FrameScheduler::FrameScheduler(std::ostream *_LogDestination, Whole StartingThreadCount) : FrameTimeLog(MEZZ_FRAMESTOTRACK), PauseTimeLog(MEZZ_FRAMESTOTRACK), CurrentFrameStart(GetTimeStamp()), CurrentPauseStart(GetTimeStamp()), LogDestination(_LogDestination), Sorter(0), #ifdef MEZZ_USEBARRIERSEACHFRAME StartFrameSync(StartingThreadCount), EndFrameSync(StartingThreadCount), LastFrame(0), #endif #ifdef MEZZ_USEATOMICSTODECACHECOMPLETEWORK DecacheMain(0), DecacheAffinity(0), #endif CurrentThreadCount(StartingThreadCount), FrameCount(0), TargetFrameLength(16666), TimingCostAllowance(0), MainThreadID(this_thread::get_id()), LoggingToAnOwnedFileStream(false), NeedToLogDeps(true) { Resources.push_back(new DefaultThreadSpecificStorage::Type(this)); (*LogDestination) << "<MezzanineLog>" << std::endl; LogDestination->flush(); }
void optic_flow( cv::Mat mGray1, cv::Mat mGray2, cv::Mat& flow, cv::Mat& mAnnotated ) { cv::Mat frame1_gray, frame2_gray; cv::UMat flowUmat; struct timeval start1,end1; start1 = GetTimeStamp(); calcOpticalFlowFarneback(mGray1, mGray2, flowUmat, 0.5, 3, 15, 3, 5, 1.2, 0); flowUmat.copyTo(flow); for (int y = 0; y < mAnnotated.rows; y += 5) for (int x = 0; x < mAnnotated.cols; x += 5) { // get the flow from y, x position * 10 for better visibility const cv::Point2f flowatxy =<cv::Point2f>(y, x) * 10; // draw line at flow direction line(mAnnotated, cv::Point(x, y), cv::Point( cvRound(x + flowatxy.x), cvRound(y + flowatxy.y)), cv::Scalar(255,0,0)); // draw initial point circle(mAnnotated, cv::Point(x, y), 1, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0), -1); } end1 = GetTimeStamp(); float delta = ((end1.tv_sec-start1.tv_sec)*1000 - (end1.tv_usec - start1.tv_usec)); printf("OpticalFlowFarneback() Duration = %8.3f\n", delta/1000 ); }
THREAD_FUNC QdplusBarometerThread(void *argptr) { INT32 i, value, missed; struct { ISIDL_TIMESTAMP prev; ISIDL_TIMESTAMP crnt; } ttag; BAROMETER *bp; static char *fid = "QdplusBarometerThread"; LogMsg(LOG_DEBUG, "%s started", fid); bp = (BAROMETER *) argptr; bp->nsamp = 0; /* Time tag the current sample and stuff it into the buffer */ GetTimeStamp(&ttag.prev); while (1) { GetTimeStamp(&ttag.crnt); if (ttag.crnt.sys > ttag.prev.sys) { value = GetSample(bp); missed = ttag.crnt.sys - ttag.prev.sys - 1; for (i = 0; i < missed; i++) { ++ttag.prev.sys; StuffSample(bp, &ttag.prev, MISSED_BAROMETER_SAMPLE); } StuffSample(bp, &ttag.crnt, value); ttag.prev = ttag.crnt; } utilDelayMsec(250); } }
bool test_chip(char chipid[]) { nEntry++; g_chipdata.Invalidate(); g_chipdata.nEntry = nEntry; printf("#%05i: %s -> ", nEntry, chipid); fflush(stdout); Log.section("CHIP1", false); Log.printf(" %s\n", chipid); strcpy(g_chipdata.chipId, chipid); GetTimeStamp(g_chipdata.startTime); Log.timestamp("BEGIN"); tb.SetLed(0x10); bool repeat; int bin = settings.rocType == 0 ? TestRocAna::test_roc(repeat) : TestRocDig::test_roc(repeat); tb.SetLed(0x00); tb.Flush(); GetTimeStamp(g_chipdata.endTime); Log.timestamp("END"); Log.puts("\n"); Log.flush(); printf("%3i\n", bin); return true; }
bool test_wafer() { int x, y; g_chipdata.Invalidate(); if (!ReportWafer()) return true; if (!ReportChip(x,y)) return true; g_chipdata.nEntry = nEntry; GetTimeStamp(g_chipdata.startTime); Log.timestamp("BEGIN"); tb.SetLed(0x10); bool repeat; int bin = settings.rocType == 0 ? TestRocAna::test_roc(repeat) : TestRocDig::test_roc(repeat); tb.SetLed(0x00); tb.Flush(); GetTimeStamp(g_chipdata.endTime); Log.timestamp("END"); Log.puts("\n"); Log.flush(); printf("%3i\n", bin); printf(" RSP %s\n", prober.printf("BinMapDie %i", bin)); return true; }
bool test_wafer() { int x, y; g_chipdata.Invalidate(); if (!ReportWafer()) return true; if (!ReportChip(x,y)) return true; g_chipdata.nEntry = nEntry; GetTimeStamp(g_chipdata.startTime); Log.timestamp("BEGIN"); tb.SetLed(0x10); bool repeat; int bin = test_roc(repeat); tb.SetLed(0x00); tb.Flush(); GetTimeStamp(g_chipdata.endTime); Log.timestamp("END"); Log.puts("\n"); Log.flush(); printf("%3i\n", bin); prober.SendCmd("BinMapDie %i", bin); return true; }
void cLogMgr::Write(eLogLevel verbosity, std::string entry) { if (ENABLE_LOGGING) { WriteToConsole(verbosity, GetTimeStamp() + GetVerbosityToken(verbosity) + entry); WriteToFile(verbosity, GetTimeStamp() + GetVerbosityToken(verbosity) + entry); } }
void IPlatformFile::GetTimeStampPair(const TCHAR* PathA, const TCHAR* PathB, FDateTime& OutTimeStampA, FDateTime& OutTimeStampB) { if (GetLowerLevel()) { GetLowerLevel()->GetTimeStampPair(PathA, PathB, OutTimeStampA, OutTimeStampB); } else { OutTimeStampA = GetTimeStamp(PathA); OutTimeStampB = GetTimeStamp(PathB); } }
/* * Wait * ---- * wait n ticks. * * Paramters: * n: ticks number. */ void Wait(int n) { int start, end; start = GetTimeStamp(); /* Loop if time laspe is lower than wait time */ while (1) { end = GetTimeStamp(); if ((end - start) > n) { break; } } }
DrawSheetStruct * DrawSheetStruct::GenCopy(void) /***********************************************/ { DrawSheetStruct * newitem = new DrawSheetStruct(m_Pos); DrawSheetLabelStruct * Slabel = NULL, * label = m_Label; int ii; newitem->m_End = m_End; newitem->m_Parent = m_Parent; newitem->m_TimeStamp = GetTimeStamp(); /* initialisation des Fields */ for(ii = 0; ii < NUMBER_OF_FIELDS; ii++) { m_Field[ii].PartTextCopy(& newitem->m_Field[ii]); } if( label ) { Slabel = newitem->m_Label = label->GenCopy(); Slabel->m_Parent = newitem; label = (DrawSheetLabelStruct*)label->Pnext; } while( label ) { Slabel->Pnext = label->GenCopy(); Slabel = (DrawSheetLabelStruct*)Slabel->Pnext; Slabel->m_Parent = newitem; label = (DrawSheetLabelStruct*)label->Pnext; } return newitem; }
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void GameLog::Log(const LogLevel level, const string &messageRef) { if(!m_logger.is_open()) { return; } // Check if message should be logged. if(level <= m_logLevel) { // Create highlight text to make ERR or FAT logs stand out. string highlightText(""); if(level == FAT) { highlightText.assign(string(" #### ")); } else if(level == ERR) { highlightText.assign(string(" **** ")); } // Log error. if(m_timestamp) { m_logger << GetTimeStamp() << ": " << highlightText << messageRef << "." << highlightText << endl; } else { m_logger << highlightText << messageRef << "." << highlightText << endl; } } }
virtual void Update () { // delete inverse; if (GetTimeStamp() == bfa->GetTimeStamp()) return; timestamp = bfa->GetTimeStamp(); cout << IM(3) << "Update Direct Solver Preconditioner" << flush; try { auto have_sparse_fact = dynamic_pointer_cast<SparseFactorization> (inverse); if (have_sparse_fact && have_sparse_fact -> SupportsUpdate()) { if (have_sparse_fact->GetAMatrix() == bfa->GetMatrixPtr()) { // cout << "have the same matrix, can update factorization" << endl; have_sparse_fact->Update(); return; } } bfa->GetMatrix().SetInverseType (inversetype); shared_ptr<BitArray> freedofs = bfa->GetFESpace()->GetFreeDofs (bfa->UsesEliminateInternal()); inverse = bfa->GetMatrix().InverseMatrix(freedofs); } catch (exception & e) { throw Exception (string("caught exception in DirectPreconditioner: \n") + e.what() + "\nneeds a sparse matrix (or has memory problems)"); } }
//========================================================================== // Class: Logger::LoggerStreamBuffer // Function: sync // // Description: Override of standard sync method. Called when stream encounters // endl object. Handles addition of timestamp to the stream. // // Input Arguments: // None // // Output Arguments: // None // // Return Value: // int // //========================================================================== int Logger::LoggerStreamBuffer::sync() { output << GetTimeStamp() << " : " << str(); str(""); output.flush(); return 0; }
void CLogSystem::WriteToLog( const char *format, ... ) { if ( !m_bCreateLog ) return; va_list argptr; const int maxbytes=4095; char buffer[maxbytes+1]; char cTimeStamp[30]; timeStamp_t timeStamp; va_start(argptr, format); _vsnprintf(buffer, maxbytes, format, argptr); buffer[maxbytes]=NULL; va_end(argptr); GetTimeStamp( &timeStamp ); sprintf(cTimeStamp, "%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", timeStamp.year, timeStamp.month,, timeStamp.hour, timeStamp.minute, timeStamp.second); fprintf(m_fpLog, "%s;%s\n", cTimeStamp, buffer); }
Monitor::Monitor(SimObject * simObject, std::string directoryPath) :m_simObject(simObject), m_directoryPath(directoryPath), m_timeStamp(GetTimeStamp()) { //open csv std::string fileName = m_directoryPath + "/" + simObject->GetName() + m_timeStamp + ".csv";; }
long TimeStamp::GetDateStamp() { double time_stamp = GetTimeStamp(); int date_stamp = (int)time_stamp; return date_stamp; }
void ClientTCP::measure_latency() { time_before_ = GetTimeStamp(); timer_.expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::seconds(MAX_DELAY)); timer_.async_wait(boost::bind(&ClientTCP::handle_timeout, this, boost::asio::placeholders::error)); socket_.async_connect(endpoint_, boost::bind(&ClientTCP::handle_connect, this, boost::asio::placeholders::error)); }
VOID ScoreKeeper::ExpireStaleStates( IN BOOLEAN FlushAll) { std::map<ULONG, ApplicationState *>::iterator It; ULONG CurrentTimeStamp = GetTimeStamp(); for (It = ApplicationStateHash.begin(); It != ApplicationStateHash.end(); ) { // // If we're not removing all entries and this entry is not expired, don't // remove it. // if (!FlushAll) { if ((CurrentTimeStamp - (*It).second->GetLastTouchTime()) < APPLICATION_EXPIRATION_TIME_WINDOW) { It++; continue; } } // // If we get here, we're removing the entry. // ApplicationState *State = (*It).second; ApplicationStateHash.erase(It); delete State; It = ApplicationStateHash.begin(); } }
j_boolean_t CAccessOprator::HasDownLoaded(const j_char_t *pFileName) { try { char strCmd[512] = {0}; sprintf(strCmd, "SELECT * FROM FileInfo WHERE FileName = '%s';", pFileName); m_pRec = m_pConn->Execute((_bstr_t)strCmd, NULL, adCmdText); if (!m_pRec->EndOfFile) { return true; } j_string_t strTimeStamp = GetTimeStamp(pFileName); memset (strCmd, 0, sizeof(strCmd)); sprintf(strCmd, "SELECT * FROM FileInfo WHERE [TimeStamp] <= (SELECT MIN([TimeStamp]) FROM FileInfo);"); m_pRec = m_pConn->Execute((_bstr_t)strCmd, NULL, adCmdText); if (!m_pRec->EndOfFile && strTimeStamp < (char*)_bstr_t(m_pRec->GetCollect("TimeStamp"))) { return true; } } catch (...){} return false; }
//Debug void Packet::Print () { std::cout << " ********** \n **Packet:" "\n ** ID " << GetID () << " timeStamp " << GetTimeStamp () << "\n ** size: " << GetSize() << "\n ** sourcePort " << GetSourcePort() << " destinationPort " << GetDestinationPort() << "\n ** srcIP " << GetSourceID() << " dstIP " << GetDestinationID() << "\n ** srcMAC " << GetSourceMAC() << " dstMAC " << GetDestinationMAC() << std::endl; if (m_RLCHeader->IsAFragment()) std::cout << " ** IsAFragment TRUE "; else std::cout << " ** IsAFragment FALSE "; if (m_RLCHeader->IsTheLatestFragment()) std::cout << " IsTheLatestFragment TRUE "; else std::cout << " IsTheLatestFragment FALSE "; std::cout << "\n **********" << std::endl; }
LRESULT CAgentCfg::WriteDevicesFile(std::string xmlFile, std::string destFolder) { std::string contents; contents+="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"; contents+="<MTConnectDevices xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"\">\n"; contents+=StdStringFormat("<Header bufferSize=\"130000\" instanceId=\"1\" creationTime=\"%s\" sender=\"local\" version=\"1.1\"/>\n", GetTimeStamp().c_str()); contents+="<Devices>\n"; // Check all machine names unique // Generate Devices.xml file with all devices in it. for(UINT i=0; i<devices.size(); i++) { std::string config = ReadXmlDevicesFile(devices[i]); ReplaceAll(config,"####", names[i]); config=ReplaceOnce(config,"name=\"NNNNNN\"","name=\""+names[i]+"\""); contents+=config+"\n"; } contents+="</Devices>\n"; contents+="</MTConnectDevices>\n"; if(!xmlFile.empty()) WriteFile(destFolder + "\\" + xmlFile , contents); return 0; }
void updatefromserver(char server_reply[255],struct device *s_device){ int linecount = 0,countdelimiter=0; char **res,buff[255]; char reply[100]; int servertime; //printf("enterrd func"); strcpy(reply,server_reply); servertime = GetTimeStamp(reply); //printf("Time : %d\n",servertime); if (strstr(server_reply,"Switch")!=NULL) { split( server_reply, ':', &res, &countdelimiter ); if((strstr(res[2],"On"))!=NULL) { s_device->onstatus = true; //printf("Turned on from server\n"); } else if ((strstr(res[2],"Off"))!=NULL) { s_device->onstatus = false; //printf("Turned off from server\n"); } else printf("Corrupted message from server\n"); } else printf("Corrupted message from server Message Type Unknown\n"); //Logical Clock if(servertime > ((long int) time(NULL)+timediff)) timediff = timediff + (servertime - ((long int) time(NULL))); // printf("End of func\n"); }
void vmsLogger::WriteLog(const tstring& message) { tstring logFile = fsGetDataFilePath("fdmlog.txt"); std::fstream file(logFile, std::ios_base::app); file << GetTimeStamp() << _T(" ") << message << std::endl; }
void CuDlgIpmDetailNetTrafic::GetNetTraficData(CaIpmPropertyNetTraficData& data) { data.m_TraficInfo = m_TraficInfo; data.m_bStartup = m_bStartup ; data.m_nCounter = m_nCounter; data.m_strTimeStamp = GetTimeStamp(); data.m_strTotalPacketIn = m_strTotalPacketIn; data.m_strTotalDataIn = m_strTotalDataIn; data.m_strTotalPacketOut = m_strTotalPacketOut; data.m_strTotalDataOut = m_strTotalDataOut; data.m_strCurrentPacketIn = m_strCurrentPacketIn; data.m_strCurrentDataIn = m_strCurrentDataIn; data.m_strCurrentPacketOut = m_strCurrentPacketOut; data.m_strCurrentDataOut = m_strCurrentDataOut; data.m_strAveragePacketIn = m_strAveragePacketIn; data.m_strAverageDataIn = m_strAverageDataIn; data.m_strAveragePacketOut = m_strAveragePacketOut; data.m_strAverageDataOut = m_strAverageDataOut; data.m_strPeekPacketIn = m_strPeekPacketIn; data.m_strPeekDataIn = m_strPeekDataIn; data.m_strPeekPacketOut = m_strPeekPacketOut; data.m_strPeekDataOut = m_strPeekDataOut; data.m_strDate1PacketIn = m_strDate1PacketIn; data.m_strDate2PacketIn = m_strDate2PacketIn; data.m_strDate1DataIn = m_strDate1DataIn; data.m_strDate2DataIn = m_strDate2DataIn; data.m_strDate1PacketOut = m_strDate1PacketOut; data.m_strDate2PacketOut = m_strDate2PacketOut; data.m_strDate1DataOut = m_strDate1DataOut; data.m_strDate2DataOut = m_strDate2DataOut; }
double get_master_clock(void) { double tstamp; GetTimeStamp(hBuff, &tstamp); return tstamp - audio_delta; };
void XnFrameStreamProcessor::OnEndOfFrame(const XnSensorProtocolResponseHeader* pHeader) { // write dump XnBuffer* pCurWriteBuffer = m_pTripleBuffer->GetWriteBuffer(); xnDumpWriteBuffer(m_InternalDump, pCurWriteBuffer->GetData(), pCurWriteBuffer->GetSize()); xnDumpClose(&m_InternalDump); xnDumpClose(&m_InDump); if (!m_bFrameCorrupted) { // mark the buffer as stable XnUInt64 nTimestamp = GetTimeStamp(pHeader->nTimeStamp); XnUInt32 nFrameID; m_pTripleBuffer->MarkWriteBufferAsStable(nTimestamp, &nFrameID); // let inheriting classes do their stuff OnFrameReady(nFrameID, nTimestamp); } else { // restart m_pTripleBuffer->GetWriteBuffer()->Reset(); } // log bandwidth XnUInt64 nSysTime; xnOSGetTimeStamp(&nSysTime); xnDumpWriteString(m_pDevicePrivateData->BandwidthDump, "%llu,%s,%d,%d\n", nSysTime, m_csName, GetCurrentFrameID(), m_nBytesReceived); // re-init dumps xnDumpInit(&m_InDump, m_csInDumpMask, NULL, "%s_%d.raw", m_csInDumpMask, GetCurrentFrameID()); xnDumpInit(&m_InternalDump, m_csInternalDumpMask, NULL, "%s_%d.raw", m_csInternalDumpMask, GetCurrentFrameID()); m_nBytesReceived = 0; }
double Timer::GetTimeStampClear(unsigned int id) { double t = GetTimeStamp(id); m_timeStamps.erase(id); return t; }
void StartAnimation() { DirectFBStage *stage = sgDirectFBFrame->GetStage(); while (!sgDead) { int waitMs = (stage->GetNextWake() - GetTimeStamp()) * 1000; if (waitMs < 0) { waitMs = 0; } sgEventBuffer->WaitForEventWithTimeout(sgEventBuffer, 0, waitMs); while (sgEventBuffer->HasEvent(sgEventBuffer) != DFB_BUFFEREMPTY) { DFBEvent event; sgEventBuffer->GetEvent(sgEventBuffer, DFB_EVENT(&event)); stage->ProcessEvent(event); if (sgDead) { break; } } Event poll(etPoll); stage->HandleEvent(poll); } Event deactivate(etDeactivate); stage->HandleEvent(deactivate); Event kill(etDestroyHandler); stage->HandleEvent(kill); }
int getMixerTime(int inTime0) { double now = GetTimeStamp(); if (now>sLastMusicUpdate+1) return sSoundPos; return (sSoundPos-inTime0) + (int)( (now - sLastMusicUpdate)*sMusicFrequency ); }
//WriteLog function writes formatted log to File or Console void Logger::WriteLog(loglevel level, string message, bool file) { try{ _msemaphore.lock(); if (file) { _fhnd << GetTimeStamp() << " " << GetLoglevelString(level) << message << endl; } else { cout << GetTimeStamp() << " " << GetLoglevelString(level) << message << endl; } _msemaphore.unlock(); } catch (std::exception& e){ throw e; } }