Exemple #1
FTetrisField::FTetrisField(int rows, int cols, FColor *color, FVertex *position, float width, float height, float scale, bool d3, float xrot, float yrot, float zrot):FGLDrawObject(color, new FVertex(position->GetX() * scale, position->GetY() * scale, position->GetZ()), xrot, yrot, zrot, true, false, 0, 0, 0)
	this->rows = rows;
	this->cols = cols;
	this->height = height;
	this->width = width;
	this->scale = scale;
	this->border = .015;
	this->startx = -GetTotalWidth() / 2;
	this->starty = GetTotalHeight() / 2;
	delete position;
	this->d3 = d3;
int COXMultiComboBox::AdjustToFitSize()
	int nResult;
		int nTotalWidth=GetTotalWidth()+2*GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXBORDER);

		int nTotalHeight=GetTotalHeight();
		int nBorderHeight=GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYBORDER);
		int nScrollbarHeight=GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYHSCROLL);
		CRect rcDrop;
		if((nTotalHeight > rcDrop.Height()-2*nBorderHeight) ||	
			((nTotalWidth > rcDrop.Width()) &&
			(nTotalHeight > rcDrop.Height()-nScrollbarHeight-2*nBorderHeight)))

		int nScreenWidth=::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN);
		nTotalWidth=nTotalWidth>nScreenWidth ? nScreenWidth : nTotalWidth;


		// ... To indicate that the scrollbars has to be re-adjusted
		m_fSizeChanged = TRUE; 

		// Redraws the listbox

	return nResult;
// This message is handle to get the HWND of the listbox of the combobox
// as there is no otherway to get it(refer to Q65881, Q131845 in Knowledge Base)
// The listbox handle is needed to set the scrollbar to it if needed, and to 
// handle its WM_HSCROLL message.
HBRUSH COXMultiComboBox::OnCtlColor(CDC* pDC, CWnd* pWnd, UINT nCtlColor) 
// --- In  : pDC : device context (See standard help for detaled info)
//			 pWnd : Pointer Cwnd obejct of the window whose background 
//				    has to be painted.
//			 nCtlColor : Type of the control
// --- Out : 
// --- Returns : Brush to supply to paint the background
// --- Effect : The listbox's HWND is got and sunclassed to COXComboLBox 
//				window object. The listbox style is modified to 
//				have WS_HSCROLL. The horizontal extent of the listbox is 
//				set and scrollbars are shown are hided depending on the 
//				width and height. Scroll range for horizantal scrollbar 
//				is set and also m_NumCharsPerPage is set.
	HBRUSH hbr = CComboBox::OnCtlColor(pDC, pWnd, nCtlColor); 

	// Handle only if the type of control is Listbox only
	if ((nCtlColor == CTLCOLOR_LISTBOX) && m_fSizeChanged)
		// ... To stop this code run unneccessorily
		m_fSizeChanged = FALSE; 
			m_nLineWidth = tm.tmAveCharWidth;
		int nTotalWidth = GetTotalWidth();
		// ... Sets horizontal extent to total width

		CRect rcDrop;
		int iTotalItemHeight = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < m_ComboLBox.GetCount(); i++)
			iTotalItemHeight += m_ComboLBox.GetItemHeight(i);
		if (rcDrop.Height() < iTotalItemHeight || m_bFitToSize)

			CRect rcWnd;

			CRect rcClient;
			m_nPageWidth = rcClient.Width();

			// setting sroll info
			si.cbSize = sizeof(si);
			si.nPos = 0;
			si.nMin = 0;
			si.nMax = nTotalWidth;
			si.nPage = m_nPageWidth;
			si.fMask = SIF_PAGE | SIF_RANGE | SIF_POS ;

	return hbr; 
Exemple #4
void FTetrisField::InternDraw(bool standalone){
		glTranslatef(startx, starty, 0);
		float depth = this->GetBoxWidth()<this->GetBoxHeight()?-this->GetBoxWidth():-this->GetBoxHeight();
			glColor4f(this->color->GetR() * 1.5, this->color->GetG() * 1.5,/* this->color->GetB() * 1.5*/1, this->color->GetA());
			MessageBox(0, "no color in ftetrisfield", "", 0);
			for(int i = 1; i < rows; i ++){
				glVertex3f(0, (float)i / (float)rows * -GetTotalHeight() + GetBorder() / 2, 0);//FRONT
				glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth(), (float)i / (float)rows * -GetTotalHeight() + GetBorder() / 2, 0);
				glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth(), (float)i / (float)rows * -GetTotalHeight() - GetBorder() / 2, 0);
				glVertex3f(0, (float)i / (float)rows * -GetTotalHeight() - GetBorder() / 2, 0);

					glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth(), (float)i / (float)rows * -GetTotalHeight() + GetBorder() / 2, depth);//BACK
					glVertex3f(0, (float)i / (float)rows * -GetTotalHeight() + GetBorder() / 2, depth);
					glVertex3f(0, (float)i / (float)rows * -GetTotalHeight() - GetBorder() / 2, depth);
					glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth(), (float)i / (float)rows * -GetTotalHeight() - GetBorder() / 2, depth);
					glVertex3f(0, (float)i / (float)rows * -GetTotalHeight() + GetBorder() / 2, depth);//LEFT
					glVertex3f(0, (float)i / (float)rows * -GetTotalHeight() + GetBorder() / 2, 0);
					glVertex3f(0, (float)i / (float)rows * -GetTotalHeight() - GetBorder() / 2, 0);
					glVertex3f(0, (float)i / (float)rows * -GetTotalHeight() - GetBorder() / 2, depth);

					glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth(), (float)i / (float)rows * -GetTotalHeight() + GetBorder() / 2, 0);//RIGHT
					glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth(), (float)i / (float)rows * -GetTotalHeight() + GetBorder() / 2, depth);
					glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth(), (float)i / (float)rows * -GetTotalHeight() - GetBorder() / 2, depth);
					glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth(), (float)i / (float)rows * -GetTotalHeight() - GetBorder() / 2, 0);

					glVertex3f(0, (float)i / (float)rows * -GetTotalHeight() + GetBorder() / 2, depth);//TOP
					glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth(), (float)i / (float)rows * -GetTotalHeight() + GetBorder() / 2, depth);
					glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth(), (float)i / (float)rows * -GetTotalHeight() + GetBorder() / 2, 0);
					glVertex3f(0, (float)i / (float)rows * -GetTotalHeight() + GetBorder() / 2, 0);

					glVertex3f(0, (float)i / (float)rows * -GetTotalHeight() - GetBorder() / 2, 0);//BOTTOM
					glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth(), (float)i / (float)rows * -GetTotalHeight() - GetBorder() / 2, 0);
					glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth(), (float)i / (float)rows * -GetTotalHeight() - GetBorder() / 2, depth);
					glVertex3f(0, (float)i / (float)rows * -GetTotalHeight() - GetBorder() / 2, depth);

				/*glVertex3f(0, (float)i / (float)rows * -GetTotalHeight(), 0);
				glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth(), (float)i / (float)rows * -GetTotalHeight(), 0);
					glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth(), (float)i / (float)rows * -GetTotalHeight(), depth);
					glVertex3f(0, (float)i / (float)rows * -GetTotalHeight(), depth);
			for(int i = 1; i < cols; i ++){
				glVertex3f((float)i / (float)cols * GetTotalWidth() - GetBorder() / 2, 0, 0);//FRONT
				glVertex3f((float)i / (float)cols * GetTotalWidth() + GetBorder() / 2, 0, 0);
				glVertex3f((float)i / (float)cols * GetTotalWidth() + GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight(), 0);
				glVertex3f((float)i / (float)cols * GetTotalWidth() - GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight(), 0);

					glVertex3f((float)i / (float)cols * GetTotalWidth() + GetBorder() / 2, 0, depth);//BACK
					glVertex3f((float)i / (float)cols * GetTotalWidth() - GetBorder() / 2, 0, depth);
					glVertex3f((float)i / (float)cols * GetTotalWidth() - GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight(), depth);
					glVertex3f((float)i / (float)cols * GetTotalWidth() + GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight(), depth);

					glVertex3f((float)i / (float)cols * GetTotalWidth() - GetBorder() / 2, 0, depth);//LEFT
					glVertex3f((float)i / (float)cols * GetTotalWidth() - GetBorder() / 2, 0, 0);
					glVertex3f((float)i / (float)cols * GetTotalWidth() - GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight(), 0);
					glVertex3f((float)i / (float)cols * GetTotalWidth() - GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight(), depth);

					glVertex3f((float)i / (float)cols * GetTotalWidth() + GetBorder() / 2, 0, 0);//RIGHT
					glVertex3f((float)i / (float)cols * GetTotalWidth() + GetBorder() / 2, 0, depth);
					glVertex3f((float)i / (float)cols * GetTotalWidth() + GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight(), depth);
					glVertex3f((float)i / (float)cols * GetTotalWidth() + GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight(), 0);

					glVertex3f((float)i / (float)cols * GetTotalWidth() - GetBorder() / 2, 0, depth);//TOP
					glVertex3f((float)i / (float)cols * GetTotalWidth() + GetBorder() / 2, 0, depth);
					glVertex3f((float)i / (float)cols * GetTotalWidth() + GetBorder() / 2, 0, 0);
					glVertex3f((float)i / (float)cols * GetTotalWidth() - GetBorder() / 2, 0, 0);

					glVertex3f((float)i / (float)cols * GetTotalWidth() - GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight(), 0);
					glVertex3f((float)i / (float)cols * GetTotalWidth() + GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight(), 0);
					glVertex3f((float)i / (float)cols * GetTotalWidth() + GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight(), depth);
					glVertex3f((float)i / (float)cols * GetTotalWidth() - GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight(), depth);
				/*glVertex3f((float)i / (float)cols * width * scale, 0, 0);
				glVertex3f((float)i / (float)cols * width * scale, - height * scale, 0);					
					glVertex3f((float)i / (float)cols * width * scale, - height * scale, depth);
					glVertex3f((float)i / (float)cols * width * scale, 0, depth);
			glColor4f(this->color->GetR(), this->color->GetG(), this->color->GetB(), this->color->GetA());
			glVertex3f(-GetBorder() / 2, GetBorder() / 2, 0);//LEFTFRONT
			glVertex3f(GetBorder() / 2, GetBorder() / 2, 0);
			glVertex3f(GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight() - GetBorder() / 2, 0);
			glVertex3f(-GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight() - GetBorder() / 2, 0);
			glVertex3f(-GetBorder() / 2, GetBorder() / 2, 0);//TOPFRONT
			glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth() + GetBorder() / 2, GetBorder() / 2, 0);
			glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth() + GetBorder() / 2, -GetBorder() / 2, 0);
			glVertex3f(-GetBorder() / 2, -GetBorder() / 2, 0);

			glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth() - GetBorder() / 2, GetBorder() / 2, 0);//RIGHTFRONT
			glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth() + GetBorder() / 2, GetBorder() / 2, 0);
			glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth() + GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight() - GetBorder() / 2, 0);
			glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth() - GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight() - GetBorder() / 2, 0);

			glVertex3f(-GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight() + GetBorder() / 2, 0);//BOTTOM
			glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth() + GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight() + GetBorder() / 2, 0);
			glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth() + GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight() - GetBorder() / 2, 0);
			glVertex3f(-GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight() - GetBorder() / 2, 0);

				glVertex3f(-GetBorder() / 2, GetBorder() / 2, depth);//LEFTLEFT
				glVertex3f(-GetBorder() / 2, GetBorder() / 2, 0);
				glVertex3f(-GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight() - GetBorder() / 2, 0);
				glVertex3f(-GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight() - GetBorder() / 2, depth);

				glVertex3f(GetBorder() / 2, GetBorder() / 2, 0);//LEFTRIGHT
				glVertex3f(GetBorder() / 2, GetBorder() / 2, depth);
				glVertex3f(GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight() - GetBorder() / 2, depth);
				glVertex3f(GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight() - GetBorder() / 2, 0);

				glVertex3f(GetBorder() / 2, GetBorder() / 2, depth);//LEFTBACK
				glVertex3f(-GetBorder() / 2, GetBorder() / 2, depth);
				glVertex3f(-GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight() - GetBorder() / 2, depth);
				glVertex3f(GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight() - GetBorder() / 2, depth);
				glVertex3f(-GetBorder() / 2, GetBorder() / 2, depth);//TOPTOP
				glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth() + GetBorder() / 2, GetBorder() / 2, depth);
				glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth() + GetBorder() / 2, GetBorder() / 2, 0);
				glVertex3f(-GetBorder() / 2, GetBorder() / 2, 0);

				glVertex3f(-GetBorder() / 2, -GetBorder() / 2, 0);//TOPBOTTOM
				glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth() + GetBorder() / 2, -GetBorder() / 2, 0);
				glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth() + GetBorder() / 2, -GetBorder() / 2, depth);
				glVertex3f(-GetBorder() / 2, -GetBorder() / 2, depth);

				glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth() + GetBorder() / 2, GetBorder() / 2, depth);//TOPBACK
				glVertex3f(-GetBorder() / 2, GetBorder() / 2, depth);
				glVertex3f(-GetBorder() / 2, -GetBorder() / 2, depth);
				glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth() + GetBorder() / 2, - GetBorder() / 2, depth);

				glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth() + GetBorder() / 2, GetBorder() / 2, 0);//RIGHTRIGHT
				glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth() + GetBorder() / 2, GetBorder() / 2, depth);
				glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth() + GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight() - GetBorder() / 2, depth);
				glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth() + GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight() - GetBorder() / 2, 0);

				glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth() - GetBorder() / 2, GetBorder() / 2, depth);//RIGHTLEFT
				glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth() - GetBorder() / 2, GetBorder() / 2, 0);
				glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth() - GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight() - GetBorder() / 2, 0);
				glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth() - GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight() - GetBorder() / 2, depth);

				glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth() + GetBorder() / 2, GetBorder() / 2, depth);//RIGHTBACK
				glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth() - GetBorder() / 2, GetBorder() / 2, depth);
				glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth() - GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight() - GetBorder() / 2, depth);
				glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth() + GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight() - GetBorder() / 2, depth);

				glVertex3f(-GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight() + GetBorder() / 2, depth);//BOTTOMTOP
				glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth() + GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight() + GetBorder() / 2, depth);
				glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth() + GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight() + GetBorder() / 2, 0);
				glVertex3f(-GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight() + GetBorder() / 2, 0);

				glVertex3f(-GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight() - GetBorder() / 2, 0);//BOTTOMBOTTOM
				glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth() + GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight() - GetBorder() / 2, 0);
				glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth() + GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight() - GetBorder() / 2, depth);
				glVertex3f(-GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight() - GetBorder() / 2, depth);

				glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth() + GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight() + GetBorder() / 2, depth);//BOTTOMBACK
				glVertex3f(-GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight() + GetBorder() / 2, depth);
				glVertex3f(-GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight() - GetBorder() / 2, depth);
				glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth() + GetBorder() / 2, -GetTotalHeight() - GetBorder() / 2, depth);

			glVertex3f(0, 0, 0);
			glVertex3f(0, 0, depth);
			glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth(), 0, depth);
			glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth(), 0, 0);

			glVertex3f(0, 0, 0);
			glVertex3f(0, -GetTotalHeight(), 0);
			glVertex3f(0, -GetTotalHeight(), depth);
			glVertex3f(0, 0, depth);

			glVertex3f(0, -GetTotalHeight(), 0);
			glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth(), -GetTotalHeight(), 0);
			glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth(), -GetTotalHeight(), depth);
			glVertex3f(0, -GetTotalHeight(), depth);

			glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth(), 0, 0);
			glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth(), 0, depth);
			glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth(), -GetTotalHeight(), depth);
			glVertex3f(GetTotalWidth(), -GetTotalHeight(), 0);
			glVertex3f(0, 0, 0);
			glVertex3f(width * scale, 0, 0);
			glVertex3f(width * scale, - height * scale, 0);
			glVertex3f(0, - height * scale, 0);