void PasteSmartBrokenWall( INT32 iMapIndex ) { UINT16 usNewWallIndex; LEVELNODE *pWall; UINT32 uiTileType; UINT16 usWallType; UINT16 usIndex; UINT16 usWallOrientation; pWall = GetVerticalWall( iMapIndex ); if( pWall ) { GetTileType( pWall->usIndex, &uiTileType ); usWallType = (UINT16)uiTileType; if( uiTileType >= FIRSTDOOR && uiTileType <= LASTDOOR ) { usWallType = SearchForWallType( iMapIndex ); } GetWallOrientation( pWall->usIndex, &usWallOrientation ); usIndex = CalcSmartBrokenWallIndex( usWallOrientation ); if( usIndex == 0xffff ) { AddToUndoList( iMapIndex ); RemoveStruct( iMapIndex, pWall->usIndex ); } else { AddToUndoList( iMapIndex ); GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( usWallType, usIndex, &usNewWallIndex ); ReplaceStructIndex( iMapIndex, pWall->usIndex, usNewWallIndex ); } } pWall = GetHorizontalWall( iMapIndex ); if( pWall ) { GetTileType( pWall->usIndex, &uiTileType ); usWallType = (UINT16)uiTileType; if( uiTileType >= FIRSTDOOR && uiTileType <= LASTDOOR ) { //We want to be able to replace doors with a window, however, the doors do not //contain the wall type, so we have to search for the nearest wall to extract it. usWallType = SearchForWallType( iMapIndex ); } GetWallOrientation( pWall->usIndex, &usWallOrientation ); usIndex = CalcSmartBrokenWallIndex( usWallOrientation ); if( usIndex == 0xffff ) { AddToUndoList( iMapIndex ); RemoveStruct( iMapIndex, pWall->usIndex ); } else { AddToUndoList( iMapIndex ); GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( usWallType, usIndex, &usNewWallIndex ); ReplaceStructIndex( iMapIndex, pWall->usIndex, usNewWallIndex ); } //Calculate the new graphic for the window type selected. } }
void PasteSmartDoor( INT32 iMapIndex ) { LEVELNODE *pWall = NULL; UINT16 usTileIndex; UINT16 usDoorType; UINT16 usIndex; UINT16 usWallOrientation; if( pWall = GetVerticalWall( iMapIndex ) ) { GetWallOrientation( pWall->usIndex, &usWallOrientation ); usIndex = CalcSmartDoorIndex( usWallOrientation ); usDoorType = CalcSmartDoorType(); AddToUndoList( iMapIndex ); GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( usDoorType, usIndex, &usTileIndex ); ReplaceStructIndex( iMapIndex, pWall->usIndex, usTileIndex ); } if( pWall = GetHorizontalWall( iMapIndex ) ) { GetWallOrientation( pWall->usIndex, &usWallOrientation ); usIndex = CalcSmartDoorIndex( usWallOrientation ); usDoorType = CalcSmartDoorType(); AddToUndoList( iMapIndex ); GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( usDoorType, usIndex, &usTileIndex ); ReplaceStructIndex( iMapIndex, pWall->usIndex, usTileIndex ); } }
// This function changes the graphic of the statue and adds the exit grid... void ChangeO3SectorStatue( BOOLEAN fFromExplosion ) { EXITGRID ExitGrid; UINT16 usTileIndex; INT16 sX, sY; // Remove old graphic ApplyMapChangesToMapTempFile( TRUE ); // Remove it! // Get index for it... GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( EIGHTOSTRUCT, (INT8)( 5 ), &usTileIndex ); RemoveStruct( 13830, usTileIndex ); // Add new one... if ( fFromExplosion ) { // Use damaged peice GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( EIGHTOSTRUCT, (INT8)( 7 ), &usTileIndex ); } else { GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( EIGHTOSTRUCT, (INT8)( 8 ), &usTileIndex ); // Play sound... PlayJA2Sample( OPEN_STATUE, RATE_11025, HIGHVOLUME, 1, MIDDLEPAN ); } AddStructToHead( 13830, usTileIndex ); // Add exit grid ExitGrid.ubGotoSectorX = 3; ExitGrid.ubGotoSectorY = MAP_ROW_O; ExitGrid.ubGotoSectorZ = 1; ExitGrid.usGridNo = 13037; AddExitGridToWorld( 13669, &ExitGrid ); gpWorldLevelData[ 13669 ].uiFlags |= MAPELEMENT_REVEALED; // Turn off permenant changes.... ApplyMapChangesToMapTempFile( FALSE ); // Re-render the world! gTacticalStatus.uiFlags |= NOHIDE_REDUNDENCY; // FOR THE NEXT RENDER LOOP, RE-EVALUATE REDUNDENT TILES InvalidateWorldRedundency( ); SetRenderFlags(RENDER_FLAG_FULL); // Redo movement costs.... ConvertGridNoToXY( 13830, &sX, &sY ); RecompileLocalMovementCostsFromRadius( 13830, 5 ); }
//Road macros vary in size from 3 gridnos to 18 gridnos. Using the anchor gridno based off of the original //road system, this function will place the new macro (consisting of multiple road pieces in multiple //gridnos). void PlaceRoadMacroAtGridNo( INT32 iMapIndex, INT32 iMacroID ) { INT32 i; UINT16 usTileIndex; i = gsRoadMacroStartIndex[ iMacroID ]; while( gRoadMacros[ i ].sMacroID == iMacroID ) { AddToUndoList( iMapIndex + gRoadMacros[ i ].sOffset ); RemoveAllObjectsOfTypeRange( i, ROADPIECES, ROADPIECES ); GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( ROADPIECES, (UINT16)(i+1) , &usTileIndex ); AddObjectToHead( iMapIndex + gRoadMacros[ i ].sOffset, usTileIndex ); i++; } }
//Given a gridno, it will erase the current roof, and calculate the new roof piece based on the //wall orientions giving priority to the top and left walls before anything else. //NOTE: passing NULL for usRoofType will force the function to calculate the nearest roof type, // and use that for the new roof. This is needed when erasing parts of multiple buildings simultaneously. void RebuildRoof( UINT32 iMapIndex, UINT16 usRoofType ) { UINT16 usRoofIndex, usTileIndex; BOOLEAN fTop, fBottom, fLeft, fRight; if( !usRoofType ) { usRoofType = SearchForRoofType( iMapIndex ); } if( usRoofType == 0xffff ) return; //no roof type around, so don't draw one. //Analyse the mapindex for walls and set the flags. //NOTE: There is no support for more than 2 side on a roof, so if there is, draw TOPLEFT AddToUndoList( iMapIndex ); EraseRoof( iMapIndex ); fTop = GetHorizontalWall( iMapIndex - WORLD_COLS ) ? TRUE : FALSE; fLeft = GetVerticalWall( iMapIndex - 1 ) ? TRUE : FALSE; fBottom = GetHorizontalWall( iMapIndex ) ? TRUE : FALSE; fRight = GetVerticalWall( iMapIndex ) ? TRUE : FALSE; if( fTop && fLeft ) usRoofIndex = TOPLEFT_ROOF_INDEX; else if( fTop && fRight) usRoofIndex = TOPRIGHT_ROOF_INDEX; else if( fBottom && fLeft ) usRoofIndex = BOTTOMLEFT_ROOF_INDEX; else if( fBottom && fRight ) usRoofIndex = BOTTOMRIGHT_ROOF_INDEX; else if( fTop ) usRoofIndex = TOP_ROOF_INDEX; else if( fBottom ) usRoofIndex = BOTTOM_ROOF_INDEX; else if( fLeft ) usRoofIndex = LEFT_ROOF_INDEX; else if( fRight ) usRoofIndex = RIGHT_ROOF_INDEX; else usRoofIndex = CENTER_ROOF_BASE_INDEX + ( rand() % CENTER_ROOF_VARIANTS ); GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( usRoofType, usRoofIndex, &usTileIndex ); AddRoofToHead( iMapIndex, usTileIndex ); //if the editor view roofs is off, then the new roofs need to be hidden. if( !fBuildingShowRoofs ) { HideStructOfGivenType( iMapIndex, usRoofType, TRUE ); } }
void AddBuildingSectionToWorld( SGPRect *pSelectRegion ) { INT32 top, left, right, bottom, x, y; UINT32 iMapIndex; UINT16 usFloorType, usWallType, usRoofType; UINT16 usTileIndex; BOOLEAN fNewBuilding; BOOLEAN fSlantRoof = FALSE; BOOLEAN fVertical; BOOLEAN fFloor; top = pSelectRegion->iTop; left = pSelectRegion->iLeft; right = pSelectRegion->iRight; bottom = pSelectRegion->iBottom; //Special case scenario: //If the user selects a floor without walls, then it is implied that the user wishes to //change the floor for say a kitchen which might have a different floor type. usWallType = GetRandomIndexByRange( FIRSTWALL, LASTWALL ); usFloorType = GetRandomIndexByRange( FIRSTFLOOR, LASTFLOOR ); if( usWallType == 0xffff && usFloorType != 0xffff ) { //allow user to place floors for( y = top; y <= bottom; y++ ) for( x = left; x <= right; x++ ) { iMapIndex = y * WORLD_COLS + x; EraseFloor( iMapIndex ); GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( usFloorType, 1, &usTileIndex ); AddLandToHead( iMapIndex, (UINT16)( usTileIndex + Random( FLOOR_VARIANTS ) ) ); } //we are done! return; } //1ST PASS: Determine if there are any floor tiles in this region. If there are, then // that signifies that we are concantenating this building to an existing one. Otherwise, // we are just drawing an individual building. If we find a floor, extract the type so // we know how to draw it later. fNewBuilding = TRUE; for( y = top; y <= bottom; y++ ) for( x = left; x <= right; x++ ) { iMapIndex = y * WORLD_COLS + x; if( FloorAtGridNo( iMapIndex ) ) { LEVELNODE *pFloor; UINT32 uiTileType; //If a floor is found, then we are adding to an existing structure. fNewBuilding = FALSE; //Extract the floor type. We already checked if there was a floor here, so it is assumed. pFloor = gpWorldLevelData[ iMapIndex ].pLandHead; while( pFloor ) { GetTileType( pFloor->usIndex, &uiTileType ); if( uiTileType >= FIRSTFLOOR && uiTileType <= LASTFLOOR ) { usFloorType = (UINT16)uiTileType; break; } } usWallType = SearchForWallType( iMapIndex ); usRoofType = SearchForRoofType( iMapIndex ); if( usWallType != 0xffff && usRoofType != 0xffff && usFloorType !=0xffff ) { //we have extracted all of the information we need, so we can break out. y = bottom; break; } } } if( fNewBuilding ) { //if( gfBasement ) // return; //Get materials via selection window method. usWallType = GetRandomIndexByRange( FIRSTWALL, LASTWALL ); usFloorType = GetRandomIndexByRange( FIRSTFLOOR, LASTFLOOR ); usRoofType = GetRandomIndexByRange( FIRSTROOF, LASTROOF ); if( usRoofType == 0xffff ) { usRoofType = GetRandomIndexByRange( FIRSTSLANTROOF, LASTSLANTROOF ); if( usRoofType != 0xffff ) { if( !gfBasement ) fSlantRoof = TRUE; else usRoofType = FIRSTROOF; } } if( usWallType == 0xffff ) return; } //2ND PASS: Remove all walls in the region that border no floor tile, or simply walls // that are considered exterior walls. That way, it won't wreck the inside of a building // if you select too much interior. Also, gridnos that delete walls will also delete the // floor and roof tiles there. That signifies that the floorless parts will be resmoothed, // and rebuilt in the third pass. for( y = top; y <= bottom; y++ ) for( x = left; x <= right; x++ ) { iMapIndex = y * WORLD_COLS + x; if( gfBasement ) { EraseBuilding( iMapIndex ); } else if( FloorAtGridNo( iMapIndex ) && !fNewBuilding) { if( y >= top && !FloorAtGridNo( iMapIndex - WORLD_COLS ) ) { EraseHorizontalWall( iMapIndex - WORLD_COLS ); EraseFloor( iMapIndex ); EraseRoof( iMapIndex ); } if( y <= bottom && !FloorAtGridNo( iMapIndex + WORLD_COLS ) ) { EraseHorizontalWall( iMapIndex ); EraseFloor( iMapIndex ); EraseRoof( iMapIndex ); } if( x >= left && !FloorAtGridNo( iMapIndex - 1 ) ) { EraseVerticalWall( iMapIndex - 1 ); EraseFloor( iMapIndex ); EraseRoof( iMapIndex ); } if( x <= right && !FloorAtGridNo( iMapIndex + 1 ) ) { EraseVerticalWall( iMapIndex ); EraseFloor( iMapIndex ); EraseRoof( iMapIndex ); } } else //we will be building outside of this structure, so bulldoze the nature -- trees, rocks, etc. { BulldozeNature( iMapIndex ); } } //3RD PASS: Process the region, and all walls of floorless tiles are rebuilt from interior perspective. for( y = top; y <= bottom; y++ ) for( x = left; x <= right; x++ ) { iMapIndex = y * WORLD_COLS + x; if( !FloorAtGridNo( iMapIndex ) ) { if( y == top && !GetHorizontalWall( iMapIndex - WORLD_COLS ) ) { fFloor = FloorAtGridNo( iMapIndex - WORLD_COLS ); if( gfBasement == fFloor ) BuildWallPiece( iMapIndex, INTERIOR_TOP, usWallType); } if( y == bottom && !GetHorizontalWall( iMapIndex ) ) { fFloor = FloorAtGridNo( iMapIndex + WORLD_COLS ); if( gfBasement == fFloor ) BuildWallPiece( iMapIndex, INTERIOR_BOTTOM, usWallType ); } if( x == left && !GetVerticalWall( iMapIndex - 1 ) ) { fFloor = FloorAtGridNo( iMapIndex - 1 ); if( gfBasement == fFloor ) BuildWallPiece( iMapIndex, INTERIOR_LEFT, usWallType ); } if( x == right && !GetVerticalWall( iMapIndex ) ) { fFloor = FloorAtGridNo( iMapIndex + 1 ); if( gfBasement == fFloor ) BuildWallPiece( iMapIndex, INTERIOR_RIGHT, usWallType ); } } } //If we are dealing with slant roofs then build the whole thing now. //Slant roofs always have a width or height of 8 tiles. if( fSlantRoof ) { fVertical = (bottom - top == 7) ? FALSE : TRUE; BuildSlantRoof( left, top, right, bottom, usWallType, usRoofType, fVertical ); } //4TH PASS: Process the region, and all floorless tiles get new roofs and floors. for( y = top; y <= bottom; y++ ) for( x = left; x <= right; x++ ) { iMapIndex = y * WORLD_COLS + x; if( !FloorAtGridNo( iMapIndex ) ) { if( !fSlantRoof ) RebuildRoof( iMapIndex, usRoofType ); if( usFloorType != 0xffff && !gfBasement ) { GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( usFloorType, 1, &usTileIndex ); AddLandToHead( iMapIndex, (UINT16)( usTileIndex + Random( FLOOR_VARIANTS ) ) ); } } } }
//When the user removes a section from a building, it will not only erase the //entire highlighted area, it'll repair the building itself so there are no //outside walls missing from the new building. void RemoveBuildingSectionFromWorld( SGPRect *pSelectRegion ) { UINT32 top, left, right, bottom, x, y; UINT32 iMapIndex; UINT16 usTileIndex; UINT16 usFloorType; BOOLEAN fFloor; top = pSelectRegion->iTop; left = pSelectRegion->iLeft; right = pSelectRegion->iRight; bottom = pSelectRegion->iBottom; //1ST PASS: Erase all building owned by the floor tile if there is one. for( y = top; y <= bottom; y++ ) for( x = left; x <= right; x++ ) { iMapIndex = y * WORLD_COLS + x; EraseFloorOwnedBuildingPieces( iMapIndex ); //Erase possible top and left walls in bordering tiles. } //2ND PASS: Build new walls whereever there are neighboring floor tiles. for( y = top; y <= bottom; y++ ) for( x = left; x <= right; x++ ) { iMapIndex = y * WORLD_COLS + x; //NOTE: Top and bottom walls MUST be placed first -- it minimizes the number of special cases. if( y == top ) { fFloor = FloorAtGridNo( iMapIndex - WORLD_COLS ); if( gfBasement && !fFloor || !gfBasement && fFloor && !GetHorizontalWall( iMapIndex - WORLD_COLS ) ) BuildWallPiece( iMapIndex, EXTERIOR_TOP, 0 ); } if( y == bottom ) { fFloor = FloorAtGridNo( iMapIndex + WORLD_COLS ); if( gfBasement && !fFloor || !gfBasement && fFloor && !GetHorizontalWall( iMapIndex ) ) BuildWallPiece( iMapIndex, EXTERIOR_BOTTOM, 0 ); } if( x == left ) { fFloor = FloorAtGridNo( iMapIndex - 1 ); if( gfBasement && !fFloor || !gfBasement && fFloor && !GetVerticalWall( iMapIndex - 1 ) ) BuildWallPiece( iMapIndex, EXTERIOR_LEFT, 0 ); } if( x == right ) { fFloor = FloorAtGridNo( iMapIndex + 1); if( gfBasement && !fFloor || !gfBasement && fFloor && !GetVerticalWall( iMapIndex ) ) BuildWallPiece( iMapIndex, EXTERIOR_RIGHT, 0 ); } } //3RD PASS: Go around the outside of the region, and rebuild the roof. if( gfBasement ) { usFloorType = GetRandomIndexByRange( FIRSTFLOOR, LASTFLOOR ); if( usFloorType == 0xffff ) usFloorType = FIRSTFLOOR; for( y = top; y <= bottom; y++ ) for( x = left; x <= right; x++ ) { iMapIndex = y * WORLD_COLS + x; GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( usFloorType, 1, &usTileIndex ); AddLandToHead( iMapIndex, (UINT16)( usTileIndex + Random( FLOOR_VARIANTS ) ) ); } } for( y = top - 1; y <= bottom + 1; y++ ) for( x = left - 1; x <= right + 1; x++ ) { iMapIndex = y * WORLD_COLS + x; if( y == top - 1 || y == bottom + 1 || x == left - 1 || x == right + 1 ) { if( !gfBasement && FloorAtGridNo( iMapIndex ) || gfBasement && !FloorAtGridNo( iMapIndex ) ) { RebuildRoof( iMapIndex, 0 ); } } } }
UINT16 GetCaveTileIndexFromPerimeterValue( UINT8 ubTotal ) { UINT16 usType = FIRSTWALL; UINT16 usIndex; UINT16 usTileIndex; switch( ubTotal ) { case 0x00: case 0x10: case 0x20: case 0x30: case 0x40: case 0x50: case 0x60: case 0x70: case 0x80: case 0x90: case 0xa0: case 0xb0: case 0xc0: case 0xd0: case 0xe0: case 0xf0: //usIndex = 0; //break; return 0xffff; case 0x01: case 0x11: case 0x21: case 0x31: case 0x41: case 0x51: case 0x61: case 0x71: case 0x81: case 0x91: case 0xa1: case 0xb1: case 0xc1: case 0xd1: case 0xe1: case 0xf1: usType = SECONDWALL; usIndex = 1 + (UINT16)Random( 4 ); break; case 0x02: case 0x12: case 0x22: case 0x32: case 0x42: case 0x52: case 0x62: case 0x72: case 0x82: case 0x92: case 0xa2: case 0xb2: case 0xc2: case 0xd2: case 0xe2: case 0xf2: usType = SECONDWALL; usIndex = 5 + (UINT16)Random( 4 ); break; case 0x03: case 0x13: case 0x43: case 0x53: case 0x83: case 0x93: case 0xc3: case 0xd3: usIndex = 1; break; case 0x04: case 0x14: case 0x24: case 0x34: case 0x44: case 0x54: case 0x64: case 0x74: case 0x84: case 0x94: case 0xa4: case 0xb4: case 0xc4: case 0xd4: case 0xe4: case 0xf4: usType = SECONDWALL; usIndex = 9 + (UINT16)Random( 4 ); break; case 0x05: case 0x15: case 0x25: case 0x35: case 0x45: case 0x55: case 0x65: case 0x75: case 0x85: case 0x95: case 0xa5: case 0xb5: case 0xc5: case 0xd5: case 0xe5: case 0xf5: usIndex = 2 + (UINT16)Random( 2 ); break; case 0x06: case 0x16: case 0x26: case 0x36: case 0x86: case 0x96: case 0xa6: case 0xb6: usIndex = 4; break; case 0x07: case 0x17: case 0x87: case 0x97: usIndex = 5; break; case 0x08: case 0x18: case 0x28: case 0x38: case 0x48: case 0x58: case 0x68: case 0x78: case 0x88: case 0x98: case 0xa8: case 0xb8: case 0xc8: case 0xd8: case 0xe8: case 0xf8: usType = SECONDWALL; usIndex = 13 + (UINT16)Random( 4 ); break; case 0x09: case 0x29: case 0x49: case 0x69: case 0x89: case 0xa9: case 0xc9: case 0xe9: usIndex = 6; break; case 0x0a: case 0x1a: case 0x2a: case 0x3a: case 0x4a: case 0x5a: case 0x6a: case 0x7a: case 0x8a: case 0x9a: case 0xaa: case 0xba: case 0xca: case 0xda: case 0xea: case 0xfa: usIndex = 7 + (UINT16)Random( 2 ); break; case 0x0b: case 0x4b: case 0x8b: case 0xcb: usIndex = 9; break; case 0x0c: case 0x1c: case 0x2c: case 0x3c: case 0x4c: case 0x5c: case 0x6c: case 0x7c: usIndex = 10; break; case 0x0d: case 0x2d: case 0x4d: case 0x6d: usIndex = 11; break; case 0x0e: case 0x1e: case 0x2e: case 0x3e: usIndex = 12; break; case 0x0f: usIndex = 13; break; case 0x19: case 0x39: case 0x59: case 0x79: case 0x99: case 0xb9: case 0xd9: case 0xf9: usIndex = 14 + (UINT16)Random( 2 ); break; case 0x1b: case 0x5b: case 0x9b: case 0xdb: usIndex = 16; break; case 0x1d: case 0x3d: case 0x5d: case 0x7d: usIndex = 17; break; case 0x1f: usIndex = 18; break; case 0x23: case 0x33: case 0x63: case 0x73: case 0xa3: case 0xb3: case 0xe3: case 0xf3: usIndex = 19 + (UINT16)Random( 2 ); break; case 0x27: case 0x37: case 0xa7: case 0xb7: usIndex = 21; break; case 0x2b: case 0x6b: case 0xab: case 0xeb: usIndex = 22; break; case 0x2f: usIndex = 23; break; case 0x3b: case 0x7b: case 0xbb: case 0xfb: usIndex = 24 + (UINT16)Random( 3 ); break; case 0x3f: usIndex = 27; break; case 0x46: case 0x56: case 0x66: case 0x76: case 0xc6: case 0xd6: case 0xe6: case 0xf6: usIndex = 28 + (UINT16)Random( 2 ); break; case 0x47: case 0x57: case 0xc7: case 0xd7: usIndex = 30; break; case 0x4e: case 0x5e: case 0x6e: case 0x7e: usIndex = 31; break; case 0x4f: usIndex = 32; break; case 0x5f: usIndex = 33; break; case 0x67: case 0x77: case 0xe7: case 0xf7: usIndex = 34 + (UINT16)Random( 3 ); break; case 0x6f: usIndex = 37; break; case 0x7f: usIndex = 38 + (UINT16)Random( 2 ); break; case 0x8c: case 0x9c: case 0xac: case 0xbc: case 0xcc: case 0xdc: case 0xec: case 0xfc: usIndex = 40 + (UINT16)Random( 2 ); break; case 0x8d: case 0xad: case 0xcd: case 0xed: usIndex = 42; break; case 0x8e: case 0x9e: case 0xae: case 0xbe: usIndex = 43; break; case 0x8f: usIndex = 44; break; case 0x9d: case 0xbd: case 0xdd: case 0xfd: usIndex = 45 + (UINT16)Random( 3 ); break; case 0x9f: usIndex = 48; break; case 0xaf: usIndex = 49; break; case 0xbf: usIndex = 50 + (UINT16)Random( 2 ); break; case 0xce: case 0xde: case 0xee: case 0xfe: usIndex = 52 + (UINT16)Random( 3 ); break; case 0xcf: usIndex = 55; break; case 0xdf: usIndex = 56 + (UINT16)Random( 2 ); break; case 0xef: usIndex = 58 + (UINT16)Random( 2 ); break; case 0xff: usIndex = 60 + (UINT16)Random( 6 ); break; } GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( usType, usIndex, &usTileIndex ); return usTileIndex; }
//From a given gridNo and perspective (wallpiece), it will calculate the new piece, and //where to place it as well as handle the special cases. //NOTE: Placing top and left pieces are placed relative to the gridno, and the gridNo will // shift accordingly to place the piece. Pretend you are the floor, and you want to place a piece to // the left. You pass your position, and INTERIOR_LEFT, with interior meaning from the inside of a // building. If you were outside the building, you would call EXTERIOR_LEFT. The left tile will be // placed on gridNo - 1! Up tiles will be placed on gridNo - 160. //NOTE: Passing NULL for usWallType will force it to calculate the closest existing wall type, and // use that for building this new wall. It is necessary for restructuring a building, but not for // adding on to an existing building, where the type is already known. void BuildWallPiece( UINT32 iMapIndex, UINT8 ubWallPiece, UINT16 usWallType ) { INT16 sIndex; UINT16 usTileIndex; UINT16 ubWallClass; LEVELNODE *pStruct; if( !usWallType ) { usWallType = SearchForWallType( iMapIndex ); } switch( ubWallPiece ) { case EXTERIOR_TOP: iMapIndex -= WORLD_COLS; //exterior bottom left corner generated if ( !gfBasement && GetVerticalWall( iMapIndex - 1) && !GetVerticalWall( iMapIndex + WORLD_COLS - 1) ) { //Special case where a shadow has to be created as it now is a bottom corner and //must contribute to the bottom shadow. AddToUndoList( iMapIndex - 1 ); GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( usWallType, INTERIOR_BOTTOMEND_SHADOW_INDEX, &usTileIndex ); AddExclusiveShadow( iMapIndex - 1, usTileIndex ); } if ( pStruct = GetVerticalWall( iMapIndex ) ) //right corner { //Special case where placing the new wall will generate a corner to the right, so replace //the vertical piece with a bottomend. sIndex = PickAWallPiece( EXTERIOR_BOTTOMEND ); AddToUndoList( iMapIndex ); GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( usWallType, sIndex, &usTileIndex ); ReplaceStructIndex( iMapIndex, pStruct->usIndex, usTileIndex ); } ubWallClass = EXTERIOR_L; if( !gfBasement ) { //All exterior_l walls have shadows. GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( usWallType, EXTERIOR_L_SHADOW_INDEX, &usTileIndex ); AddExclusiveShadow( iMapIndex, usTileIndex ); } break; case EXTERIOR_BOTTOM: ubWallClass = INTERIOR_L; if( (pStruct = GetVerticalWall( iMapIndex + WORLD_COLS - 1 )) && !GetVerticalWall( iMapIndex - 1) ) { sIndex = PickAWallPiece( INTERIOR_EXTENDED ); AddToUndoList( iMapIndex + WORLD_COLS - 1 ); GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( usWallType, sIndex, &usTileIndex ); ReplaceStructIndex( iMapIndex + WORLD_COLS - 1, pStruct->usIndex, usTileIndex ); } break; case EXTERIOR_LEFT: iMapIndex--; ubWallClass = EXTERIOR_R; if( GetHorizontalWall( iMapIndex ) ) { //Special case where placing the new wall will generate a corner. This piece //becomes an exterior bottomend, but nothing else is effected. ubWallClass = EXTERIOR_BOTTOMEND; } if( GetHorizontalWall( iMapIndex - WORLD_COLS + 1 ) ) { if( ubWallClass == EXTERIOR_BOTTOMEND ) ubWallClass = EXTERIOR_EXTENDED_BOTTOMEND; else ubWallClass = EXTERIOR_EXTENDED; } break; case EXTERIOR_RIGHT: ubWallClass = INTERIOR_R; if( GetHorizontalWall( iMapIndex - WORLD_COLS + 1 ) && !GetHorizontalWall( iMapIndex - WORLD_COLS ) ) { ubWallClass = INTERIOR_EXTENDED; } else if( GetHorizontalWall( iMapIndex ) && !GetVerticalWall( iMapIndex + WORLD_COLS ) ) { ubWallClass = INTERIOR_BOTTOMEND; } break; case INTERIOR_TOP: iMapIndex -= WORLD_COLS; ubWallClass = INTERIOR_L; //check for a lower left corner. if( pStruct = GetVerticalWall( iMapIndex + WORLD_COLS - 1 ) ) { //Replace the piece with an extended piece. sIndex = PickAWallPiece( INTERIOR_EXTENDED ); AddToUndoList( iMapIndex + WORLD_COLS - 1 ); GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( usWallType, sIndex, &usTileIndex ); ReplaceStructIndex( iMapIndex + WORLD_COLS - 1, pStruct->usIndex, usTileIndex ); //NOTE: Not yet checking for interior extended bottomend! } if( pStruct = GetVerticalWall( iMapIndex ) ) { sIndex = PickAWallPiece( INTERIOR_BOTTOMEND ); AddToUndoList( iMapIndex ); GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( usWallType, sIndex, &usTileIndex ); ReplaceStructIndex( iMapIndex, pStruct->usIndex, usTileIndex ); } break; case INTERIOR_BOTTOM: ubWallClass = EXTERIOR_L; if( pStruct = GetVerticalWall( iMapIndex ) ) //right corner { //Special case where placing the new wall will generate a corner to the right, so replace //the vertical piece with a bottomend. sIndex = PickAWallPiece( EXTERIOR_BOTTOMEND ); AddToUndoList( iMapIndex ); GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( usWallType, sIndex, &usTileIndex ); ReplaceStructIndex( iMapIndex, pStruct->usIndex, usTileIndex ); } if( (pStruct = GetVerticalWall( iMapIndex + WORLD_COLS - 1 )) && !GetVerticalWall( iMapIndex - 1) ) { sIndex = PickAWallPiece( EXTERIOR_EXTENDED ); AddToUndoList( iMapIndex + WORLD_COLS - 1 ); GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( usWallType, sIndex, &usTileIndex ); ReplaceStructIndex( iMapIndex + WORLD_COLS - 1, pStruct->usIndex, usTileIndex ); } if( !gfBasement ) { //All exterior_l walls have shadows. GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( usWallType, EXTERIOR_L_SHADOW_INDEX, &usTileIndex ); AddExclusiveShadow( iMapIndex, usTileIndex ); } break; case INTERIOR_LEFT: iMapIndex--; ubWallClass = INTERIOR_R; if( GetHorizontalWall( iMapIndex ) ) { ubWallClass = INTERIOR_BOTTOMEND; } if( !gfBasement && GetHorizontalWall( iMapIndex + 1 ) ) { AddToUndoList( iMapIndex ); GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( usWallType, INTERIOR_BOTTOMEND_SHADOW_INDEX, &usTileIndex ); AddExclusiveShadow( iMapIndex, usTileIndex ); } if( GetHorizontalWall( iMapIndex - WORLD_COLS + 1 ) ) { if( ubWallClass == INTERIOR_BOTTOMEND ) ubWallClass = INTERIOR_EXTENDED_BOTTOMEND; else ubWallClass = INTERIOR_EXTENDED; } break; case INTERIOR_RIGHT: ubWallClass = EXTERIOR_R; if( GetHorizontalWall( iMapIndex ) ) { //Special case where placing the new wall will generate a corner. This piece //becomes an exterior bottomend, but nothing else is effected. ubWallClass = EXTERIOR_BOTTOMEND; } if( GetHorizontalWall( iMapIndex - WORLD_COLS + 1 ) ) { if( ubWallClass == EXTERIOR_BOTTOMEND ) ubWallClass = EXTERIOR_EXTENDED_BOTTOMEND; else ubWallClass = EXTERIOR_EXTENDED; } if( !gfBasement && GetHorizontalWall( iMapIndex + 1 ) && !GetHorizontalWall( iMapIndex ) && !FloorAtGridNo( iMapIndex + WORLD_COLS ) ) { GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( usWallType, INTERIOR_BOTTOMEND_SHADOW_INDEX, &usTileIndex ); AddExclusiveShadow( iMapIndex, usTileIndex ); } break; } sIndex = PickAWallPiece( ubWallClass ); GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( usWallType, sIndex, &usTileIndex ); AddToUndoList( iMapIndex ); AddWallToStructLayer( iMapIndex, usTileIndex, FALSE ); }
void BuildSlantRoof( INT32 iLeft, INT32 iTop, INT32 iRight, INT32 iBottom, UINT16 usWallType, UINT16 usRoofType, BOOLEAN fVertical ) { INT32 i; UINT16 usTileIndex; INT32 iMapIndex; if( fVertical ) { iMapIndex = iBottom * WORLD_COLS + iLeft; //This happens to be the only mapindex that needs to be backed up. The rest have already been //done because of the building code before this. AddToUndoList( iMapIndex + 8 ); //Add the closest viewable pieces. There are two aframe walls pieces, and extended aframe roof pieces. GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( usWallType, VWALL_LEFT, &usTileIndex ); AddRoofToHead( iMapIndex + 4, usTileIndex ); GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( usWallType, VWALL_RIGHT, &usTileIndex ); AddRoofToHead( iMapIndex + 8, usTileIndex ); GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( usRoofType, THICK_LEFT, &usTileIndex ); AddRoofToHead( iMapIndex + 3, usTileIndex ); GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( usRoofType, THICK_RIGHT, &usTileIndex ); AddRoofToHead( iMapIndex + 7, usTileIndex ); for( i = iBottom - 1; i > iTop; i-- ) { iMapIndex -= WORLD_COLS; GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( usRoofType, THIN_LEFT, &usTileIndex ); AddRoofToHead( iMapIndex + 3, usTileIndex ); GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( usRoofType, THIN_RIGHT, &usTileIndex ); AddRoofToHead( iMapIndex + 7, usTileIndex ); } iMapIndex -= WORLD_COLS; GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( usRoofType, THICK_LEFT, &usTileIndex ); AddRoofToHead( iMapIndex + 3, usTileIndex ); GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( usRoofType, THICK_RIGHT, &usTileIndex ); AddRoofToHead( iMapIndex + 7, usTileIndex ); } else { iMapIndex = iTop * WORLD_COLS + iRight; //This happens to be the only mapindex that needs to be backed up. The rest have already been //done because of the building code before this. AddToUndoList( iMapIndex + 8*WORLD_COLS ); //Add the closest viewable pieces. There are two aframe walls pieces, and extended aframe roof pieces. GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( usWallType, HWALL_LEFT, &usTileIndex ); AddRoofToHead( iMapIndex + 4*WORLD_COLS, usTileIndex ); GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( usWallType, HWALL_RIGHT, &usTileIndex ); AddRoofToHead( iMapIndex + 8*WORLD_COLS, usTileIndex ); GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( usRoofType, THICK_TOP, &usTileIndex ); AddRoofToHead( iMapIndex + 3*WORLD_COLS, usTileIndex ); GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( usRoofType, THICK_BOTTOM, &usTileIndex ); AddRoofToHead( iMapIndex + 7*WORLD_COLS, usTileIndex ); for( i = iRight - 1; i > iLeft; i-- ) { iMapIndex--; GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( usRoofType, THIN_TOP, &usTileIndex ); AddRoofToHead( iMapIndex + 3*WORLD_COLS, usTileIndex ); GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( usRoofType, THIN_BOTTOM, &usTileIndex ); AddRoofToHead( iMapIndex + 7*WORLD_COLS, usTileIndex ); } iMapIndex--; GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( usRoofType, THICK_TOP, &usTileIndex ); AddRoofToHead( iMapIndex + 3*WORLD_COLS, usTileIndex ); GetTileIndexFromTypeSubIndex( usRoofType, THICK_BOTTOM, &usTileIndex ); AddRoofToHead( iMapIndex + 7*WORLD_COLS, usTileIndex ); } }