/// <summary>
/// </summary>
void ProcessColor(){
	NUI_IMAGE_FRAME imageFrame;

	hr = m_pNuiSensor->NuiImageStreamGetNextFrame(m_pStreamColorHandle, 0, &imageFrame);
	if (FAILED(hr))	{

	INuiFrameTexture * pTexture = imageFrame.pFrameTexture;
    NUI_LOCKED_RECT LockedRect;

    // Lock the frame data so the Kinect knows not to modify it while we're reading it
    pTexture->LockRect(0, &LockedRect, NULL, 0);

    // Make sure we've received valid data
    if (LockedRect.Pitch != 0) {
		cv::Mat colorFrame(cHeight, cWidth, CV_8UC3);

		for(int i = 0; i < cHeight; i++) {
			uchar *ptr = colorFrame.ptr<uchar>(i);
			uchar *pBuffer = (uchar*)(LockedRect.pBits) + i * LockedRect.Pitch;

			for(int j = 0; j < cWidth; j++)	{
				ptr[3*j] = pBuffer[4*j];
				ptr[3*j+1] = pBuffer[4*j+1];
				ptr[3*j+2] = pBuffer[4*j+2];

		// Draw image
		if (m_bShow) {
			cv::imshow("Color", colorFrame);

		// If m_bRecord
		if (m_bRecord) {
			// Retrieve the path to My Photos
            WCHAR screenshotPath[MAX_PATH];

            // Write out the bitmap to disk
			GetScreenshotFileName(screenshotPath, _countof(screenshotPath), COLOR);

			std::wstring screenshotPathWStr(screenshotPath);
			std::string screenshotPathStr(screenshotPathWStr.begin(), screenshotPathWStr.end());
			cv::imwrite(screenshotPathStr, colorFrame);

	m_pNuiSensor->NuiImageStreamReleaseFrame(m_pStreamColorHandle, &imageFrame);
Exemple #2
BOOL HandleKeyPress(DWORD vKey) 
	switch(vKey) {

		case VK_F4:
					bShowNameTags = FALSE;
					bShowNameTags = TRUE;

		case VK_F7:			

		case VK_F8:
				CScreenshot ScreenShot(pD3DDevice);
				std::string sFileName;
				if(ScreenShot.TakeScreenShot((PCHAR)sFileName.c_str())) {
					pChatWindow->AddInfoMessage("Screenshot Taken - %s",sFileName.c_str());
				} else {
					pChatWindow->AddInfoMessage("Unable to take a screenshot");

		case VK_RETURN:

	return FALSE;
Exemple #3
// Take a screenshot
static void TakeScreenshot(const std::string& scr_path, const std::string& additional_data)
	if (scr_path.empty()) // Check

	notes << "Save screenshot to " << scr_path << endl;

	std::string	extension;

	// Set the extension
	switch (tLXOptions->iScreenshotFormat)  {
	case FMT_BMP: extension = ".bmp"; break;
	case FMT_PNG: extension = ".png"; break;
	case FMT_JPG: extension = ".jpg"; break;
	case FMT_GIF: extension = ".gif"; break;
	default: extension = ".png";

	// Save the surface
	SaveSurface(VideoPostProcessor::videoBufferSurface(), GetScreenshotFileName(scr_path, extension),
		tLXOptions->iScreenshotFormat, additional_data);
/// <summary>
/// Handle new depth and color data
/// <param name="nTime">timestamp of frame</param>
/// <param name="pDepthBuffer">pointer to depth frame data</param>
/// <param name="nDepthWidth">width (in pixels) of input depth image data</param>
/// <param name="nDepthHeight">height (in pixels) of input depth image data</param>
/// <param name="pColorBuffer">pointer to color frame data</param>
/// <param name="nColorWidth">width (in pixels) of input color image data</param>
/// <param name="nColorHeight">height (in pixels) of input color image data</param>
/// <param name="pBodyIndexBuffer">pointer to body index frame data</param>
/// <param name="nBodyIndexWidth">width (in pixels) of input body index data</param>
/// <param name="nBodyIndexHeight">height (in pixels) of input body index data</param>
/// </summary>
void CCoordinateMappingBasics::ProcessFrame(INT64 nTime, 
                                            const UINT16* pDepthBuffer, int nDepthWidth, int nDepthHeight, 
                                            const RGBQUAD* pColorBuffer, int nColorWidth, int nColorHeight,
                                            const BYTE* pBodyIndexBuffer, int nBodyIndexWidth, int nBodyIndexHeight,
											int nBodyCount, IBody** ppBodies)
    if (m_hWnd)
        if (!m_nStartTime)
            m_nStartTime = nTime;

        double fps = 0.0;

        LARGE_INTEGER qpcNow = {0};
        if (m_fFreq)
            if (QueryPerformanceCounter(&qpcNow))
                if (m_nLastCounter)
                    fps = m_fFreq * m_nFramesSinceUpdate / double(qpcNow.QuadPart - m_nLastCounter);

        WCHAR szStatusMessage[64];
        StringCchPrintf(szStatusMessage, _countof(szStatusMessage), L" FPS = %0.2f    Time = %I64d", fps, (nTime - m_nStartTime));

        if (SetStatusMessage(szStatusMessage, 1000, false))
            m_nLastCounter = qpcNow.QuadPart;
            m_nFramesSinceUpdate = 0;

    // Make sure we've received valid data
    if (m_pCoordinateMapper && m_pColorCoordinates && m_pOutputRGBX && 
        pDepthBuffer && (nDepthWidth == cDepthWidth) && (nDepthHeight == cDepthHeight) && 
        pColorBuffer && (nColorWidth == cColorWidth) && (nColorHeight == cColorHeight) &&
        pBodyIndexBuffer && (nBodyIndexWidth == cDepthWidth) && (nBodyIndexHeight == cDepthHeight))
        HRESULT hr = m_pCoordinateMapper->MapDepthFrameToColorSpace(nDepthWidth * nDepthHeight, (UINT16*)pDepthBuffer,nDepthWidth * nDepthHeight, m_pColorCoordinates);
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            RGBQUAD c_green = {0, 255, 0}; 

            // loop over pixel of the output
            for (int depthIndex = 0; depthIndex < (nDepthWidth * nDepthHeight); ++depthIndex)
                // default setting source to copy from the background pixel
                const RGBQUAD* pSrc = (m_pBackgroundRGBX) ? (m_pBackgroundRGBX + depthIndex) : &c_green; 

                BYTE player = pBodyIndexBuffer[depthIndex];

                // if we're tracking a player for the current pixel, draw from the color camera
                if (player != 0xff)
                    // retrieve the depth to color mapping for the current depth pixel
                    ColorSpacePoint colorPoint = m_pColorCoordinates[depthIndex];

                    // make sure the depth pixel maps to a valid point in color space
                    int colorX = (int)(floor(colorPoint.X + 0.5));
                    int colorY = (int)(floor(colorPoint.Y + 0.5));
                    if ((colorX >= 0) && (colorX < nColorWidth) && (colorY >= 0) && (colorY < nColorHeight))
                        // calculate index into color array
                        int colorIndex = colorX + (colorY * nColorWidth);
                        // set source for copy to the color pixel
                        pSrc = m_pColorRGBX + colorIndex;

                // write output
                m_pOutputRGBX[depthIndex] = *pSrc;

            // Draw the data with Direct2D
            m_pDrawCoordinateMapping->Draw(reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(m_pOutputRGBX), cDepthWidth * cDepthHeight * sizeof(RGBQUAD));

            if (m_bSaveScreenshot)
                WCHAR szScreenshotPath[MAX_PATH];

                // Retrieve the path to My Photos
                GetScreenshotFileName(szScreenshotPath, _countof(szScreenshotPath));

                // Write out the bitmap to disk
                HRESULT hr = SaveBitmapToFile(reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(m_pOutputRGBX), nDepthWidth, nDepthHeight, sizeof(RGBQUAD) * 8, szScreenshotPath);

                WCHAR szStatusMessage[64 + MAX_PATH];
                if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                    // Set the status bar to show where the screenshot was saved
                    StringCchPrintf(szStatusMessage, _countof(szStatusMessage), L"Screenshot saved to %s", szScreenshotPath);
                    StringCchPrintf(szStatusMessage, _countof(szStatusMessage), L"Failed to write screenshot to %s", szScreenshotPath);

                SetStatusMessage(szStatusMessage, 5000, true);

                // toggle off so we don't save a screenshot again next frame
                m_bSaveScreenshot = false;

	D2D1_POINT_2F center;
	center.x = 400.0;
	center.y = 100.0;

	int width = 0;
	int height = 0;
	if (m_pCoordinateMapper)

		RECT rct;
		GetClientRect(GetDlgItem(m_hWnd, IDC_VIDEOVIEW), &rct);
		width = rct.right;
		height = rct.bottom;

		DWORD clipedge = 0;

		for (int i = 0; i < nBodyCount; ++i)
			IBody* pBody = ppBodies[i];
			if (pBody)
				BOOLEAN bTracked = false;
				HRESULT hr = pBody->get_IsTracked(&bTracked);

				// Engaged()は使えるみたい。これは、視野に入ってきた人を認識するものだろう。
				//hr = pBody->get_Engaged(&nEngaged[i]);
				// 以下はまだ使えないようだ
				//hr = pBody->GetAppearanceDetectionResults((UINT)i, &nEngaged[i]);

				if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && bTracked)
					Joint joints[JointType_Count];
					D2D1_POINT_2F jointPoints[JointType_Count];
					HandState leftHandState = HandState_Unknown;
					HandState rightHandState = HandState_Unknown;


					hr = pBody->GetJoints(_countof(joints), joints);
					if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
						for (int j = 0; j < _countof(joints); ++j)
							jointPoints[j] = BodyToScreen(joints[j].Position, width, height);

						m_pDrawCoordinateMapping->DrawBody(joints, jointPoints);

						// ここに頭部に丸を描いて、ボディ番号を表示
						m_pDrawCoordinateMapping->DrawHead(jointPoints[JointType_Head], i, clipedge/*, nEngaged[i]*/);

						m_pDrawCoordinateMapping->DrawHand(leftHandState, jointPoints[JointType_HandLeft]);
						m_pDrawCoordinateMapping->DrawHand(rightHandState, jointPoints[JointType_HandRight]);

						// 手先がある領域にきたら実行
						// ボタンのような
						// 現状、複数人が認識されても実行するので、本来は最初に認識された一人のみにする必要がある。
						float xy[2] = { 0.0 };
						xy[0] = jointPoints[JointType_HandTipRight].x - center.x;
						xy[1] = jointPoints[JointType_HandTipRight].y - center.y;

						m_nButton = 0;
						if (sqrt(xy[0] * xy[0] + xy[1] * xy[1]) < 50.0)
							m_nButton = 1;
						m_pDrawCoordinateMapping->DrawButton(center, m_nButton);
/// <summary>
/// Handle new color data
/// <param name="nTime">timestamp of frame</param>
/// <param name="pBuffer">pointer to frame data</param>
/// <param name="nWidth">width (in pixels) of input image data</param>
/// <param name="nHeight">height (in pixels) of input image data</param>
/// </summary>
void CBodyBasics::ProcessColor(INT64 nTime, RGBQUAD* pBuffer, int nWidth, int nHeight)
	if (m_hWnd)
		if (!m_nStartTime)
			m_nStartTime = nTime;

		double fps = 0.0;

		LARGE_INTEGER qpcNow = { 0 };
		if (m_fFreq)
			if (QueryPerformanceCounter(&qpcNow))
				if (m_nLastCounter)
					fps = m_fFreq * m_nFramesSinceUpdate / double(qpcNow.QuadPart - m_nLastCounter);

		WCHAR szStatusMessage[64];
		StringCchPrintf(szStatusMessage, _countof(szStatusMessage), L" FPS = %0.2f    Time = %I64d", fps, (nTime - m_nStartTime));

		if (SetStatusMessage(szStatusMessage, 1000, false))
			m_nLastCounter = qpcNow.QuadPart;
			m_nFramesSinceUpdate = 0;

	// Make sure we've received valid data
	if (pBuffer && (nWidth == cColorWidth) && (nHeight == cColorHeight))
		// Draw the data with Direct2D
		m_pDrawColor->Draw(reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(pBuffer), cColorWidth * cColorHeight * sizeof(RGBQUAD));

		if (m_bSaveScreenshot)
			WCHAR szScreenshotPath[MAX_PATH];

			// Retrieve the path to My Photos
			GetScreenshotFileName(szScreenshotPath, _countof(szScreenshotPath));

			// Write out the bitmap to disk
			HRESULT hr = SaveBitmapToFile(reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(pBuffer), nWidth, nHeight, sizeof(RGBQUAD)* 8, szScreenshotPath);

			WCHAR szStatusMessage[64 + MAX_PATH];
			if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
				// Set the status bar to show where the screenshot was saved
				StringCchPrintf(szStatusMessage, _countof(szStatusMessage), L"Screenshot saved to %s", szScreenshotPath);
				StringCchPrintf(szStatusMessage, _countof(szStatusMessage), L"Failed to write screenshot to %s", szScreenshotPath);

			SetStatusMessage(szStatusMessage, 5000, true);

			// toggle off so we don't save a screenshot again next frame
			m_bSaveScreenshot = false;
Exemple #6
/// <summary>
/// Handle new color data
/// </summary>
/// <returns>indicates success or failure</returns>
void CColorBasics::ProcessColor(DASHout* dasher)
    HRESULT hr;
    NUI_IMAGE_FRAME imageFrame;
	colourFrame *cFrame;

    // Attempt to get the color frame
    hr = m_pNuiSensor->NuiImageStreamGetNextFrame(m_pColorStreamHandle, 0, &imageFrame);
    if (FAILED(hr))
		printf("failed in processcolor \n ");

    INuiFrameTexture * pTexture = imageFrame.pFrameTexture;
    NUI_LOCKED_RECT LockedRect;

    // Lock the frame data so the Kinect knows not to modify it while we're reading it
    pTexture->LockRect(0, &LockedRect, NULL, 0);

    // Make sure we've received valid data
    if (LockedRect.Pitch != 0)

		//init the frame to be parsed in FFMPEG
		cFrame = init_cFrame(cColorWidth*cColorHeight*3);

		//Frame number
		cFrame->number = imageFrame.dwFrameNumber;
		if (!dasher->sys_start) {
			dasher->sys_start = gf_sys_clock_high_res();
			dasher->prev_pts = 0;
			cFrame->pts = 0;
		} else {	
			//TODO: fix timing here and
			cFrame->pts = 30*(gf_sys_clock_high_res() - dasher->sys_start)/1000000;
			printf("CTS diff is %d ms\n", (u32) (cFrame->pts - dasher->prev_pts) / 1000);
			dasher->prev_pts = cFrame->pts;
		//convert RGBA to RGB
		unsigned char * currFrame = (unsigned char *)LockedRect.pBits;

		int j = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < cColorWidth * cColorHeight * 4; i += 4){
			(cFrame->kinectFrame)[i - j] = currFrame[i + 2];
			(cFrame->kinectFrame)[i - j + 1] = currFrame[i + 1];
			(cFrame->kinectFrame)[i - j + 2] = currFrame[i];

		dasher->nextColourFrame = cFrame;

        // Draw the data with Direct2D
        m_pDrawColor->Draw(static_cast<BYTE *>(LockedRect.pBits), LockedRect.size);

#if 0
		// If the user pressed the screenshot button, save a screenshot
        if (m_bSaveScreenshot)
            WCHAR statusMessage[cStatusMessageMaxLen];

            // Retrieve the path to My Photos
            WCHAR screenshotPath[MAX_PATH];
            GetScreenshotFileName(screenshotPath, _countof(screenshotPath));

            // Write out the bitmap to disk
            hr = SaveBitmapToFile(static_cast<BYTE *>(LockedRect.pBits), cColorWidth, cColorHeight, 32, screenshotPath);

            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                // Set the status bar to show where the screenshot was saved
                StringCchPrintf( statusMessage, cStatusMessageMaxLen, L"Screenshot saved to %s", screenshotPath);
                StringCchPrintf( statusMessage, cStatusMessageMaxLen, L"Failed to write screenshot to %s", screenshotPath);


            // toggle off so we don't save a screenshot again next frame
            m_bSaveScreenshot = false;

    // We're done with the texture so unlock it

    // Release the frame
    m_pNuiSensor->NuiImageStreamReleaseFrame(m_pColorStreamHandle, &imageFrame);
Exemple #7
/// <summary>
/// Handle new depth data
/// <param name="nTime">timestamp of frame</param>
/// <param name="pBuffer">pointer to frame data</param>
/// <param name="nWidth">width (in pixels) of input image data</param>
/// <param name="nHeight">height (in pixels) of input image data</param>
/// <param name="nMinDepth">minimum reliable depth</param>
/// <param name="nMaxDepth">maximum reliable depth</param>
/// </summary>
void CDepthBasics::ProcessDepth(INT64 nTime, const UINT16* pBuffer, int nWidth, int nHeight, USHORT nMinDepth, USHORT nMaxDepth)
    if (m_hWnd)
        if (!m_nStartTime)
            m_nStartTime = nTime;

        double fps = 0.0;

        LARGE_INTEGER qpcNow = {0};
        if (m_fFreq)
            if (QueryPerformanceCounter(&qpcNow))
                if (m_nLastCounter)
                    fps = m_fFreq * m_nFramesSinceUpdate / double(qpcNow.QuadPart - m_nLastCounter);

        WCHAR szStatusMessage[64];
        StringCchPrintf(szStatusMessage, _countof(szStatusMessage), L" FPS = %0.2f    Time = %I64d", fps, (nTime - m_nStartTime));

        if (SetStatusMessage(szStatusMessage, 1000, false))
            m_nLastCounter = qpcNow.QuadPart;
            m_nFramesSinceUpdate = 0;

    int size = nWidth*nHeight;

    // Make sure we've received valid data
    if (m_pDepthRGBX && pBuffer && (nWidth == cDepthWidth) && (nHeight == cDepthHeight))
        RGBQUAD* pRGBX = m_pDepthRGBX;

        // Make a copy of received depth frame
        UINT16* depthFrameCopy = new UINT16[nWidth * nHeight];
        const UINT16* srcDepthFrame = pBuffer;
        memcpy(depthFrameCopy, srcDepthFrame, nWidth*nHeight*sizeof(UINT16));

        // Collect 10 frames and calculate reference depth image for background removal
        if (m_collectImagesCount < 10)

            if (m_collectImagesCount == 10)
                // Allocate memory for 32 bit reference depth frame to avoid range problem with 16 bit integers
                m_pDepthRef32 = new UINT32[size];
                memset(m_pDepthRef32, 0, size* sizeof(UINT32));

                // Iterate images
                for (int image = 0; image < m_collectImagesCount; image++)
                    UINT16* pDepthBufferCopy = m_depthFrames.at(image);

                    int dr_index = 0;

                    // Loop through all pixels in image
                    for (int y = 0; y < nHeight; y++)
                        int zero_fill = 0;
                        int count = 0;

                        // Calculate pixel average from stride
                        for (int j = 0; j < nWidth; j++)
                            int value = pDepthBufferCopy[j + (y * nWidth)];
                            if (value != 0)
                                zero_fill += value;

                        if (count != 0)
                            zero_fill /= count;
                        // Fill zero pixels with average value in reference frame
                        for (int x = 0; x < nWidth; x++)
                            int value = pDepthBufferCopy[x + (y * nWidth)];
                            m_pDepthRef32[dr_index++] += (value != 0 ? value : zero_fill);

                // Use memory from first received depth frame
                m_pDepthRef = m_depthFrames.at(0);

                // Calculate average of each pixel and store them in 16 bit depth frame
                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                    m_pDepthRef[i] = m_pDepthRef32[i] / 10;
                // Deallocate collected frames except first
                for (int i = 1; i < m_depthFrames.size(); i++)
                    delete [] m_depthFrames.at(i);

                // Deallocate 32bit reference depth frame memory
                delete [] m_pDepthRef32;
                m_pDepthRef32 = NULL;


        // Calculate difference of received depth frame and reference depth image
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            UINT16 depth_val = depthFrameCopy[i];

            if (depth_val == 0)
                depth_val = m_pDepthRef[i];

            int diff = m_pDepthRef[i] - depth_val;

            // If difference of pixels is greater than 200 use reference value else 5000 (background)
            depthFrameCopy[i] = (diff > 200 ? depth_val : 5000);

        // Clear kernel information
        memset(kernels_, 0, sizeof(PixelBox) * HorizontalBlocks * VerticalBlocks);

        // Traverse through depth frame with and calculate background pixel count for each 8x8 kernel
        int kernelIndex = 0;
        int kernelIndexStartY = 0;
        unsigned int min_x = cDepthWidth, max_x = 0, min_y = cDepthHeight, max_y = 0;
        int kernelRow = 0;
        for (int y = 0; y < cDepthHeight; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < cDepthWidth; x++)
                unsigned short pixelValue = depthFrameCopy[(y * cDepthWidth) + x];

                // If pixel value is 5000 count it in
                if (pixelValue == 5000)

                if (x % KernelSize == 0 && x != 0)
                    kernelIndex += 1;

                if (x == (cDepthWidth-1)) // Last pixel was handled on current row
                    if (y % KernelSize == 0 && y != 0) // Last horizontal kernel handled
                        // Calculate 2d coordinates for each kernel (horizontally)
                        for (int kernel = 0; kernel < HorizontalBlocks; kernel++)
                            kernels_[kernelIndexStartY + kernel].tlX = kernel * KernelSize;
                            kernels_[kernelIndexStartY + kernel].tlY = kernelRow * KernelSize;

                        kernelIndexStartY += HorizontalBlocks;
                        // Let's handle next horizontal row
                        kernelRow += 1;

                    // Index to kernel array to access next kernel
                    kernelIndex = kernelIndexStartY;

        // Traverse through kernels
        for (int kernel = 0; kernel < HorizontalBlocks*VerticalBlocks; kernel++)
            // If pixel count in kernel is less than BackgroundPixelCountThreshold
            // treat kernel as foreground box and check for min and max x y
            if (kernels_[kernel].backgroundPixels < BackgroundPixelCountThreshold)
                if (kernels_[kernel].tlX < min_x) min_x = kernels_[kernel].tlX;
                if (kernels_[kernel].tlX > max_x) max_x = kernels_[kernel].tlX;
                if (kernels_[kernel].tlY < min_y) min_y = kernels_[kernel].tlY;
                if (kernels_[kernel].tlY > max_y) max_y = kernels_[kernel].tlY;
        const UINT16* pBufferEnd = depthFrameCopy + (nWidth * nHeight);
        while (depthFrameCopy < pBufferEnd)
            USHORT depth = *depthFrameCopy;

            // To convert to a byte, we're discarding the most-significant
            // rather than least-significant bits.
            // We're preserving detail, although the intensity will "wrap."
            // Values outside the reliable depth range are mapped to 0 (black).

            // Note: Using conditionals in this loop could degrade performance.
            // Consider using a lookup table instead when writing production code.
            BYTE intensity = static_cast<BYTE>((depth >= nMinDepth) && (depth <= nMaxDepth) ? (depth % 256) : 0);

            pRGBX->rgbRed   = intensity;
            pRGBX->rgbGreen = intensity;
            pRGBX->rgbBlue  = intensity;

        // Draw the data with Direct2D
        m_pDrawDepth->Draw(reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(m_pDepthRGBX), cDepthWidth * cDepthHeight * sizeof(RGBQUAD), min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y);

        if (m_bSaveScreenshot)
            WCHAR szScreenshotPath[MAX_PATH];

            // Retrieve the path to My Photos
            GetScreenshotFileName(szScreenshotPath, _countof(szScreenshotPath));

            // Write out the bitmap to disk
            HRESULT hr = SaveBitmapToFile(reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(m_pDepthRGBX), nWidth, nHeight, sizeof(RGBQUAD) * 8, szScreenshotPath);

            WCHAR szStatusMessage[64 + MAX_PATH];
            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                // Set the status bar to show where the screenshot was saved
                StringCchPrintf(szStatusMessage, _countof(szStatusMessage), L"Screenshot saved to %s", szScreenshotPath);
                StringCchPrintf(szStatusMessage, _countof(szStatusMessage), L"Failed to write screenshot to %s", szScreenshotPath);

            SetStatusMessage(szStatusMessage, 5000, true);

            // toggle off so we don't save a screenshot again next frame
            m_bSaveScreenshot = false;