Exemple #1
PUBLIC tBOOL GetProfileStrOut(tCHAR *szProfileName, tCHAR *szSectionName, ProfileOutput lpProfileOutput, tINT nOpt)
	FILE *fp;
	tBOOL bRetVal = FALSE;
	tCHAR szBuf[1024], szStr[1024], *pChar;
	tCHAR szName[1024];

	if ((fp = fopen(szProfileName, "rt")) == NULL) {
		return bRetVal;

	while (fgets(szBuf, 1023, fp)) {
		if (szBuf[0] == '/') continue;
		if (szBuf[0] == '[')  {
			szStr[0] = '\0';
			GetSectionName(szBuf, szStr);
			if (szStr[0] && strcmp(szStr, szSectionName) == 0) {
				bRetVal = TRUE;

	if (bRetVal == FALSE) {
		return bRetVal;
	bRetVal = FALSE;
	while (fgets(szBuf, 1023, fp)) {
		if (szBuf[0] == '/') continue;
		if (szBuf[0] == '[')  {
		pChar = szBuf;

		if ((pChar = strchr(pChar, '=')) == NULL) continue;
		*pChar = '\0';

		if (sscanf(szBuf, "%s", szName) == 1) {

			pChar ++;
			if (nOpt) {
				if (sscanf(pChar, "%s", szStr) != 1) {
			else {
				strcpy(szStr, pChar);
			lpProfileOutput(szName, szStr);

			bRetVal = TRUE;

	return bRetVal;
Exemple #2
// print error message if error in object data-file ---------------------------
void AodInput::ParseError( int section )
	// GetSectionName() is overloaded and not virtual, therefore
	// SingleInput's ParseError() cannot be used!
	sprintf( line, "%sin section %s (line %d)", parser_err_str,
			 GetSectionName( section ), m_parser_lineno );
	ErrorMessage( line );
void FSystemSettings::SaveToIni()
	// don't write changes in the editor
	if (bIsEditor)
		UE_LOG(LogSystemSettings, Log, TEXT("Can't save system settings to ini in an editor mode"));
Exemple #4
SectionID ElfReader::GetSectionByName(const char *name, int firstSection) const
	for (int i = firstSection; i < header->e_shnum; i++)
		const char *secname = GetSectionName(i);

		if (secname != NULL && strcmp(name, secname) == 0)
			return i;
	return -1;
 * Overriden function that selects the proper ini section to write to
void FSystemSettings::LoadFromIni()

	if (FParse::Param(FCommandLine::Get(), TEXT("FeatureLevelES2")) || !FPlatformProperties::SupportsHighQualityLightmaps())
		// Hack: disable high quality lightmaps with feature level ES2
		//@todo-mobile - replace this with a system where feature levels can clamp misc features
		static auto CVarAllowHighQualityLightMaps = IConsoleManager::Get().FindConsoleVariable(TEXT("r.HighQualityLightMaps"));
Exemple #6
UINT CPrinterInfo::GetProfileInt(LPCSTR pEntry, UINT wDefault)
	CString csSection;

	if (m_csIniName.IsEmpty() || !GetSectionName(csSection))
		return wDefault;
		return ::GetPrivateProfileInt(csSection, pEntry, wDefault, m_csIniName);
Exemple #7
BOOL CPrinterInfo::WriteProfileString(LPCSTR pEntry, LPCSTR pString)
	CString csSection;

	if (m_csIniName.IsEmpty() || !GetSectionName(csSection))
		return FALSE;
		return ::WritePrivateProfileString(csSection, pEntry, pString, m_csIniName);
Exemple #8
CFixed CPrinterInfo::GetProfileFixed(LPCSTR pEntry, CFixed cfDefault)
	CString csSection;

	if (!m_csIniName.IsEmpty() && GetSectionName(csSection))
		char szBuffer[40];
		if (::GetPrivateProfileString(csSection, pEntry, "", szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)-1, m_csIniName) > 0)
			cfDefault = atol(szBuffer);
	return cfDefault;
Exemple #9
 * DumpSymbolTable --
 *	Dumps a COFF symbol table from an EXE or OBJ.  We only use
 *	it to dump tables from OBJs.
DumpSymbolTable(PIMAGE_SYMBOL pSymbolTable, FILE *fout, unsigned cSymbols)
	unsigned i;
	PSTR stringTable;
	char sectionName[10];

	fprintf(fout, "Symbol Table - %X entries  (* = auxillary symbol)\n",

	 "Indx Name                 Value    Section    cAux  Type    Storage\n"
	 "---- -------------------- -------- ---------- ----- ------- --------\n");

	 * The string table apparently starts right after the symbol table
	stringTable = (PSTR)&pSymbolTable[cSymbols]; 

	for ( i=0; i < cSymbols; i++ ) {
		fprintf(fout, "%04X ", i);
		if ( pSymbolTable->N.Name.Short != 0 )
			fprintf(fout, "%-20.8s", pSymbolTable->N.ShortName);
			fprintf(fout, "%-20s", stringTable + pSymbolTable->N.Name.Long);

		fprintf(fout, " %08X", pSymbolTable->Value);

		GetSectionName(pSymbolTable->SectionNumber, sectionName,
		fprintf(fout, " sect:%s aux:%X type:%02X st:%s\n",
			   GetSZStorageClass(pSymbolTable->StorageClass) );
#if 0
		if ( pSymbolTable->NumberOfAuxSymbols )

		 * Take into account any aux symbols
		i += pSymbolTable->NumberOfAuxSymbols;
		pSymbolTable += pSymbolTable->NumberOfAuxSymbols;
Exemple #10
//! Removes the current configuration
void CViewConfigSectionProfiles::RemoveCurrentConfig()
	if (GetSectionName() == m_ViewName)
		// Backup strProfile-settings and reset the other settings
		const CString& strProfiles = ReadSetting(m_ViewName, _T("CurrentProfiles"), _T(""));
		const CString& activeProfile = ReadSetting(m_ViewName, _T("ActiveProfile"), _T(""));
		WriteSetting(m_ViewName, _T("CurrentProfiles"), strProfiles);
		WriteSetting(m_ViewName, _T("ActiveProfile"), activeProfile);
Exemple #11
void CDlgTaskEdit::UpdateWeedayCtrl()
	HTREEITEM hItem = m_TreeChn.GetSelectedItem();
	if (hItem == NULL)
		//clear all
		for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
			CComboBox& cmbBox = *(m_vSectionBox[i]);
	int nSel = m_TreeChn.GetItemData(hItem);

	STCHNSECTIONINFO& chnInfo = g_GlobalInfo.vChnInfo[nSel];
	m_cmbChn.SelectString(0, chnInfo.strChnName);

	//refill section
	for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
		CComboBox& cmbBox = *(m_vSectionBox[i]);
		for (size_t j = 0; j< chnInfo.vWeekSections[i].vSections.size(); ++j)

	ST_ONECHN& oneChnRef = m_vChnCtrlData[nSel];
	for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
		m_vchkWeekDay[i]->SetCheck(oneChnRef.vWeekDays[i].bEnable== 0? BST_UNCHECKED:BST_CHECKED);
		if (oneChnRef.vWeekDays[i].strSecID.IsEmpty())
			m_vSectionBox[i]->SelectString(0, GetSectionName(oneChnRef.vWeekDays[i].strSecID, chnInfo.vWeekSections[i].vSections));
		m_vSectionBox[i]->EnableWindow(oneChnRef.vWeekDays[i].bEnable== 0? FALSE:TRUE);
 * Initializes system settings and included texture LOD settings.
 * @param bSetupForEditor	Whether to initialize settings for Editor
void FSystemSettings::Initialize( bool bSetupForEditor )


	// Load the settings that will be the default for every other compat level, and the editor, and the other split screen levels.
	FSystemSettingsData DefaultSettings;
	DefaultSettings.LoadFromIni(GetSectionName(false), GEngineIni, false);

	bIsEditor = bSetupForEditor;

	(FSystemSettingsData&)(*this) = DefaultSettings;


	IConsoleManager::Get().RegisterConsoleVariableSink_Handle(FConsoleCommandDelegate::CreateRaw(this, &FSystemSettings::CVarSink));

	// initialize a critical texture streaming value used by texture loading, etc
	int32 MinTextureResidentMipCount = 7;
	GConfig->GetInt(TEXT("TextureStreaming"), TEXT("MinTextureResidentMipCount"), MinTextureResidentMipCount, GEngineIni);
Exemple #13
void IniFile::SaveFile (std::wstring& FileName)
	// this function dumps a given dictionary into a loadable ini file.

	FILE *fp;
	int section_index;
	wchar_t *section_name;
	int section_count;
	int index;
	int length;
	wchar_t key[256];

	// try to open the INI file in ASCII write mode
	fp = _wfsopen (FileName.c_str(), L"w", _SH_DENYNO);
	if (fp == NULL)
		return; // cancel if unable to open file

	// keep only the file name for the comment
	if (wcsrchr (FileName.c_str(), L'/') != NULL)
		const wchar_t* Tmp= wcsrchr (FileName.c_str(), L'/') + 1;
		// print the INI file name as a comment
		fwprintf (fp, L"# %s\n", Tmp);
	else if (wcsrchr (FileName.c_str(), L'\\') != NULL)
		const wchar_t* Tmp = wcsrchr (FileName.c_str(), L'\\') + 1;
		// print the INI file name as a comment
		fwprintf (fp, L"# %s\n", Tmp);

	// get the number of sections there are in this INI dictionary
	section_count = GetNumberOfSections ();

	// for each section...
	for (section_index = 0; section_index < section_count; section_index++)
		section_name = GetSectionName (section_index); // read section name

		// is it the default section ?
		if (wcscmp (section_name, INIFile_default_section) == 0)
			fwprintf (fp, L"\n"); // don't put the default section's name in the INI file
			fwprintf (fp, L"\n[%s]\n", section_name); // dump all other sections into the INI file

		// build the section identifier to be used when looking up the dictionary
		swprintf(key, 256, L"%s%c", section_name, INI_SECTION_SEPARATOR);
		length = (int) wcslen (key);

		// then for each entry in the dictionary...
		for (index = 0; index < Dictionary->entry_count; index++)
			if (Dictionary->entries[index].key[0] == 0)
				continue; // skip empty slots

			// does this key belong to the section we want ? if so, dump it
			if (wcsncmp (Dictionary->entries[index].key, key, length) == 0)
				// if key starts or ends with a space, enclose it between quotes, else don't
				if ((Dictionary->entries[index].value[0] != 0)
					&& (iswspace (Dictionary->entries[index].value[0])
					|| iswspace (Dictionary->entries[index].value[wcslen (Dictionary->entries[index].value) - 1])))
					fwprintf (fp, L"%s = \"%s\"\n", Dictionary->entries[index].key + length, Dictionary->entries[index].value);
					fwprintf (fp, L"%s = %s\n", Dictionary->entries[index].key + length, Dictionary->entries[index].value);

	fclose (fp); // finished, close the file

	return; // and return
Exemple #14
//! Resets the current configuration by deleting it and restoring it
//! from the in memory default configuration.
void CViewConfigSectionDefault::ResetConfigDefault()
Exemple #15
void CCOF2OMF::MakeSegmentList() {
   // Make temporary segment conversion list
   const char * oldname;                         // Old name of section
   uint32 namei;                                 // Name index into NameBuffer
   uint32 align;                                 // Segment alignment = 2^align
   int32 align2;                                 // align2 = 2^align
   uint32 flags;                                 // Old flags
   int i, j;                                     // Loop counters
   int oldsec;                                   // Old section number

   // Loop through old sections
   for (j = 0; j < NSections; j++) {
      // Old section number
      oldsec = j + 1;

      // Get old section header
      SCOFF_SectionHeader * pSectionHeader = &SectionHeaders[j];

      // Get name
      oldname = GetSectionName(pSectionHeader->Name);

      // Check for debug sections
      if (strnicmp(oldname,"debug",5) == 0 || strnicmp(oldname+1,"debug",5) == 0) {
         // This is a debug section
         if (cmd.DebugInfo == CMDL_DEBUG_STRIP) {
            // Remove debug info
            SectionBuffer[oldsec].NewNumber = 0;
         else if (cmd.InputType != cmd.OutputType) {
            err.submit(1029); // Warn that debug information is incompatible

      // Check for directive sections
      if (strnicmp(oldname,".drectve",8) == 0 || (pSectionHeader->Flags & (PE_SCN_LNK_INFO | PE_SCN_LNK_REMOVE))) {
         // This is a directive section
         if (cmd.ExeptionInfo) {
            // Remove directive section
            SectionBuffer[oldsec].NewNumber = 0;

      // Get alignment
      align = (pSectionHeader->Flags & PE_SCN_ALIGN_MASK) / PE_SCN_ALIGN_1;
      if (align > 0) align--;                 // Alignment = 2^align
      align2 = 1 << align;                    // 2^align

      // Check for previous sections with same name
      for (i = 0; i < SectionBufferNum; i++) {
         if (strcmp(oldname, NameBuffer.Buf() + SectionBuffer[i].OldName) == 0) break; // Found same name
      if (i < SectionBufferNum) {
         // Previous section with same name found.
         // i = first section with this name, oldsec = current section with this name
         SectionBuffer[oldsec] = SectionBuffer[i];    // Copy record
         SectionBuffer[oldsec].NewNameI = 0;          // Indicate this is not the first record

         // Check if alignment is the same
         if (align != SectionBuffer[i].Align) {
            err.submit(1060, oldname);           // Warning different alignments
            if (align > SectionBuffer[i].Align) SectionBuffer[i].Align = align; // Use highest alignment

         // Get section header
         SectionBuffer[oldsec].psechdr = pSectionHeader;

         // Get size of this section
         SectionBuffer[oldsec].Size = pSectionHeader->SizeOfRawData;

         // Get offset relative to first section with same name
         SectionBuffer[oldsec].Offset = SectionBuffer[i].Offset + SectionBuffer[i].SegmentSize;

         // Align this section (We are aligning each section in the segment)
         SectionBuffer[oldsec].Offset = (SectionBuffer[oldsec].Offset + align2 - 1) & (- align2);

         // Update total size of all sections with same name
         SectionBuffer[i].SegmentSize = SectionBuffer[oldsec].Offset + SectionBuffer[oldsec].Size;
      else {
         // No previous section found with same name. Make SOMFSegmentList record
         SectionBufferNum = oldsec + 1;                  // End of entries in SectionBuffer

         // Assign a number to this segment
         SectionBuffer[oldsec].NewNumber = ++NumSegments;
         SectionBuffer[oldsec].NewNameI  = NumSegments + OMF_LNAME_LAST;

         // Point to old section header
         SectionBuffer[oldsec].psechdr = pSectionHeader;

         // Give it a name
         namei = NameBuffer.PushString(oldname);      // Save name in buffer, because it is volatile
         SectionBuffer[oldsec].OldName = namei;            // Index to name
         // Segment names like .text and _TEXT are both common. No need to convert the name
         // Only restriction is length < 256.
         // Do we need a unique segment name if the alignment is different from segments
         // with same name in another module?
         if (strlen(oldname) > 255) {
            // Segment name too long. This is very unlikely
            namei = NameBuffer.Push(oldname, 255);    // Make truncated name
            NameBuffer.Push(0, 1);                    // Terminate by zero
         SectionBuffer[oldsec].NewName = namei;            // Index to name

         // Size
         SectionBuffer[oldsec].Size = pSectionHeader->SizeOfRawData;
         SectionBuffer[oldsec].SegmentSize = pSectionHeader->SizeOfRawData;
         SectionBuffer[oldsec].Offset = 0;

         // Alignment
         SectionBuffer[oldsec].Align = align;

         // Segment type
         flags = pSectionHeader->Flags;
         // Get segment class
         if (flags & (PE_SCN_CNT_CODE | PE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE)) {
            // Code segment
            SectionBuffer[oldsec].Class = OMF_LNAME_CODE;
         else if (flags & PE_SCN_CNT_UNINIT_DATA) {
            // Uninitialized data
            SectionBuffer[oldsec].Class = OMF_LNAME_BSS;
         else if (!(flags & PE_SCN_MEM_WRITE)) {
            // Read only
            SectionBuffer[oldsec].Class = OMF_LNAME_CONST;
         else {
            // Normal data
            SectionBuffer[oldsec].Class = OMF_LNAME_DATA;

   // Add 1 to section count because new section numbers are 1-based
   SectionBufferNum = NSections + 1;
Exemple #16
//! Updates a setting value for the view
//! @param strName Name of setting
//! @param strValue New setting value
void CViewConfigSection::SetSetting(const CString& strName, const CString& strValue)
	WriteSetting(GetSectionName(), strName, strValue);
Exemple #17
//! Removes the current configuration
void CViewConfigSection::RemoveCurrentConfig()
Exemple #18
 * DumpExternals --
 *	Dumps a COFF symbol table from an EXE or OBJ.  We only use
 *	it to dump tables from OBJs.
DumpExternals(PIMAGE_SYMBOL pSymbolTable, FILE *fout, unsigned cSymbols)
	unsigned i;
	PSTR stringTable;
	char *s;
#if MOB
	char *f;
	char symbol[1024];
	int	len;

	 * The string table apparently starts right after the symbol table
	stringTable = (PSTR)&pSymbolTable[cSymbols]; 

	for ( i=0; i < cSymbols; i++ ) {
		// fprintf(fout, "%04X ", i);
 *	Require pSymbolTable->Type == 0x20 	for only functions
#if MOB
		if ((pSymbolTable->SectionNumber > 0 && (
					pSymbolTable->Type == 0x0 || pSymbolTable->Type == 0x20) &&
				pSymbolTable->StorageClass == IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_EXTERNAL) ||
				(pSymbolTable->SectionNumber == IMAGE_SYM_UNDEFINED &&
				pSymbolTable->StorageClass == IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_EXTERNAL)) {
		if ((pSymbolTable->SectionNumber > 0 && pSymbolTable->Type == 0x20) &&
				pSymbolTable->StorageClass == IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_EXTERNAL) {

#if MOB || 1
			if ( pSymbolTable->N.Name.Short != 0 ) {
				strncpy(symbol, (char*) pSymbolTable->N.ShortName, 8);
				symbol[8] = 0;
			} else {
				strcpy(symbol, stringTable + pSymbolTable->N.Name.Long);
			s = symbol;
			if (*s == '_') {
#if MOB || 1
			if (strncmp(s, "??_G", 4) == 0) {
				goto next;
			if (strncmp(s, "??_E", 4) == 0) {
				goto next;
			len = strlen(s);
			if (s[len - 1] == '2' && s[len - 2] == '1' && s[len - 3] == '@') {
				s[len - 3] = '\0';
			fprintf(fout, "\t%s\n", s);
			if (pSymbolTable->N.Name.Short != 0) {
				strncpy(symbol, (char*) pSymbolTable->N.ShortName, 8);
				symbol[8] = 0;
			} else {
				s = stringTable + pSymbolTable->N.Name.Long;
				strcpy(symbol, s);
			s = symbol;
#if 0
			f = strchr(s, '@');
			if (f) {
				*f = 0;

#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_X86_)
			if (strncmp(&symbol[1], "_imp_", 5) != 0)
				fprintf(fout, "\t%s\n", &symbol[1]);
			fprintf(fout, "\t%s\n", symbol);
#if OLD
		} else {
			char sectionName[10];
			if ( pSymbolTable->N.Name.Short != 0 ) {
				strncpy(symbol, (char*) pSymbolTable->N.ShortName, 8);
				symbol[8] = 0;
			} else {
				strcpy(symbol, stringTable + pSymbolTable->N.Name.Long);
			s = symbol;
			GetSectionName(pSymbolTable->SectionNumber, sectionName,
			fprintf(fout, "SKIP %s, sect %d:%s type 0x%x, sc %d:%s\n", s,
				pSymbolTable->SectionNumber, sectionName, pSymbolTable->Type,

		 * Take into account any aux symbols
		i += pSymbolTable->NumberOfAuxSymbols;
		pSymbolTable += pSymbolTable->NumberOfAuxSymbols;

 * DumpObjFile --
 *	Dump an object file--either a full listing or just the exported
 *	symbols.
DumpObjFile(PIMAGE_FILE_HEADER pImageFileHeader, FILE *fout, int full)
	DWORD COFFSymbolCount;

		((DWORD)pImageFileHeader + pImageFileHeader->PointerToSymbolTable);
	COFFSymbolCount = pImageFileHeader->NumberOfSymbols;

	if (full) {
		DumpSymbolTable(PCOFFSymbolTable, fout, COFFSymbolCount);
	} else {
		DumpExternals(PCOFFSymbolTable, fout, COFFSymbolCount);
Exemple #19
//! Retrieves a setting value for the view
//! @param strName Name of setting
//! @param strDefval Default value to return if no value was found
//! @return Value of the setting
CString CViewConfigSection::GetSetting(const CString& strName, const CString& strDefval) const
	return ReadSetting(GetSectionName(), strName, strDefval);
Exemple #20
// Debug dump
void CCOFF::Dump(int options) {
   uint32 i, j;

   if (options & DUMP_FILEHDR) {
      // File header
      printf("\nDump of PE/COFF file %s", FileName);
      printf("\nFile size: %i", GetDataSize());
      printf("\nFile header:");
      printf("\nMachine: %s", Lookup(COFFMachineNames,FileHeader->Machine));
      printf("\nTimeDate: 0x%08X", FileHeader->TimeDateStamp);
      printf(" - %s", timestring(FileHeader->TimeDateStamp));
      printf("\nNumber of sections: %2i", FileHeader->NumberOfSections);
      printf("\nNumber of symbols:  %2i", FileHeader->NumberOfSymbols);
      printf("\nOptional header size: %i", FileHeader->SizeOfOptionalHeader);
      printf("\nFlags: 0x%04X", FileHeader->Flags);

      // May be removed:
      printf("\nSymbol table offset: %i", FileHeader->PSymbolTable);
      printf("\nString table offset: %i", FileHeader->PSymbolTable + FileHeader->NumberOfSymbols * SIZE_SCOFF_SymTableEntry);
      printf("\nSection headers offset: %i", (uint32)sizeof(SCOFF_FileHeader) + FileHeader->SizeOfOptionalHeader);

      // Optional header
      if (OptionalHeader) {
         printf("\n\nOptional header:");
         if (OptionalHeader->h32.Magic != COFF_Magic_PE64) {
            // 32 bit optional header
            printf("\nMagic number: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h32.Magic);
            printf("\nSize of code: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h32.SizeOfCode);
            printf("\nSize of uninitialized data: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h32.SizeOfInitializedData);
            printf("\nAddress of entry point: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h32.AddressOfEntryPoint);
            printf("\nBase of code: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h32.BaseOfCode);
            printf("\nBase of data: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h32.BaseOfData);
            printf("\nImage base: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h32.ImageBase);
            printf("\nSection alignment: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h32.SectionAlignment);
            printf("\nFile alignment: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h32.FileAlignment);
            printf("\nSize of image: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h32.SizeOfImage);
            printf("\nSize of headers: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h32.SizeOfHeaders);
            printf("\nDll characteristics: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h32.DllCharacteristics);
            printf("\nSize of stack reserve: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h32.SizeOfStackReserve);
            printf("\nSize of stack commit: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h32.SizeOfStackCommit);
            printf("\nSize of heap reserve: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h32.SizeOfHeapReserve);
            printf("\nSize of heap commit: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h32.SizeOfHeapCommit);
         else {
            // 64 bit optional header
            printf("\nMagic number: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h64.Magic);
            printf("\nSize of code: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h64.SizeOfCode);
            printf("\nSize of uninitialized data: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h64.SizeOfInitializedData);
            printf("\nAddress of entry point: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h64.AddressOfEntryPoint);
            printf("\nBase of code: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h64.BaseOfCode);
            printf("\nImage base: 0x%08X%08X", HighDWord(OptionalHeader->h64.ImageBase), uint32(OptionalHeader->h64.ImageBase));
            printf("\nSection alignment: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h64.SectionAlignment);
            printf("\nFile alignment: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h64.FileAlignment);
            printf("\nSize of image: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h64.SizeOfImage);
            printf("\nSize of headers: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h64.SizeOfHeaders);
            printf("\nDll characteristics: 0x%X", OptionalHeader->h64.DllCharacteristics);
            printf("\nSize of stack reserve: 0x%08X%08X", HighDWord(OptionalHeader->h64.SizeOfStackReserve), uint32(OptionalHeader->h64.SizeOfStackReserve));
            printf("\nSize of stack commit: 0x%08X%08X", HighDWord(OptionalHeader->h64.SizeOfStackCommit), uint32(OptionalHeader->h64.SizeOfStackCommit));
            printf("\nSize of heap reserve: 0x%08X%08X", HighDWord(OptionalHeader->h64.SizeOfHeapReserve), uint32(OptionalHeader->h64.SizeOfHeapReserve));
            printf("\nSize of heap commit: 0x%08X%08X", HighDWord(OptionalHeader->h64.SizeOfHeapCommit), uint32(OptionalHeader->h64.SizeOfHeapCommit));
         // Data directories
         SCOFF_ImageDirAddress dir;

         for (i = 0; i < NumImageDirs; i++) {
            if (GetImageDir(i, &dir)) {
               printf("\nDirectory %2i, %s:\n  Address 0x%04X, Size 0x%04X, Section %i, Offset 0x%04X", 
                  i, dir.Name,
                  dir.VirtualAddress, dir.Size, dir.Section, dir.SectionOffset);

   if ((options & DUMP_STRINGTB) && FileHeader->PSymbolTable && StringTableSize > 4) {
      // String table
      char * p = StringTable + 4;
      uint32 nread = 4, len;
      printf("\n\nString table:");
      while (nread < StringTableSize) {
         len = (int)strlen(p);
         if (len > 0) {
            printf("\n>>%s<<", p);
            nread += len + 1;
            p += len + 1;
   // Symbol tables
   if (options & DUMP_SYMTAB) {
      // Symbol table (object file)
      if (NumberOfSymbols) PrintSymbolTable(-1);

      // Import and export tables (executable file)
      if (OptionalHeader) PrintImportExport();

   // Section headers
   if (options & (DUMP_SECTHDR | DUMP_SYMTAB | DUMP_RELTAB)) {
      for (j = 0; j < (uint32)NSections; j++) {
         SCOFF_SectionHeader * SectionHeader = &SectionHeaders[j];
         printf("\n\n%2i Section %s", j+1, GetSectionName(SectionHeader->Name));

         //printf("\nFile offset of header: 0x%X", (int)((int8*)SectionHeader-buffer));
         printf("\nVirtual size: 0x%X", SectionHeader->VirtualSize);
         if (SectionHeader->VirtualAddress) {
            printf("\nVirtual address: 0x%X", SectionHeader->VirtualAddress);}
         if (SectionHeader->PRawData || SectionHeader->SizeOfRawData) {
            printf("\nSize of raw data: 0x%X", SectionHeader->SizeOfRawData);
            printf("\nRaw data pointer: 0x%X", SectionHeader->PRawData);
         printf("\nCharacteristics: ");

         // print relocations
         if ((options & DUMP_RELTAB) && SectionHeader->NRelocations > 0) {
            printf("\nRelocation entries: %i", SectionHeader->NRelocations);
            printf("\nRelocation entries pointer: 0x%X", SectionHeader->PRelocations);

            // Pointer to relocation entry
            union {
               SCOFF_Relocation * p;  // pointer to record
               int8 * b;              // used for address calculation and incrementing
            } Reloc;
            Reloc.b = Buf() + SectionHeader->PRelocations;

            for (i = 0; i < SectionHeader->NRelocations; i++) {
               printf("\nAddr: 0x%X, symi: %i, type: %s",
                  (WordSize == 32) ? Lookup(COFF32RelNames,Reloc.p->Type) : Lookup(COFF64RelNames,Reloc.p->Type));
               if (Reloc.p->Type < COFF32_RELOC_SEG12) 
                  // Check if address is within file
                  if (SectionHeader->PRawData + Reloc.p->VirtualAddress < GetDataSize()) {
                     int32 addend = *(int32*)(Buf() + SectionHeader->PRawData + Reloc.p->VirtualAddress);
                     if (addend) printf(", Implicit addend: %i", addend);
                  else {
                     printf(". Error: Address is outside file");
               Reloc.b += SIZE_SCOFF_Relocation; // Next relocation record
         // print line numbers
         if (SectionHeader->NLineNumbers > 0) {
            printf("\nLine number entries: %i", SectionHeader->NLineNumbers);
            printf("  Line number pointer: %i\nLines:", SectionHeader->PLineNumbers);
            // Pointer to line number entry
            union {
               SCOFF_LineNumbers * p;  // pointer to record
               int8 * b;              // used for address calculation and incrementing
            } Linnum;
            Linnum.b = Buf() + SectionHeader->PLineNumbers;
            for (i = 0; i < SectionHeader->NLineNumbers; i++) {
               if (Linnum.p->Line) {  // Record contains line number
                  printf(" %i:%i", Linnum.p->Line, Linnum.p->Addr);
               else { // Record contains function name
               Linnum.b += SIZE_SCOFF_LineNumbers;  // Next line number record
Exemple #21
ObjFile *CoffFile::ConvertToObject(std::string outputName, ObjFactory &factory)
    ObjFile *fil = new ObjFile(outputName);
    std::vector<ObjSection *> objectSections;
    std::map<int, ObjSymbol *> externalMapping;
    // Create the sections;
    for (int i=0; i < header.NumberOfSections; i++)
        if (!(sections[i].Characteristics & (IMAGE_SCN_LNK_REMOVE | IMAGE_SCN_LNK_INFO)) && strnicmp(sections[i].Name, ".debug", 6))
            std::string sectname = GetSectionName(i);
            ObjSection * sect = factory.MakeSection(sectname);
            CoffSectionAux *aux = (CoffSectionAux *)& sectionSymbols[i][1];
            sect->SetSize(new ObjExpression(aux->Length));
    // dump comdefs
    for (int i=1; i < header.NumberOfSymbols; i+= symbols[i].NumberOfAuxSymbols + 1)
        if (symbols[i].SectionNumber > header.NumberOfSections && symbols[i].StorageClass == IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_EXTERNAL && symbols[i].Value)
            char *sname = symbols[i].Name;
            std::string symbolName;
            if (*(unsigned *)sname == 0)
                symbolName = strings + *(unsigned *)(sname + 4); 
                symbolName = symbols[i].Name;
                if (symbolName.size() > 8)
                    symbolName = symbolName.substr(0, 8);
            symbolName = std::string("vsb") + symbolName;
            ObjSection * sect = factory.MakeSection(symbolName);
            sect->SetSize(new ObjExpression(symbols[i].Value));
            sect->SetQuals(ObjSection::ram | ObjSection::max | ObjSection::virt);
    // create the symbols
    for (int i=0; i < header.NumberOfSymbols; i+= symbols[i].NumberOfAuxSymbols + 1)
        if (symbols[i].StorageClass == IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_EXTERNAL && symbols[i].SectionNumber <= header.NumberOfSections)
            if (symbols[i].SectionNumber <= 0 || (((CoffSectionAux *)&sectionSymbols[symbols[i].SectionNumber-1][1])->Selection <= 1))
                char *sname = symbols[i].Name;
                std::string symbolName;
                if (*(unsigned *)sname == 0)
                    symbolName = strings + *(unsigned *)(sname + 4); 
                    if (symbolName == "_WinMain@16")
                        symbolName = "WinMain";
                    symbolName = symbols[i].Name;
                    if (symbolName.size() > 8)
                        symbolName = symbolName.substr(0, 8);
                if (symbols[i].SectionNumber == -1)
                    ObjSymbol *symbol = factory.MakePublicSymbol(symbolName);
                    ObjExpression *exp = new ObjExpression(symbols[i].Value);
                else if (symbols[i].SectionNumber)
                    ObjSymbol *symbol = factory.MakePublicSymbol(symbolName);
                    ObjExpression *exp = new ObjExpression(ObjExpression::eAdd, new ObjExpression(objectSections[symbols[i].SectionNumber-1]), new ObjExpression(symbols[i].Value));
                    ObjSymbol *symbol = factory.MakeExternalSymbol(symbolName);
                    externalMapping[i] = symbol;
    // dump data to the sections
    for (int i=0; i < header.NumberOfSections; i++)
        if (objectSections[i])
            int len = sections[i].SizeOfRawData;
            if (len)
                inputFile->seekg(sections[i].PointerToRawData + libOffset);
                int relocCount = sections[i].NumberOfRelocations;
                CoffReloc * relocPointer = relocs[i];
                if (relocCount == 0xffff && (sections[i].Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_LNK_NRELOC_OVFL))
                    relocCount = relocPointer[0].VirtualAddress;
                unsigned offset = 0;
                while (offset < sections[i].SizeOfRawData)
                    if (!relocCount)
                        ObjByte *data = new ObjByte[sections[i].SizeOfRawData-offset];
                        inputFile->read((char *)data, sections[i].SizeOfRawData-offset);
                        if (inputFile->fail())
                            return NULL;
                        ObjMemory *newMem = new ObjMemory(data, sections[i].SizeOfRawData-offset);
                        offset = sections[i].SizeOfRawData;
                        unsigned fixupOffset;
                        int n = relocPointer->VirtualAddress - offset;
                        if (n)
                            ObjByte *data = new ObjByte[n];
                            inputFile->read((char *)data, n);
                            if (inputFile->fail())
                                return NULL;
                            ObjMemory *newMem = new ObjMemory(data, n);
                        inputFile->read((char *)&fixupOffset, sizeof(unsigned));
                        if (inputFile->fail())
                            return NULL;
                        switch (relocPointer->Type)
                            ObjExpression *fixupExpr;
                            case IMAGE_REL_I386_DIR32:
                            case IMAGE_REL_I386_REL32:
                                if (symbols[relocPointer->SymbolTableIndex].StorageClass == IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_EXTERNAL)
                                    if  (symbols[relocPointer->SymbolTableIndex].SectionNumber == 0)
                                        // external
                                        fixupExpr = new ObjExpression(externalMapping[relocPointer->SymbolTableIndex]);
                                    else if  (symbols[relocPointer->SymbolTableIndex].SectionNumber > header.NumberOfSections)
                                        fixupExpr = new ObjExpression(ObjExpression::eAdd, new ObjExpression(objectSections[symbols[relocPointer->SymbolTableIndex].SectionNumber-1]), new ObjExpression(0));
                                        // public 
                                        fixupExpr = new ObjExpression(ObjExpression::eAdd, new ObjExpression(objectSections[symbols[relocPointer->SymbolTableIndex].SectionNumber-1]), new ObjExpression(symbols[relocPointer->SymbolTableIndex].Value));
                                    // local static
                                    fixupExpr = new ObjExpression(ObjExpression::eAdd, new ObjExpression(objectSections[symbols[relocPointer->SymbolTableIndex].SectionNumber-1]), new ObjExpression(symbols[relocPointer->SymbolTableIndex].Value));
                                if (relocPointer->Type == IMAGE_REL_I386_REL32)
                                    fixupExpr = new ObjExpression(ObjExpression::eAdd, fixupExpr, new ObjExpression(fixupOffset - 4));
                                    fixupExpr = new ObjExpression(ObjExpression::eSub, fixupExpr, new ObjExpression(ObjExpression::ePC) );
                                else if (fixupOffset)
                                    fixupExpr = new ObjExpression(ObjExpression::eAdd, fixupExpr, new ObjExpression(fixupOffset));
                                objectSections[i]->Add(new ObjMemory(fixupExpr, 4));
                                std::cout << "Invalid relocation" << std::endl;
                                return NULL;
                        offset += n + 4;
    for (int i=1; i < header.NumberOfSymbols; i+= symbols[i].NumberOfAuxSymbols + 1)
        if (symbols[i].SectionNumber > header.NumberOfSections && symbols[i].StorageClass == IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_EXTERNAL && symbols[i].Value)
            int n = symbols[i].SectionNumber-1;
            ObjByte *data = new ObjByte[symbols[i].Value];
            memset(data,0, symbols[i].Value);
            ObjMemory *newMem = new ObjMemory(data, symbols[i].Value);
    return fil;
 * Overridden function that selects the proper ini section to write to
void FSystemSettings::LoadFromIni()
void DwarfFrameManager::ProcessSection(FileShdrPair & aPair, Dwarf_Byte_Ptr aStart, Dwarf_Byte_Ptr aEnd){
	CiePtrEncodingMap ptrEncodingMap;
	CieAugmentationMap augmentationMap;
	size_t encoded_ptr_size = ENCODED_POINTER_SIZE;
	size_t bytes_read;
	Dwarf_Byte_Ptr start = aStart;
	Dwarf_Byte_Ptr section_start = start;
	Dwarf_Byte_Ptr end = aEnd;
	while (start < end) {
		unsigned char *augmentation_data = NULL;
		unsigned long augmentation_data_len = 0;
		size_t offset_size;
		size_t initial_length_size;

		Dwarf_Byte_Ptr saved_start = start;
		Dwarf_Word length = READ_UNALIGNED4(start); 
		start += 4;

		if (length == 0){ // ZERO terminator - shouldn't see this

		if (length >= 0xfffffff0u) {
			cerr << "Error: 64 bit DWARF not supported\n";
		} else {	
			offset_size = 4;
			initial_length_size = 4;

		Dwarf_Byte_Ptr block_end = saved_start + length + initial_length_size;
		if (block_end > end) {
			cerr << "Warning: Invalid length " << length << " in FDE at 0x" 
				<< (unsigned long)(saved_start - section_start) << " in file " << aPair.iXIPFileDetails.iElfFile << "\n";
			block_end = end;
		Dwarf_Word cie_id = READ_UNALIGNED4(start); 
		if (cie_id != (Dwarf_Word)DW_CIE_ID)
			WRITE_UNALIGNED4(start, cie_id + GetSectionOffset(aPair.iXIPFileDetails.iElfFile));
		start += offset_size;

		if (cie_id == (Dwarf_Word)DW_CIE_ID) {
			Dwarf_Ubyte version = *start++;

			char * augmentation = (char *) start;
			augmentation_data = NULL;
			start = (Dwarf_Byte_Ptr) strchr ((char *) start, '\0') + 1;

			if (augmentation[0] == 'z'){
				ULEB128(start, bytes_read);
				ULEB128(start, bytes_read);

				if (version == 1){
					// fc->ra = GET (1);
				} else {
					// fc->ra = LEB ();
					ULEB128(start, bytes_read);
				augmentation_data_len = ULEB128(start, bytes_read);
				augmentation_data = start;
				augmentationMap[saved_start] = augmentation_data_len;
				start += augmentation_data_len;
			} else if (strcmp (augmentation, "eh") == 0){
				//start += eh_addr_size;
				start += 4;
				// fc->code_factor = LEB ();
				// fc->data_factor = SLEB ();
				ULEB128(start, bytes_read);
				ULEB128(start, bytes_read);
				if (version == 1){
					//c->ra = GET (1);
				} else {
					// fc->ra = LEB ();
					ULEB128(start, bytes_read);
			} else {
				ULEB128(start, bytes_read);
				ULEB128(start, bytes_read);

				if (version == 1){
					// fc->ra = GET (1);
				} else {
					// fc->ra = LEB ();
					ULEB128(start, bytes_read);

			if (augmentation_data_len){
				unsigned char *p, *q;
				p = (unsigned char *) augmentation + 1;
				q = augmentation_data;
				Dwarf_Ubyte encoding = 0;
				while (1){
					if (*p == 'L')
					else if (*p == 'P')
						q += 1 + SizeOfEncodedValue(*q);
					else if (*p == 'R')
						encoding = *q++;
				if (encoding)
					ptrEncodingMap[saved_start] = encoding;
		} else {
			Dwarf_Byte_Ptr look_for = section_start + cie_id;
			Dwarf_Ubyte encoding = 0;
			CiePtrEncodingMap::iterator iE = ptrEncodingMap.find(look_for);
			if (iE != ptrEncodingMap.end()){
				encoding = iE->second;
				encoded_ptr_size = SizeOfEncodedValue(encoding);
			if ((encoding & 0x70) != DW_EH_PE_pcrel){
				// do the nasty
				LinearAddr addr = GetValue(start, encoded_ptr_size);
				LinearAddr relocatedAddr = aPair.iXIPFileDetails.Relocate(addr);
				if (ValueFitsSize(relocatedAddr, encoded_ptr_size)){
					WriteValue(start, relocatedAddr, encoded_ptr_size);
				} else {
					cerr << "Warning: relocated addresses in " << GetSectionName().c_str() 
					<< " section of " << aPair.iXIPFileDetails.iElfFile.c_str() 
					<< " too large for encoding. Backtraces may be misleading.\n";
			start += encoded_ptr_size;
			// skip the range size
			start += encoded_ptr_size;

			CieAugmentationMap::iterator iP =  augmentationMap.find(look_for);
			if (iP != augmentationMap.end()){
				ULEB128(start, bytes_read);
				start += bytes_read;
		Dwarf_Word tmp = 0;
		while (start < block_end){
			unsigned op, opa;
			op = *start++;
			opa = op & 0x3f;
			if (op & 0xc0)
				op &= 0xc0;
			switch (op){
			case DW_CFA_advance_loc:
			case DW_CFA_offset:
				ULEB128(start, bytes_read);
			case DW_CFA_restore:
			case DW_CFA_set_loc:
				start += encoded_ptr_size;
			case DW_CFA_advance_loc1:
				start += 1;
			case DW_CFA_advance_loc2:
				start += 2;
			case DW_CFA_advance_loc4:
				start += 4;
			case DW_CFA_offset_extended:
			case DW_CFA_val_offset:
				ULEB128(start, bytes_read);
				ULEB128(start, bytes_read);
			case DW_CFA_restore_extended:
			case DW_CFA_undefined:
			case DW_CFA_same_value:
				ULEB128(start, bytes_read);
			case DW_CFA_register:
			case DW_CFA_def_cfa:
				ULEB128(start, bytes_read);
				ULEB128(start, bytes_read);
			case DW_CFA_def_cfa_register:
			case DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset:
				ULEB128(start, bytes_read);
			case DW_CFA_def_cfa_expression:
				tmp = ULEB128(start, bytes_read);
				EditLocationExpression (start, encoded_ptr_size, tmp, aPair);
				start += tmp;
			case DW_CFA_expression: 
			case DW_CFA_val_expression: 
				ULEB128(start, bytes_read);
				tmp = ULEB128(start, bytes_read);
				EditLocationExpression (start, encoded_ptr_size, tmp, aPair);
				start += tmp;
#ifndef DW_CFA_offset_extended_sf
// seems to be type in dwarf.h
#define DW_CFA_offset_extended_sf 0x11
			case DW_CFA_offset_extended_sf:
			case DW_CFA_val_offset_sf:
			case DW_CFA_def_cfa_sf:
				ULEB128(start, bytes_read);
				ULEB128(start, bytes_read);
			case DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset_sf:
				ULEB128(start, bytes_read);
			case DW_CFA_MIPS_advance_loc8:
				start += 8;
			case DW_CFA_GNU_args_size:
				ULEB128(start, bytes_read);
			case DW_CFA_GNU_negative_offset_extended:
				ULEB128(start, bytes_read);
				ULEB128(start, bytes_read);

Exemple #24
void CCOF2ASM::MakeSectionList() {
   // Сделать списки секций и релокаций в Disasm
   uint32 isec;                                  // Индекс секции
   uint32 irel;                                  // Индекс релокации

   // Цикл по секциям кода
   for (isec = 0; isec < (uint32)NSections; isec++) {

      // Получить заголовок секции
      SCOFF_SectionHeader * SectionHeader = &SectionHeaders[isec];

      // Свойства секции
      const char * Name  = GetSectionName(SectionHeader->Name);
      uint8 * Buffer = (uint8*)Buf() + SectionHeader->PRawData;
      uint32 InitSize = SectionHeader->SizeOfRawData;
      uint32 TotalSize = SectionHeader->VirtualSize;

      uint32 SectionAddress = SectionHeader->VirtualAddress;
      uint32 Type  = (SectionHeader->Flags & PE_SCN_CNT_CODE) ? 1 : 2;
      if (SectionHeader->Flags & PE_SCN_CNT_UNINIT_DATA) {
         // Сегмент BSS. В файле нет данных
         Buffer = 0;
         Type = 3;
      else if (!(SectionHeader->Flags & (PE_SCN_MEM_WRITE | PE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE))) {
         // Сегмент констант
         Type = 4;
      if (SectionHeader->Flags & PE_SCN_LNK_COMDAT) {
         //Коммунальный сегмент
         Type |= 0x1000;
      if (strnicmp(Name,"debug",5) == 0 || strnicmp(Name+1,"debug",5) == 0) {
         // Отладочный раздел
         Type = 0x10;
      if (strnicmp(Name,".pdata", 6) == 0) {
         // В этой секции находится информация об исключениях
         Type = 0x11;

      uint32 Align = (SectionHeader->Flags & PE_SCN_ALIGN_MASK) / PE_SCN_ALIGN_1;
      if (Align) Align--;

      // Сохранить запись секции
      Disasm.AddSection(Buffer, InitSize, TotalSize, SectionAddress, Type, Align, WordSize, Name);

      // Получить релокации 
      // Указатель на вход в релокации
      union {
         SCOFF_Relocation * p;  // указатель на запись
         int8 * b;              // используется для вычисления и наращивания адреса
      } Reloc;
      Reloc.b = Buf() + SectionHeader->PRelocations;

      for (irel = 0; irel < SectionHeader->NRelocations; irel++, Reloc.b += SIZE_SCOFF_Relocation) {

         // Свойства релокации
         int32 Section = isec + 1;
         uint32 Offset = Reloc.p->VirtualAddress;
         int32 Addend  = 0;
         uint32 TargetIndex = Reloc.p->SymbolTableIndex;

         // Транслировать тип релокации
         uint32 Type = 0, Size = 0;
         if (WordSize == 32) {
            // 32-битные типы релокаций
            // 0 = unknown, 1 = direct, 2 = self-relative, 3 = image-relative, 4 = segment relative
            switch(Reloc.p->Type) {
            case COFF32_RELOC_ABS:  // Ignore
            case COFF32_RELOC_DIR32: // Direct, 32 bits
               Type = 1;
               Size = 4;
            case COFF32_RELOC_REL32: // Self-relative, 32 bits
               Type = 2;
               Size = 4;
               Addend = -4;
            case COFF32_RELOC_IMGREL: // Image relative, 32 bits
               Type = 4;
               Size = 4;
            case COFF32_RELOC_SECREL: // Section relative, 32 bits
               Type = 8;
               Size = 4;
            case COFF32_RELOC_SECTION: // Индекс секции символов, 16 bits
               Type = 0x200;
               Size = 2;
            default: // Other/unknown
               Type = 0;
               Size = 4;
         else { // WordSize = 64
            switch(Reloc.p->Type) {
            case COFF64_RELOC_ABS:  // Ignore
            case COFF64_RELOC_ABS32: // Absolute 32 bit
               Type = 1;
               Size = 4;
            case COFF64_RELOC_ABS64: // Absolute 64 bit
               Type = 1;
               Size = 8;
            case COFF64_RELOC_IMGREL: // Image relative 32 bit
               Type = 4;
               Size = 4;
            case COFF64_RELOC_REL32:    // Self-relative, 32 bits
            case COFF64_RELOC_REL32_1:  // Self-relative + 1
            case COFF64_RELOC_REL32_2:  // Self-relative + 2
            case COFF64_RELOC_REL32_3:  // Self-relative + 3
            case COFF64_RELOC_REL32_4:  // Self-relative + 4
            case COFF64_RELOC_REL32_5:  // Self-relative + 5
               Type = 2;
               Size = 4;
               Addend = - (Reloc.p->Type + 4 - COFF64_RELOC_REL32);
            case COFF64_RELOC_SECREL:   // Section relative
               Type = 8;
               Size = 4;
            default: // Other/unknown
               Type = 0;
               Size = 4;
         // Save relocation record
         Disasm.AddRelocation(Section, Offset, Addend, Type, Size, TargetIndex);