Exemple #1
// Determine what the size of the saved data will be.
HRESULT CLiteWeightStgdbRW::GetSaveSize(// S_OK or error.
    CorSaveSize fSave,                  // Quick or accurate?
    ULONG       *pulSaveSize)           // Put the size here.
    HRESULT     hr = S_OK;              // A result.
    ULONG       cbTotal = 0;            // The total size.
    ULONG       cbSize = 0;             // Size of a component.

    m_cbSaveSize = 0;

    // Allocate stream list if not already done.
    if (!m_pStreamList)
        IfNullGo(m_pStreamList = new STORAGESTREAMLST);

    // Query the MiniMd for its size.
    IfFailGo(GetTablesSaveSize(fSave, &cbSize));
    cbTotal += cbSize;

    // Get the pools' sizes.
    IfFailGo(GetPoolSaveSize(STRING_POOL_STREAM, MDPoolStrings, &cbSize));
    cbTotal += cbSize;
    IfFailGo(GetPoolSaveSize(US_BLOB_POOL_STREAM, MDPoolUSBlobs, &cbSize));
    cbTotal += cbSize;
    IfFailGo(GetPoolSaveSize(GUID_POOL_STREAM, MDPoolGuids, &cbSize));
    cbTotal += cbSize;
    IfFailGo(GetPoolSaveSize(BLOB_POOL_STREAM, MDPoolBlobs, &cbSize));
    cbTotal += cbSize;

    // Finally, ask the storage system to add fixed overhead it needs for the
    // file format.  The overhead of each stream has already be calculated as
    // part of GetStreamSaveSize.  What's left is the signature and header
    // fixed size overhead.
    IfFailGo(TiggerStorage::GetStorageSaveSize(&cbTotal, 0));

    // Log the size info.
    LOG((LF_METADATA, LL_INFO10, "Metadata: GetSaveSize total is %d.\n", cbTotal));

    // The list of streams that will be saved are now in the stream save list.
    // Next step is to walk that list and fill out the correct offsets.  This is
    // done here so that the data can be streamed without fixing up the header.
    TiggerStorage::CalcOffsets(m_pStreamList, 0);

    if (pulSaveSize)
        *pulSaveSize = cbTotal;
    m_cbSaveSize = cbTotal;

    return hr;
} // HRESULT CLiteWeightStgdbRW::GetSaveSize()
// Determine what the size of the saved data will be.
HRESULT CLiteWeightStgdbRW::GetSaveSize(// S_OK or error.
    CorSaveSize               fSave,                // Quick or accurate?
    UINT32                   *pcbSaveSize,          // Put the size here.
    MetaDataReorderingOptions reorderingOptions,
    CorProfileData           *pProfileData)        // Profile data for working set optimization
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;              // A result.
    UINT32  cbTotal = 0;            // The total size.
    UINT32  cbSize = 0;             // Size of a component.
    m_cbSaveSize = 0;
    // Allocate stream list if not already done.
    if (m_pStreamList == NULL)
        IfNullGo(m_pStreamList = new (nothrow) STORAGESTREAMLST);
    // Make sure the user string pool is not empty. An empty user string pool causes
    // problems with edit and continue
    if (m_MiniMd.m_UserStringHeap.GetUnalignedSize() <= 1)
        if (!IsENCDelta(m_MiniMd.m_OptionValue.m_UpdateMode) && 
            BYTE   rgData[] = {' ', 0, 0};
            UINT32 nIndex_Ignore;
                MetaData::DataBlob(rgData, sizeof(rgData)), 
    // If we're saving a delta metadata, figure out how much space it will take to
    // save the minimal metadata stream (used only to identify that we have a delta
    // metadata... nothing should be in that stream.
    if ((m_MiniMd.m_OptionValue.m_UpdateMode & MDUpdateMask) == MDUpdateDelta)
        IfFailGo(AddStreamToList(0, MINIMAL_MD_STREAM));
        // Ask the storage system to add stream fixed overhead.
        IfFailGo(TiggerStorage::GetStreamSaveSize(MINIMAL_MD_STREAM, 0, &cbSize));
        cbTotal += cbSize;
    if (reorderingOptions & ReArrangeStringPool)
        if (pProfileData != NULL)
            UINT32 cbHotSize = 0;          // Size of pool data.
            UINT32 cbStream;               // Size of just the stream.
            DWORD  bCompressed;            // Will the stream be compressed data?
            // Ask the metadata to size its hot data.
            IfFailGo(m_MiniMd.GetSaveSize(fSave, &cbHotSize, &bCompressed, reorderingOptions, pProfileData));
            cbStream = cbHotSize;
            m_bSaveCompressed = bCompressed;
            if (cbHotSize != 0)
                // Add this item to the save list.
                IfFailGo(AddStreamToList(cbHotSize, HOT_MODEL_STREAM));
                // Ask the storage system to add stream fixed overhead.
                IfFailGo(TiggerStorage::GetStreamSaveSize(HOT_MODEL_STREAM, cbHotSize, &cbHotSize));
                // Log the size info.
                LOG((LF_METADATA, LL_INFO10, "Metadata: GetSaveSize for %ls: %d data, %d total.\n",
                    HOT_MODEL_STREAM, cbStream, cbHotSize));
                cbTotal += cbHotSize;
        // get string pool save size
        IfFailGo(GetPoolSaveSize(STRING_POOL_STREAM, MDPoolStrings, &cbSize));
        cbTotal += cbSize;
    // Query the MiniMd for its size.
    IfFailGo(GetTablesSaveSize(fSave, &cbSize, reorderingOptions, pProfileData));
    cbTotal += cbSize;
    // Get the pools' sizes.
    if( !(reorderingOptions & ReArrangeStringPool) )
        IfFailGo(GetPoolSaveSize(STRING_POOL_STREAM, MDPoolStrings, &cbSize));
        cbTotal += cbSize;
    IfFailGo(GetPoolSaveSize(US_BLOB_POOL_STREAM, MDPoolUSBlobs, &cbSize));
    cbTotal += cbSize;
    IfFailGo(GetPoolSaveSize(GUID_POOL_STREAM, MDPoolGuids, &cbSize));
    cbTotal += cbSize;
    IfFailGo(GetPoolSaveSize(BLOB_POOL_STREAM, MDPoolBlobs, &cbSize));
    cbTotal += cbSize;
    // Finally, ask the storage system to add fixed overhead it needs for the
    // file format.  The overhead of each stream has already be calculated as
    // part of GetStreamSaveSize.  What's left is the signature and header
    // fixed size overhead.
    IfFailGo(TiggerStorage::GetStorageSaveSize((ULONG *)&cbTotal, 0, m_MiniMd.m_OptionValue.m_RuntimeVersion));
    // Log the size info.
    LOG((LF_METADATA, LL_INFO10, "Metadata: GetSaveSize total is %d.\n", cbTotal));
    // The list of streams that will be saved are now in the stream save list.
    // Next step is to walk that list and fill out the correct offsets.  This is 
    // done here so that the data can be streamed without fixing up the header.
    TiggerStorage::CalcOffsets(m_pStreamList, 0, m_MiniMd.m_OptionValue.m_RuntimeVersion);
    if (pcbSaveSize != NULL)
        *pcbSaveSize = cbTotal;
    // Don't cache the value for the EnC case
    if (!IsENCDelta(m_MiniMd.m_OptionValue.m_UpdateMode))
        m_cbSaveSize = cbTotal;
    return hr;
} // CLiteWeightStgdbRW::GetSaveSize
// Determine what the size of the saved data will be.
HRESULT CLiteWeightStgdbRW::GetSaveSize(// S_OK or error.
    CorSaveSize fSave,                  // Quick or accurate?
    ULONG       *pulSaveSize,           // Put the size here.
    CorProfileData *profileData)        // Profile data for working set optimization
    HRESULT     hr = S_OK;              // A result.
    ULONG       cbTotal = 0;            // The total size.
    ULONG       cbSize = 0;             // Size of a component.

    m_cbSaveSize = 0;

    // Allocate stream list if not already done.
    if (!m_pStreamList)
        IfNullGo(m_pStreamList = new (nothrow) STORAGESTREAMLST);

    // Make sure the user string pool is not empty. An empty user string pool causes
    // problems with edit and continue

            BYTE pbData[] = {' ', 0, 0};
            ULONG ulOffset;

    // If we're saving a delta metadata, figure out how much space it will take to
    // save the minimal metadata stream (used only to identify that we have a delta
    // metadata... nothing should be in that stream.
    if ((m_MiniMd.m_OptionValue.m_UpdateMode & MDUpdateMask) == MDUpdateDelta)
        IfFailGo(AddStreamToList(0, MINIMAL_MD_STREAM));
        // Ask the storage system to add stream fixed overhead.
        IfFailGo(TiggerStorage::GetStreamSaveSize(MINIMAL_MD_STREAM, 0, &cbSize));
        cbTotal += cbSize;

    // Query the MiniMd for its size.
    IfFailGo(GetTablesSaveSize(fSave, &cbSize, profileData));
    cbTotal += cbSize;

    // Get the pools' sizes.
    IfFailGo(GetPoolSaveSize(STRING_POOL_STREAM, MDPoolStrings, &cbSize));
    cbTotal += cbSize;
    IfFailGo(GetPoolSaveSize(US_BLOB_POOL_STREAM, MDPoolUSBlobs, &cbSize));
    cbTotal += cbSize;
    IfFailGo(GetPoolSaveSize(GUID_POOL_STREAM, MDPoolGuids, &cbSize));
    cbTotal += cbSize;
    IfFailGo(GetPoolSaveSize(BLOB_POOL_STREAM, MDPoolBlobs, &cbSize));
    cbTotal += cbSize;

    // Finally, ask the storage system to add fixed overhead it needs for the
    // file format.  The overhead of each stream has already be calculated as
    // part of GetStreamSaveSize.  What's left is the signature and header
    // fixed size overhead.
    IfFailGo(TiggerStorage::GetStorageSaveSize(&cbTotal, 0, m_MiniMd.m_OptionValue.m_RuntimeVersion));

    // Log the size info.
    LOG((LF_METADATA, LL_INFO10, "Metadata: GetSaveSize total is %d.\n", cbTotal));
    // The list of streams that will be saved are now in the stream save list.
    // Next step is to walk that list and fill out the correct offsets.  This is 
    // done here so that the data can be streamed without fixing up the header.
    TiggerStorage::CalcOffsets(m_pStreamList, 0, m_MiniMd.m_OptionValue.m_RuntimeVersion);

    if (pulSaveSize)
        *pulSaveSize = cbTotal;

    // Don't cache the value for the EnC case
    if (!IsENCDelta(m_MiniMd.m_OptionValue.m_UpdateMode))
        m_cbSaveSize = cbTotal;

    return hr;
} // HRESULT CLiteWeightStgdbRW::GetSaveSize()