_GotoAddress, isObjectWin );
	_enableMenuItem( findMenu, SM_FindForward, selection || (isObjectWin && dWin->fileSize && g.searchBuffer[0]) );	//LR 1.72 -- only enable w/something to search :)
	_enableMenuItem( findMenu, SM_FindBackward, selection || (isObjectWin && dWin->fileSize && g.searchBuffer[0]) );
	_enableMenuItem( findMenu, SM_Replace, selection || (isObjectWin && dWin->fileSize && g.searchBuffer[0]) );

	_enableMenuItem( optionsMenu, OM_NonDestructive, gPrefs.overwrite );	//LR 1.74 -- only available in overwrite mode

	CheckMenuItem( optionsMenu, OM_HiAscii, gPrefs.asciiMode );
	CheckMenuItem( optionsMenu, OM_DecimalAddr, gPrefs.decimalAddr );
	CheckMenuItem( optionsMenu, OM_Backups, gPrefs.backupFlag );
	CheckMenuItem( optionsMenu, OM_WinSize, gPrefs.constrainSize );
	CheckMenuItem( optionsMenu, OM_Overwrite, gPrefs.overwrite );
	CheckMenuItem( optionsMenu, OM_NonDestructive, !gPrefs.nonDestructive );	//LR 190 -- REVERSE (updated text, not code)
	CheckMenuItem( optionsMenu, OM_MoveOnlyPaging, gPrefs.moveOnlyPaging );	//LR 180 -- optional move only paging
	CheckMenuItem( optionsMenu, OM_Unformatted, !gPrefs.formatCopies );
	CheckMenuItem( optionsMenu, OM_VertBars, gPrefs.vertBars );
 	CheckMenuItem( optionsMenu, OM_OpenOnLaunch, gPrefs.dialogAtLaunch );	//WD_rpw 12-18-04

	// LR: v1.6.5 Lots of re-writing on handling the color scheme menu
	// no color usage if not displayable!
	if( !g.colorQDFlag )
		gPrefs.useColor = false;

// LR: v1.6.5	CheckMenuItem( gColorMenu, CM_UseColor, gPrefs.useColor );	// allow turning on even if not usable
// LR: v1.6.5 Try to show status of color in new windows to help "intuitive" nature of menu
	GetIndString( menuStr, strColor, (gPrefs.useColor) ? 2 : 1 );
	SetMenuItemText( colorMenu, CM_UseColor, menuStr );

	//LR 181 -- show the current window color (or default if no windows)
	if( _cmCheckedItem )
		CheckMenuItem( colorMenu, _cmCheckedItem, false );
	_cmCheckedItem = isObjectWin ? dWin->csMenuID : gPrefs.csMenuID;
	CheckMenuItem( colorMenu, _cmCheckedItem, true );

	selection = gPrefs.useColor;	//LR 190 -- && isObjectWin && dWin->csResID > 0;
	i = CountMenuItems( colorMenu );
		_enableMenuItem( colorMenu, i, selection );	// LR: v1.6.5 only enable for color windows
	} while( --i > 2 );
	// NS: v1.6.6 checkmark front window in window menu
	if( theWin )
		GetWTitle( theWin, frontWindowName );	//LR: 1.66 - don't use NULL window!
		frontWindowName[0] = 0;

	i = CountMenuItems( windowMenu );
	_enableMenuItem(windowMenu, 0, i != 0);	// dim out Window menu if no windows up.
	while( i )
		GetMenuItemText( windowMenu, i, menuItemTitle );		// if you open more than one file with the same name (or edit the other fork)É
		namesMatch = EqualPStrings( frontWindowName, menuItemTitle );	// Éyou will have multiple items in the menu with the same text, and all will be checkmarked
		CheckMenuItem( windowMenu, i, namesMatch );


	return( noErr );