Exemple #1
int32 UFlareCargoBay::GetTotalCapacityForResource(FFlareResourceDescription* Resource, UFlareCompany* Client, bool LockOnly) const
	int32 Quantity = 0;

	for (int CargoIndex = 0; CargoIndex < CargoBay.Num() ; CargoIndex++)
		const FFlareCargo& Cargo = CargoBay[CargoIndex];

		if(!CheckRestriction(&Cargo, Client))

		if(LockOnly && Cargo.Lock == EFlareResourceLock::NoLock)

		if(Cargo.Lock != EFlareResourceLock::NoLock)


		if (Cargo.Resource == NULL || Cargo.Resource == Resource)
			Quantity += GetSlotCapacity();
	return Quantity;
    void DynamicTypeHandler::SetSlot(DynamicObject* instance, int index, Var value)
        Assert(index < GetSlotCapacity());
        Assert(propertyId == Constants::NoProperty || CanStorePropertyValueDirectly(instance, propertyId, allowLetConst));
        SetSlotUnchecked(instance, index, value);
    void DynamicTypeHandler::SetAuxSlot(DynamicObject* instance, int index, Var value)
        // We should only assign a stack value only to a stack object (current mark temp number in mark temp object)
        Assert(ThreadContext::IsOnStack(instance) || !ThreadContext::IsOnStack(value) || TaggedNumber::Is(value));
        Assert(index < GetSlotCapacity() - GetInlineSlotCapacity());
        Assert(propertyId == Constants::NoProperty || CanStorePropertyValueDirectly(instance, propertyId, allowLetConst));
        instance->auxSlots[index] = value;
    Var DynamicTypeHandler::GetAuxSlot(DynamicObject * instance, int index)
        // We should only assign a stack value only to a stack object (current mark temp number in mark temp object)

        Assert(index < GetSlotCapacity() - GetInlineSlotCapacity());
        Var value = instance->auxSlots[index];
        Assert(ThreadContext::IsOnStack(instance) || !ThreadContext::IsOnStack(value) || TaggedNumber::Is(value));
        return value;
Exemple #5
int32 UFlareCargoBay::GetFreeSpaceForResource(FFlareResourceDescription* Resource, UFlareCompany* Client, bool LockOnly) const
	int32 Quantity = 0;

	for (int CargoIndex = 0; CargoIndex < CargoBay.Num() ; CargoIndex++)
		const FFlareCargo& Cargo = CargoBay[CargoIndex];

		if(!CheckRestriction(&Cargo, Client))

		if(LockOnly && Cargo.Lock == EFlareResourceLock::NoLock)

		if (Cargo.Resource == NULL)
			Quantity += GetSlotCapacity();
		else if (Cargo.Resource == Resource)
			Quantity += GetSlotCapacity() - Cargo.Quantity;

	if((!Client || !Client->IsPlayerCompany()) && Parent->GetGame()->GetQuestManager() != nullptr)
		int32 ReservedCapacity = Parent->GetGame()->GetQuestManager()->GetReservedCapacity(Parent, Resource);
		int32 CapacityAfterReservation = FMath::Max(0, Quantity - ReservedCapacity);
		return CapacityAfterReservation;
		return Quantity;
 DynamicTypeHandler::FindNextProperty(ScriptContext* scriptContext, BigPropertyIndex& index, JavascriptString** propertyString,
     PropertyId* propertyId, PropertyAttributes* attributes, Type* type, DynamicType *typeToEnumerate, bool requireEnumerable, bool enumSymbols)
     // Type handlers that support big property indexes override this function, so if we're here then this type handler does
     // not support big property indexes. Forward the call to the small property index version.
     Assert(GetSlotCapacity() <= PropertyIndexRanges<PropertyIndex>::MaxValue);
     PropertyIndex smallIndex = static_cast<PropertyIndex>(index);
     Assert(static_cast<BigPropertyIndex>(smallIndex) == index);
     const BOOL found = FindNextProperty(scriptContext, smallIndex, propertyString, propertyId, attributes, type, typeToEnumerate, requireEnumerable, enumSymbols);
     index = smallIndex;
     return found;
 void DynamicTypeHandler::VerifyObjectHeaderInlinedTypeHandler() const
     Assert(GetInlineSlotCapacity() >= GetObjectHeaderInlinableSlotCapacity());
     Assert(GetInlineSlotCapacity() == GetSlotCapacity());
Exemple #8
int32 UFlareCargoBay::GetCapacity() const
	return GetSlotCapacity() * CargoBayCount;
Exemple #9
int32 UFlareCargoBay::GiveResources(FFlareResourceDescription* Resource, int32 Quantity, UFlareCompany* Client)
	int32 QuantityToGive = Quantity;

	if (QuantityToGive == 0)
		return Quantity;

	// First pass, fill already existing slots
	for (int CargoIndex = 0 ; CargoIndex < CargoBay.Num() ; CargoIndex++)
		FFlareCargo& Cargo = CargoBay[CargoIndex];
		if (Resource == Cargo.Resource)
			if(!CheckRestriction(&Cargo, Client))

			// Same resource
			int32 AvailableCapacity = GetSlotCapacity() - Cargo.Quantity;
			int32 GivenQuantity = FMath::Min(AvailableCapacity, QuantityToGive);
			if (GivenQuantity > 0)
				Cargo.Quantity += GivenQuantity;
				QuantityToGive -= GivenQuantity;

				if (QuantityToGive == 0)
					return Quantity;

	// Fill free cargo slots
	for (int CargoIndex = 0 ; CargoIndex < CargoBay.Num() ; CargoIndex++)
		FFlareCargo& Cargo = CargoBay[CargoIndex];
		if (Cargo.Resource == NULL)
			if(!CheckRestriction(&Cargo, Client))

			// Empty Cargo
			int32 GivenQuantity = FMath::Min(GetSlotCapacity(), QuantityToGive);
			if (GivenQuantity > 0)
				Cargo.Quantity += GivenQuantity;
				Cargo.Resource = Resource;

				QuantityToGive -= GivenQuantity;

				if (QuantityToGive == 0)
					return Quantity;
				FLOGV("Zero sized cargo bay for %s", *Parent->GetImmatriculation().ToString())


	return Quantity - QuantityToGive;
Exemple #10
void UFlareCargoBay::Load(UFlareSimulatedSpacecraft* ParentSpacecraft, TArray<FFlareCargoSave>& Data, int32 minCargoBayCount, int32 minCargoBaySlotCapacity)
	Parent = ParentSpacecraft;
	Game = Parent->GetGame();

	CargoBayCount = minCargoBayCount;
	CargoBaySlotCapacity = minCargoBaySlotCapacity;

	int32 UsedBay = 0;

	for(FFlareCargoSave const& Cargo: Data)
		if(Cargo.Quantity > 0 || Cargo.Lock != EFlareResourceLock::NoLock)

		if(Cargo.Quantity > CargoBaySlotCapacity)
			CargoBaySlotCapacity = Cargo.Quantity;

	if(UsedBay > CargoBayCount)
		CargoBayCount = UsedBay;

	TArray<int32> UsedIndexes;

	if(Data.Num() > CargoBayCount)
		int32 Index = 0;
		for(FFlareCargoSave const& Cargo: Data)
			if(Cargo.Quantity > 0 || Cargo.Lock != EFlareResourceLock::NoLock)
		int32 Index = 0;
		for(FFlareCargoSave const& Cargo: Data)

	// Initialize cargo bay
	for (int32 CargoIndex = 0; CargoIndex < CargoBayCount; CargoIndex++)
		FFlareCargo Cargo;
		Cargo.Resource = NULL;
		Cargo.Quantity = 0;
		Cargo.Lock = EFlareResourceLock::NoLock;
		Cargo.Restriction = EFlareResourceRestriction::Everybody;
		Cargo.ManualLock= false;

		if (CargoIndex < UsedIndexes.Num())
			// Existing save
			FFlareCargoSave* CargoSave = &Data[UsedIndexes[CargoIndex]];
			Cargo.Restriction = CargoSave->Restriction;

			if (CargoSave->Quantity > 0)
				Cargo.Resource = Game->GetResourceCatalog()->Get(CargoSave->ResourceIdentifier);
				Cargo.Quantity = FMath::Min(CargoSave->Quantity, GetSlotCapacity());

			if(CargoSave->Lock != EFlareResourceLock::NoLock)
				Cargo.Resource = Game->GetResourceCatalog()->Get(CargoSave->ResourceIdentifier);
				Cargo.Lock = CargoSave->Lock;
				Cargo.ManualLock = true;
